of them to do it.
The current temperature is 60 degrees
Yesterdays H/L temperature was N/A
Normal H/L temp for this date is N/A
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Contractors started removing the blacktop from McHugh Avenue this
morning,... craters and all. Rumor has it the project is expected to be
completed by mid July. I'm not sure if that's this July or next.
The Photo show Tom Kutz shared with us was extremely well received by
Marjie wrote. >>> Good morning Gary,
How lucky it is for those interested in Grafton's history to have
those photos Tom Kutz shared.
I really enjoyed his musical choice for the slide show too.
I've read your story about how the Gazette came about so I am sure
you may be surprised to realize what it has become and how far your
message travels. You have drawn your community together to
proudlyshare your history,your present and hopes for the future.
Well done, Gary. <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Marjie.
Gary thanks for Tom Kutz' photo show, it was fantastic. Thanks Tom and
also hope the fishing is great. Some day we hope to return to Baudette
to do some fishing ourselves. Have a great summer Pat and Gary. Ted and
Gail Kress in smokey Fl.
Loved Tom's pictures! Thanks for sharing. JoAnn Wentz Beale
The walk down memory lane gave Joyce reason to share this one. >>>
Aren't trips down memory lane wonderful? You're right when you talk
about all the trees my dad planted in and around Grafton. He used to
take us for rides and show us where some of the trees he had planted
were, and it pretty much covered most of the town. He also had a black
walnut tree in his yard on the corner of Prospect and 10th, and it is
still doing well, although there are new owners in the house now and I
don't know if they realize just how special that tree is.
Thank you for keeping us in touch with all the news as it happens in
Sincerely, Joyce (Ebertowski) Anderson <<< Thanks for caring and
sharing Joyce. This is also the time of the year when Ed would walk up
and down the Greenhouse isles making sure all the bedding plants had
"everything they need".
I am pleased to share the following note from Russell. >>> Gary
Carole and I read the Gazette regularly. We still have many friends
and relatives in Grafton. I would like to point out that, at least, two
other people that I'm aware of from that generation have also made
significant contributions in the high tech arena; Marjie (Johnson)
Spicher and Phil Wralstad. It wasn't easy for a woman in that time
frame. There are probably many others. Ron Moe has a much better handle
on this than I do. I don't know how many of us were affected by Harold
Bliss. Russ
Russell Lefevre, Ph.D.
IEEE-USA President 2008 <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Russell. I'd guess no-one could put a definite number on the people
lives Harold changed. Many more than anyone will ever know might be a
pretty close estimate.
Dear Gary, Susan and I have looked forward to each edition of the
ShiverCity Gazette and Skeeterville Gazette since joining your long list
of "subscribers". We are very pleased to have been raised and
continue to have ties to a small town with people who have such big
hearts as those in Grafton and the Grafton area. We were especially
touched to read of all the efforts that had been made to make Orpha and
Herb Bertsch's auction sale possible in spite of the weather. Jan
Bertsch Heyderhoff and her husband Bill are members of our church in
Cottage Grove, MN and good friends of ours. Jan is a niece of Herb
and Orpha. She has kept us informed as to Orpha and Herb over the 36
years that we have lived in Cottage Grove. I have made copies of the
two SKEETERVILLE GAZETTEs in which you report on the Bertsch's auction
to give to them. Jan and Bill Heyderhoff, Susan and I thank Gil and
Elena Mae Herbel, Mayor Todd Burianek and all the others who helped to
make the auction possible in spite of the weather.
Susan and I are looking forward to being in Grafton duringSummerfest
this summer.
Bob Torkelson <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Bob. We certainly will
miss Herb and Orpha in our little community, however, we will never
forget them.
I wasn't sure what to make of your entry for friday. "to be over
shadowed by an even greater segment of our society working diligently to
exonerate more than TEN MILLION individuals that "everyone" agrees is
I haven't heard it, yet, although I'm wondering if congrees will see
fit to "forgive" the folks that broke into the Gate City Bank in Park
River the other day.
Of course robbing banks is illegal. However, I'm sure the robbers are
only doing it to afford (pardon the pun) them a better life style than
they would have otherwise."
I don't know the facts about the robbery in Park River, but
from reading your comment, it seems to me that the robbers where illegal
My family immigrated to Grafton illegally when I was about 4 years
old.My entire familyworked for many area farmers working in the
potato/sugar beat/wheat harvest. It wasn't easy work waking up at 5am at
7years old and hoeing beets from sunset to sun down. Child labor laws
are virtually non-existent when it came to farming, especially when it
came to hiring illegal immigrants to do the work that nobody else wanted
to do. In the many years that I worked hoeing beets in the summer, never
did I run into one of my school classmates(who were all white) and say
'hey, you're hoeing beets this summer too'.
Ronald Reagan passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
which gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, including my
Bad apples are everywhere. I first realized that hoeing beets wasn't
for me at the tender age of 7. Most 6, 7 year olds now are still
learning to be potty trained. Hoeing beets every summer instilled in me
a very strong, hard, work ethic that is still strong today.
Most people that are against amnesty for illegal immigrants have no
clue what poverty is. Older folks might have an idea of what it is to
live in poverty(Depression). But even then, the government supplied
rations. People in Mexico are either rich or poor. There isn't anything
in between. If you or your child is out of food, tough luck. In America,
you get food stamps.
Before my parent's immigrated to Grafton, our family of 6 lived in a
2 bedroom, concrete shack with an outhouse.
There are good and bad apples amongst all beings. I am the epitome
of the "American Dream." A house in Austin, TX, an apt. in SF, college
educated. Most people that cross the border illegally just want to be
able to have a roof under their heads, and not worry whether their
babies will have food for the week. I know that's the reason whymy
parent's made it to Grafton, ND and why they're still there.
'La Migra' wasn't as prominent in ND as it was in TX, CA or the
other southern states that border Mexico. Additionally, there was plenty
of agricultural work for them. Many of the area farmers turned a blind
eye to the fact that they were illegal. They wanted their sugar beet
fields thinned and weeded for $22/acre and they neededto complete
potato harvest for $7/hr.They didn't care if you were an 'illegal
alien' or a martian from outer space! They needed the work done for
People complain so much about gas being so expensive at $3.80 in
SF. I'm sure there would be riots if all the illegal immigrants were
ousted out of the country and people had to pay $3 for a tomato, $4 for
a head of lettuce, $2 for an orange. What would CA farmers do? What
would Grafton, NDfarmershave done without the help of those same
immigrants who hoed their fields for $22/acre?
If you'd like a much better perspective about the impact illegal
immigrants have on this country and the U.S economy. I recommend
watching "A Day Without A Mexican".
Thank you for your time.
Armando Serrano, Jr., BS, RRT
Respiratory Therapist
UCSF Medical Center
San Francisco, CA <<< Thanks a million for caing and sharing Armando. My
inferance certainly wasn't that the bank robbers were illegal
immigrants. Rather that the act of robbing a bank is also an illegal
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Grafton, ND
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