Todays Gazette is brought to you by between holidays. With Christmas
and New Years behind us. We look forward to Martin Luther King Jr. day
on the 19th. Then, in only 20 days we begin celebrating Raumin Gone
The current temperature is -3 degrees.
The "feels like" temperature is -17.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was -3/-27
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4
It was 48 degrees on this date in 1903.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
It's the cold and flu season in Shivercity. Pat found that out first
hand. Hence, we had another opportunity to utilize and appreciate the
fantastic services and facilities of Unity Medical Center in Grafton.
After Dr. Kotnik's examination, several tests and a shot from Kriss
Dusek, Dr Kotnik's nurse. Pat was admitted to Unity hospital for some
rest and "rehydration". We're hoping everything will be much better by
During our visit to the clinic, I noticed that not only is Unity
Hospital getting a whole new look, Kriss was sporting a brand new hair
style (since our last visit) as well.
Yesterday I received a copy of the latest hit song of the season. "If
your gonna play in Fargo, you gotta have a shovel in the van."
The following note from Scott. It appears as though Scott has found yet
another way of saying "Poop Happens" He wrote: >>> Gary,
Boy does "poop happen!"
I was just updating (which is the site with all
of your Gazettes) and obviously I had been neglecting my duties near,
during and after the holidays
as I read your nice "plug" for my book from about three weeks ago only
tonight. The e-mail address you gave probably doesn't work
anymore. I would like to claim that it was because it had been
overwhelmed with inquiries; but, more honestly because of neglect and no
Pulitizer Prize awarded for my intellectual work.
All that being said, thank you for your ongoing efforts with the
Shivercity Gazette. I was saddened to learn of Father Lommel's
death. I remember him trying to tell me I should become a priest one
of the times when I was participating in a wedding at St. John's. The
significance of that was that I was Lutheran. More likely, it was
because I beat him once or twice on the golf course in Grafton.
Anyway, again, my belated thanks for the "plug" and I'll do a better
job of staying up to date in the future.
My best from Las Vegas where home prices are falling faster than the
temperatures where I grew up!
Scott Hove
Website: <<<< Thanks a million for caring and
sharing Scott.
Thanks a for the note Lea, I hope you have a super warm winter in the
Welcome to the Gazette family Theresa. I hope, fro time to time, you
might find cause to share a part of your world with us.
~~~~~ HERITAGE - VILLAGE ~~~~~
As a reminder, please include this in your Gazette.
Chili Feed... (variety of chili's) and Silent Auction Fundraiser to be
held at Heritage Village on Saturday, Jan 17 from 11am til gone.
Price $6.00 per plate.
Also, if anyone has any items to donate for this Silent Auction, we
are still looking for items. They may be dropped off at the Village
in the main entrance, or Thursday, Friday and Sat evenings from
6-9pm. Or, they can call 701-520-1207 .
Thank you
Verna Sherek <<< Thanks a million Verna. It certainly is a "Chili" time
of the year.
I am always amazed how small our world really is. Just the other day
Dr. Bob Harris shared a few of his thoughts and yesterday I received the
following note from Glenn. >>> He wrote >>>
Gary...I'll be 84 years old in March but my old memories are still
good even though I can't remember what I did yesterday. I enjoyed the
article from Bob Harris, retired dentist from Roseau. I worked
there as a telegrapher at the railroad depot for 13 years and consider
that as my second home town being I was married there and my 4 children
were born there. Bob's dad was my dentist and Bob stepped in after he
finished college. I remember Bob well because of his great hockey
playing ability, golf and member of our church. Best wishes for a
good year. Greet cousin Lynn at Granny's..
Glenn Paulson <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Glenn. Even
though Lynn (dad) will probably read this before he gets to Granny's, I
will greet him for you there as well.
P.S. Unfortunately, still no firm date for the adoption.
Everyone already knows we have received more snow than future
predictions of global warming would indicate. The following note shares
an idea that I'm sure, most of us have never thought of. >>> Hi Gary, as
I was reading todays issue of the Gazette where you mentioned the snow
being so deep that it was near the flap on the back side of the long
johns, I saw the MDU meter man on his route. Needless to say there are
is some very deep snow he has to go thru. Now this goes for the guy that
reads our electrical and water meters also. Wouldn't it be a wonderful
gesture for all homeowners to clear a path in the snow for these people?
I'm sure they would appreciate it. After all, most of us try to keep our
sidewalks clean for the mail carriers. Thanks to all who do.
No name please. <<<
Now then, everybody is aware of a wonderful idea, unfortunately,
because the author chose to remain anonymous, no-one knows who suggested
it. Anyway,.. thanks for caring and sharing.
If,..... the folks responsible for last weekends snowcat races had done
a bit more communicating with our local business community. Maybe,..
just maybe, it might have even been a bigger and better event for the
participants, and, for the entire community.
Or so it seems to me.
"Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those who mind don't
matter.... and those who matter don't mind."
Or so it seems to me
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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