Todays Gazette is brought to you by The colon, (:). Not just any old
colon, but, (pardon the pun), the colon that personifies "the
introducer." The colons primary function, in layman terms, is to
introduce a long quotation. Unfortunately, there is another type of
"colon", the one that Is often associated with the process of
flatulence. :-)
The current temperature is 3 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 9/-13
Normal H/L temp on this date is 17/-2
It's not always this cold here. On this date in 1993 it was 40
degrees,.. above.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Michelle Schumacher sent the following "update" on Joanie Silewski's
>>> Subject: Joanie's benefit
You and all of your reader's are wondering how the benefit for Joanie
Silewski turned out. All I can say is WOW. People who speak bad of
small town's should think twice about what they say. When you live in
a small town and there is a tragedy in a family it is amazing how the
whole community will get together and help this family out. From all of
the donations to all of the help it is amazing. Like Joanie said "I did
not realize how many people cared about me" From Wally's donating ALL
of the food to Susie and her staff doing all they did to help at
Marketplace, This benefit was a big success! I loved the fact
that Joanie and her family were able to be there. That was not the
plan at first. We all did not think she would be here for the
benefit. But, she had a talk with her doctors and they said it would
be ok for her to be there. I also would like to thank everyone that
helped out not only with the benefit but with the thoughts and
prayers they are sending to Joanie and her family. She has a long
road ahead of her and I hope the prayers will continue to flow her way.
Mickey <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Mickey
Question of the day: Can you translate the following quote? "Du
sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas."
I received the following "comment" after mentioning the effect Mexican
food has when I eat it. >>> Hi Gary
Just read your Gazette, laughed very hard, and you made my day!!
Next time I see you eating Mexican food, I WILL make sure I'm sitting
across the room and not by you!!!! Love it. Take care. <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing. The next time you see me eating Mexican
food,... I... will be sitting across the room.
I don't think the following note relates to any of Grafton's
Supermarkets. Then again I suppose anything is possible. My friend Lloyd
shared this story.
The new Supermarket near our home has installed an automatic water
mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the
sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain. When you approach
the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and experience the scent of
freshly-mowed hay.
When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cluck and the air is
with the pleasing aroma of frying bacon and eggs.
The veggie department features the appealing odor of freshly buttered
corn. ---
--- I don't buy toilet paper there any more.
Lloyd Hanson <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Lloyd. I'm not sure,
however, I don't think those "features" have reached small town America
It seems like everyone complains about the problems of the day. No-one
seems to ever come up with solutions. Until now, anyway. Ron sent us the
following "solution". He wrote: THIS CAME FROM A MEMBER OF OUR COAST
Everyone concentrates on the problems we're having in this country
lately: illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, wild animals
attacking humans in Florida.
Not me, I concentrate on solutions to problems. The result is a
win-win situation:
+ Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border
+Use the dirt to raise the levies in New Orleans
+Put the Florida alligators in the moat.
Any other problems you would like for me to solve today? <<< Thanks
a million for caring and "curing" Ron. Let us know when you release the
I am pleased welcome Linda (Fisher) Cariveau to the Gazette family. I
am especially pleased that she included such a wonderful note with her
Linda wrote: >>>> Hi Gary, I am writing to request the Shivercity
Gazette. I have had my mother Donna Fisher or my sister Tami Byzewski
send it to me. It has some great info and jogs some great memories. My
name is Linda (Fisher) Cariveau. You may remember me as a snot nosed kid
at the end of the block? Eventually grew up and did some babysitting for
you and Patty. I remember those days on Summit Ave., playing with
Curtis and Cathy Shablow and having their "Umma" make our afternoon
snacks, having a "crush" on the cute Kirchoffner boys, running with the
Barr girls (6 of them if I remember right), watching Dennis Czapiewski
"peel" out of his driveway, and playing dress up with Elaine. I remember
the Watkins family and the fire at Gail Freedlands from the electric
blanket being left on. Having that big bully Charles Fredrickson
throwing snowballs at me. Brad Flem across from us (he was cute too).
I'm trying to remember that gal that lived on the same block as
Czapiewski's I think she was from Germany? Was her name Hermena? I think
she was a cook at the Country Kitchen? Well those were the days. Now,
I live in the country near Wolverton MN, continue to be happily married
for 27 years, (to the same guy). I am an RN. A clinical Coordinator on
the Oncology unit at MeritCare Hospital in Fargo and have two daughters
19 and 21. Thank You in advance for sending me the Shivercity Gazette.
Linda Cariveau <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Linda,
and welcome to the Gazette family. The only snot nosed kid I ever
remember on Summit Ave. was me. Although,.. if I remember right. Mike
Staffne, Ron Radford, Jim Misialek, Bob Barr and Darrel Brateng were
trying to "teach" me how to "chew snoose". And,.. a few seconds after
they convinced me I should swallow,... instead of spit. I had both ends
running. If you know what I mean? Aren't memories wonderful?
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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