Todays Gazette is brought to you by the
fine people from Pepsi. Pepsi recently launched two new products --
Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback -- both products are
sweetened with pure, fine and sweet "natural" sugar!
The current temperature is 44 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 51/45
Normal H/L temp for this date is 63/37
It was 90 degrees on this date in 1992
It started raining about noon Wednesday and so far this rain event has
resulted in .50 (½) inch of moisture.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
If you're thinking about coming to Grafton to spend a night, a week or
even longer to visit family and friends. Grafton offers three motels for
regular folks, plus, we even have one for the roughiens.
If on the other hand you are looking for a better sleep at home,
Grafton True Value and Landowski's furniture both handle top brand
mattresses that will allow you a full night of restful sleep.
====== WASH YOUR HANDS ======
Next weeks cleanup note in yesterdays Gazette gave Lee reason to share
the following. >>> Gary,
Your note about cleanup day reminds me of a story I heard awhile back.
A person had a deep freeze in his basement that he no longer used so he
hauled it up and set in by the berm with a sign that said, "Deep freeze
in working order, Free." The deep freeze sat there for several days
without anyone taking him up on the offer so that evening before dark he
put a new sign up that said, "Deep freeze for sale, $75.00." The next
morning he got up and it was gone. Human nature I guess.
Put my name on one of those tickets and remind me if you don't get a
check in a couple days. Make sure it goes right on top of the barrel.
Thanks.... <<<<<
Thank you Lee, for caring and sharing, and for helping our local youth
baseball program be as good as it can be. Your ticket one from Don
Folson and Richard Wolsky's all went into the barrel at the same time.
Of course I wish everyone the best of luck in this years baseball
Calendar draw. However, we should all keep in mind, the most important
part of the entire fund raising process is the funds the process raises.
Or so it seems to me.
====== WASH YOUR HANDS ======
~~~~~ Political Correctness ~~~~~
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional,
illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream
media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to
pick up a turd by the clean end"
-- R. J. Wiedemann LtCol. USMC Ret. --
====== WASH YOUR HANDS ======
### Girl Scout Pancake Breakfast ###
The Minto Girl Scouts will be preparing and serving breakfast at the
Minto beautiful new Community Center this Sunday May 3rd between the
hours of ~~~~~~~ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. ~~~~~~~
========= The Menu: ==========
Pancakes, sausage, potatoes, eggs & muffins.
Everyone is welcome and a free will offering will be accepted.
I wouldn't be a darn bit surprised that you'll see Art (Astaire)
Selseth there helping the Girl Scouts fundraising efforts.
There are so many things I simply just don't understand. For instance.
Monday The Weekly Source came complete with several "flyers" and a
lovely green City of Grafton Spring Clean-up schedule. It says this
years spring clean-up will be held next week, May 4 thru May 8.
(that part is pretty easy) Then it says, IMPORTANT (That too is
completely understandable) After all, we do want our city clean.
However, this is where the schedule starts getting a little sketchy. It
says, "City crews will only be going around town ONE time only" (that
part isn't even the worst) the schedule continues,... "To be sure your
items are collected, place them where you normally set out your
garbage." (well yah!!! that too seems logical)
Now then, here's the part that I have trouble understanding. Why, I'm
wondering, if the City of Grafton's Spring Clean-up will be held during
the days of May 4 thru May 8 most we have everything set out where we
normally set out our garbage by SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 3RD????
Oh well, I guess it's just another one of the myriad of things I'll
never understand.
Or so it seems to me.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Did I remember to remind everyone to WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN?????
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Coming to you as the Shivercity Gazette during the cold months and the Skeeterville Gazette the rest of the time...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
April 29, 2009 - Wednesday
04/29/09 WEDNESDAY
Todays Gazette is coming to you direct from the very bottom of Lake
The current temperature is 48 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 57/31
Normal H/L temp for this date is 62/37
It was 90 degrees on this date in 1985
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The section of 5th street the runs past the Leistikow Park was opened
yesterday for the first time since the spring flood waters threatened
the sanity of some of Graftons residents. While driving past the park
the damage this years flood created in Leistikow is evident throughout
the park.
Aside from this years flood water effects on fences, playground
equipment and the parks pool and campground buildings, a thick layer of
"river sludge" that remains after the flood receded will require some
real serious attention as well.
(Flood,. natures method of waterboarding)
The Nash school closing gave Sue reason to share the following. >>>
Subject: Re: Nash School dissolution
Hi, Gary
Thanks for getting the info out about the Nash School. Some
of us have been talking about an all-class reunion. Due to the auction
scheduled for the end of May, a gathering during Summerfest is not going
to work out. There IS, however, an on-line reunion of sorts going on via
Facebook. Anyone can access Facebook & look for groups (Nash Reunion) or
contact me at
I would be more than happy to help out. ALSO, anyone with ideas about
an actual reunion can contact me, too. Thanks for your help! Sue
(Johnson) Votava - Class of '64 <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Sue. Please remember with the
reunion season just around the corner. The Heritage Village Theatre
Building is available for rent at $100 per day, any day of the week. To
schedule a date contact Verna Sherek at 701-520-1207. AND of course the
Grafton Armory facility is also for rent for a reasonable fee as well. I
understand the Armory is under the Parks and Recreation arm of city
government so they are the folks to contact if you would like to use
that building.
The parking lot at the new Simonson Neighborhood Store in Grafton has
jam packed been full of service trucks since Monday. With the increased
activity of late, the opening date can't be to far away.
I received the following note and caringbridge address for Richard
Thompson from his son Chris. >>>>
Just wanted to let you know that we have started a caring bridge site
for my dad. If anyone has any questions or just wants to give my parents
their best wishes they can go there.
Chris Thompson <<<<
Thanks a million Chris. It would be rare to go anywhere in town and not
hear folks talking and wondering how Richard is doing. Now they can go
to the caring bridge website listed above and find out.
Speaking of Richard, thanks a million Richard, I received your check
yesterday. Your ticket and one for Jim J. will both go in the barrel for
the baseball drawing.
If 10 percent is good enough for Jesus. It ought to be good enough for
Uncle Sam.
Next week is cleanup week in Grafton. I suspect many, if not most
communities will be doing the same thing in the next few weeks. It's a
great time to dispose of those items you no longer need or use.
If possible, when discarding those seemingly useless items, give some
thought to "displaying" them on the berm in such a fashion so that
others that might use them can see them.
I suspect, as always, exercise equipment of just about every
conceivable configuration possible will be among the most popular items
In some cases, I suspect the most excercise some of that equipment has
fostered was hauling them down in the basement when purchased and then
hauling them back upstairs and out on the berm a few years later.
If nothing else, Arlen Specter is proof positive that even though
politicians actually do believe the grass is always greenest on their
side of the fence, some politicians however, like Specter, believe they
can eat the grass on both sides.......
Or so it seems to me.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Todays Gazette is coming to you direct from the very bottom of Lake
The current temperature is 48 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 57/31
Normal H/L temp for this date is 62/37
It was 90 degrees on this date in 1985
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The section of 5th street the runs past the Leistikow Park was opened
yesterday for the first time since the spring flood waters threatened
the sanity of some of Graftons residents. While driving past the park
the damage this years flood created in Leistikow is evident throughout
the park.
Aside from this years flood water effects on fences, playground
equipment and the parks pool and campground buildings, a thick layer of
"river sludge" that remains after the flood receded will require some
real serious attention as well.
(Flood,. natures method of waterboarding)
The Nash school closing gave Sue reason to share the following. >>>
Subject: Re: Nash School dissolution
Hi, Gary
Thanks for getting the info out about the Nash School. Some
of us have been talking about an all-class reunion. Due to the auction
scheduled for the end of May, a gathering during Summerfest is not going
to work out. There IS, however, an on-line reunion of sorts going on via
Facebook. Anyone can access Facebook & look for groups (Nash Reunion) or
contact me at
I would be more than happy to help out. ALSO, anyone with ideas about
an actual reunion can contact me, too. Thanks for your help! Sue
(Johnson) Votava - Class of '64 <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Sue. Please remember with the
reunion season just around the corner. The Heritage Village Theatre
Building is available for rent at $100 per day, any day of the week. To
schedule a date contact Verna Sherek at 701-520-1207. AND of course the
Grafton Armory facility is also for rent for a reasonable fee as well. I
understand the Armory is under the Parks and Recreation arm of city
government so they are the folks to contact if you would like to use
that building.
The parking lot at the new Simonson Neighborhood Store in Grafton has
jam packed been full of service trucks since Monday. With the increased
activity of late, the opening date can't be to far away.
I received the following note and caringbridge address for Richard
Thompson from his son Chris. >>>>
Just wanted to let you know that we have started a caring bridge site
for my dad. If anyone has any questions or just wants to give my parents
their best wishes they can go there.
Chris Thompson <<<<
Thanks a million Chris. It would be rare to go anywhere in town and not
hear folks talking and wondering how Richard is doing. Now they can go
to the caring bridge website listed above and find out.
Speaking of Richard, thanks a million Richard, I received your check
yesterday. Your ticket and one for Jim J. will both go in the barrel for
the baseball drawing.
If 10 percent is good enough for Jesus. It ought to be good enough for
Uncle Sam.
Next week is cleanup week in Grafton. I suspect many, if not most
communities will be doing the same thing in the next few weeks. It's a
great time to dispose of those items you no longer need or use.
If possible, when discarding those seemingly useless items, give some
thought to "displaying" them on the berm in such a fashion so that
others that might use them can see them.
I suspect, as always, exercise equipment of just about every
conceivable configuration possible will be among the most popular items
In some cases, I suspect the most excercise some of that equipment has
fostered was hauling them down in the basement when purchased and then
hauling them back upstairs and out on the berm a few years later.
If nothing else, Arlen Specter is proof positive that even though
politicians actually do believe the grass is always greenest on their
side of the fence, some politicians however, like Specter, believe they
can eat the grass on both sides.......
Or so it seems to me.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Monday, April 27, 2009
April 27, 2009 - Monday
Todays Gazette is brought to you by the very best sweetener money can
~~~~~ American Crystal Sugar ~~~~~
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
The Gazette moisture meter says we've received .30 inches of rain
between Sunday noon and the time this is being sent out. We have a
seventy percent chance of rain or snow tonight. We certainly don't need
the rain, however, we will enjoy the rainbows.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I am writing this edition of the Gazette in the Beautiful Valley of
Many Seasons. Unfortunately, they all come in the same day.
Rumor has it that the opening date for the new Simonson Neighborhood,
Subway Gas and Convenience Store has been set back another week...... or
I doubt anyone was more disappointed than I when pop (soda for you
folks south of St. Paul) companies in general switched from using
sucrose as a sweetener to fructose.
Having spent a significant portion of my life working in the sucrose
industry. I am especially pleased to find that some major soft drink
manufacturers are returning to the "premium sweetener".
I borrowed the following statement from American Crystal Sugar Company
President & CEO David Berg. He wrote:
Pepsi has recently launched two new products -- Pepsi Throwback and
Mountain Dew Throwback -- that are sweetened with natural sugar! I am
glad to say that United Sugars Corporation has been a supplier to Pepsi
for many years, and is supporting the launch of these exciting
"Throwback" products.
Both the sugar-sweetened Pepsi and Mountain Dew products are now
available in stores in the Red River Valley. Let's support a good
customer and our own product! Go buy a couple of twelve packs today!
David Berg
President/CEO <<<<<
If I may be so bold, I would also add that if your grocer isn't
featuring Pesi's new products yet..... Ask him why not?
I have always gotten a kick out of Ray Stevens songs. He has a
fantastic new song out, one everyone should be playing often. Ray says,
"If 10 percent is good enough for Jesus, well it ought to be good enough
for Uncle Sam."
I have mention The Walsh County Record often in the Gazette, and, over
the years I've often mentioned Rilie Morgan and his commitment to his
family, his community, his country and the local paper that has served
him and our community so well, for so many years.
Today, I am very pleased that Norma (Morgan) Treptow shared the
following thoughts.
She wrote, >>>> Good Morning, Gary. It was so fun to open my last
copy of the Walsh County Record and see your picture on the sports
page. My, how much you look like your father! I clipped it out so
now when I read the Skeeterville Gazette at the computer I can look up
at your picture above my desk.
A classmate ('53) of mine, Grace Kamrowski Soblik, Grand Rapids,
MN. sent me a clipping from American Profile, dated April 5-11,
2009. It looks like it's all mid-western states in the column:
"Tidbits, Did you Know...."and under North Dakota it reads: " Founded
in 1890, The Walsh County Record in Grafton (pop. 4,516) is the state's
largest weekly newspaper. It has been operated since 1923 by the
Rilie Morgan family." Pretty neat and sure makes me proud! Enjoy
the Gazette! Norma <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Norma. I am pleased and honored
that you refer to me and my father in the same sentence.
Speaking of a local business that has added value to our community. It
appears that Tom and Tammy Henriksen are doing it AGAIN this Wednesday.
~~~~ FREE Family Movie Night ~~~~
Family Movie Night is Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30 at the Strand Theatre.
Showing "Facing the Giants"
The movie is free and parents and children are encouraged to attend
After the movie, the EDGE Youth Center will be dedicated.
Hope to see you there! <<<<<
Thanks a million Tom and Tammy, your contributions to the youth of our
community is truly heart warming.
It could just be my imagination, however, I'm wondering if the folks
that think the youth of today are wearing their jeans "to low", went
thru the fifties and sixties with "blinders on".
If I remember right, the first thing we had to do after buying a new
pair of Levi's was to cut the belt loops off, squeeze a tube of
brylcream in our hair, stick a penny in our loafers and spend the night
listening to the roar of "hollywood" mufflers running up and down
I find it somewhat ironic that my hair went the way of the brylcream, a
dime has since replaced the penny in value and my pants are tight "even
without a belt".
Aren't memories wonderful?
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
~~~~~ American Crystal Sugar ~~~~~
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
The Gazette moisture meter says we've received .30 inches of rain
between Sunday noon and the time this is being sent out. We have a
seventy percent chance of rain or snow tonight. We certainly don't need
the rain, however, we will enjoy the rainbows.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I am writing this edition of the Gazette in the Beautiful Valley of
Many Seasons. Unfortunately, they all come in the same day.
Rumor has it that the opening date for the new Simonson Neighborhood,
Subway Gas and Convenience Store has been set back another week...... or
I doubt anyone was more disappointed than I when pop (soda for you
folks south of St. Paul) companies in general switched from using
sucrose as a sweetener to fructose.
Having spent a significant portion of my life working in the sucrose
industry. I am especially pleased to find that some major soft drink
manufacturers are returning to the "premium sweetener".
I borrowed the following statement from American Crystal Sugar Company
President & CEO David Berg. He wrote:
Pepsi has recently launched two new products -- Pepsi Throwback and
Mountain Dew Throwback -- that are sweetened with natural sugar! I am
glad to say that United Sugars Corporation has been a supplier to Pepsi
for many years, and is supporting the launch of these exciting
"Throwback" products.
Both the sugar-sweetened Pepsi and Mountain Dew products are now
available in stores in the Red River Valley. Let's support a good
customer and our own product! Go buy a couple of twelve packs today!
David Berg
President/CEO <<<<<
If I may be so bold, I would also add that if your grocer isn't
featuring Pesi's new products yet..... Ask him why not?
I have always gotten a kick out of Ray Stevens songs. He has a
fantastic new song out, one everyone should be playing often. Ray says,
"If 10 percent is good enough for Jesus, well it ought to be good enough
for Uncle Sam."
I have mention The Walsh County Record often in the Gazette, and, over
the years I've often mentioned Rilie Morgan and his commitment to his
family, his community, his country and the local paper that has served
him and our community so well, for so many years.
Today, I am very pleased that Norma (Morgan) Treptow shared the
following thoughts.
She wrote, >>>> Good Morning, Gary. It was so fun to open my last
copy of the Walsh County Record and see your picture on the sports
page. My, how much you look like your father! I clipped it out so
now when I read the Skeeterville Gazette at the computer I can look up
at your picture above my desk.
A classmate ('53) of mine, Grace Kamrowski Soblik, Grand Rapids,
MN. sent me a clipping from American Profile, dated April 5-11,
2009. It looks like it's all mid-western states in the column:
"Tidbits, Did you Know...."and under North Dakota it reads: " Founded
in 1890, The Walsh County Record in Grafton (pop. 4,516) is the state's
largest weekly newspaper. It has been operated since 1923 by the
Rilie Morgan family." Pretty neat and sure makes me proud! Enjoy
the Gazette! Norma <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Norma. I am pleased and honored
that you refer to me and my father in the same sentence.
Speaking of a local business that has added value to our community. It
appears that Tom and Tammy Henriksen are doing it AGAIN this Wednesday.
~~~~ FREE Family Movie Night ~~~~
Family Movie Night is Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30 at the Strand Theatre.
Showing "Facing the Giants"
The movie is free and parents and children are encouraged to attend
After the movie, the EDGE Youth Center will be dedicated.
Hope to see you there! <<<<<
Thanks a million Tom and Tammy, your contributions to the youth of our
community is truly heart warming.
It could just be my imagination, however, I'm wondering if the folks
that think the youth of today are wearing their jeans "to low", went
thru the fifties and sixties with "blinders on".
If I remember right, the first thing we had to do after buying a new
pair of Levi's was to cut the belt loops off, squeeze a tube of
brylcream in our hair, stick a penny in our loafers and spend the night
listening to the roar of "hollywood" mufflers running up and down
I find it somewhat ironic that my hair went the way of the brylcream, a
dime has since replaced the penny in value and my pants are tight "even
without a belt".
Aren't memories wonderful?
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Friday, April 24, 2009
April 24, 2009 - Friday
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Marlin Torkelson.
Grafton's "Telephone Repair Extraordinaire".
The current temperature is 38 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 68/41
Normal H/L temp for this date is 59/35
It was 85 degrees on this date in 1990
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Fisherman's Prayer
I pray that I may live to fish
Until my dying day.
And when it comes to my last cast,
I then most humbly pray,
When in the Lord's great landing net
I'm peacefully asleep
That in His mercy I be judged
Good enough to keep.
Work continues on Grafton's newest eatery. I haven't received official
word on the new restaurants nomenclature, nor have I heard a estimated
opening date. However, I have been told, by people that know people,
that know Monte, that I should have every reason to believe that the
folks coming to Graftons for this years SummerFest Celebration on end of
June will be able to enjoy the culinary crafts that Monty was known for
at his Shananigan's Pizza Parlour & Family Restaurant in the former Ford
Have you ever noticed how many four letter words some folks think they
need to use just to share one simple thought?
If you, or someone you know is looking for something to do for a few
days a week. Or even just a few hours once in awhile. The Second Time
Around Store in Grafton could fit the bill. I understand they are in
real serious need of volunteers to help with inventory, sales or simply
keeping the doors open for business.
If you think volunteering for one of Grafton's more worthwhile projects
is something you would like to do. Give store manager, Virginia
Gillespie a call at 352-0381.
It is my hope, that someday in the annals of congress, the anals in
congress will realize how much a trillion really is.
A million seconds is 12 days
A billion seconds is 31 years
A trillion seconds is 31,688 YEARS
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am already about as "green" as I
can get.
I live in a smaller than average house, drive older than average
vehicles, have a smaller than normal dog, and..... often I can even
catch more than one fish on a single leech.
~~~~ TONIGHT ~~~ TONIGHT ~~~~
The Grafton Optimist Club is having their 2nd Annual
OPTimist OUTing tonight, Friday April 24th at the Fair Oaks Golf Course
club house. There will be food, music, a silent auction, raffle and much
more. This year is a western theme. The evening starts at 7:00pm and
runs until 1:00am. There will be a drawing for $1,000 and five $100
drawings. Tickets are $50 each and are available from any Grafton
Optimist member. All proceeds will be used by the Grafton Optimist Club
to benefit the area youth. The club donates money to area youth teams,
clubs, etc. and also gives out scholarships to two Grafton high school
graduates each year.
This is the first big event to be held in the Fair Oaks Golf Course
Club House for the 2009 Summer Season.
You can tell how big a person is
By what it takes to discourage him.
I still have a few Legion Baseball May Calendar Draw tickets
available. The tickets are $20 each (payable to Legion Baseball). The
daily drawings M-F are for $50 each and $100 Sat, Mothers Day & Memorial
Day. All proceeds from the sale of tickets go to Grafton Baseball
Program. Please help our local Legion Members help the Summer Baseball
Thanks Tom, I received your note and ticket #387 will be
going into the barrel for you. Thank you for your support.
P.S. I'm still waiting to hear from Ralph. Has anybody seen Ralph
~~~~~~ NASH SCHOOL NEWS ~~~~~~
The Walsh County School Annexation and Reorganization Board approved a
plan to dissolve the Nash School District.
The independent, K-8 school is between Grafton and Hoople.
The board approved three motions. The first was the reasons for
dissolution, according to Nash School Board member Jim Gauderman.
Gauderman says it was just time for this to happen, for the best
interests of the students.
Nash had a total enrollment of nine students this year, five expected
next year.
Gauderman says Nash school has operated about 50-years. It started when
three country schools consolidated.
Finances are fine although the per-pupil costs are distorted with an
that low.
The board also approved two other motions. One approved the recommended
land attachment to surrounding districts based on percentage of students
attending and landowner preference, and the third motion approved the
dissolution date - July first.
The State Annexation and Reorganization Board will meet to review the
board's action. The Nash School dissolution could come up at the June
According to the dissolution plan, Grafton will get 77-percent of the
land and
students, Valley 19-percent, and Park River four-percent.
Nash School will hold a property auction May 30th.
For more area news and updates check out Grafton's KXPO Radio's
Government is the great fiction, through which everybody
endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. -- Frederic Bastiat
"Life is to short to use long answers,"
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Grafton's "Telephone Repair Extraordinaire".
The current temperature is 38 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 68/41
Normal H/L temp for this date is 59/35
It was 85 degrees on this date in 1990
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Fisherman's Prayer
I pray that I may live to fish
Until my dying day.
And when it comes to my last cast,
I then most humbly pray,
When in the Lord's great landing net
I'm peacefully asleep
That in His mercy I be judged
Good enough to keep.
Work continues on Grafton's newest eatery. I haven't received official
word on the new restaurants nomenclature, nor have I heard a estimated
opening date. However, I have been told, by people that know people,
that know Monte, that I should have every reason to believe that the
folks coming to Graftons for this years SummerFest Celebration on end of
June will be able to enjoy the culinary crafts that Monty was known for
at his Shananigan's Pizza Parlour & Family Restaurant in the former Ford
Have you ever noticed how many four letter words some folks think they
need to use just to share one simple thought?
If you, or someone you know is looking for something to do for a few
days a week. Or even just a few hours once in awhile. The Second Time
Around Store in Grafton could fit the bill. I understand they are in
real serious need of volunteers to help with inventory, sales or simply
keeping the doors open for business.
If you think volunteering for one of Grafton's more worthwhile projects
is something you would like to do. Give store manager, Virginia
Gillespie a call at 352-0381.
It is my hope, that someday in the annals of congress, the anals in
congress will realize how much a trillion really is.
A million seconds is 12 days
A billion seconds is 31 years
A trillion seconds is 31,688 YEARS
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am already about as "green" as I
can get.
I live in a smaller than average house, drive older than average
vehicles, have a smaller than normal dog, and..... often I can even
catch more than one fish on a single leech.
~~~~ TONIGHT ~~~ TONIGHT ~~~~
The Grafton Optimist Club is having their 2nd Annual
OPTimist OUTing tonight, Friday April 24th at the Fair Oaks Golf Course
club house. There will be food, music, a silent auction, raffle and much
more. This year is a western theme. The evening starts at 7:00pm and
runs until 1:00am. There will be a drawing for $1,000 and five $100
drawings. Tickets are $50 each and are available from any Grafton
Optimist member. All proceeds will be used by the Grafton Optimist Club
to benefit the area youth. The club donates money to area youth teams,
clubs, etc. and also gives out scholarships to two Grafton high school
graduates each year.
This is the first big event to be held in the Fair Oaks Golf Course
Club House for the 2009 Summer Season.
You can tell how big a person is
By what it takes to discourage him.
I still have a few Legion Baseball May Calendar Draw tickets
available. The tickets are $20 each (payable to Legion Baseball). The
daily drawings M-F are for $50 each and $100 Sat, Mothers Day & Memorial
Day. All proceeds from the sale of tickets go to Grafton Baseball
Program. Please help our local Legion Members help the Summer Baseball
Thanks Tom, I received your note and ticket #387 will be
going into the barrel for you. Thank you for your support.
P.S. I'm still waiting to hear from Ralph. Has anybody seen Ralph
~~~~~~ NASH SCHOOL NEWS ~~~~~~
The Walsh County School Annexation and Reorganization Board approved a
plan to dissolve the Nash School District.
The independent, K-8 school is between Grafton and Hoople.
The board approved three motions. The first was the reasons for
dissolution, according to Nash School Board member Jim Gauderman.
Gauderman says it was just time for this to happen, for the best
interests of the students.
Nash had a total enrollment of nine students this year, five expected
next year.
Gauderman says Nash school has operated about 50-years. It started when
three country schools consolidated.
Finances are fine although the per-pupil costs are distorted with an
that low.
The board also approved two other motions. One approved the recommended
land attachment to surrounding districts based on percentage of students
attending and landowner preference, and the third motion approved the
dissolution date - July first.
The State Annexation and Reorganization Board will meet to review the
board's action. The Nash School dissolution could come up at the June
According to the dissolution plan, Grafton will get 77-percent of the
land and
students, Valley 19-percent, and Park River four-percent.
Nash School will hold a property auction May 30th.
For more area news and updates check out Grafton's KXPO Radio's
Government is the great fiction, through which everybody
endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. -- Frederic Bastiat
"Life is to short to use long answers,"
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
April 23, 2009 - Thursday
"Supporting People with Disabilities"
~~~~~~ FRIENDSHIP, INC. ~~~~~~
The current temperature is 53 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 54/28
Normal H.L temp for this date is 59/34
It was 90 degrees on this date in 1990
There is a 70 percent chance it will not rain today and a 60 percent
chance it will tonight.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Scott shared the following thoughts on Grafton's recent water event.
As of this morning City crews are busy removing the clay dike across
5th street. While Grafton's efforts to fight this latest flood can go
down in the books as a success, the fact is we still need a permanent
flood protection system. I know there are many advocates of just leaving
the temporary dikes in place or very near where they are at and making
additions to other other portions or missing portions of the existing
dike. If it could only be so simple.
Many portions of the temporary dike are in areas that FEMA has
determined to be the City's floodway. A simple way to think of the
floodway would be and expanded river channel. FEMA generally does not
allow fill or construction in this area because it most dramatically
increases the water level both in that area and often upstream during a
flooding event, possibly causing problems for others. It's anybody's
guess why they will allow temporary construction during a flood which
really has the same end result as a permanent dike but that is our
If we were able to get around the FEMA requirements and build a
permanent dike system of our own design we also have to deal with a few
other issues. We are aware of the city's share of the cost of the bypass
project which has been one of the main deterrents to it's acceptance.
That project was to be funded with a 80% Federal, 20% local cost share
with the state picking 1/2 of the local share. That cost share was
"locked in' for this project even when it was tabled after it's
initial conception. That would not be the case for a NEW project. New
projects are funded with a 50%-50% cost share. Meaning both the city and
states share would double. In effect a dike project that would cost 1/2
the price tag of the bypass would still cost us the same.
Now consider this: even if a simple diking project cost 1/4 of the
bypass project what we have is a system that will provide us reasonable
protection for most flooding events but would not meet FEMA
requirements for protection from a 100 year flood (the bypass IS the
approved project). That would require large majority of property
owners in Grafton who have mortgages on their homes to still purchase
flood insurance, with no discount available for the protection in place.
That defies one of the reasons to have flood protection. Those people
are already screaming about having to buy insurance, try to explain it
with a dike in place. I also know that many people who don't have
mortgages feel this doesn't effect them but it does. It affects
the marketability of their home. Adding $2000 a year to a potential
buyers cost for that home will and does make a difference.
Another problem is that there would still be a good probability
Grafton might have to expend considerable efforts to combat future
floods in excess of the protection level. While there would be no
guarantee (think Grand Forks "97") the probability would be lowered
Here are some more interesting facts: Had we gone forward with the
bypass project after "97" it would be done and nearly 1/2 paid for.
As of the "09" flood our competition for federal and state money for any
such a project with have substantially increased. Fargo is already
talking about a project and most likely all the communities that flooded
this year will be also.
Scott Boura
Building Official
Code Enforcement
City of Grafton <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Scott.
We're in the middle of spring season, the end (we hope) of flood season
and one can still find minute traces of the past winters snow piles.
And, with many of last falls leaves packed into hedges and bushes. It's
no wonder everyone is looking forward to summer. Lets hope the National
Weather Service allows us to have summer during SummerFest this year.
This years SummerFest City Wide Celebration main events are scheduled
for June 25, 26 & 27.
-- Experience Grafton, a friendly and vibrant community in northeastern
North Dakota. Grafton is a community rich not only in soils, but also in
heritage. Nestled in the heart of the Red River Valley, Grafton's
rural setting does not eliminate some of the urban advantages found in
larger communities. Friendly people and true community spirit along
with a vibrant retail community entice visitors to Grafton's major
events. -- (borrowed from
If a church wants a better pastor,
It only needs to pray for the one it has.
Speaking of great things happening in a wonderful community. Phil Ray
shared the following information. He wrote. >>>
The Grafton Optimist Club is having their 2nd Annual OPTimist OUTing
on Friday April 24th at the Fair Oaks Golf Course club house. There will
be food, music, a silent auction, raffle and much more. This year is a
western theme. The evening starts at 7:00pm and runs until 1:00am. There
will be a drawing for $1,000 and five $100 drawings. Tickets are $50
each and are available from any Grafton Optimist member. All proceeds
will be used by the Grafton Optimist Club to benefit the area youth. The
club donates money to area youth teams, clubs, etc. and also gives out
scholarships to two Grafton high school graduates each year. <<<<,
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Phil. I believe this will be
the first event of the Fair Oaks Golf Course Summer Season.
Some minds are like concrete
Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
I still have a few Legion Baseball May Calendar Draw tickets
available. The tickets are $20 each (payable to Legion Baseball). The
daily drawings M-F are for $50 each and $100 Sat, Mothers Day & Memorial
Day. All proceeds from the sale of tickets go to Grafton Baseball
Program. Please help our local Legion Members help the Summer Baseball
Thanks John, I received your check for the tickets yesterday.
Thank you for your support.
Speaking of support, and the importance of it. The next time you
purchase a vehicle take a real close look at all of the families that
car dealership represents. Think of the significant impact the
dealership has on the community it is located in. Then,... ask yourself.
Is all of that "significant economic impact" going to the community in
which you live. Or,.... is it going somewhere else?
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
"Supporting People with Disabilities"
~~~~~~ FRIENDSHIP, INC. ~~~~~~
The current temperature is 53 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 54/28
Normal H.L temp for this date is 59/34
It was 90 degrees on this date in 1990
There is a 70 percent chance it will not rain today and a 60 percent
chance it will tonight.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Scott shared the following thoughts on Grafton's recent water event.
As of this morning City crews are busy removing the clay dike across
5th street. While Grafton's efforts to fight this latest flood can go
down in the books as a success, the fact is we still need a permanent
flood protection system. I know there are many advocates of just leaving
the temporary dikes in place or very near where they are at and making
additions to other other portions or missing portions of the existing
dike. If it could only be so simple.
Many portions of the temporary dike are in areas that FEMA has
determined to be the City's floodway. A simple way to think of the
floodway would be and expanded river channel. FEMA generally does not
allow fill or construction in this area because it most dramatically
increases the water level both in that area and often upstream during a
flooding event, possibly causing problems for others. It's anybody's
guess why they will allow temporary construction during a flood which
really has the same end result as a permanent dike but that is our
If we were able to get around the FEMA requirements and build a
permanent dike system of our own design we also have to deal with a few
other issues. We are aware of the city's share of the cost of the bypass
project which has been one of the main deterrents to it's acceptance.
That project was to be funded with a 80% Federal, 20% local cost share
with the state picking 1/2 of the local share. That cost share was
"locked in' for this project even when it was tabled after it's
initial conception. That would not be the case for a NEW project. New
projects are funded with a 50%-50% cost share. Meaning both the city and
states share would double. In effect a dike project that would cost 1/2
the price tag of the bypass would still cost us the same.
Now consider this: even if a simple diking project cost 1/4 of the
bypass project what we have is a system that will provide us reasonable
protection for most flooding events but would not meet FEMA
requirements for protection from a 100 year flood (the bypass IS the
approved project). That would require large majority of property
owners in Grafton who have mortgages on their homes to still purchase
flood insurance, with no discount available for the protection in place.
That defies one of the reasons to have flood protection. Those people
are already screaming about having to buy insurance, try to explain it
with a dike in place. I also know that many people who don't have
mortgages feel this doesn't effect them but it does. It affects
the marketability of their home. Adding $2000 a year to a potential
buyers cost for that home will and does make a difference.
Another problem is that there would still be a good probability
Grafton might have to expend considerable efforts to combat future
floods in excess of the protection level. While there would be no
guarantee (think Grand Forks "97") the probability would be lowered
Here are some more interesting facts: Had we gone forward with the
bypass project after "97" it would be done and nearly 1/2 paid for.
As of the "09" flood our competition for federal and state money for any
such a project with have substantially increased. Fargo is already
talking about a project and most likely all the communities that flooded
this year will be also.
Scott Boura
Building Official
Code Enforcement
City of Grafton <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Scott.
We're in the middle of spring season, the end (we hope) of flood season
and one can still find minute traces of the past winters snow piles.
And, with many of last falls leaves packed into hedges and bushes. It's
no wonder everyone is looking forward to summer. Lets hope the National
Weather Service allows us to have summer during SummerFest this year.
This years SummerFest City Wide Celebration main events are scheduled
for June 25, 26 & 27.
-- Experience Grafton, a friendly and vibrant community in northeastern
North Dakota. Grafton is a community rich not only in soils, but also in
heritage. Nestled in the heart of the Red River Valley, Grafton's
rural setting does not eliminate some of the urban advantages found in
larger communities. Friendly people and true community spirit along
with a vibrant retail community entice visitors to Grafton's major
events. -- (borrowed from
If a church wants a better pastor,
It only needs to pray for the one it has.
Speaking of great things happening in a wonderful community. Phil Ray
shared the following information. He wrote. >>>
The Grafton Optimist Club is having their 2nd Annual OPTimist OUTing
on Friday April 24th at the Fair Oaks Golf Course club house. There will
be food, music, a silent auction, raffle and much more. This year is a
western theme. The evening starts at 7:00pm and runs until 1:00am. There
will be a drawing for $1,000 and five $100 drawings. Tickets are $50
each and are available from any Grafton Optimist member. All proceeds
will be used by the Grafton Optimist Club to benefit the area youth. The
club donates money to area youth teams, clubs, etc. and also gives out
scholarships to two Grafton high school graduates each year. <<<<,
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Phil. I believe this will be
the first event of the Fair Oaks Golf Course Summer Season.
Some minds are like concrete
Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
I still have a few Legion Baseball May Calendar Draw tickets
available. The tickets are $20 each (payable to Legion Baseball). The
daily drawings M-F are for $50 each and $100 Sat, Mothers Day & Memorial
Day. All proceeds from the sale of tickets go to Grafton Baseball
Program. Please help our local Legion Members help the Summer Baseball
Thanks John, I received your check for the tickets yesterday.
Thank you for your support.
Speaking of support, and the importance of it. The next time you
purchase a vehicle take a real close look at all of the families that
car dealership represents. Think of the significant impact the
dealership has on the community it is located in. Then,... ask yourself.
Is all of that "significant economic impact" going to the community in
which you live. Or,.... is it going somewhere else?
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
April 21, 2009 - Tuesday
Todays Gazette is dedicated to all of the wonderful people in our
areas medical profession. UNITY MEDICAL CENTER ~~
Call Christi at 352-9372 for tickets. The evening promises to be a
wonderful time full of entertainment for everyone.
The current temperature is 49 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 50/33
Normal H.L temp for this date is 57/33
It was 100 degrees on this date in 1980
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The river level thru town continues to recede. All of Grafton's
city employees are busy cleaning up last winters accumulation of sand
from city streets.
Everyone seems to agree, Grafton did do what needed to be done to
protect the city from the ravages of flood.
John shared the following thoughts regarding this springs efforts.
He wrote >>>> I totally agree. The city did a wonderful job keeping
us dry from this year's tough floods. They surly deserve our thanks. I
hope wisdom prevails and almost all the new dikes are allowed to stay in
place. We should not be paying every year to put them in place again.
John <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing John. The Maxwell's
live next to the dike along the Park River just south of Graftons most
recognized residence known as Elmwood. I should also add that the
Maxwell's displayed their appreciation to the dike walkers this year by
setting up a "refreshment station" on the dike beside by their home.
Because, according to the dike walkers I talked to, that's just the kind
of folks the Maxwell's are. And, to that I couldn't agree more.
Additional evidence that Rich Lapp will not be forgotten is
provided by Tara as she shares the following thoughts. >>>>
Good morning Gary. I just read your note about Rich and I
couldn't agree more. I was lucky enough to have Richie Roo as my first
boss. He cared so deeply about all of his customers and I could always
sense how much he was respected and loved by them! He taught me so many
things: how to count back money, how to treat a customer, how to wrap a
present (yep it was Rich himself who taught me) and many more valuable
life lessons. He whistled a certain tune that I will never forget, he
gave me the nickname TaraBelle and if I was ever to complain his comment
would be "that's too bad about you." I know everyone has many great
memories of Rich, I just wanted to share mine.
Tara Halvorson <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Tara. "The wonderful
memories left behind in our mind, will live on in our hearts forever."
Our good friend Richard Thompson has experienced more than his
share of adversity this winter. Rarely is there a conversation, around
town, that doesn't include a query regarding Richard. I am please to
share the following update from Richards son Chris on his latest medical
Hi Gary,
We made the trip from Ft Meyers to Little Rock, it went very well. Dad
started his orientation and testing today (monday) to figure out the
avenue to proceed on for treatment. I would like to thank everyone for
their cares and concerns, it makes a person realize how fortunate we are
to live in a town like Grafton, and to have great friends and neighbors.
Oh by the way the patients spirits are good and he is excited about
being here and anxious to get better.
Chris Thompson <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Chris. Rest
assured that everyone back home is thinking about Richard and including
him in our prayers.
Please consider getting a American Legion Baseball ticket. It's
not to late, for those practicing the art of procrastination. Thanks
Judy & Gary, ticket #'s 383 & 384 are going in the barrel for you guys.
I'm still holding tickets for John and Ralph. You guys must be still
waiting for your stimulus check.
Rummage Sale at Heritage Village on Saturday, May 9th from
8am til 4pm. There will lots and lots of items for this Sale. They
will also be serving a BBQ lunch, consisting of BBQ, Hot dogs, chips &
lemonade for $3.00.
All proceeds go to help maintain Heritage Village. Also, there
will be a "Walleye" Fish Fry (By popular demand) on Friday, May 15th
from 5pm til 7pm. Adults $11.00, Child under 10 $5.00. For
take out orders call 520-1207, 520-1273 or 360-4096.
If your looking for a fantastic place to hold a special event
indoors. The Heritage Village Theatre building is available for rent at
$100 per day,.... any day of the week. To schedule a date contact
Verna Sherek at 701-520-1207.
Subject: Dr Midgarden
Just writing to let you know, would you put a note in your email
letter about it.
Dr. Kristi Midgarden has opened her own practice 5 days a week in
Park River at the Ye' Old Medicine Shop, Monday thru Friday 8 to 5.
Amy Suda is there 4 days a week. Great to have Dr. Midgarden here
instead of Grand Forks. Nice to have local professionals in our
Cynthia <<<<< Thanks for caring and sharing Cynthia. Who said we
don't have great medical service in the northern Red River Valley?
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
areas medical profession. UNITY MEDICAL CENTER ~~
Call Christi at 352-9372 for tickets. The evening promises to be a
wonderful time full of entertainment for everyone.
The current temperature is 49 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 50/33
Normal H.L temp for this date is 57/33
It was 100 degrees on this date in 1980
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The river level thru town continues to recede. All of Grafton's
city employees are busy cleaning up last winters accumulation of sand
from city streets.
Everyone seems to agree, Grafton did do what needed to be done to
protect the city from the ravages of flood.
John shared the following thoughts regarding this springs efforts.
He wrote >>>> I totally agree. The city did a wonderful job keeping
us dry from this year's tough floods. They surly deserve our thanks. I
hope wisdom prevails and almost all the new dikes are allowed to stay in
place. We should not be paying every year to put them in place again.
John <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing John. The Maxwell's
live next to the dike along the Park River just south of Graftons most
recognized residence known as Elmwood. I should also add that the
Maxwell's displayed their appreciation to the dike walkers this year by
setting up a "refreshment station" on the dike beside by their home.
Because, according to the dike walkers I talked to, that's just the kind
of folks the Maxwell's are. And, to that I couldn't agree more.
Additional evidence that Rich Lapp will not be forgotten is
provided by Tara as she shares the following thoughts. >>>>
Good morning Gary. I just read your note about Rich and I
couldn't agree more. I was lucky enough to have Richie Roo as my first
boss. He cared so deeply about all of his customers and I could always
sense how much he was respected and loved by them! He taught me so many
things: how to count back money, how to treat a customer, how to wrap a
present (yep it was Rich himself who taught me) and many more valuable
life lessons. He whistled a certain tune that I will never forget, he
gave me the nickname TaraBelle and if I was ever to complain his comment
would be "that's too bad about you." I know everyone has many great
memories of Rich, I just wanted to share mine.
Tara Halvorson <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Tara. "The wonderful
memories left behind in our mind, will live on in our hearts forever."
Our good friend Richard Thompson has experienced more than his
share of adversity this winter. Rarely is there a conversation, around
town, that doesn't include a query regarding Richard. I am please to
share the following update from Richards son Chris on his latest medical
Hi Gary,
We made the trip from Ft Meyers to Little Rock, it went very well. Dad
started his orientation and testing today (monday) to figure out the
avenue to proceed on for treatment. I would like to thank everyone for
their cares and concerns, it makes a person realize how fortunate we are
to live in a town like Grafton, and to have great friends and neighbors.
Oh by the way the patients spirits are good and he is excited about
being here and anxious to get better.
Chris Thompson <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Chris. Rest
assured that everyone back home is thinking about Richard and including
him in our prayers.
Please consider getting a American Legion Baseball ticket. It's
not to late, for those practicing the art of procrastination. Thanks
Judy & Gary, ticket #'s 383 & 384 are going in the barrel for you guys.
I'm still holding tickets for John and Ralph. You guys must be still
waiting for your stimulus check.
Rummage Sale at Heritage Village on Saturday, May 9th from
8am til 4pm. There will lots and lots of items for this Sale. They
will also be serving a BBQ lunch, consisting of BBQ, Hot dogs, chips &
lemonade for $3.00.
All proceeds go to help maintain Heritage Village. Also, there
will be a "Walleye" Fish Fry (By popular demand) on Friday, May 15th
from 5pm til 7pm. Adults $11.00, Child under 10 $5.00. For
take out orders call 520-1207, 520-1273 or 360-4096.
If your looking for a fantastic place to hold a special event
indoors. The Heritage Village Theatre building is available for rent at
$100 per day,.... any day of the week. To schedule a date contact
Verna Sherek at 701-520-1207.
Subject: Dr Midgarden
Just writing to let you know, would you put a note in your email
letter about it.
Dr. Kristi Midgarden has opened her own practice 5 days a week in
Park River at the Ye' Old Medicine Shop, Monday thru Friday 8 to 5.
Amy Suda is there 4 days a week. Great to have Dr. Midgarden here
instead of Grand Forks. Nice to have local professionals in our
Cynthia <<<<< Thanks for caring and sharing Cynthia. Who said we
don't have great medical service in the northern Red River Valley?
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Monday, April 20, 2009
April 20, 2009 - Monday
Todays Gazette goes out in memory of,
~~~~ Richmond H. Lapp age 79 ~~~~
The current temperature is 34 degrees
The level of the Park River at the time the Gazette was sent out was
just under 12 feet and fallimg.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Once again it is time to put the Shivercity Gazette on the shelf. The
average nighttime low temperature has reached 32 degrees which means
it's time to switch from frost bites to Skeeter bites.
When the Skeeterville Gazette comes out, that also means it's time to
start "wishin we was fishin".
From time to time, throughout the summer, you will read about the
fantastic food at the Rock Harbor Lodge located at Arnesen's Rocky Point
Resort. You will also read from time to time the fantastic views from
the lodge and throughout the resort, and, you might even read about how
fantastic the fishing is around the Rocky Point area. I can assure you,
every bit of everything I say in that regard will be absolutely true.
However,.. once in awhile I will speak of the fantastic fishing in
terms of my personal ability to land a lunker. Sometimes,.... I must
admit, that may be more accurate than other times. If I should mention
that the view of the sunset from the windows of Rock Harbor Lodge are
more beautiful than words could possibly describe. That will be true.
If you are looking for a wonderful place to spend a day, a weekend or a
full vacation. The wonderful folks at the Rocky Point Resort, Rock
Harbor Lodge and the super facilities they provide, would be an
absolutely excellent choice.
You can check them out on the web at who knows, if you dig around that website a little bit,
you may even find a picture or two of me in there.
The Park River is slowing returning to it's banks and already the
cleanup process around town has begun. Street crews worked hard all
weekend sweeping and cleaning our streets a project that will continue
for several days I expect.
There are so many people that need to be thanked. So many people that
worked so hard and so long so that our community could be spared the
ravages of a flood.
Yes, some decisions were more difficult to make than others, that's for
certain. Yes, some folks had to make more decisions than others, that
too is for certain. Some folks most likely even lost more sleep than
However, to everyone from the Mayor and the Council members he leads,
The City Manager and those he directs, the City Department heads and
those in their charge to the last person to shut of the lights on the
last night. On behalf of me and my entire family I would like to express
our most sincere appreciation for everything everyone has done.
~~~ For a job extremely well done ~~~
From the family of Gary & Patty Moe
(Speaking of political correctness.)
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional,
illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream
media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to
pick up a turd by the clean end"
R. J. Wiedemann LtCol. USMC Ret.
The next note requires little explanation and that's a good thing cause
I wouldn't know how to explain it anyway. >>>>
I see you had a quote regarding illegal immigrants in the Gazette.
I'm wondering who the author of that quote is? Surely not Obama was it?
I like the part about the windfall profits, what is a windfall anyway?
Something like Ralph Engelstad encountered through his life?
On a side note, regarding the last presidential elections, there was
a lot of talk about "Change", however the candidates never really said
what the word change meant. I finally figured it out. I checked my 401K,
and I have "Change" left in it. Like Paul Harvey was so fond of saying,
"now you know the rest of the story my friend" <<<<<
It saddens me to report the passing of one of Graftons finest
Pharmacists. I could described Rich as a "Pharmacist Extraordinair". He
was a man that not only loved the profession that he represented so
well, he cared about the people he served even more. Rich leaves our
community a better place to live. Those of us fortunate enough to have
known him will not forget him.
Richmond H. Lapp, passed away on Thursday, April 16, 2009 at the
Sunset Home. Rich was born Dec. 22, 1929 in St. Vincent, MN He attended
grade school in St. Vincent, and high school at the Northeast School of
Agriculture in Crookston, MN, graduating in 1948. Rich attended NDSU in
Fargo and graduated from the school of pharmacy in 1952. He left for the
service in the U.S. Army the day of graduation serving in Korea until
his honorable discharge in 1954. He moved to Grafton and was employed at
Grafton Drug as a pharmacist. On October 30, 1954 he was united in
marriage to Marion Lysengen at the St. John's Lutheran Church in St.
In 1980 he purchased the Grafton Drug and worked until his retirement
when he sold the store to his son and daughter-in-law Daniel and Mary Jo
Lapp who are both pharmacists.
Richmond was a member of Grafton Lutheran Church where he served on many
boards. He was very active in the Grafton Curling Club, serving as
president, a member of Fair Oaks Golf Club, Heritage Village and the
Walsh County Historical Society. Richmond was a member of the
American Legion Post #41, V.F. W. Post #9367, Voltaire 40 et 8, and was
a life member of the North Dakota Pharmaceutical Association.
Richmond is survived by his wife Marion, Grafton, ND; children: Timothy
(Denise) Lapp, Saugus, CA; Daniel (Mary Jo) Lapp, Greensboro, GA;
Elizabeth Lange, Richland Center, WI; six grandchildren: sister
Elizabeth Lapp, St. Vincent, MN; Brothers: John (Elaine) Lapp,
Burnsville, MN; and Thomas (Alice) Lapp, Bemidji, MN. He was preceded in
death by his parents.
Funeral services will be Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 10:30 A.M. at the
Grafton Lutheran Church. Visitation will be Tuesday from 5-7 PM with a
prayer service at 7:00 Pm at the Tollefson Funeral Home of Grafton.
Friends may also call at the church on Wednesday for one hour prior to
the service. Interment will be at the Grafton Lutheran Cemetery.
Military rites will be provided by the American Legion and V.F. W.
The Tollefson Funeral Home of Grafton is in charge of the arrangements.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
~~~~ Richmond H. Lapp age 79 ~~~~
The current temperature is 34 degrees
The level of the Park River at the time the Gazette was sent out was
just under 12 feet and fallimg.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Once again it is time to put the Shivercity Gazette on the shelf. The
average nighttime low temperature has reached 32 degrees which means
it's time to switch from frost bites to Skeeter bites.
When the Skeeterville Gazette comes out, that also means it's time to
start "wishin we was fishin".
From time to time, throughout the summer, you will read about the
fantastic food at the Rock Harbor Lodge located at Arnesen's Rocky Point
Resort. You will also read from time to time the fantastic views from
the lodge and throughout the resort, and, you might even read about how
fantastic the fishing is around the Rocky Point area. I can assure you,
every bit of everything I say in that regard will be absolutely true.
However,.. once in awhile I will speak of the fantastic fishing in
terms of my personal ability to land a lunker. Sometimes,.... I must
admit, that may be more accurate than other times. If I should mention
that the view of the sunset from the windows of Rock Harbor Lodge are
more beautiful than words could possibly describe. That will be true.
If you are looking for a wonderful place to spend a day, a weekend or a
full vacation. The wonderful folks at the Rocky Point Resort, Rock
Harbor Lodge and the super facilities they provide, would be an
absolutely excellent choice.
You can check them out on the web at who knows, if you dig around that website a little bit,
you may even find a picture or two of me in there.
The Park River is slowing returning to it's banks and already the
cleanup process around town has begun. Street crews worked hard all
weekend sweeping and cleaning our streets a project that will continue
for several days I expect.
There are so many people that need to be thanked. So many people that
worked so hard and so long so that our community could be spared the
ravages of a flood.
Yes, some decisions were more difficult to make than others, that's for
certain. Yes, some folks had to make more decisions than others, that
too is for certain. Some folks most likely even lost more sleep than
However, to everyone from the Mayor and the Council members he leads,
The City Manager and those he directs, the City Department heads and
those in their charge to the last person to shut of the lights on the
last night. On behalf of me and my entire family I would like to express
our most sincere appreciation for everything everyone has done.
~~~ For a job extremely well done ~~~
From the family of Gary & Patty Moe
(Speaking of political correctness.)
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional,
illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream
media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to
pick up a turd by the clean end"
R. J. Wiedemann LtCol. USMC Ret.
The next note requires little explanation and that's a good thing cause
I wouldn't know how to explain it anyway. >>>>
I see you had a quote regarding illegal immigrants in the Gazette.
I'm wondering who the author of that quote is? Surely not Obama was it?
I like the part about the windfall profits, what is a windfall anyway?
Something like Ralph Engelstad encountered through his life?
On a side note, regarding the last presidential elections, there was
a lot of talk about "Change", however the candidates never really said
what the word change meant. I finally figured it out. I checked my 401K,
and I have "Change" left in it. Like Paul Harvey was so fond of saying,
"now you know the rest of the story my friend" <<<<<
It saddens me to report the passing of one of Graftons finest
Pharmacists. I could described Rich as a "Pharmacist Extraordinair". He
was a man that not only loved the profession that he represented so
well, he cared about the people he served even more. Rich leaves our
community a better place to live. Those of us fortunate enough to have
known him will not forget him.
Richmond H. Lapp, passed away on Thursday, April 16, 2009 at the
Sunset Home. Rich was born Dec. 22, 1929 in St. Vincent, MN He attended
grade school in St. Vincent, and high school at the Northeast School of
Agriculture in Crookston, MN, graduating in 1948. Rich attended NDSU in
Fargo and graduated from the school of pharmacy in 1952. He left for the
service in the U.S. Army the day of graduation serving in Korea until
his honorable discharge in 1954. He moved to Grafton and was employed at
Grafton Drug as a pharmacist. On October 30, 1954 he was united in
marriage to Marion Lysengen at the St. John's Lutheran Church in St.
In 1980 he purchased the Grafton Drug and worked until his retirement
when he sold the store to his son and daughter-in-law Daniel and Mary Jo
Lapp who are both pharmacists.
Richmond was a member of Grafton Lutheran Church where he served on many
boards. He was very active in the Grafton Curling Club, serving as
president, a member of Fair Oaks Golf Club, Heritage Village and the
Walsh County Historical Society. Richmond was a member of the
American Legion Post #41, V.F. W. Post #9367, Voltaire 40 et 8, and was
a life member of the North Dakota Pharmaceutical Association.
Richmond is survived by his wife Marion, Grafton, ND; children: Timothy
(Denise) Lapp, Saugus, CA; Daniel (Mary Jo) Lapp, Greensboro, GA;
Elizabeth Lange, Richland Center, WI; six grandchildren: sister
Elizabeth Lapp, St. Vincent, MN; Brothers: John (Elaine) Lapp,
Burnsville, MN; and Thomas (Alice) Lapp, Bemidji, MN. He was preceded in
death by his parents.
Funeral services will be Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 10:30 A.M. at the
Grafton Lutheran Church. Visitation will be Tuesday from 5-7 PM with a
prayer service at 7:00 Pm at the Tollefson Funeral Home of Grafton.
Friends may also call at the church on Wednesday for one hour prior to
the service. Interment will be at the Grafton Lutheran Cemetery.
Military rites will be provided by the American Legion and V.F. W.
The Tollefson Funeral Home of Grafton is in charge of the arrangements.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Friday, April 17, 2009
April 17, 2009 - Friday (early)
Todays Gazette comes to you, from the "other side" of the second crest
of the Park River in Grafton.
Happy Birthday Robert (Bob) Levos.
Although Bob is only 66, some might consider him a high mileage model.
Check out the KXPO Radio website.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The river level is dropping and the significant rain event that was
forecasted for our area has been down graded to light showers. Life in
Shivercity will be wonderful once again. Mayor Todd sent the following
update a few minutes ago.
Subject: Flood Update 4/16/09
As I type this it is 8:00 pm on Thursday night and I'm quite tired
of water talk. That said, I am happy to see the river has dropped some
since it's crest last night of about 15.8 feet. (by 9:30 thursday
evening the level was 15.28) Hopefully she will move out of here
quickly, and then the biggest concern in my life can be my golf swing.
We NEED DIKE WALKERS tomorrow (Friday). So if you'd like a scenic
stroll along Grafton's flood protection, please contact City Hall at
Todd <<<<< Thanks a million Todd, for helping us keep abreast of
the water issues in and around our community.
Mentioning the East Side Grocery gave
Al and Ellie Johnson reason to share the following. >>>>
We, too, have wonderful memories of all those who visited the East
Side Grocery. And we remember when the town honored Lux on her 75th
birthday. And also the gathering on the East Side during Summerfest
several years ago. She was one of a kind. Al and Ellie Johnson,
Chico, CA. <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing.
I shared the following "cruise for news" thought in a previous Gazette.
>>>> Yesterday, (April, 26 2002) on a "cruise for news" down Wakeman
Avenue. The past, present and what the future will be, all past through
the void between my ears like a lightning bolt hitting a cottonwood
tree. We entered Wakeman Ave. from the North and passed by the
house of our friends Allen & Hilde Mattson and the Corner Trailer Court
realizing that over the years most of the spots filled with mobile homes
are now empty. We passed a few more houses and drove by the home built
by Dick & Barb LaMont and then it happened. "OH MY GOD" came a shriek
from the passengers side of the cruiser. What happened to Wally
DeSautels house? It's gone! As we continued south, together, Pat & I,
said "look, Lequires house is gone too." Then just across the street
from Lequires was a large truck and a backhoe. It was Gene Hagens
equipment. Parked in front of the house my wife, my lover and my friend
grew up in. The house my Father-in-law moved there from main street in
1955. The house I once walked, ran, drove, and (a few times) waded too
in spring floods. HOLY SMOKERS! There they were, getting ready to tear
down a life time of memories.
The front door of the house was open, and the urge to look at the
walls that held so many memories was over whelming. As we stepped
through the door of 17 North Wakeman, images of the past flashed through
my mind like a VCR on fast forward. I could almost hear the sounds of
family gatherings. I looked at the bevelled glass picture window still
in place and the spot where the player piano once stood surrounded by
family members laughing and singing.
A walk through the bedroom that Pat and I slept in when our oldest
daughter Kelly was three years old and in poor health. A quick glance at
the bathtub, still standing on the same four legs it was built with over
three quarters of a century ago. OH, so many memories. The cabinet built
into the wall in the kitchen where Pa (Ray) used to hang his keys. The
spot where the kitchen table used to stand. I could almost hear Pa
signing "let's all sing like the birdies sign" at that table after a
night out playing shuffle board with "the guys". Then, as we
walked through the back door, WOW, it was still there. The bell on the
clothes line post that Ma (Marge) used to ring for the kids to come eat.
For some unknown reason, the need to have that bell was nothing short of
obsession. I asked John Corneillie (Gene Hagens son-in-law) if we might
be able to get it and he said, "if you can get it off", there is over
fifty years of rust on it so it might not be easy." Hearing that we
hi-tailed it back home for a pail full of tools and headed straight back
to "the house".
I pulled up in the driveway with a feeling of appreciation and
satisfaction thats hard to but in words. With pail of tools in hand, we
rounded the back of the house and DOG GONE, BUGGER, HECK, SHUCKS, GEE
WIZ, GOLLY, DARN, RATS!! It was gone. The bell was gone. Who, would have
the audacity to steel our bell. Who could possibly do such a dastardly
deed to a half breed Norwegian. Could they possibly know they didn't
just get a rusty old bell, they hauled away a myriad of memories. Oh
We were able to get an old cast iron pot Ma used to fill with
flowers in the back yard, as well as the gold address numbers 17 from
the front of the house.
When we returned home I immediately started putting the numbers 17
on a plaque for posterity and then, like the beller from a cow in
calving season. HE'S GOT IT, came from the kitchen. John wanting to be
sure we wouldn't loose the bell, removed it for us. There IS a God, He
WAS at 17 North Wakeman Ave. yesterday, and He allowed us to keep and
share, so many memories.
We have the plaque on the wall, the pot is hanging in our wishing
well, a large rock by our front door, and, the bell will acquire a
prominent spot in our home and our history. Wakeman Avenue has so
many memories. The place they were generated will all disappear but the
love that they fostered, we'll always hold dear.
<<<<<< For me all my memories become more important with years. For me,
memories bring back the laughter and tears. For me, all the people and
things I hold dear, keep getting better and better and better each year.
Memories certainly are wonderful things. They're the magic in life for
the goodness they bring.
And, to you John Corneillie, as the wonderful comedian Bob Hope would
always say, "Thanks for the memories".
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
of the Park River in Grafton.
Happy Birthday Robert (Bob) Levos.
Although Bob is only 66, some might consider him a high mileage model.
Check out the KXPO Radio website.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The river level is dropping and the significant rain event that was
forecasted for our area has been down graded to light showers. Life in
Shivercity will be wonderful once again. Mayor Todd sent the following
update a few minutes ago.
Subject: Flood Update 4/16/09
As I type this it is 8:00 pm on Thursday night and I'm quite tired
of water talk. That said, I am happy to see the river has dropped some
since it's crest last night of about 15.8 feet. (by 9:30 thursday
evening the level was 15.28) Hopefully she will move out of here
quickly, and then the biggest concern in my life can be my golf swing.
We NEED DIKE WALKERS tomorrow (Friday). So if you'd like a scenic
stroll along Grafton's flood protection, please contact City Hall at
Todd <<<<< Thanks a million Todd, for helping us keep abreast of
the water issues in and around our community.
Mentioning the East Side Grocery gave
Al and Ellie Johnson reason to share the following. >>>>
We, too, have wonderful memories of all those who visited the East
Side Grocery. And we remember when the town honored Lux on her 75th
birthday. And also the gathering on the East Side during Summerfest
several years ago. She was one of a kind. Al and Ellie Johnson,
Chico, CA. <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing.
I shared the following "cruise for news" thought in a previous Gazette.
>>>> Yesterday, (April, 26 2002) on a "cruise for news" down Wakeman
Avenue. The past, present and what the future will be, all past through
the void between my ears like a lightning bolt hitting a cottonwood
tree. We entered Wakeman Ave. from the North and passed by the
house of our friends Allen & Hilde Mattson and the Corner Trailer Court
realizing that over the years most of the spots filled with mobile homes
are now empty. We passed a few more houses and drove by the home built
by Dick & Barb LaMont and then it happened. "OH MY GOD" came a shriek
from the passengers side of the cruiser. What happened to Wally
DeSautels house? It's gone! As we continued south, together, Pat & I,
said "look, Lequires house is gone too." Then just across the street
from Lequires was a large truck and a backhoe. It was Gene Hagens
equipment. Parked in front of the house my wife, my lover and my friend
grew up in. The house my Father-in-law moved there from main street in
1955. The house I once walked, ran, drove, and (a few times) waded too
in spring floods. HOLY SMOKERS! There they were, getting ready to tear
down a life time of memories.
The front door of the house was open, and the urge to look at the
walls that held so many memories was over whelming. As we stepped
through the door of 17 North Wakeman, images of the past flashed through
my mind like a VCR on fast forward. I could almost hear the sounds of
family gatherings. I looked at the bevelled glass picture window still
in place and the spot where the player piano once stood surrounded by
family members laughing and singing.
A walk through the bedroom that Pat and I slept in when our oldest
daughter Kelly was three years old and in poor health. A quick glance at
the bathtub, still standing on the same four legs it was built with over
three quarters of a century ago. OH, so many memories. The cabinet built
into the wall in the kitchen where Pa (Ray) used to hang his keys. The
spot where the kitchen table used to stand. I could almost hear Pa
signing "let's all sing like the birdies sign" at that table after a
night out playing shuffle board with "the guys". Then, as we
walked through the back door, WOW, it was still there. The bell on the
clothes line post that Ma (Marge) used to ring for the kids to come eat.
For some unknown reason, the need to have that bell was nothing short of
obsession. I asked John Corneillie (Gene Hagens son-in-law) if we might
be able to get it and he said, "if you can get it off", there is over
fifty years of rust on it so it might not be easy." Hearing that we
hi-tailed it back home for a pail full of tools and headed straight back
to "the house".
I pulled up in the driveway with a feeling of appreciation and
satisfaction thats hard to but in words. With pail of tools in hand, we
rounded the back of the house and DOG GONE, BUGGER, HECK, SHUCKS, GEE
WIZ, GOLLY, DARN, RATS!! It was gone. The bell was gone. Who, would have
the audacity to steel our bell. Who could possibly do such a dastardly
deed to a half breed Norwegian. Could they possibly know they didn't
just get a rusty old bell, they hauled away a myriad of memories. Oh
We were able to get an old cast iron pot Ma used to fill with
flowers in the back yard, as well as the gold address numbers 17 from
the front of the house.
When we returned home I immediately started putting the numbers 17
on a plaque for posterity and then, like the beller from a cow in
calving season. HE'S GOT IT, came from the kitchen. John wanting to be
sure we wouldn't loose the bell, removed it for us. There IS a God, He
WAS at 17 North Wakeman Ave. yesterday, and He allowed us to keep and
share, so many memories.
We have the plaque on the wall, the pot is hanging in our wishing
well, a large rock by our front door, and, the bell will acquire a
prominent spot in our home and our history. Wakeman Avenue has so
many memories. The place they were generated will all disappear but the
love that they fostered, we'll always hold dear.
<<<<<< For me all my memories become more important with years. For me,
memories bring back the laughter and tears. For me, all the people and
things I hold dear, keep getting better and better and better each year.
Memories certainly are wonderful things. They're the magic in life for
the goodness they bring.
And, to you John Corneillie, as the wonderful comedian Bob Hope would
always say, "Thanks for the memories".
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
April 16, 2009 - Thursday
CONGRATULATIONS: Scott Robideaux. On April 9th Scott reached a Tae
Kwon Do milestone and received his fifth degree black belt at the
Grafton Armory.
The current temperature is 50 degrees.
We have received .42 inches of rain since last Sunday, according to the
Gazette's unofficial rain gauge. Although rain is in the forecast it is
not expected to have a significant effect on our flood conditions.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The latest word from Grafton Mayor Todd Burianek. >>>>
Subject: Flood Update 4/15/09
Currently the river is at 15.66 feet as of 9:30 pm with a new projected
crest of 16 feet at 1:00 am tomorrow, April 16th.
The water just keeps coming and now I hear a forecast for some rain
so let's pray the dikes hold.
Last night, City Crews along with Gowan Construction and Kilmer
Excavating sealed a spot where we had sandbagged a culvert west of Fair
Oaks behind Jack Mihelich's place. The water forced the sandbags out of
the culvert and workers secured it by adding clay to the area. Last time
I checked at about 3:00 they were still working on it.
Otherwise, we are VERY thankful for the dike walkers who have
agreed to do the good work for our community. That leak was discovered
by dike walkers and they will be vital as we crest tonight with the
water expected to be at these very high levels for the next 24 hours.
Just a reminder that the record for the Park River at Grafton is 16.5
feet in 1950 with the river hitting 16 feet in 1979 and 2004. We look to
be heading into that territory once again.
I also note that the NWS (National Weather Service) deserves LOTS
OF CREDIT for their prognosticating skills. Frankly, they were right in
the ballpark when they set the crest at 15.5-16 feet last week.
Thankfully, we took them seriously and have built our dikes to record
levels. Hopefully they will hold, the water will get out of here fast
and we can return to normal soon.
Todd Burianek <<<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. Grafton residents should
be reminded that our Mayor and his management team must make many of the
same kinds of difficult decisions that the Mayors of major cities
make........ for a mere fraction of the salary.
The thought of neighborhood grocery stores are still jogging memories.
Sandy wrote. >>> I enjoyed reading about the neighborhood grocery
stores. The East Side Grocery was a favorite hangout for all of us east
side kids. We bought hundreds of popsicles from Al and Lux Johnson
throughout the years. Lux was a fixture in that store and we all loved
her. I thank the Johnsons for those wonderful memories... Sandy Stark
Wallner, Bismarck............... <<<< Thanks a million for caring and
sharing Sandy. I remember Lux displaying her frustration's with us as we
would dump a bag of Planters salted peanuts into a bottle of Pepsi.
Sometimes, not much would happen. Unfortunately, sometimes, the Pepsi
would foam up and go all over the grocery store floor.
Speaking of neighborhood grocery stores. Chris shared the following
thoughts on Simonsons Neighborhood Store. >>>>
Hi Gary:
Just wanted to mention how fine of a job Simonson's gas station is
doing remodelling the old Jet Station into our new Subway. From the
ground up it is a top notch job as far as I can see. It seems to me
there are some around who don't think the way I do, but to me it says a
lot about the owners of Simonson's to be making such a hefty investment
in our little town without asking for any economic development money
from the city, It seems to strike my memory that the last person who
came to town with big plans and ideas (Al Taylor) and didn't ask for any
taxpayer, economic development money was touted as a hero, could walk on
water, could do no wrong in some peoples eyes. But in the end it was all
a lot of fertilizer and a flash in the pan. So I think the same courtesy
should be extended to Archie Simonson, for he is an existing Grafton
businessman and in my view he is betting a lot of his chips on the
support of Grafton. Can't wait to have a meatball foot long from our new
Chris Thompson <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Chris. I have often commented,
in the Gazette, how wonderful that corner will look when completed. I
believe I have also stated my personal appreciation for the significant
investment Simonsons are making in that property and in the Grafton
However, I must take issue with Simonsons not getting anything from the
city. Remember, they were "given" the alley right of way between two of
the most valuable pieces of business real estate in town. And, I would
be somewhat remiss if I didn't mention their apparent significant lack
of the use of local contractors and materials.
With regard to the Allen Taylor debacle. Although it is true that the
Taylor era will go down as one of Graftons more colorful events. It is
also true that his organization spent a substantial amount of money at
various business establishments in town on such things as material,
equipment and labor. It could also be said, that for good bad or
indifferent the Taylor fiasco left much of the property they "diddled"
with in much better condition than they found it.
At any rate, I am very pleased with our new Simonsons Neighborhood
Store. I believe most folks are. I wish them the very best in their new
Grafton venture, I believe most folks do.
BECAUSE, if they are successful, our entire community will be
successful. There will be new people driving down Grafton streets doing
business in Grafton stores that would not have happened without
Simonson's. Or so it seems to me.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket. The
tickets are only $20 each. ~ Vic & Dorothy, Ben, Wally, Susan,
Dianne, Jerry and Bill's tickets will all be going into the barrel for
the May 2009 Calendar Drawing. ~ If you have already purchased a
ticket. Thank you very much. If you haven't, let me know and I will set
one aside for you. Thank you for your support.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Kwon Do milestone and received his fifth degree black belt at the
Grafton Armory.
The current temperature is 50 degrees.
We have received .42 inches of rain since last Sunday, according to the
Gazette's unofficial rain gauge. Although rain is in the forecast it is
not expected to have a significant effect on our flood conditions.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The latest word from Grafton Mayor Todd Burianek. >>>>
Subject: Flood Update 4/15/09
Currently the river is at 15.66 feet as of 9:30 pm with a new projected
crest of 16 feet at 1:00 am tomorrow, April 16th.
The water just keeps coming and now I hear a forecast for some rain
so let's pray the dikes hold.
Last night, City Crews along with Gowan Construction and Kilmer
Excavating sealed a spot where we had sandbagged a culvert west of Fair
Oaks behind Jack Mihelich's place. The water forced the sandbags out of
the culvert and workers secured it by adding clay to the area. Last time
I checked at about 3:00 they were still working on it.
Otherwise, we are VERY thankful for the dike walkers who have
agreed to do the good work for our community. That leak was discovered
by dike walkers and they will be vital as we crest tonight with the
water expected to be at these very high levels for the next 24 hours.
Just a reminder that the record for the Park River at Grafton is 16.5
feet in 1950 with the river hitting 16 feet in 1979 and 2004. We look to
be heading into that territory once again.
I also note that the NWS (National Weather Service) deserves LOTS
OF CREDIT for their prognosticating skills. Frankly, they were right in
the ballpark when they set the crest at 15.5-16 feet last week.
Thankfully, we took them seriously and have built our dikes to record
levels. Hopefully they will hold, the water will get out of here fast
and we can return to normal soon.
Todd Burianek <<<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. Grafton residents should
be reminded that our Mayor and his management team must make many of the
same kinds of difficult decisions that the Mayors of major cities
make........ for a mere fraction of the salary.
The thought of neighborhood grocery stores are still jogging memories.
Sandy wrote. >>> I enjoyed reading about the neighborhood grocery
stores. The East Side Grocery was a favorite hangout for all of us east
side kids. We bought hundreds of popsicles from Al and Lux Johnson
throughout the years. Lux was a fixture in that store and we all loved
her. I thank the Johnsons for those wonderful memories... Sandy Stark
Wallner, Bismarck............... <<<< Thanks a million for caring and
sharing Sandy. I remember Lux displaying her frustration's with us as we
would dump a bag of Planters salted peanuts into a bottle of Pepsi.
Sometimes, not much would happen. Unfortunately, sometimes, the Pepsi
would foam up and go all over the grocery store floor.
Speaking of neighborhood grocery stores. Chris shared the following
thoughts on Simonsons Neighborhood Store. >>>>
Hi Gary:
Just wanted to mention how fine of a job Simonson's gas station is
doing remodelling the old Jet Station into our new Subway. From the
ground up it is a top notch job as far as I can see. It seems to me
there are some around who don't think the way I do, but to me it says a
lot about the owners of Simonson's to be making such a hefty investment
in our little town without asking for any economic development money
from the city, It seems to strike my memory that the last person who
came to town with big plans and ideas (Al Taylor) and didn't ask for any
taxpayer, economic development money was touted as a hero, could walk on
water, could do no wrong in some peoples eyes. But in the end it was all
a lot of fertilizer and a flash in the pan. So I think the same courtesy
should be extended to Archie Simonson, for he is an existing Grafton
businessman and in my view he is betting a lot of his chips on the
support of Grafton. Can't wait to have a meatball foot long from our new
Chris Thompson <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Chris. I have often commented,
in the Gazette, how wonderful that corner will look when completed. I
believe I have also stated my personal appreciation for the significant
investment Simonsons are making in that property and in the Grafton
However, I must take issue with Simonsons not getting anything from the
city. Remember, they were "given" the alley right of way between two of
the most valuable pieces of business real estate in town. And, I would
be somewhat remiss if I didn't mention their apparent significant lack
of the use of local contractors and materials.
With regard to the Allen Taylor debacle. Although it is true that the
Taylor era will go down as one of Graftons more colorful events. It is
also true that his organization spent a substantial amount of money at
various business establishments in town on such things as material,
equipment and labor. It could also be said, that for good bad or
indifferent the Taylor fiasco left much of the property they "diddled"
with in much better condition than they found it.
At any rate, I am very pleased with our new Simonsons Neighborhood
Store. I believe most folks are. I wish them the very best in their new
Grafton venture, I believe most folks do.
BECAUSE, if they are successful, our entire community will be
successful. There will be new people driving down Grafton streets doing
business in Grafton stores that would not have happened without
Simonson's. Or so it seems to me.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket. The
tickets are only $20 each. ~ Vic & Dorothy, Ben, Wally, Susan,
Dianne, Jerry and Bill's tickets will all be going into the barrel for
the May 2009 Calendar Drawing. ~ If you have already purchased a
ticket. Thank you very much. If you haven't, let me know and I will set
one aside for you. Thank you for your support.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April 15, 2009 - Wednesday
Todays Gazette is dedicated to the memory of Frank Narloch.
The current temperature is 46 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 64/37
Normal H/L temp for this date is 55/31
It was 84 degrees on this date in 1926
Rain isn't always a bad thing. During a flood, however, it rarely is a
good thing.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The Park River reading in Grafton at 10:45 am was at 15.47 feet and
continues to rise. Although I haven't heard any "official" word yet, the
last indication I have, is that the river levels west of town appears to
be dropping.
The possibility of rain the next few days not only adds a level of
stress to the dikes around town, it also increases the level of stress
to those working 24 hours a day protecting us from the ravages of flood.
The mention of Grizzy, the Grizzly Bear and neighborhood grocery stores
gave Mary reason to share the following. >>>>
Hi Gary,
I just have to add about John and Kathy's Grizzly Bear - Not only has
it caused a stir in town but I must have had 20 people here at work ask
me if I have seen the bear, to which of course I get to say that I live
only two doors down. There is a lot of people in Grand Forks interested
in driving up to see the bear. Maybe there should be an unveiling or
showing or some kind of event when it is completed. Just a thought as a
way to draw business to town. Oh and I remember "Kings" grocery on 8th
and main. Take Care and stay dry.
Mary <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Mary. Rumor has it
"Grizzy" might also be getting his own lighting system soon, as well.
Talk about neighborhood grocery stores gave Twila reason to share this
note. >>> Your list of grocery stores got me thinking about O'Connor's
Etc. and all of the fun times with the O'Connor crew. <<<< Thanks a
million Twila and of course many will remember that O'Connor's
eventually became Vally-Jo's.
Are memories wonderful?
I wonder if anyone remembers the following quote? Even more important
than that. I wonder how many people actually believe it? >>>>
"We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and
minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal
immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of
unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a
long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would
like to have as 'Americans'."
Speaking of quotes. Keith sent the following thoughts. >>>> Gary -
I liked your use of quotes on the "shoulda, coulda, woulda."
scenario; there is another good one that fits public apathy:
Some people make it happen,
Some people watch it happen,
the rest wonder what happened
Keep up the good work,
.....Keith M. <<<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Keith.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket. The
tickets are only $20 each. ~ Leonard Novak's ticket will be going
into the barrel for the May 2009 Calendar Drawing. ~
If you have already purchased a ticket. Thank you very much. If
you haven't, let me know and I will set one aside for you.
Thank you for your support.
Frank Narloch
Frank B. Narloch, 79 of Minto, ND passed away on Sunday, April 12, 2009.
Frank was united in marriage to Leona "Dolly" Wysocki on December 1,
1951 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Minto, ND. Frank served in
the Korean Conflict and following his discharge he returned home and
started farming. He retired in 1994.
Frank was a member of numerous boards throughout the area, not the
least of which was the Board of the Red River Valley Sugar Beet Growers
Association, and he served on the Board of Directors of American Crystal
Sugar Company. Positions for which I grew to know and admire him best.
He believed that Hard Work and Honest Sweat are the building blocks of
a persons character.
He was preceded in death by his parents, wife Dolly on Dec. 20, 2007,
sister Bernadine Peters and brother-in-law Don Kamrowski.
Mass of Christian Burial will be Saturday, April 18, 2009 at 10:30 A.M.
at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Minto. Visitation will be Friday
from 5-7 PM with a prayer service at 7:00 PM and Saturday for one hour
prior to the service all at the church. Interment will be at the Sacred
Heart Catholic Cemetery, Minto, ND. Military rites will be provided
by the Minto American Legion Post #201.
The Tollefson Funeral Home of Grafton is in charge of the arrangements.
Frank once told me, "the character of a man can be read in the
manner upon which he works." That being said, Frank's character speaks
volumes. He leaves our world a better place, and I a better person for
having known him. We extend our deepest sympathies and most heartfelt
condolences to the Frank Narloch family.
Patty & Gary Moe
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
The current temperature is 46 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 64/37
Normal H/L temp for this date is 55/31
It was 84 degrees on this date in 1926
Rain isn't always a bad thing. During a flood, however, it rarely is a
good thing.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The Park River reading in Grafton at 10:45 am was at 15.47 feet and
continues to rise. Although I haven't heard any "official" word yet, the
last indication I have, is that the river levels west of town appears to
be dropping.
The possibility of rain the next few days not only adds a level of
stress to the dikes around town, it also increases the level of stress
to those working 24 hours a day protecting us from the ravages of flood.
The mention of Grizzy, the Grizzly Bear and neighborhood grocery stores
gave Mary reason to share the following. >>>>
Hi Gary,
I just have to add about John and Kathy's Grizzly Bear - Not only has
it caused a stir in town but I must have had 20 people here at work ask
me if I have seen the bear, to which of course I get to say that I live
only two doors down. There is a lot of people in Grand Forks interested
in driving up to see the bear. Maybe there should be an unveiling or
showing or some kind of event when it is completed. Just a thought as a
way to draw business to town. Oh and I remember "Kings" grocery on 8th
and main. Take Care and stay dry.
Mary <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Mary. Rumor has it
"Grizzy" might also be getting his own lighting system soon, as well.
Talk about neighborhood grocery stores gave Twila reason to share this
note. >>> Your list of grocery stores got me thinking about O'Connor's
Etc. and all of the fun times with the O'Connor crew. <<<< Thanks a
million Twila and of course many will remember that O'Connor's
eventually became Vally-Jo's.
Are memories wonderful?
I wonder if anyone remembers the following quote? Even more important
than that. I wonder how many people actually believe it? >>>>
"We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and
minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal
immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of
unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a
long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would
like to have as 'Americans'."
Speaking of quotes. Keith sent the following thoughts. >>>> Gary -
I liked your use of quotes on the "shoulda, coulda, woulda."
scenario; there is another good one that fits public apathy:
Some people make it happen,
Some people watch it happen,
the rest wonder what happened
Keep up the good work,
.....Keith M. <<<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Keith.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket. The
tickets are only $20 each. ~ Leonard Novak's ticket will be going
into the barrel for the May 2009 Calendar Drawing. ~
If you have already purchased a ticket. Thank you very much. If
you haven't, let me know and I will set one aside for you.
Thank you for your support.
Frank Narloch
Frank B. Narloch, 79 of Minto, ND passed away on Sunday, April 12, 2009.
Frank was united in marriage to Leona "Dolly" Wysocki on December 1,
1951 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Minto, ND. Frank served in
the Korean Conflict and following his discharge he returned home and
started farming. He retired in 1994.
Frank was a member of numerous boards throughout the area, not the
least of which was the Board of the Red River Valley Sugar Beet Growers
Association, and he served on the Board of Directors of American Crystal
Sugar Company. Positions for which I grew to know and admire him best.
He believed that Hard Work and Honest Sweat are the building blocks of
a persons character.
He was preceded in death by his parents, wife Dolly on Dec. 20, 2007,
sister Bernadine Peters and brother-in-law Don Kamrowski.
Mass of Christian Burial will be Saturday, April 18, 2009 at 10:30 A.M.
at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Minto. Visitation will be Friday
from 5-7 PM with a prayer service at 7:00 PM and Saturday for one hour
prior to the service all at the church. Interment will be at the Sacred
Heart Catholic Cemetery, Minto, ND. Military rites will be provided
by the Minto American Legion Post #201.
The Tollefson Funeral Home of Grafton is in charge of the arrangements.
Frank once told me, "the character of a man can be read in the
manner upon which he works." That being said, Frank's character speaks
volumes. He leaves our world a better place, and I a better person for
having known him. We extend our deepest sympathies and most heartfelt
condolences to the Frank Narloch family.
Patty & Gary Moe
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
April 14, 2009 - Tuesday
Todays Gazette is brought to you by our former Neighborhood Grocery
East Side Grocery, Grievers Grocery, Graving's Grocery, Fairway
Grocery, Hill Avenue Grocery, Laddy's Grocery & Westside Grocery among
The current temperature is 46 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 57/37
Normal H/L temp for this date is 52/30
Have you noticed that our average low temp is already up to 30?
Remember, when the average low reaches 32 the Shivercity Gazette goes on
the shelf and Skeeterville will return for the summer months.
"Profanity make ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The following is the latest word received from Mayor Burianek. >>>>
Subject: Flood Update
Every day for the past few weeks our Emergency Manager, LeRoy McCann,
has participated in a teleconference with officials from the NWS
(National Weather Service) and other Emergency Managers to get updates
regarding the projected flood crest. According to today's
teleconference, the Park River at Grafton is set to hit 15.7 feet at
1:00 pm on Wednesday.
I wish the naysayers were right about this-I really do-but it
looks like we are in for another major flood event. As I indicated last
week, the City is prepared for this, but we do need dike walkers
starting tomorrow night. This is a vital task in our flood fight, and I
thank anyone who has done this in the past and those who will perform
this duty during this week. During our last flood fight a few weeks ago,
dike walkers discovered a leak in one area and it was timely repaired
due to their diligence and dedication.
I shall advise you of any changes as they may come to my
attention, but for now we're bracing ourselves for another major flood
Todd Burianek <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. Somewhere it is written,
"He that speaks of coulda, woulda, shoulda,..... and then doesn't, is in
fact the inconsequential part of the human race." As a matter of fact,
"it" was written right here in the Gazette.
The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist
is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.
-- Mark Twain --
Speaking of Neighborhood Stores. That, in fact, is what the giant sign
indicates on the corner of hiways 17 & 81. Actually it says,..
"Simonsons Neighborhood Store".
I'm not exactly sure how to address the next note. I certainly do
remember talking with Denise about the large "herd" of deer just east of
Grafton. I seem to remember her saying that she would sent a note
sharing the latest deer migration outside of town. To that end, the
following is what I received. >>>> Gary:
Yes, the bear looks great, but it is causing some traffic problems.
I encourage people to pull up and take an extended look rather than try
to drive with necks craned in the direction of the bear.
Also, you have been remiss. I can't believe I haven't seen a word
about the herd of deer east of Grafton. Clearly they are displaced by
the flood waters. They notice the humans who drive by them, but don't
seem particularly impressed or concerned. It's interesting to me that
they've chosen to stay within a mile of a city of just under 5,000, and
all the lights, traffic and commotion that go along with a small city.
Again, please drive carefully if you choose to go east on 17 to see the
Denise Sevigny <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Denise. It most certainly is true that the statue of the giant Grizzly
Bear is causing a significant amount of interest. The best advice I
could give those passing by "Grizzy". "Please,...... Slow Down and Savor
the Moment."
Remember the Legionaires who have given so much, so that we might enjoy
our freedom and the youth activities the men and women in uniform work
so hard to support.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket.
The tickets are only $20 each. ~ Leonard Novak's ticket will be going
into the barrel for the May 2009 Calendar Drawing. ~
If you have already purchased a ticket. Thank you very much. If you
havent, let me know and I will set one aside for you.
Thank you for your support.
Should time and space avail itself tomorrow I will share an encore
presentation of a most memorable day in my life.
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM
East Side Grocery, Grievers Grocery, Graving's Grocery, Fairway
Grocery, Hill Avenue Grocery, Laddy's Grocery & Westside Grocery among
The current temperature is 46 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 57/37
Normal H/L temp for this date is 52/30
Have you noticed that our average low temp is already up to 30?
Remember, when the average low reaches 32 the Shivercity Gazette goes on
the shelf and Skeeterville will return for the summer months.
"Profanity make ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The following is the latest word received from Mayor Burianek. >>>>
Subject: Flood Update
Every day for the past few weeks our Emergency Manager, LeRoy McCann,
has participated in a teleconference with officials from the NWS
(National Weather Service) and other Emergency Managers to get updates
regarding the projected flood crest. According to today's
teleconference, the Park River at Grafton is set to hit 15.7 feet at
1:00 pm on Wednesday.
I wish the naysayers were right about this-I really do-but it
looks like we are in for another major flood event. As I indicated last
week, the City is prepared for this, but we do need dike walkers
starting tomorrow night. This is a vital task in our flood fight, and I
thank anyone who has done this in the past and those who will perform
this duty during this week. During our last flood fight a few weeks ago,
dike walkers discovered a leak in one area and it was timely repaired
due to their diligence and dedication.
I shall advise you of any changes as they may come to my
attention, but for now we're bracing ourselves for another major flood
Todd Burianek <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. Somewhere it is written,
"He that speaks of coulda, woulda, shoulda,..... and then doesn't, is in
fact the inconsequential part of the human race." As a matter of fact,
"it" was written right here in the Gazette.
The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist
is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.
-- Mark Twain --
Speaking of Neighborhood Stores. That, in fact, is what the giant sign
indicates on the corner of hiways 17 & 81. Actually it says,..
"Simonsons Neighborhood Store".
I'm not exactly sure how to address the next note. I certainly do
remember talking with Denise about the large "herd" of deer just east of
Grafton. I seem to remember her saying that she would sent a note
sharing the latest deer migration outside of town. To that end, the
following is what I received. >>>> Gary:
Yes, the bear looks great, but it is causing some traffic problems.
I encourage people to pull up and take an extended look rather than try
to drive with necks craned in the direction of the bear.
Also, you have been remiss. I can't believe I haven't seen a word
about the herd of deer east of Grafton. Clearly they are displaced by
the flood waters. They notice the humans who drive by them, but don't
seem particularly impressed or concerned. It's interesting to me that
they've chosen to stay within a mile of a city of just under 5,000, and
all the lights, traffic and commotion that go along with a small city.
Again, please drive carefully if you choose to go east on 17 to see the
Denise Sevigny <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Denise. It most certainly is true that the statue of the giant Grizzly
Bear is causing a significant amount of interest. The best advice I
could give those passing by "Grizzy". "Please,...... Slow Down and Savor
the Moment."
Remember the Legionaires who have given so much, so that we might enjoy
our freedom and the youth activities the men and women in uniform work
so hard to support.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket.
The tickets are only $20 each. ~ Leonard Novak's ticket will be going
into the barrel for the May 2009 Calendar Drawing. ~
If you have already purchased a ticket. Thank you very much. If you
havent, let me know and I will set one aside for you.
Thank you for your support.
Should time and space avail itself tomorrow I will share an encore
presentation of a most memorable day in my life.
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM
Monday, April 13, 2009
April 13, 2009 - Monday
Todays Gazette is brought to you, in part, by Torkelsons Standard
Station and Wrecker Service. Phone 399 Grafton.
The current temperature is 46 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 57/37
Normal H/L temp for this date is 52/30
It was 89 degrees on this date in 2003.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The Park River Level this morning at the hiway 81 bridge is in the
12.85 range. Water has started spilling over the banks in the Leistikow
Park and green belt areas. I think it's interesting that many of the
folks that said they didn't think the river could come up again,
suddenly have contracted Laryngitis.
A large truckload of signs arrived this morning at Simonsons new Subway
Sandwich, Convenience Store and Gasoline Station. Opening day for the
new facility is still scheduled for the last week of April. Rumor and
Help Wanted advertisements indicate Simonsons Subway is looking for
help. If you would sooner make a Subway than eat one, they would really
like to talk to you.
It sure was nice to see the picture and read the article about John and
Cathy's "Grizzy" on the front page of Monday's Grand Forks Herald. If
you're looking for a place to go. Drive past the intersection of Grizzly
Avenue and Salmon Drive. (McHugh Avenue & 8th Street)
Remember the Legionaires who have given so much, so that we might enjoy
our freedom and the youth activities the men and women in uniform work
so hard to support.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket.
~ Loren Lundberg's ticket will be going into the May 2009 Calendar
Drawing. ~
~~ KIELEY will head school board. ~~
Clyde Kieley was elected president of he GRAFTOn board of education
Tuesday night. He succeeds Dr George L. Countryman. Other officers named
Tuesday were Jack Loos, vice president; Joel Myers, clerk, and Ed
Schumacher, treasurer.
Kieley was also named to the Chandler Field committee with Judge Albert
Lundberg and Stan Wysocki being named to the library board.
(Walsh County Record, July 12, 1951)
"I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out
there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and find out there
I must admit after sharing one "Roseauites" view of the political
spectrum, my mailbox has been considerably more active than it's been in
quite some time. At any rate, I suspect it's reasonable to assume that
the following view would, in fact, be the other side. >>>
Hi Gary
As a native (born and raised) of Roseau, and lived in the village for 57
yrs, I am appalled and ashamed that someone who claims to be a "Roseau"
person would expose himself as to be so taken in by the propaganda
that has been permeating the country from the treasoness media. What
they have been spewing for these past several years would have incurred
jail sentences in the past when we were a country with 100% loyalty to
elected officials--especially in a time of war for the salvation of our
right to our freedoms. Please be assured that while we (Roseauites)
may have had differences of opinion, most of us would not have exposed
our lack of "love of country" so explicitly.
Dr Bob <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bob. And, with
that being said, I think it best to close the door on this particular
The Grafton Optimist Club is having their 2nd Annual OPTimist OUTing
on Friday April 24th at the Fair Oaks Golf Course club house. There will
be food, music, a silent auction, raffle and much more. This year is a
western theme. The evening starts at 7:00 pm and runs until 1:00 am.
There will be a drawing for $1,000 and five $100 drawings. Tickets are
$50 each and are available from any Grafton Optimist member. All
proceeds will be used by the Grafton Optimist Club to benefit the area
youth. The club donates money to area youth teams, clubs, etc. and also
gives out scholarships to two Grafton high school graduates each year.
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in
rich countries to rich people in poor countries. -- Douglas Casey --
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Station and Wrecker Service. Phone 399 Grafton.
The current temperature is 46 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 57/37
Normal H/L temp for this date is 52/30
It was 89 degrees on this date in 2003.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The Park River Level this morning at the hiway 81 bridge is in the
12.85 range. Water has started spilling over the banks in the Leistikow
Park and green belt areas. I think it's interesting that many of the
folks that said they didn't think the river could come up again,
suddenly have contracted Laryngitis.
A large truckload of signs arrived this morning at Simonsons new Subway
Sandwich, Convenience Store and Gasoline Station. Opening day for the
new facility is still scheduled for the last week of April. Rumor and
Help Wanted advertisements indicate Simonsons Subway is looking for
help. If you would sooner make a Subway than eat one, they would really
like to talk to you.
It sure was nice to see the picture and read the article about John and
Cathy's "Grizzy" on the front page of Monday's Grand Forks Herald. If
you're looking for a place to go. Drive past the intersection of Grizzly
Avenue and Salmon Drive. (McHugh Avenue & 8th Street)
Remember the Legionaires who have given so much, so that we might enjoy
our freedom and the youth activities the men and women in uniform work
so hard to support.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket.
~ Loren Lundberg's ticket will be going into the May 2009 Calendar
Drawing. ~
~~ KIELEY will head school board. ~~
Clyde Kieley was elected president of he GRAFTOn board of education
Tuesday night. He succeeds Dr George L. Countryman. Other officers named
Tuesday were Jack Loos, vice president; Joel Myers, clerk, and Ed
Schumacher, treasurer.
Kieley was also named to the Chandler Field committee with Judge Albert
Lundberg and Stan Wysocki being named to the library board.
(Walsh County Record, July 12, 1951)
"I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out
there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and find out there
I must admit after sharing one "Roseauites" view of the political
spectrum, my mailbox has been considerably more active than it's been in
quite some time. At any rate, I suspect it's reasonable to assume that
the following view would, in fact, be the other side. >>>
Hi Gary
As a native (born and raised) of Roseau, and lived in the village for 57
yrs, I am appalled and ashamed that someone who claims to be a "Roseau"
person would expose himself as to be so taken in by the propaganda
that has been permeating the country from the treasoness media. What
they have been spewing for these past several years would have incurred
jail sentences in the past when we were a country with 100% loyalty to
elected officials--especially in a time of war for the salvation of our
right to our freedoms. Please be assured that while we (Roseauites)
may have had differences of opinion, most of us would not have exposed
our lack of "love of country" so explicitly.
Dr Bob <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bob. And, with
that being said, I think it best to close the door on this particular
The Grafton Optimist Club is having their 2nd Annual OPTimist OUTing
on Friday April 24th at the Fair Oaks Golf Course club house. There will
be food, music, a silent auction, raffle and much more. This year is a
western theme. The evening starts at 7:00 pm and runs until 1:00 am.
There will be a drawing for $1,000 and five $100 drawings. Tickets are
$50 each and are available from any Grafton Optimist member. All
proceeds will be used by the Grafton Optimist Club to benefit the area
youth. The club donates money to area youth teams, clubs, etc. and also
gives out scholarships to two Grafton high school graduates each year.
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in
rich countries to rich people in poor countries. -- Douglas Casey --
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Friday, April 10, 2009
April 10, 2009 - Friday
Todays Gazette comes to you in memory of the Legionaires who gave so
much, so that we might enjoy our freedom and the youth activities the
men and women in
uniform work so hard to support.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket.
~ Thank you Lana L. your ticket # 358 will go into the May Calendar
Drawing. ~
The current temperature is 29 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 42/27
Normal H/L temp for this date is 49/28
It was 83 degrees on this date in 1977
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Subject: Mayors Flood Update.
According to the NWS website, the Park River will crest at 16 feet at
1:00 am. on Wednesday, April 15.
I realize to some people around town that crest prediction seems
unlikely if not outrageous, but if only one person in town believes it,
that person should be the Mayor, and I do. I find it ironic that some of
the very same people who vehemently decried the City's efforts in 2004
for not doing enough to protect the town now seem to suggest we are
doing too much.
I sincerely hope it doesn't hit 16 feet, but I'm comforted in the
thought that if it does, I strongly believe we are prepared for it. I
also note that all the additional clay that is being used to top the
existing dikes would have been transported through town from the
landfill site to fill the giant canyon that was created west of Alchem
during the initial flood fight. Rather than simply carrying it through
town from one site to the other, it is being used to hold back water
that may yet come and once it's removed it will be used to fill that
cavernous hole.
Happy Easter to all
Todd Burianek
Early Thursday morning both the east and north doors of Grafton Drug
were broken with what appears to be a failed attempt at obtaining drugs
without the store owners permission. Fortunately a newly installed
burglar alarm system saved the stores inventory, unfortunately however,
not the glass in the doors.
John Tweten's Grizzly bear is coming alive right before our eyes.
Already the head, front paws and the fish are visible and recognizable.
I was watching the sculpture as close as I could today while he started
carving out the hind legs. For the life of me I was unable to tell if
"Grizzy" will be a boy,.... or a girl bear. I guessing by sometime
tomorrow Grizzy's gender will become more evident.
When I first read the following comments, I was almost certain it came
from MSNBC's Keith Olberman. Then, after a closer look, I discovered it
came from Greg Herling over at Roseau. The other thing I noticed is that
Greg's message leaves little question regarding his favorite political
candidate. Greg wrote. >>>
Hi. Wally sent me your interesting Gazette, and I would add: the
reason Gestapo Bush came up with the absolute wrong solution to border
crossings, is the same reason he used the wrong solution to solve
employment, banking, finance, health, education, and on and on, is that
he is a simple, average intellect, dealing with a very complex country
and world. He simply was not cut out for the job he was given by the
Supreme Court. We should not blame him for being too dumb for the job,
just as we cannot give credit to those who are highly intelligent --
these are God given traits not of anyone's choosing; people are given a
certain package of traits and talents at birth, and they must deal the
cards given them.
We CAN blame him for being stupid enough to accept it. He went
through the educational system, thru college, which gave him enough time
to see that he was far below most people intellectually, and this should
have taught him that he could never be in charge of anything important.
(by the way, have you ever seen another country, or company, run by
someone too dumb to handle it? of course, we all have, and we have seen
the failure rate, so we know from the get-go that these people will make
a mess of things.)
Many Americans think he was put into the job by very wealthy people,
chosen for his lack of knowledge and talent, so that they could get laws
and policies that would be of benefit to themselves, (this is called
greed) and they knew from his past that he would go along with them if
they paid him (this is called lack of ethics).
Greg Herling in Roseau, Minnesota.
p.s. I agree with you, we owe a great debt, and a big THANK YOU to all
who have served honorably in the military. <<< Thanks a million for
caring and sharing Greg. If I might be so bold, without being to
argumentative, I could point out that the present President, a Harvard
Grad, signed almost a trillion dollar stimulus package without even
knowing what was in it. Try that in the business community sometime and
see how long your doors stay open. Then, while your at it, try
convincing the employees you are laying off for lack of work, that the
millions of "illegal" immigrants in our country really do not have
anything at all to do with that.
========== TONIGHT ===========
can't catch them yourself, you can still get Walleye fresh off
the griddle at The Heritage Village Fish Fry.
~ FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS CALL ~ 701-520-1207 - OR - 701-520-1273 -
OR - 701-360-4096 Thank you for your support.
The Grafton Optimist Club is having their 2nd Annual OPTimist OUTing
on Friday April 24th at the Fair Oaks Golf Course club house. There will
be food, music, a silent auction, raffle and much more. This year is a
western theme. The evening starts at 7:00pm and runs until 1:00am. There
will be a drawing for $1,000 and five $100 drawings. Tickets are $50
each and are available from any Grafton Optimist member. All proceeds
will be used by the Grafton Optimist Club to benefit the area youth. The
club donates money to area youth teams, clubs, etc. and also gives out
scholarships to two Grafton high school graduates each year.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
much, so that we might enjoy our freedom and the youth activities the
men and women in
uniform work so hard to support.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket.
~ Thank you Lana L. your ticket # 358 will go into the May Calendar
Drawing. ~
The current temperature is 29 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 42/27
Normal H/L temp for this date is 49/28
It was 83 degrees on this date in 1977
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Subject: Mayors Flood Update.
According to the NWS website, the Park River will crest at 16 feet at
1:00 am. on Wednesday, April 15.
I realize to some people around town that crest prediction seems
unlikely if not outrageous, but if only one person in town believes it,
that person should be the Mayor, and I do. I find it ironic that some of
the very same people who vehemently decried the City's efforts in 2004
for not doing enough to protect the town now seem to suggest we are
doing too much.
I sincerely hope it doesn't hit 16 feet, but I'm comforted in the
thought that if it does, I strongly believe we are prepared for it. I
also note that all the additional clay that is being used to top the
existing dikes would have been transported through town from the
landfill site to fill the giant canyon that was created west of Alchem
during the initial flood fight. Rather than simply carrying it through
town from one site to the other, it is being used to hold back water
that may yet come and once it's removed it will be used to fill that
cavernous hole.
Happy Easter to all
Todd Burianek
Early Thursday morning both the east and north doors of Grafton Drug
were broken with what appears to be a failed attempt at obtaining drugs
without the store owners permission. Fortunately a newly installed
burglar alarm system saved the stores inventory, unfortunately however,
not the glass in the doors.
John Tweten's Grizzly bear is coming alive right before our eyes.
Already the head, front paws and the fish are visible and recognizable.
I was watching the sculpture as close as I could today while he started
carving out the hind legs. For the life of me I was unable to tell if
"Grizzy" will be a boy,.... or a girl bear. I guessing by sometime
tomorrow Grizzy's gender will become more evident.
When I first read the following comments, I was almost certain it came
from MSNBC's Keith Olberman. Then, after a closer look, I discovered it
came from Greg Herling over at Roseau. The other thing I noticed is that
Greg's message leaves little question regarding his favorite political
candidate. Greg wrote. >>>
Hi. Wally sent me your interesting Gazette, and I would add: the
reason Gestapo Bush came up with the absolute wrong solution to border
crossings, is the same reason he used the wrong solution to solve
employment, banking, finance, health, education, and on and on, is that
he is a simple, average intellect, dealing with a very complex country
and world. He simply was not cut out for the job he was given by the
Supreme Court. We should not blame him for being too dumb for the job,
just as we cannot give credit to those who are highly intelligent --
these are God given traits not of anyone's choosing; people are given a
certain package of traits and talents at birth, and they must deal the
cards given them.
We CAN blame him for being stupid enough to accept it. He went
through the educational system, thru college, which gave him enough time
to see that he was far below most people intellectually, and this should
have taught him that he could never be in charge of anything important.
(by the way, have you ever seen another country, or company, run by
someone too dumb to handle it? of course, we all have, and we have seen
the failure rate, so we know from the get-go that these people will make
a mess of things.)
Many Americans think he was put into the job by very wealthy people,
chosen for his lack of knowledge and talent, so that they could get laws
and policies that would be of benefit to themselves, (this is called
greed) and they knew from his past that he would go along with them if
they paid him (this is called lack of ethics).
Greg Herling in Roseau, Minnesota.
p.s. I agree with you, we owe a great debt, and a big THANK YOU to all
who have served honorably in the military. <<< Thanks a million for
caring and sharing Greg. If I might be so bold, without being to
argumentative, I could point out that the present President, a Harvard
Grad, signed almost a trillion dollar stimulus package without even
knowing what was in it. Try that in the business community sometime and
see how long your doors stay open. Then, while your at it, try
convincing the employees you are laying off for lack of work, that the
millions of "illegal" immigrants in our country really do not have
anything at all to do with that.
========== TONIGHT ===========
can't catch them yourself, you can still get Walleye fresh off
the griddle at The Heritage Village Fish Fry.
~ FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS CALL ~ 701-520-1207 - OR - 701-520-1273 -
OR - 701-360-4096 Thank you for your support.
The Grafton Optimist Club is having their 2nd Annual OPTimist OUTing
on Friday April 24th at the Fair Oaks Golf Course club house. There will
be food, music, a silent auction, raffle and much more. This year is a
western theme. The evening starts at 7:00pm and runs until 1:00am. There
will be a drawing for $1,000 and five $100 drawings. Tickets are $50
each and are available from any Grafton Optimist member. All proceeds
will be used by the Grafton Optimist Club to benefit the area youth. The
club donates money to area youth teams, clubs, etc. and also gives out
scholarships to two Grafton high school graduates each year.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
April 9, 2009 - Thursday
Todays Gazette comes to you in memory of the Legionaires who gave so
much, so that we might enjoy our freedom and the youth activities the
men and women in
uniform work so hard to support.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket.
The current temperature is 33 degrees.
The weather service forecast is calling for more appropriate snow
melting conditions for the rest of the week.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The latest word from the Mayor. >>>>
Subject: Flood Update
I read Gary's Gazette today (Wednesday) and it appears he is getting
the same question I often get these days: "How can the next flood
crest be so high? I just don't see that much snow/water out there" or
words to that effect.
Well...I didn't think we'd hit the 15.5 foot crest the NWS
projected for the first crest, but they got pretty close to it when the
flood waters hit 14.89 feet. They were within a half foot or so and
frankly, for a guy who can't get his putts within a half foot of the
hole, I'd say they did a pretty good job. That said, I'm hoping and
praying it won't be so high but...
I write to let everyone know that our dikes/levies will be at
historic levels as we prepare for the next crest set to hit next week
between 15 and 17 feet. Workers are adding to the levies all around town
including the plugs at 4th and 5th streets and along the Wakemen Bridge.
Additional clay is being added to the areas we previously prepared at
North Eastern Ave.
We will be prepared for the next crest but we may need additional
sandbags (and sandbaggers) as the situation develops.
TB <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. Monday morning
quarterbacks often do well in the backrooms and outhouses of the world.
Rarely, unfortunately, are they successful in the huddle or the board
room. The only time you can prevent a disaster, is before it happens. Or
so it seems to me.
I found the following quote and attached message very interesting.
"Quote of the day"
"The same federal government that estimates approx. 3 million illegal
aliens enter the United States EVERY YEAR will now require its LEGAL
CITIZENS to present a passport to re-enter the country after fishing in
Canada, one of our most loyal and trusted neighbors." "the domestic
terrorist" --------------
I can't believe the government is so out of touch with reality! 3
million illegals crossing our borders every year, and the response is to
require legal, law abiding residents to secure a passport at the cost of
$100 so they can drive 10 miles into Canada and fish every weekend
during the summer, or to travel to Winnipeg to a concert, or to Morris
to attend the Stampede. Crazy! I think the terrorists who struck this
nation on 9-11 achieved their goals past their wildest imaginations! Not
only did they kill about 3,000 people, knock down the buildings that
symbolized capitalism, and place the people in panic, they also caused a
series of knee-jerk reactions by our elected officials who in attempting
to "protect us" have robbed us of a few more of our freedoms. The past
administration has stripped us of more liberties than any since this
country was founded and I don't expect the current administration will
be much different.
My family fishes in Buffalo Bay, the Manitoba portion of Lake of the
Woods. We cross the border north of Warroad and drive to Buffalo Bay
Marina which is about 15 miles from the border, still within sight of
the water tower in Warroad and also Rocky Point when the waves aren't
too high. So this year we (I) have to spend $500.00 on passports for
everyone so we can cross back into the states. Not sure on the reason,
both countries (Canada & United States) have for many years bragged
about having the longest free border in the world, now the USA under
Gestapo W. Bush has shoved the Patriot act down the throats of the
people and decided it's unwise to allow us to cross the border without
having a passport to prove we are citizens of the states. We already
have state issued picture drivers licenses, official birth certificates,
and ND plates on the vehicle, but now we have to have a passport so they
know we are really Americans? WOW!!! Maybe they think we're involved in
some international lutefisk smuggling ring? <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing. I can't think of one
appropriate word to add,..... so I won't.
Scott shared his thoughts regarding the recent interest in union and
corporate American. He wrote: >>>>
Of Unions and Auto executives
Unfortunately both seem to cause as much or more problems than they
While Unions have their place, the impression I have gotten in my
discussions with a few hard working people that have worked in the auto
industry is that the union tends to hamstrings those workers who carry
their weight and pampers those who don't. The complaint I got from these
people was not one of lack of wage but of lack of efficiency directly
resulting from union negotiations. I know of a individual who turned
down a management position because union rules would prevent him from
truly managing the work force that would have been under him.
Auto executives are another matter. Obviously their definition of
"bonus" and their "accounting practices" greatly differ from that of the
real world. One has to wonder by what standard bonuses are granted. It
would seem that "showing up for work" might be that standard. Sometimes
I'm not so sure they are qualified to lead a troop of boyscouts much
less a multi billion dollar corporation. <<<<< Thanks a million for
caring and sharing Scott.
Keith shared the following thoughts. >>>> You are still missing one
more item to blame in the car industry. About 2 yrs ago Paul Harvey
interviewed the Pres. of GM about the new vehicles they were going to
come out with. He told Paul that the new units will look more like the
foreign cars, that is what the US people wanted. Paul ask him will the
gas mileage be like the foreign cars. He said no. Paul then told him he
missed the boat, from what he knew the US people did not care about
appearance they wanted gas mileage like the foreign vehicles. Looks like
Paul won that conversation. To me it took the presidents pay, the
unions demands, and the car companies not giving us what we wanted is
what took them down. Keith S. <<<<< Thanks a million for caring and
sharing Keith. I continue to feel strongly,... both ways.
Gary, we just want to thank the National Guard Units for all their
help in our flood protection. They stayed with us at the Leonard
Motel this week and they were such a nice group of young people...
Happy Easter to Everyone.... Gloria/Ray
much, so that we might enjoy our freedom and the youth activities the
men and women in
uniform work so hard to support.
Please consider buying a May Calendar Draw Legion Baseball ticket.
The current temperature is 33 degrees.
The weather service forecast is calling for more appropriate snow
melting conditions for the rest of the week.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The latest word from the Mayor. >>>>
Subject: Flood Update
I read Gary's Gazette today (Wednesday) and it appears he is getting
the same question I often get these days: "How can the next flood
crest be so high? I just don't see that much snow/water out there" or
words to that effect.
Well...I didn't think we'd hit the 15.5 foot crest the NWS
projected for the first crest, but they got pretty close to it when the
flood waters hit 14.89 feet. They were within a half foot or so and
frankly, for a guy who can't get his putts within a half foot of the
hole, I'd say they did a pretty good job. That said, I'm hoping and
praying it won't be so high but...
I write to let everyone know that our dikes/levies will be at
historic levels as we prepare for the next crest set to hit next week
between 15 and 17 feet. Workers are adding to the levies all around town
including the plugs at 4th and 5th streets and along the Wakemen Bridge.
Additional clay is being added to the areas we previously prepared at
North Eastern Ave.
We will be prepared for the next crest but we may need additional
sandbags (and sandbaggers) as the situation develops.
TB <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. Monday morning
quarterbacks often do well in the backrooms and outhouses of the world.
Rarely, unfortunately, are they successful in the huddle or the board
room. The only time you can prevent a disaster, is before it happens. Or
so it seems to me.
I found the following quote and attached message very interesting.
"Quote of the day"
"The same federal government that estimates approx. 3 million illegal
aliens enter the United States EVERY YEAR will now require its LEGAL
CITIZENS to present a passport to re-enter the country after fishing in
Canada, one of our most loyal and trusted neighbors." "the domestic
terrorist" --------------
I can't believe the government is so out of touch with reality! 3
million illegals crossing our borders every year, and the response is to
require legal, law abiding residents to secure a passport at the cost of
$100 so they can drive 10 miles into Canada and fish every weekend
during the summer, or to travel to Winnipeg to a concert, or to Morris
to attend the Stampede. Crazy! I think the terrorists who struck this
nation on 9-11 achieved their goals past their wildest imaginations! Not
only did they kill about 3,000 people, knock down the buildings that
symbolized capitalism, and place the people in panic, they also caused a
series of knee-jerk reactions by our elected officials who in attempting
to "protect us" have robbed us of a few more of our freedoms. The past
administration has stripped us of more liberties than any since this
country was founded and I don't expect the current administration will
be much different.
My family fishes in Buffalo Bay, the Manitoba portion of Lake of the
Woods. We cross the border north of Warroad and drive to Buffalo Bay
Marina which is about 15 miles from the border, still within sight of
the water tower in Warroad and also Rocky Point when the waves aren't
too high. So this year we (I) have to spend $500.00 on passports for
everyone so we can cross back into the states. Not sure on the reason,
both countries (Canada & United States) have for many years bragged
about having the longest free border in the world, now the USA under
Gestapo W. Bush has shoved the Patriot act down the throats of the
people and decided it's unwise to allow us to cross the border without
having a passport to prove we are citizens of the states. We already
have state issued picture drivers licenses, official birth certificates,
and ND plates on the vehicle, but now we have to have a passport so they
know we are really Americans? WOW!!! Maybe they think we're involved in
some international lutefisk smuggling ring? <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing. I can't think of one
appropriate word to add,..... so I won't.
Scott shared his thoughts regarding the recent interest in union and
corporate American. He wrote: >>>>
Of Unions and Auto executives
Unfortunately both seem to cause as much or more problems than they
While Unions have their place, the impression I have gotten in my
discussions with a few hard working people that have worked in the auto
industry is that the union tends to hamstrings those workers who carry
their weight and pampers those who don't. The complaint I got from these
people was not one of lack of wage but of lack of efficiency directly
resulting from union negotiations. I know of a individual who turned
down a management position because union rules would prevent him from
truly managing the work force that would have been under him.
Auto executives are another matter. Obviously their definition of
"bonus" and their "accounting practices" greatly differ from that of the
real world. One has to wonder by what standard bonuses are granted. It
would seem that "showing up for work" might be that standard. Sometimes
I'm not so sure they are qualified to lead a troop of boyscouts much
less a multi billion dollar corporation. <<<<< Thanks a million for
caring and sharing Scott.
Keith shared the following thoughts. >>>> You are still missing one
more item to blame in the car industry. About 2 yrs ago Paul Harvey
interviewed the Pres. of GM about the new vehicles they were going to
come out with. He told Paul that the new units will look more like the
foreign cars, that is what the US people wanted. Paul ask him will the
gas mileage be like the foreign cars. He said no. Paul then told him he
missed the boat, from what he knew the US people did not care about
appearance they wanted gas mileage like the foreign vehicles. Looks like
Paul won that conversation. To me it took the presidents pay, the
unions demands, and the car companies not giving us what we wanted is
what took them down. Keith S. <<<<< Thanks a million for caring and
sharing Keith. I continue to feel strongly,... both ways.
Gary, we just want to thank the National Guard Units for all their
help in our flood protection. They stayed with us at the Leonard
Motel this week and they were such a nice group of young people...
Happy Easter to Everyone.... Gloria/Ray
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
April 8, 2009 - Wednesday
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part by, "The Passion
of The Christ".
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 37/21
Normal H/L temp for this date is 49/28
It was 75 degrees on this date in 1931
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
For more years than I can remember the Strand Theater in Grafton
has provided our area with the very best in theatrical entertainment. As
a matter of fact, I learned to appreciate and respect the Henriksen
family well over fifty years ago. I suspect many, if not most of us,
raised in Grafton could say much the same.
I remember well the first time Arlo Henriksen (Tom's Father)
rapped me on the ankle with his flashlight for putting my feet on the
seat in front of me. I also remember Arlo standing up in front of the
giant screen one evening telling "us kids" that the movie we were about
to see would become a classic, so we should sit down, be quite and
appreciate it. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the
movie. However, I can remember being so quite I didn't even dare to chew
Over the years, besides being a movie theater, the Strand has been
used for just about every other function one could imagine. From High
school graduations to first rate live concerts on the theater stag.
Tommy & Tammy Henriksen continue to carry on the Strand Theaters
long term tradition of presenting entertainment to the Grafton area.
This Wednesday evening (april 8th) at 7:30 they present
Mel Gibson's much talked about film,
"The Passion of The Christ" One should be reminded that the
movie is rated "R" for obvious reasons. If ever a movie could hold your
heart and sole from beginning to end. Mel Gibson's movie of "The Passion
of The Christ" would be the one.
Tommy and Tammy Henriksen are presenting Mel Gibson's epic film
absolutely FREE to the citizens of the Grafton area tonight (Wed.,
4/8/09) starting at 7:00 pm and then AGAIN this Friday afternoon at
1:00pm. The Henriksen's should be commended for their efforts.
If there is one predominant question in the minds of many, it most
certainly would be. How high will the next flood crest be? That question
is almost always followed up by the comment. "I don't see how it can
flood, there isn't enough snow left out there to amount to anything."
To that I can only say. "Time will tell my friend". How much
water, how high it will be and how long it will remain, continues to be
part of Mother Natures unique method of water boarding.
Unfortunately regardless of when, if, and even how high the next
flood crest will be. One thing is absolutely certain. It will not be the
last one, not even in an old mans lifetime. Or so it seems to
can't catch them yourself, you can still get Walleye fresh off the
griddle at ----- The Heritage Village Fish Fry.
~ FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS CALL ~ 701-520-1207 - OR -
701-520-1273 - OR - 701-360-4096 Thank you for your support.
It's a fact. That is, it is a fact that a rumor has it "Monty"
will be opening a restaurant in the former Nelson Drug building. I
haven't heard, if the rumor is really true, if it will be called
Shananigan's or Shananigan's Two. One thing is for certain. Someone is
doing something in the old drug store and simply judging by the bright
red truck parked in the rear of the building, the Grafton Fire
Department must have something to do with it as well.
Okay, I'll admit it. It is fun getting a note once in awhile from
folks that read the Gazette on the website. I found
the following note in my mailbox yesterday. >>>>
I recently came across your blog and have been reading
along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to
say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting
this blog very often. Joannah
Have you made arrangements to get your Grafton American Legion
Baseball May Calendar Draw tickets yet? It's almost as easy as it can
get. Simply make out a check payable to the Grafton Baseball Program for
$20 and drop it in the mail. I will fill out your ticket and email your
ticket number back to you as soon as I receive your check.
Next summer Grafton is the host of the North Dakota state B
American Legion Tournament. This puts the need for their fund raising
efforts at an all time high. Funds are needed to supplement Park &
Recreation, so together we can put on a state tournament that will
spotlight our community as the wonderful place we all know that it can
Your contribution will help our local Legionaires and the
community, continue their efforts in the Grafton Youth Baseball Program.
There will be daily drawings each day Monday thru Friday for $50
each day throughout the entire month of May. Then there will be two
additional drawings, one on Mothers Day and one on Memorial Day for $100
dollars each.
It's a fantastic way to help a wonderful youth program, AND, you
may even win in the May, 2009 drawing as well.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
of The Christ".
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 37/21
Normal H/L temp for this date is 49/28
It was 75 degrees on this date in 1931
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
For more years than I can remember the Strand Theater in Grafton
has provided our area with the very best in theatrical entertainment. As
a matter of fact, I learned to appreciate and respect the Henriksen
family well over fifty years ago. I suspect many, if not most of us,
raised in Grafton could say much the same.
I remember well the first time Arlo Henriksen (Tom's Father)
rapped me on the ankle with his flashlight for putting my feet on the
seat in front of me. I also remember Arlo standing up in front of the
giant screen one evening telling "us kids" that the movie we were about
to see would become a classic, so we should sit down, be quite and
appreciate it. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the
movie. However, I can remember being so quite I didn't even dare to chew
Over the years, besides being a movie theater, the Strand has been
used for just about every other function one could imagine. From High
school graduations to first rate live concerts on the theater stag.
Tommy & Tammy Henriksen continue to carry on the Strand Theaters
long term tradition of presenting entertainment to the Grafton area.
This Wednesday evening (april 8th) at 7:30 they present
Mel Gibson's much talked about film,
"The Passion of The Christ" One should be reminded that the
movie is rated "R" for obvious reasons. If ever a movie could hold your
heart and sole from beginning to end. Mel Gibson's movie of "The Passion
of The Christ" would be the one.
Tommy and Tammy Henriksen are presenting Mel Gibson's epic film
absolutely FREE to the citizens of the Grafton area tonight (Wed.,
4/8/09) starting at 7:00 pm and then AGAIN this Friday afternoon at
1:00pm. The Henriksen's should be commended for their efforts.
If there is one predominant question in the minds of many, it most
certainly would be. How high will the next flood crest be? That question
is almost always followed up by the comment. "I don't see how it can
flood, there isn't enough snow left out there to amount to anything."
To that I can only say. "Time will tell my friend". How much
water, how high it will be and how long it will remain, continues to be
part of Mother Natures unique method of water boarding.
Unfortunately regardless of when, if, and even how high the next
flood crest will be. One thing is absolutely certain. It will not be the
last one, not even in an old mans lifetime. Or so it seems to
can't catch them yourself, you can still get Walleye fresh off the
griddle at ----- The Heritage Village Fish Fry.
~ FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS CALL ~ 701-520-1207 - OR -
701-520-1273 - OR - 701-360-4096 Thank you for your support.
It's a fact. That is, it is a fact that a rumor has it "Monty"
will be opening a restaurant in the former Nelson Drug building. I
haven't heard, if the rumor is really true, if it will be called
Shananigan's or Shananigan's Two. One thing is for certain. Someone is
doing something in the old drug store and simply judging by the bright
red truck parked in the rear of the building, the Grafton Fire
Department must have something to do with it as well.
Okay, I'll admit it. It is fun getting a note once in awhile from
folks that read the Gazette on the website. I found
the following note in my mailbox yesterday. >>>>
I recently came across your blog and have been reading
along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to
say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting
this blog very often. Joannah
Have you made arrangements to get your Grafton American Legion
Baseball May Calendar Draw tickets yet? It's almost as easy as it can
get. Simply make out a check payable to the Grafton Baseball Program for
$20 and drop it in the mail. I will fill out your ticket and email your
ticket number back to you as soon as I receive your check.
Next summer Grafton is the host of the North Dakota state B
American Legion Tournament. This puts the need for their fund raising
efforts at an all time high. Funds are needed to supplement Park &
Recreation, so together we can put on a state tournament that will
spotlight our community as the wonderful place we all know that it can
Your contribution will help our local Legionaires and the
community, continue their efforts in the Grafton Youth Baseball Program.
There will be daily drawings each day Monday thru Friday for $50
each day throughout the entire month of May. Then there will be two
additional drawings, one on Mothers Day and one on Memorial Day for $100
dollars each.
It's a fantastic way to help a wonderful youth program, AND, you
may even win in the May, 2009 drawing as well.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
April 7, 2009 - Tuesday (early edition)
Todays Gazette is brought to you, in part, by the many makers of the
renowned Subway Type Sandwiches.
The current temperature is 24 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 30/28
Normal H/L temp on this date is 47/27
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The Park River in Grafton presently is below flood stag. Unfortunately,
according to Grafton Mayor Todd Burianek, that condition will change in
the next week to 10 days. I received the following note from Mayor
Burianek late Monday afternoon. He wrote; >>>
Subject: Flood Update (again)
The NWS has given us some bleak news.
They are projecting a 16.2 foot crest for the Park River in Grafton
some time between April 16-23.
The Corps of Engineers are back in town. Lowell Hanson, who was the
focal point of a GF Herald front page story last week, is already
mobilizing Gowan Construction to add to our dikes in some places while
strengthening the backs (toes) of others.
Once again I am praying for 40's and 20's this week as in the
temperature so that all that water doesn't come at once. The forecast
for that looks good so I am hopeful we'll get some of the run off this
week. Currently, the river is at 8.6 feet, well below our 12 foot flood
As with Flood 2009 Part 1, I will keep you updated on our efforts
for Flood 2009 Part 2. T <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. If the numbers I have
are correct, a 16.2 crest puts the river very close to the 1948 and 1950
flood levels. Or, put another way, just short of a foot higher than the
1997 flood levels.
Mother Nature once again is practicing the art of water boarding on
those who have not protected themselves from the ravages of flood
Previous river levels: 1948 = 16.45ft. 1950 = 16.52 ft. 1979 =
15.95ft. 1997 = 15.40ft. 2004 = 15.78ft I cannot guarantee that
complete accuracy of these numbers although I do believe them the be
reasonably correct.
Evidence that there truly will be a brand new Simonsons Subway Sandwich
Shop, Gasoline Station and Mini Convenience Store on the corner of hiway
17 and Hill Avenue appeared early Monday morning. A whole truckload of
"Subway Sandwich" looking coolers and fixtures suddenly appeared on
I suspect most, if not all of our local electricians are pleased that
the giant out of town electrical contractors trailerized advertising
billboard has been put on the back lot.
Grafton new Subway Sandwich Shop is scheduled to open by the end of
this month. An event I am sure many area residents have been waiting
for. The word is the Subway folks are already taking applications from
those interested in learning the art of building Subway Sandwiches.
It should be noted that the folks at Wally's Supermarkets have also
been mastering the art of Subway Type Sandwich construction, and, I
understand they have become quite proficient at it.
If you had driven by the house at 1219 Griggs Avenue Sunday you may
have noticed the house I've always referred to as the Narveson Home was
still standing there as empty as it has been for the past several years.
Actually, I believe it has been empty since the Lon French family moved
out of it.
Anyway, if you would have driven by that residence late Monday
afternoon, you almost certainly would have noticed,..... it's gone.
Pufff, only sailboat fuel remains, where a two story house once stood.
Talking about something different being where something once stood. For
the best part of a century a Elm tree has stood on the corner of the lot
the Whitcher's built their home in 1928. When Wilfred and Marie Collette
bought the property that Elm tree was already almost half grown. Then
Bill Lykken became to keeper of the tree on 1971 and did so until a
couple years ago when he sold the property and John Tweten and Cathy
Sando moved in. By now, unfortunately, that Elm tree fell pray to the
dreaded diseases that have been their demise all over the country.
Apparently John simply wasn't willing to allow that beautiful old Elm
tree to end it's life in a chipper. So,.... he hired a Wood Sculptor
named Walter Keller from Elma, Manitoba to come to town and carve a
masterpiece out of his 100 year old Elm. When Walter Keller is finished,
there will be a large wooden statue of a grizzle bear holding a salmon.
It is a project I and many others will be watching with interest.
"To know what is right, and then not do it, is the worst form of
Hi Gary,
Erick from the Alltel dealer here.
Just wanted to let everyone know, that I am stranded in Oslo, but
hopefully will be getting out sometime this week. If anyone needs
anything such as to make a payment, or get/renew service, they can call
me at 701-360-0533 or email me at I can have
anything drop shipped to them directly the next day. Thanks I appreciate
it Erick
Todays Gazette is brought to you, in part, by the many makers of the
renowned Subway Type Sandwiches.
The current temperature is 24 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 30/28
Normal H/L temp on this date is 47/27
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The Park River in Grafton presently is below flood stag. Unfortunately,
according to Grafton Mayor Todd Burianek, that condition will change in
the next week to 10 days. I received the following note from Mayor
Burianek late Monday afternoon. He wrote; >>>
Subject: Flood Update (again)
The NWS has given us some bleak news.
They are projecting a 16.2 foot crest for the Park River in Grafton
some time between April 16-23.
The Corps of Engineers are back in town. Lowell Hanson, who was the
focal point of a GF Herald front page story last week, is already
mobilizing Gowan Construction to add to our dikes in some places while
strengthening the backs (toes) of others.
Once again I am praying for 40's and 20's this week as in the
temperature so that all that water doesn't come at once. The forecast
for that looks good so I am hopeful we'll get some of the run off this
week. Currently, the river is at 8.6 feet, well below our 12 foot flood
As with Flood 2009 Part 1, I will keep you updated on our efforts
for Flood 2009 Part 2. T <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. If the numbers I have
are correct, a 16.2 crest puts the river very close to the 1948 and 1950
flood levels. Or, put another way, just short of a foot higher than the
1997 flood levels.
Mother Nature once again is practicing the art of water boarding on
those who have not protected themselves from the ravages of flood
Previous river levels: 1948 = 16.45ft. 1950 = 16.52 ft. 1979 =
15.95ft. 1997 = 15.40ft. 2004 = 15.78ft I cannot guarantee that
complete accuracy of these numbers although I do believe them the be
reasonably correct.
Evidence that there truly will be a brand new Simonsons Subway Sandwich
Shop, Gasoline Station and Mini Convenience Store on the corner of hiway
17 and Hill Avenue appeared early Monday morning. A whole truckload of
"Subway Sandwich" looking coolers and fixtures suddenly appeared on
I suspect most, if not all of our local electricians are pleased that
the giant out of town electrical contractors trailerized advertising
billboard has been put on the back lot.
Grafton new Subway Sandwich Shop is scheduled to open by the end of
this month. An event I am sure many area residents have been waiting
for. The word is the Subway folks are already taking applications from
those interested in learning the art of building Subway Sandwiches.
It should be noted that the folks at Wally's Supermarkets have also
been mastering the art of Subway Type Sandwich construction, and, I
understand they have become quite proficient at it.
If you had driven by the house at 1219 Griggs Avenue Sunday you may
have noticed the house I've always referred to as the Narveson Home was
still standing there as empty as it has been for the past several years.
Actually, I believe it has been empty since the Lon French family moved
out of it.
Anyway, if you would have driven by that residence late Monday
afternoon, you almost certainly would have noticed,..... it's gone.
Pufff, only sailboat fuel remains, where a two story house once stood.
Talking about something different being where something once stood. For
the best part of a century a Elm tree has stood on the corner of the lot
the Whitcher's built their home in 1928. When Wilfred and Marie Collette
bought the property that Elm tree was already almost half grown. Then
Bill Lykken became to keeper of the tree on 1971 and did so until a
couple years ago when he sold the property and John Tweten and Cathy
Sando moved in. By now, unfortunately, that Elm tree fell pray to the
dreaded diseases that have been their demise all over the country.
Apparently John simply wasn't willing to allow that beautiful old Elm
tree to end it's life in a chipper. So,.... he hired a Wood Sculptor
named Walter Keller from Elma, Manitoba to come to town and carve a
masterpiece out of his 100 year old Elm. When Walter Keller is finished,
there will be a large wooden statue of a grizzle bear holding a salmon.
It is a project I and many others will be watching with interest.
"To know what is right, and then not do it, is the worst form of
Hi Gary,
Erick from the Alltel dealer here.
Just wanted to let everyone know, that I am stranded in Oslo, but
hopefully will be getting out sometime this week. If anyone needs
anything such as to make a payment, or get/renew service, they can call
me at 701-360-0533 or email me at I can have
anything drop shipped to them directly the next day. Thanks I appreciate
it Erick
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