Monday, January 01, 2007

January 1, 2007 - Monday in Grafton, ND

Todays Gazette is brought to you by the millions of folks that made new
years resolutions,.... and the dozen or so that will actually keep them.
The current temperature is 6 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 27/6
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-3
Yesterdays snowfall event piled almost eight (8) inches of snowcat dust
up around Sami's favorite fire hydrant.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & Stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The way it looks, more than one family from Colorado sent their
overabundance of snowman parts up north, to us.
Saturday it started snowing here and before we knew it. The price of a
good used snowcat went up $500.
As usual, our street cleaning crew did a fantastic job of opening every
street in town before dark. Unfortunately, as usual, several 'local
residents' thought it was OK to leave their vehicles parked on the
street. Aside from significantly increasing the time it takes to cover
the town and the chance of damaging vehicles 'going around' them. It
really adds undue stress, to an already stressful situation, on
equipment operators.
I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one wondering what the heck was
going on on the north end of town Saturday. Especially since the
'billboard' in the corner of Hill and 17 said snowcat race in
MINTO,..... Sunday. Anyway,.. along with the fact that 25 to 30
snowmobilers came into Granny's to eat breakfast and, that I noticed 75
to 100 snowcats, 5 or 6 dozen "snow cat type trailers and several
hundred people mulling around Josh Nappers old home place, I determined
there, almost certainly must be a snowcat race. Right here in
Shivercity. After watching several cats take off, I thought. "Dog bite
my unit", why wasn't this thing advertised. As a matter of fact, more
than one person suggested that exact same thing to me.
So,... as soon as I got home, I ripped opened the last edition of the
Walsh County Record, thinking at least I could read about it after the
fact, but no, I'll be darned if I could find one word about that snowcat
race. What a shame, to waste all that time and energy putting on a major
race and having so few people there to appreciate it. Or so it seems to
Rumor has it someone has been out in Leistikow Park "decoration
napping" again. Dog-gone, bugger heck, shucks, gee-willikers anyway.
Since I've already suggested a more vigilant observation program, one
even I don't think would suffice. And, since I've suggested electronic
surveillance, which I do believe "might help". And, since it doesn't
appear anyone has been able to come up with more a satisfactory solution
to the problem. And, since it is obvious that the total, and or, general
interest in the project seems to have waned to the point of
impracticality. Maybe then, it is time to put the whole Leistikow Park
holiday decoration project on the shelf and redirect those energies in a
more beneficial, all-be-it more appreciated direction. Or so it seems to
It sure is wonderful when I can share notes like the following. >>>
My wife and I decided to load up the kids and head out to a movie. We
stopped at the Strand Theater, went in and loaded up with pop and
popcorn and a few treats and headed in to the show hall! We watched the
movie and enjoyed the popcorn. when it was all over we picked up our
garbage dumped it into the trash and came home. While at home I sat and
wondered why we don't do that more often? We were treated with respect
had kind, fast, and friendly service! All,... right here in Grafton!
What a great entertainment spot To Have Right Here!
on top of that, the popcorn was great, They always seem to get the
really good shows right when they come out! I can't hardly wait until we
can go again!
Tom Kennelly <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Tom. I
certainly agree, Grafton offers TWO great movie theaters. AND, they play
the latest movies here, just as soon as they are shown in the big cities
to the south.
My hat's off, and, my heart goes out, to Edward Halas, retired
professor of psychology at UND. His article on the Opinion Page of this
Sundays Grand Forks Herald should be printed in every major paper across
the country. The first eight words of his article says much about the
content of his message. He said,
couldn't agree more.
And that, my friends, you can take right to the bank, from this "North
Dakota Cowboy".
"The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by
praise than saved by criticism." (Norman Vincent Peale)

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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