Monday, May 28, 2007

May 28, 2007 - Monday (Memorial Day) - Grafton, ND

With reasonable care, the human body will last a lifetime.
The current temperature is 74 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 65/49
Normal H/L temp for this date is 74/48 The 'official'
Gazette Water Meter has recorded 2.94 inches of moisture during the most
recent rain event.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
With all the excess moisture lately, it won't be long and
we'll be dragging out the Skeeter Meter.
I learned a long time ago that "things" aren't always what they
first appear to be. Such was the case this morning when I drove up to
Granny's,... and discovered they were closed. Anyway, as I looked around
to see if anyone else had made the same mistake. I noticed a large
motorhome parked in the AmericInn Motel parking lot. It was the same
motorhome that had been parked in the Leistikow Park Camp Ground just a
day or so earlier. Then it struck me. WOW, I thought, our
beautiful Leistikow Park Campground must be so full that this big diesel
rig couldn't park there anymore, so, it parked in the Motel parking lot
instead. I was thankful the folks that are staying in that big rig
didn't decide to leave town just because our beautiful campground is
full. And, I thought, maybe, for a few bucks the folks at AmericInn
would even let them take a dip in their pool.
After I was sure that Granny's wasn't going to be open anytime
soon. I decided to take a spin down the Developmental Center (Grafton
States School) road and then take 5th street past the Leistikow Park and
As I approached the campground, the term "dog bite my unit" came
to mind. The only campers in the campground was the one owned by the
Park and, the one owned by the couple in charge of the campground.
Why, I wondered, would a beautiful big diesel powered motorhome
with electric steps and pleated curtains on the windows, move from our
magnificent, quiet, little campground with electricity, water and sewer?
Especially when the lot at AmericInn can't offer any of those wonderful
camping amenities.
I'll be darned if I know,..... however, I'd be willing to bet
someone does. So,... just in case that person doesn't see this the first
time. I may have to continue asking the question til they do.
I received the following quote from Keith Saville. "Lord, keep
Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth." Maybe I should
have read it before I wrote the piece about the campground. Anyway, I
thank the Saville's a million for caring and sharing.
Kathee Carlson's note about street work gave Wally reason to share
the following. >>> Hi Gary
Its bed time but I must answer that little lady who lived at 303
kittson. Her story about the dirt streets on Kittson kind of gives her
age away, so be it. You see I lived at 323 Kittson. We were neighbors
and they were super neighbors too.
Now she mentions the dirt streets on Kittson. Yes they were dirt on
sunny days and a mess on rainy days.
Ione and I moved back to Grafton from Mandan in 1952. We
lived at 40 North Wakeman. No one had sewer or water there. (on
Wakeman)My brothers and I decided to put sewer and water in my
mothers home at 323 Kittson. We didn't have the cash so we decided to
dig it by hand. We all worked, so it had to be done in the evenings. We
started at 6 pm and dug til 2 a m. The going was easy by the house but
got harder at the street. The sewer was 14 feet deep. We found it and
decided to hook it up the next day. Now,.... that was on the west side
of the street. We got Charlie Sieben to tell us how to hook it up.
ThenCharlie gave me the worst news I have ever had, baring any
thing else. The news was that the sewer was on the 'east' side of the
street. The one on the west side was a old abandoned sewer line. We
closed of the street and started to dig. At about 2:30 A M we found the
pipe and decided we would get some sleep and start the next evening.
The next bad news was that we were putting the water pipe in the
same trench as the sewer line. We were told we could not do that, as the
ordinance had changed a week or so before that date. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! We
dug another hole 8 feet away and got the water. Closing the trench was a
pieceof cake compared to digging it through that hard road.
Getting rid of the old "out side john" was the happiest
day of my young life. I really can't remember if Kathee brought us lemon
aid while we were on the job. If she did and I did not say "thank you
KATHEE". I am saying it now. Thanks Kathee you were a great
neighbor Wally <<< Thanks a million for caring and
sharing Wally. I wonder if, "the folks most appreciative of getting rid
of the "old outhouses" were those folks fullest of the reason to use
them in the first place"?
More than once the question, "when is Lloyd coming up to the lake?" was
brought up during coffee at the Rock Harbor Lodge. I can finally answer
it with a reasonable amount of certainty.
Lloyd wrote: >>>
I am on my way to the Lake, presently at Nancy's and will leave her
Tuesday and expect to arrive in Rochester area by late Wednesday
afternoon, then likely on to the Lake by Thursday or Friday. Weather at
the Lake looks rainy all week but lots of work to do to open the Cabin.
Lloyd W. Hanson <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Lloyd. The next
round of coffee is on you.
From time to time I get requests from folks to be included in the
Gazette family and they prefer not having their names mentioned. I don't
have a problem with that at all. Also, every once in a while someone
will wonder why, when I welcome someone, or if I mention someone, they
can't find that persons name in the list of names they receive.
That too, has a fairly simple explanation. I have divided the list into
numerous groups, so you are only seeing a few of the entire list.
Speaking of new Gazette family members. I received the following note
from Aurel just today. He wrote >>>
I am Aurel Littlejohn Jacobson, a '49 graduate of Grafton. The
other day I had a long conversation with Roseann Bliss here in the twin
cities. She told meabout the great email newsletteryou write. I
would like to be on the listto receive it, if that is possible.
I plan to visit Grafton for the 125th reunion this June. I
haven't been back for five years and I am really looking forward to
meeting old classmates.
Aurel Jacobson <<< Thanks a million Aurel. I would be pleased to
include you in the Gazette family, and, I hope you will find cause, from
time to time, to share a part of your world with us.
Rumor has it that this years Summerfest Celebration is going to be a
real "Wing Ding." Or so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Grafton, ND

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