Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 10, 2008 - Wednesday

Todays Gazette is being brought to you by anything that comes out in
the end.
The current temperature is 7 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 8/-1
Normal H/L temp for this date is 22/5
It was 47 degrees on this date in 1974
It's cold enough to freeze road apples before they get to the wagon
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The price of gas around town, (the kind of gas that automobiles run on)
is $1.75 a gallon, give or take a penny.
It hasn't been determined, at least not yet, how much the price of gas,
(the kind from beans, boiled cabbage and buttered popcorn) will be in
the end. Pardon the pun.
I noticed that Al (green movement) Gore met with our president and Vice
President elect on Tuesday and they all seem to agree. We must do
something about the global warming issues,.... before Mother Nature gets
all the credit.
I understand they're suggesting that "we" MUST put a flatulent tax on
farm animals. If, in fact, flatulence really is creating a major global
warming issue. I think before taxing the farm animals that have proven
themselves a value to all mankind. They should start with our Washington
D.C. politicians. Everyone knows there is more bull excrement excreted
from the folks meddling with the nations laws in Washington D.C. than
all of the descendants from Noah's Ark put together
Now I'm not sure what arm of the federal government will be responsible
for measuring the volume of flatulence emitted by farm animals. I do
hope the officials doing the testing won't be required to stand directly
behind the animals when they take their samples. I certainly hope they
will treat our nations farm animals with the same care and respect that
a reputable proctologist would use while probing around the same area of
a politician in Washington D.C..
Ironic, isn't it? That a man who flies around the country, and the
world, in his very own private jet and calls several mansions home has
the audacity to tell 4-H students around the United States that they
must not only capture and record the amount of liquid and solid material
emitted from their 4-H project. They MUST also figure out a way to bag
their pet projects flatulence as well.
Now,... if that isn't a giant pile of bull excrement, I'll clean the
hog barns west of Larimore and use it to fertilize Al Gore's organically
grown vegetables myself.
There is, in my opinion, a reason the "Green Movement" was name such.
It definitely will create mountains of additional "greenbacks" for the
very wealthy. And,... of course the "movement" part almost certainly
must be a synonym for bowel movement.
Or so it seems to me.
I'll bet there is still some folks out there that remember the spotted
owl fiasco.
While driving by Rick & Nan Petersen's former home just down the
street, I wondered how they were doing in the land shaped like a
peninsula. Low and behold last night I found out. Rick sent the
following. >>>>
Rick & Nan sure would sure like to be added to your mailing list so
we can keep up with the Grafton news. Things are good in Florida,
except my golf game. The weather has been great & we are getting to meet
& know some great people.
Not missing the snow & cold.
Rick & Nan <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing and welcome back to the
Gazette family. However,... I prefer to use the term "babble" rather
than news. The Walsh County Record and the Grand Forks Herald both do a
super job writing the news.
However Rick, I can tell you that Simonson's newest venture on the
corner of Hill Avenue and Hiway 17 is still ongoing. Based on the
progress I see from the street. It could be early spring before anyone
in Grafton will be able to take a Subway down main street. If you know
what I mean.
Did you hear the one about the Governor from Illinois? I sounds like he
thinks it's okay to buy politicians like they are professional athletes.
Rats,... just when I was beginning to think most of our nations
Governors were actually straight laced and patriotic.
Please remember to bring your silent auction items to Heritage Village
as soon as possible. Although I'm not absolutely certain, I really think
all of your donations can qualify for a tax deduction.
"To know what is right, and then not do it, is the worst form of
Or so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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