Wednesday, January 17, 2007

January 17, 2007 - Wednesday in Grafton, ND

Todays Gazette is brought to you by The Heritage Village in Grafton.
The new home of "Uncle Sig's" fabulous collection of antiques and
marvelous memorabilia.
The current temperature is 8 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 1/-19
Normal H/L temp for this date is 14/-5
Notice that the "normal" low temp on this date is minus 5 degrees.
That number should start going up again,..... soon.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Everyone would like to believe the Lord often works in strange ways. I,
for one, certainly believe that. The Nativity placed in Leistikow Park
first suffered the loss of the donkey, then later the boy child was
stolen out of the crib. The Nativity, of which I speak, was built and
donated to the Federated church by Wilmer Nilson, making it, needless to
say, a cherished keepsake of the entire congregation. I am pleased to
share the following note from Rev. Lee. He wrote, >>>>
Just as we received our donkey back to the Nativity at the Park after
it went for a short vacation, as to where is a mystery, our baby Jesus
returned to the church this past Sunday. I went to the church Sunday
afternoon to lock the doors and our baby Jesus that was taken from the
park was laying on the lift chair by the stairs. Who brought it
back...I have no idea. God does work in mysterious ways.
Rev. Lee <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Rev. Lee.
Joy and Roseann, daughters of Harold Bliss, wrote the other day looking
for a man named Clarence Madland. We shared that message with the
Gazette family and, received the following response to that inquiry.
>>> Gary: Hope you & Pat are staying warm!! Anyway: this is for Joy and
Roseann Bliss..........Clarence Madland was a single man - and was a
farmer West and North of Park River. In fact, he lived on the West side
of Highway 32, No. of the Bible Camp right at the corner of hiway #32
and Co. Road No. 11. The next farm west of him would have been the
McIntyre's farmstead. Clarence had a brother named John and John's
wife's name was Olive. Olive was one of 4 girls and her maiden name was
Orstad. There is an Arnie Orstad that lives here in Grafton - but I'm
not sure if he's a brother or not. I'm quite sure that Clarence Madland
would be buried in Garfield Cemetery - which is about 2 mi. south of
Edinburg or about 3 mi. or so North of Clarence's homestead. Also: I'm
thinking that they (Madland's) may have been related (by marriage or
something) to the Holand family - who also lived in the same area.
Peter Holand (& wife Donna) live here in Grafton and he's teacher @
Grafton School (shop - I think.) Joy - may remember me as Loretta
Windingland. I belonged to Garfield Church (when we were younger) and
Joy and I & Pastor Wayne were on a number of different Luther-league
trips - as we got to be friends with some of the young folks from Our
Saviour's here in Grafton........Anyway: if these girls come up this way
this summer sometime - and need someone to show them where these places
are - I'd be more then happy to help. ...........I do remember Clarence
& he was a very nice fellow.............. Later Gary.......... take
care.............L. Moe <<<
And, there you have it ladies. Gosh I hope we don't have the Orstads
and Orsunds mixed up. Also, I would be willing to share phone numbers
and e-mail addresses, if both parties agree. Aren't memories wonderful?
Rumor has it that Doris' Gourmet Soup is now on the shelves of our area
food stores. The following note from Mary Stark gives a bit more insight
to Doris' new venture. >>> Gary,
Thanks for mentioning Doris' Gourmet Beans. We just made ham soup
with them and it was fabulous. Doris Rudnik is my aunt. She grew
up in Minto in my Grandparent's care. She started attending
Friendship's day program a few years back and has thoroughly enjoyed
going there. About a year ago they started talking to her about
getting her own apartment. She has now moved to Grafton and lives
with two others in an apartment on Eastern Ave. It is a wonderful
apartment that is easy for her to get around in her wheelchair and the
staff is very caring and helpful.. Friendship has also gotten her
business going. They are helping her fill the bottles and market them
in the area stores. Friendship does everything possible to help make
Doris reach her potential.
Friendship is a wonderful part of Grafton and we are very thankful that
they are involved in Doris' life.
Thank for giving her business a little boost. I believe you can
also get the beans at Friendship.
Mary Stark <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Mary. We
certainly wish Doris the very best in her new venture.
The response from Bill Shininger's note yesterday has been nothing
short of fantastic. Although it's not my intent to belabor the issue. I
would like to share a few comments in that regard.
One note said. Very interesting info from the Ohio fox hunters.
Ralph Kingsbury wrote. >>> Gary, I didn't know that fox and coyotes
had residency. Then of course we need to remember all the federal money
that comes into ND for wildlife maintenance. Ohio sends more money to
Washington than they get back. ND receives back much more than it sends.
Tell our friends from Ohio to keep coming back. (Thanks Ralph, you just
This one is especially meaningful to me. It comes from a bona-fide,
card carrying member of a Native American clan. An avid sportsman, a
super person, a fellow sugar tramp, and, a very close friend.
Mike wrote: >>>
Wow!!! What a well wrote note from the Ohio fella. They sure sound
like a nice group. You folks are lucky to have them choose your area for
vacationing. Hope they continue to enjoy the beautiful outdoors up here
in the north country!! Mike S. <<<< Thanks a million Mike. You have a
keen & accurate sense of observation.
Speaking of observation. What happened to that wonderfully new format
on "our" local channel three. For a day or so it actually looked like
someone really wanted folks to use that channel. It seems we have
reverted back to seeing exactly the same things, over and over and over
for days and weeks and months. Then, I had to wait for everything to go
around "three times" before I figured out that the 25 percent off
summerwear ad, didn't say by who, where or when. Only that the sale will
end on 1/31/06 --- I guess that was last years sale,...... maybe.
Thanks to Linda & Frank McCann, Roger & Lynette Moe, Dr. J. R. Gaustad,
Ron Thompson, and Rod Glennen for your contributions to this years
Firefighter calendar draw program. And, I should add, thanks also, to
all you folks that prefer your name not be printed.
It seems like I am getting more requests from folks that want to buy
tickets and have other worthwhile charities name put on them. I'm not
sure, but I think that's called "getting a bigger bang for a buck."
Whatever it's called, it's a darn nice gesture. Or, so it seems to me.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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