Todays Gazette is brought to you complete with a 2009 Spring Flood
related message from Grafton's honorable Mayor Todd Burianek.
The current temperature is -2 degrees.
The "feels like" temperature is -15
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 13/-13
Normal H/L temp for this date is 32/16
It was 56 degrees on this date in 56.
Notice our "normal" high for this date is 32 degrees. When the normal
low reaches 32 we will make the "change" (there's that word again) from
frostbite to skeeterbite.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I doubt very seriously that there is another topic of discussion, in
the entire Red River Valley, that even comes close to the level of
intensity and concern, as that of the potential of serious spring
With the possibility of a serious flood, within a month in our area, it
should come as no surprise that residents living on the ground floor are
worrying and wondering what they should do.
Leroy McCann of Grafton Emergency Services in a recent Walsh County
Record Article warned,.... "Now is the time to prepare your home for
high water." Leroy indicated that a river level of 13½ feet puts the
water level is at the top of the hydrants on 3rd Street and Western
Avenue, with water reaching 2nd Street and Burgamott Avenue. At 14½
feet, McCann said, the city is experiencing major flooding.
I received the following information from Mayor Burianek Thursday
afternoon. I would first like to thank Mayor Burianek for caring enough
to share what appears, in my mind, to be some very important, very
pertinent, information regarding the spring flooding potential in the
Grafton community.
Mayor Todd Burianek wrote; >>>>
I write regarding flood preparation and to ensure you and your
readers that the City of Grafton is doing "everything" possible to
prepare our community for a flood.
Tomorrow we will receive a flood update from the National Weather
Service. It will likely project a flood crest of 14.5 feet. Since
January, our Emergency Management Coordinator, City Administrator and
all department heads have met on an average of once-a-week regarding
flood issues. I have been updated on these meetings and as we get closer
to the flood crest we will have even more frequent updates about this.
In fact, I suspect by next week the City Council will have a special
meeting to discuss the issue and decide on flood protection measures.
On Saturday, Mylo Einarson and I will attend a meeting hosted by Senator
Byron L. Dorgan that will include representatives of the National
Weather Service, FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers as we discuss the
upcoming flood.
The people of Grafton may rest assured that all contingencies are being
discussed and all efforts will be made to do whatever we can to mitigate
the damage this flood may bring. In the end, I invite all citizens to
join me in praying to God that we have a lovely thaw and minimal
flooding to the City of Grafton and our neighbors in Walsh County.
Todd Burianek <<<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. It would be wonderful if
you could find the time to continue to keep us informed. Also,.... I
hope you don't mind me saying that the 14½ foot river level certainly
is cause for concern. And,.... for reasons to numerous to list here, I
still have trouble believing that the best time to "start" preparing for
a flood is less than a month before a "major flood event" is forecast to
I certainly do believe it is imperative that our mayor, city manager,
council members and Emergency Services personnel be kept abreast of all
flood related information. However, It is equally important to share
that information with the citizens of our community as well.
If a community and it's citizenry emerge from a flood unscathed, it
will grow stronger and continue to survive. If not,... it will begin the
long spiral down a path to oblivion.
In closing I might also add. I have learned to place immense faith in
prayer. However, one should be reminded of the wonderful folks in the
beautiful little country of Holland.
First,.... they protected themselves by building their dikes and
THEN,.... they pray that they are high enough, and strong enough to
save their country from inundation.
~~~~~~ Or so it seems to me. ~~~~~~
Grafton's Heritage Village & Jugville is looking for anyone who has
"good condition" items they would like to donate to Heritage village for
an upcoming rummage sale to be held in May. Proceeds
will be used for upkeep and expenses of the Village. Items may be
dropped off in the front entrance of the village or by calling
701-520-1207 or 701-520-1273
Verna Sherek
~~~~~~~ REMINDER ~~~~~~~
------ WALLEYE FISH FRY ------
---- FRIDAY, MARCH 27TH ----
We would like to thank everyone who has been supporting our fundraisers
and hope you all come back. The support has been nothing short of
Heritage Village Board of Directors
Today is the day that our Granddaughter Jennifer Hartje celebrate the
anniversary of her birth. I'm pretty sure Ryan will helping Jenny blow
out the candles.
Happy Birthday Jenny, we love you very much. Grandma Patty and Grandpa
"You'll learn more spending five minutes with someone that disagrees
with you, than a lifetime with someone that does " GLM.
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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