Todays Gazette is being brought to you from the foothills of our
rapidly growing majestic mountains of snow.
The current temperature is 3 degrees.
The "feels like" temperature is -9
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 18/-6
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-3
It was 44 degrees on this date in 1904
It is hard to convince a man of global warming when he's shovelling
snow in minus 40 windchill temperatures with his nose running quicker
than he can lick it.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I hope the folks from Minnesota don't mistake our area for the
beautiful Big Sky Ski Resorts of the Montana Rockies as they pass
through Grafton on their way to the ski slopes.
I understand Grand Forks has already surpassed it's previous historical
December snowfall amounts, and, we still have two snowy days left of
Please welcome Bill LaMont to our Gazette family.
The last time I can remember seeing Bill, was at the popcorn machine in
Ted Hoffman's Zelda Theater. Actually, we still have two theaters in
Grafton. Both of them are housed in the Strand theater building.
By now I suppose everybody has heard that the level of the Park River
was the highest local folks can ever remember. That combined with
seemingly record snowfall, isn't in itself the end of the world.
Everyone knows it once rained for 40 days and 40 nights and that wasn't
the end of the world. Heck, that just gave some folks reason to buy
larger boats.
Anyway, I read Editor Todd Morgan's latest editorial in the Walsh
County Record and if that doesn't give our "city fathers" food for
thought, and plenty to wash it down with, absolutely nothing will.
According to Todd's editorial, Grafton is No.1 in flood insurance
premiums in the state when it comes to total dollars paid in flood
insurance. Todd goes on to say. "It's just not No.1 in flood insurance
premiums by a few thousand dollars either. In fact Grafton pays more in
flood insurance than all the rest of the cities in the state combined."
Todd then added. "Think about that --- it's awesome. total all the flood
insurance premiums paid in Fargo, Minot, Bismark, Mayville or any other
city you want to include and Grafton comes in at the big No.1 in total
dollars paid."
WOW,.... just think about it. Apparently all of the folks that were
elected to manage and protect the city of Grafton for the past half
century, or more. Obviously must have decided that God will send word to
Noah to take his wife, their three sons and their wives to Grafton in
plenty of time for them to build an Ark. AND,.. into which, a single
pair of every living thing in Grafton will go. And,... so it might be
written, the rest of us can go to Hell. Or so it seems to
Speaking of things going to ---- the devil. It seems like all, most, or
at the very least, many of our Gazette family members with a Polarcomm
e-mail address are not receiving it. I'm not sure what the problem is at
Polarcomm. They may be planning a merger with with Equatorcomm to comply
with Al Gores Global warming footprint.
At any rate, if you know of someone in the Polarcomm system and they
are wondering why the Gazette has been missing for the past several
days. Tell them it might be a Global warming problem, however, most
likely it's a Polar problem. I hope they can find and correct the
problem as soon as possible.
I can say this. I have dealt with the folks at Polar on several
different levels and have always found their organization to operate
with exceptional professionalism.
For those that may have wondered. Grafton truly is a Destination City.
If you don't believe me, you can believe Cindy.
Subject: Fox Hunters,
Good Morning Gary,
The boys will be on their way Wednesday am. Planning to arrive
Thursday around 11 am. As usual they will be staying at the Leonard
Motel, the Official Ohio Fox Hunters Motel. They are hoping to have 3
rooms, two adjoining and the third next door.
This year there will be 7, so I guess they will need a roll away also.
I have a big note to remind Bill of the cookies. So lets hope this
year we remember everything. Hope all is well there and a nice Holiday
was had by all.
Cindy <<<<
Thanks a million for the update Cindy. We will be looking forward to
seeing the guys sometime Thursday. Rumor has it that there sure is a lot
of tracks in the snow. We also have a lot of snow but that's not a
rumor, it's a fact.
"Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those who mind don't
matter.... and those who matter don't mind."
Or so it seems to me
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