Todays Gazette has the latest message from Grafton's mayor Todd
The current temperature is 15 degrees.
The "feels like" temperature is -8
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 30/19
Normal H/L temp for this date is 36/19
It was 69 degrees on this date in 1910
The forecast for the end of this week thru Monday of next still stinks.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I'm pretty sure if there is anyone thinking of running for the Mayor's
position in the next election, mayor Burianek might be willing to let
you "practice" for the next few weeks, during flood season.
Speaking of Mayor Burianek and our potential for flooding. I am not
only pleased to share Todd's latest message, I am also more than a bit
humbled that he considers the Gazette worthy of participating in sharing
the progress of this springs runoff as they relate to Grafton and the
surrounding area.
To that end, although I am not really sure it will be necessary, and,
only if it is needed, I will send out information more than once a day.
The Mayors latest note.>>>>
WE are doing our best to stay ahead of this flood fight. I'm going to
use you, the Record and KXPO to keep people informed. Whenever I'm in an
airport and the big electronic board indicates my flight is delayed, I
NEED to know why, for how long, when will I be boarding etc.
During this time, I'm trying to ensure that people don't feel like they
are stuck in the airport without sufficient answers to their pertinent
Along those lines, here's an UPDATE.
City Crews are currently making additions to our levee around the north
side of town along Park Street to Western and 3rd. They will close up
the levee in those areas and then on 5th street. Those levees are
permanently at 12 feet high (flood stage) and we are adding
approximately 5 feet to the top of these for a total levee of 17 feet.
Our flood crest projection is 15.4 feet so we are topping them to
accommodate that much water and more. This will take the better part of
a week to finish. If necessary we will bring in additional crews to help
in this area.
As I type this, Leroy McCann and Mylo are out checking the north branch
area as water has been moving quite quickly in the Crystal to Nash
areas. It slowed down overnight as the temps dropped but is now
accumulating near #9 and 18.
Lessard Addition is now draining after water inundated the south end of
it. Our crews are out clearing debris from that.
You noticed the Sandbag machine is set up in the Fire Department parking
lot across from the Armory. With any luck and lots of Divine Providence
we won't need too much sand, but it will be available.
TB <<<<<
Thanks a million for sharing Todd, and thanks too, for caring for all
of the citizens under your charge.
If I may, I would also like to share a very important fact regarding
dikes that I learned from Beverly Jensen, the Mayor of Drayton during
the flood of 1997.
While discussing the time and equipment needs with the representatives
of the Corps of Engineers. The "experts" suggested that she/we might be
able to get by with less equipment. Mayor Jensen smiled, frowned and
then, looking directly into the eyes of the guy from the Corps,....
said, "Gentlemen we will utilize every piece of equipment we can lay our
hands on AND" she continued, "more if we can find it. When this exercise
is over we do not want to look back and have to say, if we had only had
more people or equipment".
Beverly Jensen, with the help of a small army of workers literally
moved mountains in 1997. The people of Drayton and the community of
Drayton are all the better because it.
With large trucks hauling clay for dike construction along with giant
backhoes Caterpillar Dozers, bobcats and contractors pickups scurring
around town, there is no question. Grafton will be entering the spring
season at the same time we will be entering the flood season.
However, several folks in the area are also entering another season.
One that, in many respects, is even more difficult for those involved
than spring flooding.
It is the beginning of the Auction Season. The first thing one sees
when walking into Granny's, and I suspect most other business
establishments in the area, is the massive display of Auction Bills
filling the bulletin boards everywhere.
The last edition of the Nor'Wester lists 10 auctions already and I'm
sure there will be several more within the next few weeks. I suppose a
few of this years auctions are due simply because those folks want to
retire, and those don't bother me,.... much. Some on the other hand are
due to the ravages of a ruthless business environment, and they are a
little tougher to take.
Regardless of the reason, one thing I have learned about every auction.
It definitely is not an event for a person with Parkinsons. The minute
the hand starts shaking,.... puffff, I just bought a rusty old garden
tool I couldn't use even if I were healthy enough to do so. And, that's
not the worst of it. When the auctioneer raises his hammer and shouts,
"ALL IN ALL DONE", I can tell you from experience, that is not the time
to let your head start bobbing like a Nixon bobble head in the back
window of 64 chevy car.... pufff,.... I just bought a push type, walk
behind, reel lawn mower with one missing wheel.
Yup, it's auction season alright and I'm going to work real hard at not
going to one.
Westside Drive Inn opens Thursday
call 352-1830 for quick pickup
I still think President Barack Obama and former ACSco CEO Joe Famelette
are somehow related, and, that they went to two different schools
I received a response from Gunner regarding my invitation to him and
John Olaf Aasand the 12th to spend a day Combing walleyes at Rocky Point
Resort this summer.
Being a man of few words (except in the Rock Harbor Lodge) Gunner
simply replied,....... DEAL!!!!!!. I'm still waiting for a response from
John although I suppose he will have to wait until Debbie reads the
invitation to him. Right Gunner?
===== Speaking of John Aasand =====
~~~~~~~~ REMINDER ~~~~~~~~
------- Grafton Federated Church ------- - French Toast and
Sausage Breakfast -
~~~ this SATURDAY MARCH 21st ~~~
Federated Church Fellowship Hall
downstairs at the church. 7 am to 2 pm
Please plan to attend and enjoy some fantastic food and
Adults $7.00 ----- Family $16.00
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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