Thursday, February 16, 2006

February 16, 2006 - Thursday


02/16/06 THURSDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in Part, by Rinde Motor
Co. Graftons Oldsmobile & G. M. C. truck dealer.
The current temperature is -12 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 8/-20
Normal H/L temp for this date is 23/4
Our area is under a severe wind chill warning. That means everyone
should be wearing winter clothing and be sure all your zippers,.. are
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The latest word on the Pizza Hut is, it is planning on re-opening
again on March 17 of this year. I wonder if it's to early to order a
medium once-around-the-kitchen thin and crispy pizza?
Persistence does pay off,.. I think.
For instance, the following add was placed in the Walsh
County Record. "For sale", Radio-Phonograph Combination,.. with table
and Record Cabinet. If interested contact Harvey Tallackson. Phone
22-f-13 Grafton,
N. D. <<<
Now I can't be absolutely certain if the Radio-Phonograph was
sold, although I would be surprised if it wasn't. It's been in the
Want-Ads are Little Wizzards at Selling Section of the Walsh County
Record since December 16, 1948.
Did I mention that Glenna and Harvey have also become
a part of the Gazette family tree? How's that Glenna?
Rumor has it, one day Mary Jo (Watkins) Olson looked at Tom
(her husband) and said, "Oh,.. give me a home, where the buffalo roam",
and they have 160 buffalo roaming around their farm. South
Branch Bison Co. raises and sells bison meat from their farm near
Grafton. 'Steve', the biggest bull on the ranch, is 2,200 pounds and
doesn't take any bull from anyone. Although Tom says he (steve the bull)
has the temperament of a puppy dog. And, I understand the can ship
anywhere in the country.
To order lean, clean "healthy" bison meat, call (701) 352-3188.
Their fax number is the same, or, email them at
If, you'd just like to try some first. Marketplace on 8 in Grafton does
a super job of preparing it.
The South Branch Bison Ranch would be another interesting stop for
all the folks returning for this summers class reunions.
One of our morning coffee participants is spending a few days in
Florida. Although he didn't really say much, he did send the following
short note. He wrote. >>> It looks like I have the whitest legs on the
beach. <<<< I warned you it was a short one. Say hi to Elaine & Richard
for us.
I was pleased to find the following note from Christine Jensen in
the Gazette mailbox yesterday. Christine wrote; >>>
Hi Gary, I read with interest the note about Teen Challenge. I did
a story on a young man a few years ago who was addicted to meth and it
was killing him. He was sent to Teen Challenge for one year and now he
is sober and attending a Christian college where he continues to achieve
a 4.0. He will also be speaking to a political delegation in Washington
this year. I'm very proud of him! Thanks for sending me the Gazette, you
do a wonderful job keeping everyone informed about important subjects.
Christine <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Christine. I miss
your articles in the Record. I'm pleased you haven't forgotten us over
here at Babble City Central.
Reminder,.. the 24th Annual Toy show in Grafton.... will be
held at the Armory, Sat 9 to 5 and Sun 10 to 3. Many vendors will be
coming from all over the state.
The following note from Bill Haug, IS serious and real. What
more could I add?
Just a postscript to the New York Central Park snowfall: After
February 26, we can all "hedge our snowfall bets" by buying "Snowfall
Futures" on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and, yes, New York's
Central park will be one of the locations used to establish the
index! Just when you think you've seen it all....... Bill <<<
Thanks a million (snowballs) Bill. If it's ok with you, I'm going to
hold off on this one til mid-July.
Rumor has it, Vice President Cheney plans to hire out as a
guide during the up-coming democratic convention.
Every day I find solace and gratification, diddling, piddling and
pondering the days babble for the Gazette. In many ways, the insanity I
call the Gazette has helped me maintain some semblance of sanity.
For that I am most thankful, not only for my "gene pool" family,
but for the extended family I call my Gazette family. That anyone is
willing to spend valuable time reading it still amazes me. That the
Gazette family continues to grow, is even more amazing.
I am pleased to share the latest request to join "our" family. >>>
Subject: I would like to be on your email list. Hi Gary, you probably
don't remember me or, have even ever met me. Our fathers were very close
friends for a great many years. Millicent LaBerge emailed me a copy of
the "Shivercity Gazette", I enjoyed it very much and would appreciate
being put on the email list. I don't have family left in Grafton any
more but do return sometimes for the June reunion. I would like to hear
whats going on back there where I still have many old friends.
Thank you, Bert A. Overland <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Bert, and welcome to the Gazette family. Actually, I do remember you, a
little, and of course the Overland home on Wakeman Avenue. I passed by
it often on the way to the Ray and Margaret Demester's house. Eventually
Bert, I married Pat, one of their daughters. I will continue to do my
best to share "our" world with you, please feel free from time to time,
to share a bit of your world with us.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read t, write it. Or
so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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