Friday, January 26, 2007

January 26, 2006 - Friday in Grafton, ND

Todays Gazette is brought to you by the Heritage Village FISH FRY
In the basement of Generations.
Serving starting at 5pm. Take out orders available by calling 520-1207
or 360-4096. Serving--Walleye, baked potato, baked beans, cole slaw,
roll cake and beverage.
The current temperature is 24 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 24/11
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-4
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
"To know what is right, and then not do it, is the worse kind of
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
According to Wednesdays Walsh County Record. Top Quality Motors will be
moving into the former Johnson Sales and used car lot on the west edge
of Grafton. Jim and Joanne Otto currently own Top Quality Motors in East
Grand Forks and have operated that business successfully for the past 24
years. They are looking forward to expanding their operation into the
Grafton area.
For awhile I was beginning to believe the "rumor" of their coming, in a
earlier Gazette, wasn't true. We wish Jim, Joanne and the entire staff
at Top Quality Motors the very best in their new venture.
I should also commend Todd Morgan, Editor and the Record for Top
Quality's front page feature. It was wonderful.
The Records front page also featured a super writeup on the recent St.
Thomas Booster Clubs Fish Fry. The folks at St.Thomas do a super job of
supporting their community and deserve a boatload of credit. I find it
interesting that they served 835 dinners. 535 of those dined in at
Rookies, and, even more surprising, 55 dinners went to the Grafton
Lutheran Sunset Home, Hancock Place and Villa De Remer residence also in
Grafton. While another 30 dinners went over to Drayton's Tisdale Manor.
Wouldn't it be wonderful, if Friday nights Heritage Village FISH FRY
Fund-raiser in the basement of Generations could get the same level of
Speaking of papers, newspapers in general, that is. I've had the
opportunity to revisit the advertising policy of the Kittson County
Enterprise,... in the solitude of my Gazette library. You may remember,
the Enterprise claims that advertising is the lifeblood of a newspaper
and without it a newspaper would cease to exist.
After reading the latest issue of the Walsh County Record, a very
interesting and informative edition, I might add. I have decided, there
is, in my opinion, a distinct possibility the individual that wrote that
policy for the Enterprise was somewhat in error.
I believe it's the 'people' that make a paper. People,.. in my opinion,
are the lifeblood of a newspaper. Without readers, advertisers wouldn't
waist their money advertising.
If you get a chance, read the story in the last Record of Doris
Rudnik's new business venture. Look for Doris' Gourmet Soup in your
local grocery store. Sue Matcha, record staff writer, should be
commended on the masterful composition of Doris' new venture.
The Joanie Silewski Benefit Saturday.
Spaghetti Dinner, Auction, Bake Bale, Ice Cream Sundae. MARKETPLACE on
======= From 4 to 9 pm. =======
Joanie was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Proceeds of the benefit
will help offset some of the expensive medical costs incurred from
extended Mayo Clinic stays both previously and in the future. Even if
prayer is all you have to offer, please offer them freely.
SOUPer BOWL SUNDAY, Super Soup, Superb Entertainers, Superior
All for the advancement and enhancement of our Local Domestic Violence
You will enjoy a variety of homemade soups, garlic bread, bars and a
PLUS ==== PLUS ==== PLUS ==== PLUS
Matt Houska will play from 11 - 11:30, Brent Hermans will caress his
piano keys from 11:30 - noon, Kelly Smith will entertain beginning at
12:15 and Students from Dana Tisdale's Bella Voce Studio of Voice will
round out the venue.
Former Warsawonian, Bart Plutowski, is the newest member of the Gazette
family. Welcome Bart. Our guarantees are limited to the cost of the
subscription. If, at some point, you feel you are not getting the cost
of your subscription in babble, bull dung or buffoonery. Just let us
know and,.... puffff, you won't be pestered again.
The boys from Fargo South came to Grafton in a fancy new "Greyhound
like" bus today. Thinking they were going to open up a 55 gallon barrel
of butt whoopin' on us. They didn't, just about anyway.
The boys from the biggest town in the state did leave us with a tiny
chunk of humble in the last few seconds of the game. They left town with
4 points and "we" had to stay home with 3.
Oh well, if they wouldn't have, and we would have. It would have been a
different game altogether. Or so it seems to me.
If you don't tell me, I won't know. If I don't know, I won't tell you.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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