Saturday, December 13, 2008

December 13, 2008 - Saturday

Todays Gazette is brought to just hours prior to the first serious
blizzard warning forecasted so far this winter season.
The current temperature is 8 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 16/-6
Normal H/L temp for this date is 21/3
It was 52 degrees on this date in 1913.
We could get 4 to 6 inches of snowcat dust by Monday morning. If the 40
MPH winds materialize, we could end up with snow drifts up around
Frosty's ears.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Richard and Elaine Thompson returned home Wednesday, for the Christmas
holidays, from their Floridian winter residence. Judging by the shadow
Richard casts over Granny's coffee table, his recliner in the sunshine
state must be relatively close to the refrigerator. Speaking of sunshine
and shadows, if the tan line around Richards short sleeved shirt is any
indication. Richard is either spending a lot of time in the sun, or, he
has installed a sun lamp in his refrigerator.
Speaking of sunshine heat and cold. I noticed yesterday that the
furnace is still running in the former Getz Drug Store building. I guess
we don't want the sailboat fuel in there to get to cold.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRUISM ~~~~~~~~~~ Scandinavian logic: If putting a
brick in the water closet (toilet) saves water. Shouldn't putting a
brick in a gas tank "save gas?" This logic is often used by our
Washington D.C. Political Leaders.
This is the Saturday that the Salvation Army folks stop by Granny's so
we can help them help so many others. For many years, on this day, I
looked forward to Gordy Stark walking into Granny's ringing his bell and
saying, "alright fellows, open up your billfolds, it's that time of the
year again."
Rod Alme took over when Gordy was called to work the giant kettle in
heaven. This morning, as has been the case for so many years. Granny's
door opened up and that familiar "ring" preceded Joe Dusek. As Joe
approached our table with a warm "okay guys, it's that time of the year
again and please don't be tight." (or something like that.) And,... we
weren't, and,... I think Gordy would be proud too.
To me at least, it certainly looks like our local retail stores are
much busier than normal. I'm not sure if it's the higher price of gas, a
much better selection of items to choose from, or, finally plain old
common sense kicking in. Whatever it is, it sure is wonderful to see the
increase in traffic around town.
Speaking of increase. The Gazette subscription department has also been
busy lately. Our "Gazette Family" has grown another dozen members in the
past week. Our group is evolving from a the standard old family tree, to
a whole Forest of Family and Friends.
~~~~~~~~~~ FACTOID ~~~~~~~~~~
Intellectual Constipation: (broken down) Intellectual; requiring
Constipation; infrequent and difficult movement. Or, IC (for
short) a favorite reaction from some Political leaders when faced with
new ideas and challenges.
Santa Claus will be at the Grafton Armory Sunday Dec, 14 between the
hours of 2:30 & 5:00.
I suspect "IF" we are experiencing adverse weather conditions on
Sunday, Santa will be able to figure out another time.
~~~~~~~~~~~ GOOFY ~~~~~~~~~~
Obtuse; slow to understand or perceive OR, in the case of the
Illinois Governor. Getting caught on a telephone wire tap selling
political positions.
~~~~~~~~~~~ IRONIC ~~~~~~~~~~
Did you hear the news this morning? For several years now, a reputable
(?) federal agency has been telling us, and pregnant women NOT to eat
fish. Or, at the very least, eat only minimal amounts of fish. Eating
fish,.... they said, would be extremely detrimental to ones health.
Today, they are saying,...... go ahead and eat fish. The benefits far
outweigh the detriments one might expect.
Well I'll be darned. Remember a few years ago what the "experts"
predicted would happen to the spotted owls? You might also remember
"most experts" predicted the demise of the eagle as well. One such
expert I remember, was willing to bet his wife and first born child that
the eagle population absolutely couldn't rebound........ Oops, I guess
that trainload of experts generated a "slight" miscalculation.
The buffoon that believes the real energy solution is wind, obviously
forgot that it isn't always windy. And, when it isn't, something else
has to be able to take over that energy load immediately.
Or so it seems to me.
"Absolutely, global warming is a real fact. It's been warming up for
10,000 years."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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