03/18/09 WEDNESDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you, in part, from the kitchen of Westside
Drive Inn.
Home of the scrumptious Wagon Master. If you haven't tried a West Side
Drive Inn Wagon Master, you haven't tried the best tasting west of the
Rumor has it that the Westside Drive Inn could be open this
Thursday.... That's tomorrow if you don't have a calendar.
The current temperature is 24 degrees.
The "feels like" temperature is 16
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 42/28
Normal H/L temp for this date is 35/18
It was 83 degrees on this date in 1910
It sounds like we could get a significant storm the first part of next
week. If nothing else, that will raise the price of sand bags.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The warmer temperatures Tuesday converted a bunch of snowcat dust into
a fluid more environmentally friendly to aquatic inhabitants.
The sand bagging machine has been strategically placed in the fire
hall parking lot, underneath the water tower. I didn't see any sand in
the lot yet although I'm guessing it will appear there soon.
For some reason I always find the sight of a sand bagging operation
somewhat chilling. It is easy for me to envision the hundreds of
volunteers toiling countless hours trying to save property that todays
modern technology can rectify effortlessly. ++++
Another sign of "potential" water issues is the large Caterpillar dozer
parked just north of the George LaHaise & Sons Plumbing & Heating
Speaking of things on the north end of town. We watched a flock of
turkey's (the Thanksgiving kind of turkeys) feeding in Walt Hoffman's,
former, Trailer City Trailer Court. I remember many years ago hearing Cy
Croaker tell someone ---- I suspect after someone complained because he
had run "the Eight Ball" class C race car engine all night getting it
ready to race at Park River ----- that there were a lot of turkeys
living in Trailer City. I'm pretty sure, however, that Cy was referring
to the people and not the birds.
We took a short drive south of town Tuesday evening just to check on
the water conditions along hiway 81 a mile or so past Norman R. farm.
Everything, including your yard looked great Norm.
"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense
at all."
It's not unusual to get comments about something in the Gazette from
all over the country. Sometimes, I am even "threatened" with the loss of
membership. Such is the case with the following note from Gunner. He
wrote: >>>
If Aasand is going to use the GAZETTE as an advertising tool,
(talented double E staff), I may have to re-think my decision to renew
my subscription!!!!!! <<<<
I'm not really sure what to tell you Gunner. I don't
remember ever promising anyone they would get more from the Gazette,
than the price of the subscription,........ which is nothing.
However, I do have a proposal for the two of you. This summer, when
John is all done making sugar and Gunner isn't traveling around the
country playing golf. We can meet up at Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort.
We'll have a fabulous fish and steak dinner at the Rock Harbor Lodge and
then we'll go out fishing on the famous Lake of the Woods "Walleye
Combine". I can also guarantee that the fishing will be absolutely
fantastic, and I can guarantee we will have a wonderful time........ I
can't be quite so sure about the catching.
===== Speaking of John Aasand =====
~~~~~~~~ REMINDER ~~~~~~~~
------- Grafton Federated Church -------
- FrenchToast and Sausage Breakfast -
~~~ this SATURDAY MARCH 21st ~~~
Federated Church Fellowship Hall
downstairs at the church. 7 am to 2 pm
Please plan to attend and enjoy some fantastic food and
Adults $7.00 ----- Family $16.00
It takes alot of funds to run a facility like Grafton's Heritage
Village & Jugville. Consequently, it takes a lot of fundraisers to get
the funds. If you have "anything" worth "anything" and you would be
willing to donate it to the upcoming Heritage Village & Jugville Rummage
sale. Please continue reading: >>>>
They are looking for anyone who has good condition items they would
like to donate to Heritage village for an upcoming rummage sale to be
held in May. Proceeds will be used for upkeep and expenses of the
Village. Items may be dropped off in the front entrance of the
village or by calling 701-520-1207 or 701-520-1273 <<<<
Of course, if you just can't find anything that would enhance the
rummage sale at the Village, I'm guessing they would be most grateful
for a monetary donation,... of any size.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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