02/03/06 FRIDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Grafton's Grill
The current temperature is -2 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 27/0
Normal H/L temp for this date is 18/-1
The forecast for the next few days will remain in the normal, for this
date, range.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I was going to wait til the announcement came around on channel 3
again, just to be certain, but I lost patients watching all the
advertisements about channel 3, so I'll wing it as best I can.
There will be a gun show, this weekend at the Grafton armory. The dates
are the 11th & 12th. 9 to 5 the first day and 10 to 4 the next. The gun
show,...is sponsored by the Northern Lights Archery Club.
I'm not a hunter, but isn't archery done with bows and arrows? Anyway,
I guess you can also buy and sell guns at this event as well. I'm not
sure about bows and arrows.
Borrowed from the Walsh County Record
Thursday, April 8, 1948
Part-ownership of the Grill cafe in Grafton passed to Warren Wilson of
this city in a deal effective April 1, Bob Taylor, operator of the cafe
since last fall said Wilson will assume participation in the cafe
management within two weeks.
Note: Bob Taylor is not to be confused with the present day Allen
From the same paper. Grafton Farmer injured by Hit-Run Motorist.
Ole Aasand was hospitalized from injuries received while he was
conversing with a friend on the streets of Veseleyville. A Grafton youth
and companions also sideswiped another car while leaving the scene of
the accident.
Bonnie Lynne was the name given the infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs George
Hamilton when she was baptised April 4.
Grandma & Grandpa P. A. Sevigny were the sponsors.
After the baptism Mr. & Mrs Woodrow Sevigny and Lynus, Mr. & Mrs.
Adrian Sevigny and Michael and George and Tootsy Hamilton with Bonnie
Lynne met at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Maybe politics isn't as crazy as it used to be. In 1948, a bearded Dr.
John Maxwell headed up the "Vegetarian Party" ticket for the presidency
of the United States. Supposedly Dr. Maxwell hadn't eaten meat in 45
years and was hungry for the win.
From Editor Ed Balkee's Caught in the Web. Ed wrote. We hope the latest
haircut fad introduced by Kenny DeSautel doesn't spread to the rest of
the student body. We doubt if the board of education could engage a
single instructor if all the boys had their hair trimmed as closely as
Kenny recently did.
Does anyone remember who the man they called "Zipper" was?
Response, so far, to "our" new web site has been encouraging. Comments
in general, more than anything else, fortify the reasons I continue the
Gazette, and why it has been such fantastic therapy for me. I think
you'll agree when you see some of "our" notes.
>>> WOW you are the BIGTIME dad............I am PROUD.....that is
AWESOME. <<< Could you tell that's from one of my daughters?
>>> Gary. I checked out the Web site. Nice. I tried to leave a comment,
but my limited computer sense left me no way to send the comment. So,
consider this your first comment!
I like the site..clean and crisp and easy to read!! Tom Zidon. <<<
Thanks a million Tom. "We" will all need to learn how to do that,... I
>>> Hi Dad. Your gazette today really pulled my emotional
strings. You can't imagine how much "your babble" means to me.
Love you, Kelly <<< Some may have already figured out, this ones from a
daughter too.
This one is from a fellow sugar tramp as well. You can kinda tell by
the weather stuff at the end. >>>Gary,
I took a look at the website and that gets my vote. Nice work in getting
it set up. Hope it works well on your end.
The weather forecast makes it appear that we might actually get below
zero temps! There are only a very few of us that really appreciate that
cold weather. Otherwise, the beets are doing OK.
Take care, Mark<<< Thanks a million Mark, and, I'm one of those few,
Tom Kutz sent the following. >>>
Hi Gary,
I'm glad to see the new website up and running. This should expose
your writings to all of the third world countries. Who knows,
you might even become a world famous author. This note is just to
let you know that I have all of your Gazettes back to April of 2002.
And I'll bet you there are many others out there that have been saving
also if for nothing else but just to prove that your prose has
improved dramatically over the years.
Keep up the good work. You have no idea how much it is
appreciated by us former Graftonites. The Gazette is forwarded and
passed on to many more than are on your subscription list.
Tom <<< Thanks a million Tom. A man would have to have a heart of
stone not to appreciate such kind words. What is prose anyway? Does it
have anything to do with an appetite? If so, I can assure you, I have
gotten better in that regard.
This one comes from a life long friend. >>> Gary, the site is laid out
beautifully. Instead of typing it in the URL every time I bookmarked
it, and now it's only a click away. Have you ever stopped to figure out
why your children (and friends) care so much about you? I know. And they
are right about both you and Pat. As we both know, when your health
goes, friends really count, even if it's only a kind word.
Keep on writing, my friend.
Ralph Kingsbury <<< Thanks a million Ralph. "The true secret to success,
is being surrounded by people you care for, and, people that care for
you. In the end, it's not how much money one amasses, rather how many
I will continue to strive to achieve success, for my God, my family,
and my Friends.
Beverly sent the following message. >>>
That is so cool....you're famous (not to mention my hero!). I enjoy the
Gazette and hope it continues for a very long time.
We haven't heard any updates about the Wrestling team for quite some
time. I must say Karly and I have attended two of the matches (if that's
what they are called). I can say without a doubt that from the first
match to the second match, Grafton has shown a HUGE improvement. Gene
Fayette should be very proud of what he and his team have accomplished
thus far. I hope the fan (and financial) support continues to grow as I
think wresting is another good sport for our area children.
Have a good day!
Bev <<< Thanks a million Beverly, and you are right, it has been a long
time since "we" have had a wrestling update. I'll bet we get one pretty
soon though.
The following note comes to us by way of the subscription department.
Hi; Good to hear from you.
My daughter Debbie Hegranes MacWilliams and her husband Dave have
just been here visiting in Arizona. Debbie grew up in Grafton and we
moved to Minot in 1966 where she finished high school and went to nurses
training and graduated in 1971. She now lives in Feeding Hills,
Mass. She and her husband have a son Dan and a daughter Heidi.
She likes the Gazette so if you would please add her to your address
book she would appreciate it.
Thanks for your daily update about Grafton.
I attended a Walsh County Luncheon last Saturday and there were 45
ladies in attendance from that area and many from Grafton who are
wintering in Mesa for a few weeks.
Verna Peterson <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Verna. If
I did everything right. Debbie should start being "pestered" with this
edition. If not, please let me know and I'll try something else. I'm not
sure what that will be, but I'll try it anyway.
According to the next note, Raumin's not gone. He's hiding on a golf
course in southern Calif. >>> Hi Gary: Today, I had the privilege
to play golf with Mr. J Raumin and his son Greg . We played at the
Plantation. What a layout. Greg is a special member. Jerry and and I
shot terribly. Greg shot an easy 80. WOW. Jerry was saying that
he missed Grafton for its warm weather. BUT, he was saying that
while we were enjoying 82 degrees. Anyway, we will enjoy Jerry & Ina's
company for the next month.
Tell everyone at Grandma's that WE have a great breakfast place. COME ON
DOWN Harlyn Prouty, husband of EILEEN GREVERS <<< Thanks a million
for the update Harlyn. Say hi to Jerry and Ina for us. Does your
breakfast place open on time?
I would really appreciate comments pro or con. If you prefer I not use
them in the Gazette, or that I not use your name. Simply say so and it
will be done. As a matter of fact, several notes came in yesterday
marked "just for you" "personal"
or, please omit the signature. I'm okay with that too. Gary
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
We love your Gazette! Keep it going baby!
A friend!
You have hit the big time! We love being able to see the back issues of the Gazette and will look forward as more and more are added.
The history you have compiled and continue to compile is great for all of us from Grafton.
Thanks for your work!
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