02/26/06 SUNDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Dakota Tractor
& Equipment Co. A. J. Wolsky, Manager Phone 550
The current temperature is 9 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 3/-24
Normal H/L temp for this date is 26/9
Having received more snow on our driveway than we'll need this
summer. I have decided to contact Auctioneer John Kilichowski to
schedule the sale of our excess snowcat dust, and, unused snowman parts.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
For sale -- 1947 Hiawatha scooter, $65; one 1942
Harley 45; and one 1945 Harley 45. Kam's Cycle Sales, Grafton. Phone 20.
(Walsh County Record June 3, 1948)
It just wouldn't be right to finish the week without a rumor. I
heard this one a couple days ago and thought I'd give it some time to
mature. At first I thought someone was just kidding. Then I heard it
from someone that should know.
Shananigans head chef Monty Hanson along with some, maybe much, of
his former help will open up shop again in the lower level of
Generations. Generations you may remember, is the former home of the
Grafton Eagles Club. For you folks that haven't been home for a long
time. The Eagles building started out as the Woodman Hall.
I also heard yesterday that Pastoreks will be building the new
facility for the Spudnik folks on the west edge of town.
Then there's one more rumor in the air but I didn't get permission
to spread it,... yet, so that one will have to wait til next week.
The original Grafton ice arena is still generating memories. This
time Chuck Stenso shared the following. >>>
The old arena brought back memories. The days of 49 used to get the
Hoosier Hot Shots band. There instruments were wash boards, kazoos
and banjos and they were good. I used to go to Warroad, Letilier and
several other places to hockey games with my dad and uncles, Howard
Thompson and Leonard Douville. Man that was a long time ago. Bruce
and Kristy are down here visiting, Talk about the White Leg problem.
They took the boat to Key West for a couple days so that should cure
that. Ask Bruce to see his red legs when he gets home. Chuck Stenso
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Chuck. I played a mean Kazoo
myself, first grade.
The first game of the state hockey tournament was a battle. Grand
Forks Red River went back into the locker room just 38 seconds after the
first overtime round started. Final score Grafton Park River Spoilers 2
Grand Forks Rough Riders 3. The general consensus at morning coffee was
the last goal shouldn't have counted. That of course was among "the
locals". I'd like to share an exchange between myself and Drayton
Resident Lee Bratlie. He is referring to the Friday night game. >>> Lee
I watched the hockey game last night and GPR sure
doesn't have anything to be ashamed of. They played a heck of a game.
I've said before that too much emphasis is placed on high school sports
and not enough on high school academics, and the hoopla around the State
Hockey tournament and class B basketball tournament sure seem to bear
that out.
I was impressed with Kringstads comments after the game. He handled
the officials lack of calling a fair game on the last goal with grace
which should make the whole team proud. I watched the game on TV last
night and saw several replays of the OT goal by Grand Forks and it was
clear that a GF player was in the crease while the goal was scored. If
he would have had a skate on the edge of the crease and the goal would
have been scored I could overlook that as a technicality. That wasn't
the case however, the GF player was clearly in the crease and also
interfered with Kringstad to the point he didn't have any chance at all
of playing the puck. With the GF player laying across him holding him to
the ice I doubt if he saw the puck before it was in the goal. I'm
not trying to second guess the officials as I've had kids involved in HS
sports and I know they have a thankless job but they also have a
responsibility to fairness and they obviously didn't see to that last
night, and it's a shame when something like that happens in a semi-final
state tournament game. <<< Then I sent following note back to Lee.
Thanks a million Lee. I really wanted to say "something" like
you did, in the Gazette, but thought it would come out sounding like
"hometown whimpering". I will use your comments for two reasons. First
because I tend to agree with them and second,....because you said it so
eloquently. Gary <<< Being the "attention to detail" kinda guy Lee
is, he sent me the following response. >>> You might want to add the
following postscript then, if you see fit and have room. P.S.--In case
you decide to use this in the Gazette I think it's only fair to include
the fact that I'm neither from Grafton or Park River, I live in Drayton.
I don't have any kids involved in any way shape or form with the GPR
Hockey program, and never have had. My comments are just that, comments
from someone who watched the game on TV last night. I'll admit to
cheering for the Spoilers but only because they were the "underdogs."
And I mean that only in the way a bunch of kids from a couple small
towns in ND took on a school from a town with a population 10 times
their towns populations. They certainly didn't play like underdogs, they
played like champions, and the way they accepted defeat clearly shows
they are that by anyone's standards. <<<
Thanks for all the kinds word Lee.
The game for third and forth place went a little better for the
Spoilers. By that I mean it went several additional seconds into
overtime more than the previous game before Grand Forks Central scored
the winning goal. The final score. Grand Forks Central 4, Grafton Park
River 3. Once again, as always in the past. The Grafton Park River
Spoilers made us proud, and gives use reason to play again.
The State Championship game.
Grand Forks Red River squared off against Fargo South and when the
final buzzer rang. Fargo South was ahead 2 to 1.
Our circulation department has had another busy week. The Gazette
family tree, including the following four, is 9 branches bigger this
week than last.
++ First is a note from David & Carol Hanson. I believe
David spent most of his high school and collage years working for
Grafton Floral (when not studying or chasing Carol). He wrote: >>> Hi
Gary, A friend of mine, Mary Jane Cernik Ferguson forwarded a couple of
the Gazettes to me. I would sure appreciate being added to your mailing
list. I was very interested to read of Marty's current challenge and the
issue of the memories of the old arena burning from Bert Overland. It
was fun to read as two of my brothers, uncle, and cousin were mentioned.
It is fun to read, remember, and jar the old memory of people and past
events. I smiled while reading as I really felt like I was sitting
listening to my old friend, your Dad, Bill. I listened,.. ALOT to him,
for many years and learned much.
I hope this finds your family well. Greet Patty for me. David <<< Thanks
a million Dave, and welcome to the Gazette family.
++ The next request adds two more to our tree. Vicki wrote: >>>
Gary, would you add me to your e-mail list for your newsletter? And,
also Tad Byzewski. Thank you and I want you to know how much
everybody seems to enjoy this. Have a good day, Thanks, Vicki
Thank for the kind words Vicki. I can only promise effort, actual
results will depend on the rest of the family.
++ In the next request, Marlene Aasand wrote; >>> Hi Gary, May I
please be on your mailing list for your "fun paper" My email address
is included. Thanks so much. <<< Thank you Marlene and please say hi to
Harvey Dale for me. Harvey is another one of my favorite sugar tramps.
++ The others came with a please don't use our name request. So,..
to those folks, welcome to the Gazette family. I hope, eventually, you
will become comfortable enough to share a part of our world with the
I would also really appreciate hearing, from everyone that
has done so, even if it's a simple "I'm still here". And, as always, if
the Gazette is coming into your world and you prefer it shouldn't.
PLEASE let me know, and won't.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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