Sunday, April 08, 2007

April 8, 2007 - Easter Sunday - Grafton, ND

Todays Gazette is brought to you by the millions of men and women that
give of their precious time and energies making our world a better place
to live.
The current temperature is 22 degrees.
Even though the forecast for the next 10 days is for below normal
temperatures. That certainly doesn't mean the world isn't warming up.
The glaciers are gone,.... remember?
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
It's Easter Sunday. Judging by the number of cars with out-of-state
license plates, we will be sharing the celebration of the "resurrection"
with many guests.
At first I struggled with what to write on this special day for
Christians. Or, if I should even send out a Gazette today at all. Then I
began thinking of yesterdays Gazette and the story of migrating geese. I
realized that Easter, and the story of migrating geese have much in
Then I remembered a particular Easter Sunday twelve years ago. I was
reminded of the caring and sharing on that particular day and how it has
helped, and, in some ways, changed the lives of so many in our wonderful
little community forever.
I was reminded too, of the note I sent out about that day to the grower
owners of American Crystal Sugar Company. Needless to say, if I could
rewrite that message today, I might change a word or two. Maybe add a
bit here, and a little there, in hopes of making it more interesting or
Anyway, the following note is just as it was sent out, the day after
Easter, twelve Easter Sundays ago.
====== THE - GOOSE - STORY ======
Once again, on Easter Sunday, I had the opportunity to relate the GOOSE
STORY in real terms.
Sunday afternoon (April 16, 1995) around 4:00pm a fire was reported at
WALLY'S SUPER MARKET in Grafton. Within 5 minutes the Grafton Fire
Department was there pumping water.
This in itself could be THE GOOSE STORY. It wasn't long however before
it was determined that the fire was bigger than the Grafton Department
could handle alone. (THIS IS THE GOOSE STORY)
Within 30 minutes, fire departments from St. Thomas, Minto and Park
River were on their way to help. These people came to help because, as
one member told me, "it was the thing to do." (Several other departments
from other area towns were also waiting to be called.)
All of the fire departments in this area are VOLUNTEER. Every
Firefighter in this area gives up something to answer a fire alarm.
Their primary compensation for doing this is self satisfaction and the
knowledge that they have truly helped someone in need.
Because of this I would ask, when you see a Firefighter, THANK THEM. I
I am proud to say that my son is a firefighter, and, yes his mother
really does worry.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now, now that I have read and re-read that message so many years after
it was written. I am reasonably pleased with what I wrote. I do wish,
however, that I had added just a few more things.
First I would commend the volunteer members of the Valley Ambulance and
Rescue squad. They too responded to the fire providing valuable guidance
and medical assistance throughout the entire ordeal. I should have
mentioned the tireless assistance given by the Grafton police
department. And, not to be forgotten should be the numerous local
residents that helped out in so many ways during and after the tragic
fire that destroyed Wally's Super Market.
In some small way, The GOOSE STORY, the disastrous fire at Wally's
Super Market twelve years ago and Easter Sunday all seem to share one
common bond.
That He cared so much, He shared his only begotten son, so that we too
can care and share, and, live together as though we are one.
Oh yes, lest I forget, his father worries too.
It would be very helpful to me, if the newest members of the Gazette
family would let me know the Gazette is making it to their "in-box".

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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