The current temperature is 68 degrees.
The question isn't, will it rain? The question is, when, and how much?
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
Contractors are putting the old blacktop from McHugh ave over the
gravel just east of the parking lot where Summerfests Thursday night
band will be playing. It should make for a lot less dust and a lot
bigger crowd.
Armando's note gave several folks reason to care and share. Ralph
wrote. >>>
Armando is correct in what he wrote, as far as he wrote. He forgot to
mention that every one of us (including the so-called NATIVE Americans)
come from immigrant stock. More than most realize, many of them were
also illegal, coming across from Canada where immigration was much
easier. Most also came with nothing. They went out on the prairies and
built their houses out of dirt. Most had to learn a new language. There
were no schools. There were no roads. In fact, in most cases, there were
no towns. They didn't work for $7 an hour. If they were lucky, they
worked for pennies an hour. Often it was for room (the barn) and board
(taken outside, or in the barn). Simply putting their backs into it look
what they have done over 4 to 6 generations. That is all we ask of those
who have come after us. Do as we do. No more, but no less.
That is what you have done, Armando. Like our forefathers, you started
with nothing, and with hard work and the same taxpayer subsidized
education as those who came 100 years or more earlier. You have lifted
yourself by your boot straps to a successful professional life. We are
happy for you. I do ask that you remember that those who used your
"cheap labor" understand it because they are only one or two generations
away from it. Those memories last through several generations, at least
in a God-fearing people. Also, remember always that it was America that
allowed your parents to stay even though they were "illegal". And look
at the education and opportunity America gave you.
As for me, I do not feel bad I hired people for $7 an hour. I am glad
American capitalism gave me the opportunity to hire someone. I hope you
are, too.
Like all of us, you too deserve a good future, Armando. Isn't it great
you had America to come to?
Ralph Kingsbury <<<
The next note speaks with a bit more "aggressive enthusiasm". Bert
wrote. >>>
Armando Serrano should pay back to the U.S. taxpayersall the
personal wealth and knowledge he boasted about by returning to Mexico
and making it into acountry that is fit for all human beings to live
in. God didn't just bless America by making it a great place overnight.
Armando was an illegal who apparently chose to stay that way until given
amnesty by Regan and now he thinks America will crash if we sendthe
illegalsback where they came from. I'd like Armando to say one thing
he has done to improve things in the country his
familydeserted.And with his proclaimed success what has he done
to repay America for the wealth he gained fromher? He may help people
at the medical center but he is apparently making big bucks doing
Also, Armando didn't have to educate me and all the other kids
about breaking our backs in the fields when we were kids, most of us --
especially the "East Side Kids" know what dawn to dusk in the fields was
like. At six years walking the fields picking mustard wet to the waist
from dew and in the hot sun six 10 hour days each week---Glad to have
the job at 12 cents per hour. When old enough to handle it we
graduated to roaging potatoes with a hoe and then in the fall bent over
12 hour days picking potatoes. Then when we got strong enough to handle
it the days grew to 16 hours storing and processing the spuds,missing
the first four weeks of school doing our daily assignments after work
each day and all day Sunday. Who says we would not do the
work.Armando must have come with the "later ilIegals", find me a
North Dakota K12 classroom without a whitefarm kid in it, he said he
was the only non-white there.
And, I can't speak for the Mexicans but it sure doesn't take 6 or 7
years to potty trainwhite kids as he seemed to infere---whites are
like big babies. He talked about having to use an outhouse, well, so did
we and we were using it when it wasfar below zero,and storming --
we couldn't escape to a warmer climate.
Armando without doubt stillretains the attitude the current
illegals have. Instead of bashing America for notwelcoming all these
lawbreakers he should see them for just what they are, people dedicated
to breaking our laws instead of following the more difficult but legal
path. Enough of this class of free-loaderpersons and they will
destroy the America we have worked for and fought for to preserve.
California prisons are 18,000 beds over-crowded, the state prison said
that is because they are housing and feeding over 20,000 illegal Mexican
criminals mostly for drug traffic, theft and violent crimes. Lets shut
the border tight, throw out the illegals and welcome those who agree to
follow our laws whether it be temporary or permanent. A dangerous
thought---see yourself in Mexico as an illegal alien, broke, hungry,
need medical assistance,can't speak the language,with nothing but
the clothes on your back. Would there be someone like Armando to take
care of you or would you end up dying in a Mexican Jail and thrown in an
unmarked hole in the ground. Think there are any illegal whites
welcomedin Mexico?
Bert A. Overland.1st generation
Norwegian from a father who had a trade, whospent two years learning
english and earningenough money to survivesohe would not have
to sponge off thethe American taxpayer. This he didBEFORE he
sailed to America. <<< Thanks a million Bert. Maybe someday when you
have time you can tell us what you "really" think.
Subject: Caring and Sharing
OK - Gary, I am caring and sharing. On Saturday around 12:30 p.m. I
quickly stopped at Wally's on my way to a family confirmation dinner.
Picked up my items, got some cash, stuffed it in my purse, pushed my
cart to my car, unloaded it and took off.Got to the dinner with no
purse.I hurried back to Wally's, looked in my
cart - it was empty. Ran into Wally's and asked the checkout girl if
I left it there - she said no.I Went to the courtesy counter and the
young man behind the counter held up my purse with a questioning
look.I had left it, unzipped with a $20 bill half hanging out of the
top, in the cart,in the middle of the parking lot!! An unknown
saviour picked it up and left it at the courtesy counter. I checked
and everything was there - including
the money shoved in the top.The young man at the counter didn't know
who brought it in. You can't imagine how thankful I am, since
weare now26 days and counting until wedding day for our daughter.
How could I finish planning a wedding with no credit cards?? Ha.
Since so many people read your gazette, I am hoping that the "good
samaritan" reads this and knows how much I appreciate it. Ain't it
great to live in Grafton??!!
Cheryl Vistad <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Cheryl. The
fact is Cheryl, chances are almost even that the person that "saved"
your day was either a migrant, or, a former migrant that has decided to
settle, permanently, in our area.
Besides, if you're only 26 days from a daughters wedding, and, you
still have a loose twenty dollar bill in your purse. You must be related
to Bill Gates.
Please welcome Denise (Demers) Sandy and Brian James (KXPO) to the
Gazette family tree.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Grafton, ND
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