Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20, 2009 - Friday

Todays Gazette comes with a reminder of the Grafton Park River Youth
Hockey $38,600.00 MEGA - RAFFLE Banquet
Saturday evening at Marketplace on 8th.
The current temperature is 28 degrees.
The "feels like" temperature is -18
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I had my very first Wagon Master of the season at Grafton's Westside
Drive Inn Thursday afternoon. It was even better than I remembered from
last year. AND, the new french fries were also fantastic.
Crews have been working diligently building a dike on the north end of
Western Avenue. Clay for the project is coming from the area just north
of the city electrical maintenance building (formerly the A&H Implement
A sand pile beside the sand bagging machine, under the water tower, is
beginning to take on the sense of seriousness only the threat of a major
flood can create.
Graftons local television channel 3 (The Chamber Channel) is urging
city residence to "prepare for a flood". I suspect that means nobody in
Grafton should have anything in their basements, except sailboat fuel.
I was doing a little research in the Gazette library when, among other
things, a "brainstorm" passed. Wouldn't it be neat if every corner had a
river elevation sign on it? For instance,... on the corner of Hill
Avenue and 3rd Street, along with that sign there could be a smaller
sign just below it saying, "river level.... 15.0 feet".
That way, everyone in town would know where they are,.... in relation to
the river level. I, for one, couldn't tell you within 5 feet what the
elevation is in front of my house. I'd guess most folks don't know the
accurate elevation in front of their homes either.
It's not a well kept secret, the fact that the economy is in the
crapper has been out for a long time. The fact that it is getting closer
and closer to home is obvious in the following message I received from
Verna yesterday. >>>>
Gary — Sad to say, but the Heritage Village board made a decision
last night to close a major source of income,... Gaming. There will
be no more bingo at the Village after Saturday night, March 21st.
With the economy and the drop in numbers of bingo players due to
people moving, deaths, and an increase in bar bingo, we cannot continue
that part of our program due to the lack of revenue. We are hoping
to maintain the Village thru donations and additional fundraisers.
Verna Sherek
Heritage Village & Jugville <<<<<<<
Heritage Village and Jugville is full of the kinds of memories and
dreams that money can no longer buy. Unfortunately, it takes a
significant amount of money just to hold on to those memories.
I sincerely believe everyone, living anywhere, can look around their
community and see lots of wonderful things going on. I have never really
believed that the people of Grafton are any more special than the folks
anyplace else in the world.
However, because I know, or, know of, many if not most of the folks in
"my town". Hence, I guess that does make them special, certainly to me
I've watched Buster send a young couple and a small child to Rochester,
with no questions asked. I've seen Wally take bus loads of folks to
enjoy top named entertainment and pay for their dinners beside. A
brilliant young man was able to attend University and realize his dreams
with the help of a man named Hod. I've watched a cantankerous old farmer
poke and probe a less than knowledgable young man into a success beyond
his wildest imagination. (Thanks Leonard)
And, I haven't even scratched the surface of wonderful folks I will
never forget. Folks like Donny and Chuck, Warren Evans, Paul
Benjaminson, Iver Egland, Milton Johnston, Hugo Kutz and Gordy Stark to
mention a few.
The list of professors at my school of hard knocks goes on right into
infinity. Thanks to Gary, Jerry and Lee for helping me, and all of the
folks that I've met, and, to think there will even be more yet.
I have truly only known two people that I really didn't like. The first
one was me when I feel off my bike, then blamed the boy riding behind
me. The second one was even worse than the first, but again that person
was me, feeling sorry me, instead of helping others with their plight.
Helping others is the topic of the next message regarding Joanie
Silewski's Bone Marrow Donor Drive. The folks that organized and carried
out the Drive are to be commended. The results of their hard work and
perserverance was one the best Bone Marrow Drives ever held. >>>>>
Subject: follow up donor drive
Hi Gary,
Following up on the Bone Marrow Donor Drive. First we want to
thank you for your help in getting the word out there. We had a
wonderful turn out.
700+ people signed up to be possible donors! We were told that for
every 200 people that are tested, on average there is one match. So we
have a possible 4 matches out of our community!!!! And to top that they
have found a match for Joanie!!!! Please visit
Type in Joanie Silewski and that will take you to her page and you can
follow her progress.
Also the community generously gave to DKMS in the sum of
$10,000.00. It will cost DKMS over $45,000.00 to run the tests that
we turned in. So all contributions were greatly needed and appreciated!
Give Hope. Give Life. And that is exactly what our community did
March 7, 2009!
The drive, for Joanie is over, although we must realize that the real
plight is only just beginning. I ask everyone who prays to keep Joanie
in them too. For those that do not, then please do what you do, but
remember Joanie a lot.
"You haven't really lived, nor truly have you loved. Until you've
giving everything you can give." Or so it seems to me.
~~~~~~~~ REMINDER ~~~~~~~~
------- Grafton Federated Church ------- - French Toast and
Sausage Breakfast -
~~~ TOMORROW - MARCH 21st ~~~
Federated Church Fellowship Hall downstairs at the
church. 7 am to 2 pm
Please plan to attend and enjoy some fantastic food and
Adults $7.00 ----- Family $16.00
"Profanity makes ignorance audible,"
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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