Todays Gazette is in memory of Walsh County States attorney Stephen J.
The current temperature is 8 degrees.
The "feel like: temperature is -10
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 5/-16
Normal H/L temp for this date is 17/-5
It was 40 degrees on this date in 1995.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Today would be a wonderful day for the folks that enacted the
"sidewalks must be cleaned 24 hours after a snowfall" law, to review
it's effect on village sidewalks.
SUBJECT: Global Warming.
Maybe I forgot to mention it in a previous Gazette, altho I am pretty
sure I'm "On Record" as agreeing with Al Gore. Just in case I didn't, I
will repeat it again. "I absolutely DO AGREE with Al Gore, we definitely
ARE experiencing global warming". As a matter of fact, in the past
20,000 years or so, we have actually experienced it twice.
If my inbox is any indication, evidently Al Gore and I are not the only
ones with a opinion on global warming. For instance. >>>>>
Subject: Global warming
Gary, I can understand why our planet is warming! When dealing with
homo sapiens, I get a little heated up too.
I find it unsettling that those who are preaching
conservation feign doing so themselves. I was always taught "lead by
example". I guess it's OK to pressure everyone else into conserving so
you can buy up their carbon credits so you don't have to. We all know Al
should be patted on the back for purchasing and using all those unused
carbon credits that others busted their hump to earn. The things
people do to convince themselves they are part of the solution.
By the way, who establishes how much carbon is a "safe" level, how
many carbon credits are available and how they are distributed? I'll bet
the cows didn't get a vote in that deal. Do we have carbon cops?
(envision the theme song from cops as Big Al, badge on his chest,
breaks down the door on a coal fired electric plant.)
It also wouldn't surprise me if it were a combined effort of PETA
and our politicians that came up with the idea of taxing cow
flatulence. Frankly I'm convinced Washington doesn't want the
competition when it comes to producing bull**** or hot air, your choice.
Thanks a million for caring and sharing. I would have used different
words but I couldn't have said it better.
Then I received the following "Readers Digest Version" which I
summarize is a polite way of telling me where to go. >>>>>>
Hi Gary:
Regarding Al Gore, in the words of Ronney Reagan, "There you go again!"
Hope you're doing great! Say hi to Pat! <<<< Thanks a million for caring
and sharing. (Pat says Hi to you.)
The next note came with "research attached". Room doesn't allow it's
entirety but I have attached the most significant portion. The message:
Gary, Thought you might like to read up on global warming. I did
because I thought that your comments about our cold proves that there is
no global warming. That question is discussed towards the end of this
piece. XXXXXX MYTH: Recent cold winters and cool summers don't feel
like global warming to me.
FACT: While different pockets of the country have experienced some cold
winters here and there, the overall trend is warmer winters.
Measurements show that over the last century the Earth's climate has
warmed overall, in all seasons, and in most regions. Climate skeptics
mislead the public when they claim that the winter of 2003 / 2004 was
the coldest ever in the northeastern United States. That winter was only
the 33rd coldest in the region since records began in 1896. Furthermore,
a single year of cold weather in one region of the globe is not an
indication of a trend in the global climate, which refers to a long-term
average over the entire planet. <<<<<<
SO,... there you have it. And, I might add, that all of the previous
information will be verified when President Obama signs the papers
approving 10's of millions of dollars (actually 100's of millions of
dollars) to replace all of our climitological equipment, because it has
been deemed "inadequate and unreliable". Oh well.
Speaking of frivolous practices and procedures. I found the next note
"interesting" and a bit frightening. >>>>
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism.
But, under the name of "liberalism," they will adopt every fragment of
the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation,
without knowing how it happened."
He went on to say... "I no longer need to run as a Presidential
Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has
adopted our platform."
-- Norman Thomas, the Socialist Party candidate for President, said this
in a 1944 speech... <<<<
I think maybe Larry The Cable Guy sums it up best, when he says.
"Life isn't like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos.
What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow."
"Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those who mind don't
matter.... and those who matter don't mind."
Or so it seems to me
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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