02/14/06 TUESDAY
Today is a perfect day to tell your loved ones,.... they are.
The current temperature is 21 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 26/9
Normal H/L temp for this date is 22/3
It sounds like the temperatures for the rest of the week will
keeps us humble.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Monday was another slow news day in a small town. Twenty
five years ago, according to the Record "our" son Brad was named overall
winner of the pinewood derby sponsored by Westview Cub Scout Pack 122 in
Grafton. Brad's model racer beat out Matthew Will and third place
finisher Eric Rystedt.
I remember that event well. It was "our" families first serious
competition in the automotive race field. It's hard to believe how
important a block of wood can become, when you dab a bit of paint and
stick four wheels on it.
The following year, Brad's wooden gravity grabber took second
place, I think, because he drew the worst side of the track. Brad said
he took second because the guy that took first, had a faster car. I
guess I couldn't argue with that logic.
I find it interesting that the "white house" news reporters think
they have a lock on the news. Actually, I'm thinking of contacting a
lawyer, one that doesn't hunt, and sue Cheney for not letting the
Gazette know about the accident,...yet. Rumor has it, Cheney has offered
his apologies to the press core, and, he even offered to take them all
out hunting. I also understand the Whitehouse is offering, for sale
"cheap", a good used 28 gauge over and under shotgun. Sighted in, and,
already loaded for bar. (pardon the pun)
Tonight Grafton has a chance to win the girls district basketball
championship. I know that, because Brian sent the following note. He
wrote; >>>
Good afternoon Gary, here's a tap for the Grafton girls basketball
team, they play Tuesday night (tonight) for the district championship
against Minto Midway, if some one is looking for a great basketball game
they may see it tonight (Tuesday) thanks Brian Sieben Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Brian. I gotta think you may even have
more than just a casual interest in Graftons team.
Tuesday, along with being Valentine's day, and the girls
basketball championship game, also has another important event happening
in town. Karen sent the following note. >>> Hi Gary, I'm writing this
message to remind everyone of Teen Challenge being in the area today -
Feb 14th at River of Life Community Church, Hwy 17 So. at 7pm and in
Park River on Wed. Feb 15th at the high school gym at 1:40 and Our
Saviour's Lutheran Church at 7pm that same evening. I can't tell you how
much this program has done for young men and women who have gone down
the road of destruction. Teen Challenge is one of the most effective
drug recovery programs in America. It is a faith-based solution for the
drug epidemic. They spend time building relationships and restoring the
lives of the most unlikely members of society. Jesus becomes their
source of hope.
I'm urging everyone in the area to be part of the work that Teen
Challenge has undertaken.
There is hope for the next generation who find themselves addicted to
drugs and alcohol. And we know what a problem we have in this area. Teen
Challenge of North Dakota has recently moved from Williston to Mandan
and is hoping to be able to have up to 200 young men by the end of the
year. Also they are hoping to open up a women's wing in that facility
soon. I know that Feb 14th is a busy night, but I hope those who can,
will come to hear Teen Challenge sing and tell their stories of how
their lives have changed through a relationship with Jesus Christ and
how they are becoming men and women who will be a part of society in a
positive way. Come out and see for yourself how God has changed these
men. Thanks, Karen A. Anderson <<< Thank you Karen, for caring and
sharing. I hope this event is a resounding success. For everyone's sake.
Somewhere the "two things" one shouldn't discuss, (religion,
politics, gender & ethnicity) may have been violated again. I received
the following message and have decided to withhold the name of the
author even though I was given permission to use it. The note: >>>
Gazette rebuttal:
I read Mr. Mohagen's comments on law enforcement and the governments
invasion of citizens rights and shook my head in disbelief. His take on
the whole thing is quite common among law enforcement personnel, but not
everyone has as much blind trust in authority.
After Pearl Harbor was bombed the president of this
country ordered thousands of AMERICAN CITIZENS of Japanese descent
rounded up and detained for several years. Most if not all of them lost
jobs, homes, possessions, and most importantly several years of their
lives. Only a small number, 3 or 4 I believe, were ever charged with any
wrongdoing. They were judged guilty because of their nationality, and
without any evidence or a trial they were jailed to "protect us." By the
way, it took the government over 50 years to admit any wrong doing and
apologize to these citizens.
Another president was brought down in disgrace
after illegal activities were discovered to have been approved by him
and also his staff in an attempt to gain information on his opponents
campaign activities.
The F.B.I. was headed by J. Edgar Hoover for
years, and after his death we finally learned how. He held that
position, arguably the most powerful man in the United states, by using
intimidation, threats, blackmail, and illegal wiretaps to stay in power.
Since 9/11 there have been many citizens
of this country who have been jailed under the Patriot Act, but never
charged with any crimes. Some have been incarcerated for over 1 year,
only to be set free without being charged with a crime or any
explanation as to their supposed wrongdoing.
A popular athlete was found not guilty of murder
awhile back, even though the circumstantial evidence pointed to his
guilt. He was found not guilty largely because the Los Angeles police
force was found to have tampered with evidence collected in their
investigation of the crime.
And, the list of abuses of power could go on and
on, but you probably get the point by now, or maybe you don't. But there
are checks and balances in government for a very good reason, and if we
choose to forgo them in law enforcement then we'll get what we deserve.
President Thomas Jefferson summed it up best when he
said, "A people willing to trade their freedoms for security shall not
have, nor do they deserve, either one."
As always, feel free to use my name if you choose to print
this. <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing.
This weeks Firefighters Calendar Draw winners are:
2/13/2006 Richard Olson $20.00
2/14/2006 Andy Sobolik $250.00
2/15/2006 Danny Dub $20.00
2/16/2006 Bev Demers $20.00
2/17/2006 Hazel Summers $20.00
2/18/2006 Andrew Moe * $20.00
2/19/2006 Matt Anderson $20.00
Congratulations to this weeks lucky winners.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it write it. Or
so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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