02/13/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you by Golden Harvest Jewelry.
The current temperature is 23 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 17/7
Normal H/L temp for this date is 22/3
It sounds like we'll be restocking the shelves with a couple
inches of snowman parts by tomorrow.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The other day I mentioned the 1949 news years baby would receive
gifts (according to the Record) from 25 local business places. I also
mentioned how pleased I was that Grafton Floral was among them, and one
of the four, listed, establishments still in business today. To only two
responses I received to the question follow. >>>
Grafton Floral + three
My guesses are... Grafton Drug, Grafton Auto Electric,
and Schumacher's. Sue <<< Gary: I'm guessing the other business'
involved in '49 may be - Polly's; Grafton Drug; the Strand Theater;
and/or Walsh Co./Grafton Record?? <<< Thanks for caring and sharing. Of
the names listed, Grafton Drug, the Strand Theater and the Walsh County
Record are the other three.
Of course, that isn't to say other businesses didn't participate
in some way shape or form. The question was, of the businesses listed in
the particular article. It is a fact, unfortunately, that 21 of the 25
businesses listed, are no longer in business.
It sounds like President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and their
staff are starting to take a more serious view of Lawyers. It would
almost appear as though they plan to eliminate a portion of this
countries legal stable.
Then too, it may be that Cheney wasn't hunting the partridge type
quail but rather the Dan variety. We may never know for sure. Thank
goodness Cheney is regarded as an experienced hunter. He could well end
up to be the principal spokesman for the NRA. One thing we do know for
certain, because they said so, the countries "press core" has their
underwear in a bunch because they weren't told "soon enough". My
goodness now isn't that just an I'll be darned, gee-willikers, bugger
heck shucks.
Can they or can't they? Should they, or shouldn't they wire
tap, who, when, why and how. Is the issue Keith speaks to in the
following note.
Gary -
I enjoyed Ralph's eloquent definition of government, and
wondered about the guy who also read it and then questioned the
wiretapping of "our" phones without warrants. I fail to see
any relevance here.
This is probably due to the current media hype of our
government wiretapping terrorists activities and has nothing to do
with "our" civil liberties. Law abiding citizens don't have to worry
about government wiretapping; - criminals and terrorists should worry
- about discovery.
For government to wiretap "our" phones would mean that "we"
are of some interest to that particular government entity; as
a criminal?, as a terrorist? "Our" government is not going to
spend that kind of time, money and manpower to listen to "us" closing a
business deal, mushing up to Aunt Agnes or some Romeo trying to woo a
lover on the phone.
Professional constraints and punishments for violations would ruin
a law enforcement career in a heartbeat and no professional that I know
would risk it for a personal "tidbit". To do so would jeopardize the
very case he is working on, and no court would condone information
evidence obtained in an illegal wire tap, The rare misguided cop
that violates this is an anomalie and anything he gets by illegal
wiretap would be thrown out of court.. This regrettable
mentality is the direct result of media hype and lots of misinformation.
It has caused our society to move from putting bad guys behind bars
to protect the public; to necessitating law abiding citizens to put bars
on their own windows to keep the bad guys out of their homes and
adversely placing themselves at risk when there is a fire. My 29
years in Law Enforcement executing warrants for the Sheriff
and the U.S.Marshalls under direct court supervision has
reinforced my faith in the Law enforcement profession. It's really
sad when people lose faith in "their" government and the people
that "they" elect to run it.
- Keith Mohagen <<< Thanks a million Keith, for your
"professional" opinion. It's true we certainly don't want any of "our
Rights" infringed on. Certainly not to the extent the folks in the Twin
Towers did anyway.
The Spoilers played Red River (hockey) the other night, and, in
the interest of sportsmanship and fair play. The Spoilers "allowed" Red
River to win 6 to 2 so that they (Red River) could get a better seed in
the district tournaments. They said something about needing to beat us
by at least three points so we let-em have four, just to be certain.
I'm not sure thats how the Herald wrote it up, but then we all
know the Herald tends to lean towards the Grand Forks Teams anyway.
There are two things one should never get involved in.
Politics, religion, gender and ethnicity (2?). The other day I mentioned
Mrs. Kings funeral and violated that premise. I should have known
better. On the other hand it did give Lloyd reason to write, and that
certainly isn't bad. As a matter of fact, I encourage it.
Lloyd wrote: >>> Dear Gary:
I found your comments on the funeral for Mrs. King a bit
disturbing. I also found the funeral itself a bit disturbing but for
other reasons. But the point of the whole celebration, and it was a
celebration of her life, was that she had made a difference in the world
and that difference was not only that she was the wife of Martin Luther
In my mind, anytime someone can bring up a discussion that
challenges the authorities it is a discussion that behoves
consideration. I have little interest in who brings forward ideas that
conflict the concepts or purview of those listening or who are in
attendance as long as those ideas are based on some kind of reasonable
and accurate evidence. And there was a lot of that kind of presentation
at her funeral.
After some years living in the southern part of our nation I
am well aware that the forms of funerals observed there are quite
different from those we know best in the norther part of our country.
But the differences do not suggest that there is less reverence for the
souls of the departed or the lives of those who grieve. It is more a
difference in the ways that we can celebrate the lives of those who have
gone before and in an embracing of what they considered of prime
importance in their life and their work.
The celebration of Mrs. King's life said simply that although we
are all different we are all, also, as Americans, ONE in our desire for
liberty and the freedom of the individual.
Lloyd W. Hanson <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Lloyd. I too have attended numerous funerals across the country. In
general terms, it's been my observation that for the most part. Funerals
are "celebrated" in two primary fashions. Solemn and sad, or
respectfully joyful. I've seen as many variations as I've attended
funerals. Never, maybe, with the exception of the Wellstone funeral,
have I ever seen anything that resembled a political rally, up to and
including a political rally, as the laying to rest of Mrs Martin Luther
The old adage, "it's not so much what you say, as how you say it,"
could include "or, where it's said." Or so it seems to me.
Dan Crookston sent the following note and I must admit, I've never
had my foot X-rayed for a pair of shoes. Have I Murph? I always thought
Murphy could do that with his naked eye. >>> Gary, Are we getting
old? Remember the shoe x-ray machine they had in shoe dept. back in
the 50's. I had forgotten them till I saw a program on TV this
weekend, you could see your foot thru the shoe and see how it fit.
But you got 5 times the radiation they allow for a nuclear worker to get
in a year, so they were discontinued. Keep up the good work and keep em
Dan <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Dan. I wonder how many
"of us" have had their foot Xrayed?
Speaking of "us" the Gazette family that is. Please welcome Jeff
Narloch to the group. Jeff is the mainspring that keeps Golden Harvest
Jewelry operating on the main street in Grafton. It is a fact, that much
of what glitters in our house started out in the building that houses
Golden Harvest Jewelry. Not just since Jeff has been it's proprietor,
but also when Marvin Pederson owned the property then known as Marvins
I am also pleased to welcome "Big Ern" to the fold. Ernie Barta,
along with his full time preoccupation with fishing, farms with his twin
brother Evie and Kenneth. Rumor has it, if your looking for a fish house
to park on the ice, Big Ern's the guy to contact. This time of the year
he can be found, most often, over an ice hole.
The Gazette works best, when the folks the read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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