Friday, April 20, 2007

April 20, 2007 - Friday - Grafton, ND

Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by MODERN MAN.
The current temperature is 54 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was N/A
Normal H/L temp for this date is N/33
You may have already noticed the Gazette is wearing it's summer name.
Now that the average low temperature is above 32, we change from frost
bites to Skeeter bites.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The latest rumor on the opening date for Otto's Auto is on, or about,
the 1st of May.
Modern man is one who drives a mortgaged car over a bond-financed
highway on credit card gas.
There still isn't any construction activity on the corner of Hill Ave.
and 12th Street. It could be possible the proposed Subway on that corner
is in fact a subway and all the construction is underground.
The word on the street, in Granny's, in the parking lots and, I
suspect, in the privacy of most homes in the area is,.... Wal-Mart's
coming to town. Yup,... some folks have said it before, some have
suggested it lately. However, the Wal-Mart's coming to Grafton rumor is
not only buzzing around the immediate Grafton area. We spent the last
few days in Aberdeen South Dakota and I even heard mention of it there.
I have some very serious reservations as to whether we really need a
Wal-Mart store in town. On the other hand, folks would find it more and
more difficult to justify the 45 mile trip south for a cumber-bun for a
Speaking of new businesses in town. I noticed the marquee in front of
Simonsons Gas Station is featuring bakery products from Welchs Bakery.
Then as I walked into the Pamida Store, I noticed numerous signs
promoting Park Rivers Welshs Bakery products there too. Later that day I
was told Grafton Square is handling Welchs Baked Goods as well.
That, in my opinion, qualifies Welshs Bakery as "another business,
doing business in Grafton."
It's true, Graftons growing is showing.
There is still time to get into the Firefighters annual Calendar
Drawing. Tickets are only $20 each for a chance at $11,520 in cash to be
given away. Every name that's pulled will be returned to the barrel for
a chance at the next drawing. Theoretically, you could win the whole
Some of the latest Grafton Area Firefighter supporters are. June
Erlendson, (also a baseball ticket) Nels & Sonia Midgarden, Brad
Osowski, Duane Kargel, Mike Callahan, Laverne & Phyllis Hoeper, the
Lorangers, Donna Fisher, Wanda Petitclerc, Gary & Rosemary Fisher, and
Jerry Lysengen. I am very pleased and proud to deliver your acts of
kindness and support to the loyal members of our Fire Department. And,
in their behalf, I thank you sincerely and wish you all "good luck".
It all started on a Saturday a little more than a few years ago. Kenny
Barta was walking up and down the halls in front of the maternity room.
Paul Anka was on the radio singing his newest hit, very appropriately
titled "Having my Baby" when all of a sudden Ken heard a slap, a slight
cry, and wouldn't you know it. Just then Billy Swan's new hit single, "I
can Help", came on the radio. I can't be sure but I think Ken was heard
saying as he headed for the door. Okay Billy, you can help, but I'm
going to get me some cigars and celebrate.
Denise Barta joined 203,302,031 legal United States Citizens that day.
Pat and I are most thankful that when she grew up, she married our
youngest son Brad. Together they have provided us with a wonderful set
of twins, Jade & Ty and Trevor Lynn.
Happy Birthday Denise we love you very much. Mom and Dad Moe
I am pleased to welcome Dereck Mattson into the Gazette family. Please
don't be afraid to express your thoughts and ideas. If you want them
shared, so be it. If you prefer your comments remain confidential, let
me know and it will remain our little secret.
Speaking of secrets, I am pleased to share the following comments,
although if it were me I would be shouting it to the high heavens......
As a matter of fact, I think I too, have mentioned how wonderful that
particular waiting room is in a early Gazette.
Anyway the message is, >>>>
Subject: thanks to Wally & Ione...again
Dear Gary, Today I was sitting in the Family Waiting Room at Unity
Hospital with my dad as his wife was having surgery. I looked around
the attractively decorated room and saw that Wally & Ione DeSautel have
provided the furnishings for the room. I guess it didn't surprise me,
since they are so generous in so many ways for so many things in the
community! It did make the long wait more comfortable. THANK YOU
Please keep my name secret. <<<< And, although your name will remain a
secret, your thanks and appreciation for Wally and Ione's wonderful dead
will not. Thank you so much, for caring and sharing.
Please remember to make checks payable to the Grafton Fire Department
if you want the Firefighters Calendar draw tickets or to Legion Baseball
if you want baseball drawing tickets.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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