might think twice on where they came from.
The current temperature is 57 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 82/49
Normal H/L temp for this date is 70/43
The high temperature on this date in 1976 was 91 degrees (above).
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The rumor that Subway will not be building new facilities on the
intersection of Hill Ave. and Hiway 17 was disappointing to many, if not
most, local residents. It also begs the question. Who will be
responsible for maintaining the vacant property on the busiest
intersection in town?
Crews have started setting out traffic signs along McHugh Avenue. Thank
God for the Federal money assistance to resurface the street I have
recently renamed "Crater Alley". Before anyone starts any serious
reconstruction, I certainly hope they send someone down to the bottom of
the larger holes t makes sure there's no animals or small children down
Speaking of Grafton streets and improvements thereof. I mentioned that
Tom Hart submitted a question about Hill Avenue. I even mentioned that
"maybe" Wally or Norman Russum could answer it for us. Apparently I was
so sure one of them could answer the question, I forgot to include the
Anyway, even without known what the question was, Wally sent the
following note. >>> Hi Gary
Very good column today. What was Toms question? Tom Hart that is.
Many things fascinate me as I move slowly around town. One,... as I go
by Allen Collettes potato house and see all the trucks filled with seed
potatoes I think about the farmers of the past cutting them by hand. I
remember my mother and me and a lot of other people cutting them by
hand. It was a back breaking job and we got very little in pay then.
Then Damas French invented the first machine to cut potatoes. I
remember the day Damas demonstrated it in the building where the Record
is on the south side of the building where his shop was. He truly was a
proud and smart individual. He was also a very gentle man.
I would love to hear some memories of some that did that kind
of work. They could teach us all some lessons in life Best
regards, Wally <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Wally. Damas and his family
have contributed much to Grafton's growth.
Anyway, the question I should have included in the last Gazette was,
Hi Gary,
I have a question that I have been thinking about for many years.
Maybe someone out there can answer it for me.
"Whendid Hill Ave first get paved, and, when where the sidewalks
first put in?
Tom Hart
Ps: Keep up the good work, Grafton needs the Gazette. <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Tom. Now that Wally actually knows the
question, I'm pretty sure he can answer it.
Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to
live at the expense of everybody else.
-Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)
Krazy Glue
A fun workshop created to mix art with the "Six Pillars Of Character".
* Trustworthiness * Respect
* Responsibility * Fairness * Caring
* Citizenship
This program is created for ages 4 - 10. We will spend an hour and a
half working on your very own art projects that you can take home and
enjoy. While creating, we will talk about the Pillar that is chosen for
the day. The crafts will range from your very own backpacks to designing
and making your very own watch! Each class will end with a snack!
When: Every Wednesday Starting June 6th through August 8th!
Where: Grafton Federated Church
Cost : $5.00 each class
Who: Ages 4 - 10
*There are only ten slots available for this class so please phone Nanci
at 520-9111 or the Federated church at 352-2644 to reserve your place
today!* <<<<
If your not planning on attending this years 125 year celebration, your
not planning on having as much fun as some folks are. If would would
like a "birds eye view" of this years events. Check out
We are pleased to welcome Doug Demers to perch on one of the branches
of the Gazette family tree.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Grafton, ND
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