Friday, December 19, 2008

December 19, 2008 - Friday

Today's Gazette is brought to you by the Walsh County PRESS, Park
River, ND.
The current temperature is -10
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 0/-18
Normal H/L temp for this date is 19/1
The current "feels like" temp is -28
It was 46 degrees on this date in 1894 =========================
"Profanity make ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I stopped at Grafton Drug Thursday afternoon to pickup a new heating
pad. With the advent of cooler weather I have acquired some "stiff
joints" that I can't seem to find a good use for. Hence,.. I'm hoping
the heating pad will resolve that issue.
Anyway, while picking up the heating pad, I grabbed a copy of the Park
River Walsh County PRESS, it's their 127th year in print, and brought it
home. I must say, "I was very impressed".
I found much of the content in the PRESS interesting and easy to read.
Since I am half Norwegian I was also pleased the PRESS features a
significant number of pictures along with the articles.
For instance, when I turned to the back page of the PRESS, I saw a
picture, that for a moment, I thought looked just like Lorraine LaBonte.
If it was, I thought, maybe it had been take several years ago when she
was one of my nurses while I was recovering from a surgery performed by
Dr. Eaton.
I have stated several times, in previous Gazettes, two of my favorite
nurses ever was Lorraine LaBonte and Dorothy Wilson. Why I wondered,
before reading the article, would there be a picture of Lorraine Labonte
(especially as a young girl) in the Walsh County PRESS?
Then,... I read the article. Heck it wasn't Lorraine at all it was
Lorraines granddaughter, Air National Guard Airman 1st class Rachael A.
LaBonte. The article went on to explain that Rachael had graduated from
basic military training. Rachael is the daughter of Mike LaBonte of
Harmony Heights Lane, Rapid City SD.
Thank God I can still read a little bit, or I might have been running
around asking everyone why the PRESS but Lorraines High School
graduation picture in the paper. CONGRATULATIONS, Rachael
ANYWAY, not that it's really,.. really important. I did notice that
the PRESS used 33 pictures in this weeks edition, while The Record used
18. Then again who's counting?
Speaking of pretty girls, today is the day our granddaughter Krystal
Moe will celebrate the anniversary of her birth.
gramma and grandpa love you very much.
Who says nobody pays attention to the Gazette. Elly sent the following.
Yes, I saw you on You're certainly enjoying yourself.
Seeing those pictures, I want summer back NOW!!!
You and your family have a very Merry Christmas! Take care. <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Elly. Merry Christmas to you
and yours, from me and mine.
Terry sent the following "clues" to the parking meter hunt. He wrote.
>>> Gary
Not so many years ago, the old "radar building" by the airport was the
resting place for the parking meters.
Terry Henriksen <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Terry. For those that don't
know, Terry is a recently retired Grafton Funeral Director. The old
"radar building" he speaks of was used as a "winter storage morgue" when
the ground is frozen to hard for normal burial. He used a interesting
choice of words....... Don't you think?
Ralph Kingsbury shared his thoughts relative to Bert Overlands comments
from the other day. Ralph wrote: >>>
Bert Overland's comments to you were really interesting. I knew about
our "lend-lease" program with England before we got into WW II and knew
about the airplanes flying to a field next to the border at Pembina.
They would then be pulled across the border and the Canadians flew them
to England. That didn't break any treaty obligations. Didn't realize
some were on trains through Grafton.
I had heard something about the guns, etc, but didn't know they were on
trains through Grafton either. It would be nice if any of your readers
can add to Bert's comments, or even more from him. Can you imagine today
telling our kids to go pick up any spilled coal? When the whole family
got up every morning and the first place they headed to was the furnace
vent, or the wood stove in order to warm up as that and the kitchen
stove were the only sources of heat in the house. The lucky ones had
indoor toilets. What's that old saying about the lucky ones had a dry
pair of shoes and a warm place to ........... Ralph Kingsbury <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ralph. Like you, I certainly
hope some of our "more senior" members will be willing to share their
I'm guessing the mention of the City Hall basement and it's contents
brings back many memories from many folks. Glenn shared the following:
>>> Gary... Mention of the old City Hall Basement brought back old
memories.. Back in about 1939 or 1940 we had our scout meetings there
one winter. Other then remembering that Hugo Kutz was a good scoutmaster
I will always remember Henry Bernards 1903 Oldsmobile parked down
Glenn Paulson <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Glenn. I'll
bet there is even someone out there that remembers what happened to
Henry's old car.
Almost every day I get requests, from folks that would like to become
Gazette family members. Often they request I not mention their
names,.... so I don't. Sometimes I get a request from someone requesting
that I add someone else, and that's okay to as long as it's okay with
someone else. The following request is the first time someone requested
someone else be added with an "add".
Agnes wrote: >>>>
Subject: ADDY FOR YOU!!
Good morning Gary..have you added (email address) they would like to
get your news.....also I am putting a plug in for PAM'S
PANTRY......she does catering & bakes PLUS has her shop open Wed.,Thurs.
& Fri..'s from 11 to 2 for lunches...every day & every week it's
different so call her at 360-4469.
PAM'S PANTRY......Thanks for airing this.. Agnes Beier <<<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Agnes. Your friend has already started
receiving the Gazette and, as you see above. That is the rest of the
If your having trouble coming up with a great gift idea for someone.
Why not give them Grafton Bucks. There good all over town. AND,.... one
size fits all.
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling someone what you
think..... if you think first."
Or so it seems to me

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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