Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009 - Tuesday

Todays Gazette is brought to you in appreciation of Volunteers
The current temperature is -19 degrees.
The "feels like" temperature is -36.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was -2/-28
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-3
It was -41 degrees on this date in 1990
The forecast for this week is calling for 1 or more inches of snow. It
sounds like it will be the first real test of our communities "you must
shovel your sidewalks within 24 hours of a snowfall" rule. If nothing
else, the new rule will make walking by our sailboat storage facilities
much easier. Or so it seems to me.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Cathy's message yesterday looking for Bone Marrow Donors brought
several notes to the Gazette mailbox. Most of those notes resembled the
following. >>>
I wonder if Cathy could give us a little more info on what exactly
the bone marrow transplant would mean for the donor? <<<<
Beverly Demers sent the following message that suggests we may have
found a real positive participant.
Beverly wrote; >>>> Hi Gary,
I sent Cathy Stark an email. Sara went through the bone marrow process
when Ronnie Fellman was sick. Since the initial phase of registration,
she has never been contacted for anything further which makes me wonder
if she hasn't been a potential match or if she got hooked up with a
bogus registration.
It would sure be nice if Sara was a match for Joannie. Bone Marrow
donation is something Sara feels pretty strongly about doing. (She
definitely didn't get that from me. If there's a needle involved, rest
assured, I won't be doing it any time soon.) Bev. <<<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Bev. Since we have already started the
ball rolling. It may be beneficial to repeat Cathy's message from
yesterdays Gazette. Cathy wrote; >>>
Hello, my name is Cathy Stark. Together with DKMS,
Mickey Schumacher and Julie Schuster we are putting together a Bone
Marrow Donor Drive. Sounds scary and intimidating, doesn't it? But did
you know that the first step to being a marrow donor is a simple quick
swab of the mouth! Being a donor means you have the power to give hope
to those who have none and life to someone that without you would not
live to see another day.
Our ultimate goal is to find a donor match for our good
friend/family member Joanie Silewski. But hey if you are not a match
for Joanie you could very well be a match for another well deserving
individual. Joanie is 47 years old and was diagnosed with Acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Her only chance for survival is a marrow
transplant, a friend or stranger like you can save her or someone like
her. Tomorrow a stranger might help save you or someone you love.
Registration is simple and painless.
If you are willing and able to help with the drive, please reply to
this e-mail. Include your name, address, phone number, and e-mail
Give HOPE. Give LIFE.
Cathy Stark
Starcat32@hotmail.com <<<<
========= 701-352-3280 ==========
Proceeds will go toward the upkeep of Heritage Village & Jugville.
I received the following note from my friend Lloyd, from Arnesen's
Rocky Point. I'm pretty sure he is speaking about "something" to do with
computers. Unfortunately, all I know about computers is, that most of
the time spellcheck works, and sometimes it doesn't. And, I know I can't
open anything sent to me in windows or ms-word. Anyway, Lloyd wrote:
>>> Gary:
There is another solution for the memory hog that MS Window has
gradually become. Anyone can switch to Linux which is available in a
variety of forms. "Ubuntu" is a recent and very popular form of Linux.
And Linux is FREE. and all of the software for it is also FREE. And
it is many, many times faster than any product Microsoft makes.
Linux was developed to be something called "open" software meaning its
code is not secret and anyone who has the skill can improve on that
code. And, boy have they ever improved on Linux since it was introduced
about 25 years ago. But users need not have any ability to manipulate
the 'code'. Programs and applications are available which do the job
with no more operating knowledge necessary than is required now for
Microsoft products.
Remember, "open" software also means it is always provided at not cost
to the consumer.
Lloyd W. Hanson <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Lloyd. I'm
going to guess that theres a pile of folks out there that understands
what your saying.
Speaking of Rocky Point. If your thinking of spending a day, a week or
a summer at the lake. Check out the Arnesens.com website.
"Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those who mind don't
matter.... and those who matter don't mind."
Or so it seems to me

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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