Wednesday, April 11, 2007

April 11, 2007 - Wednesday - Grafton, ND

Todays Gazette is being brought to you by the Soldiers Statue Monument
that enhances the Court House square.
It bears the inscription. "Sacred to the memory of the men who gave up
their lives in defense of their country."
The current temperature is 32 degrees.
Weather conditions are expected to reach near normal levels,.....
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Rumor has it the individuals that originally planned on starting a new
business in the former Hvidsten Implement building on Griggs and 4th
street,..... won't. The same information source says those individuals
are presently gainfully employed on the east side of town.
Hagens Construction equipment was busy Tuesday removing the large
Family Dollar sign along side hiway 17. So far there's no indication if
anything will replace it, or, if the company is just trying to "save a
buck" (pardon the pun) on their electricity bill.
Speaking of Dollar stores. I wonder if a reasonable contingent of local
business people have been over and tried talking the folks from Dollar
sense into staying in town. I certainly looks like they've been busy
We stopped at Westside Drive Inn for a Strawberry Butter ice cream cone
for Pat Tuesday night, they're her favorite. As we were waiting for
Jenny to bring out the cone. I was surprised, not only at the numbers of
folks patronizing Westside, but also at the people who were patronizing
Westside. As a matter of fact, it left little doubt in my mind. A major
portion of the folks I saw there last night, were there not just because
of the Drive Inn experience, but because the food and the service is
fantastic as well.
Yup, it's almost spring. I noticed someone out mowing their lawn
yesterday and all sorts of farm equipment are in various stages of
ready-to-go. And, several avenue pot holes have already acquired
colorful names that shouldn't be repeated in this venue.
I am pleased to share Mayor Todd Burianeks message with the membership
today as well. He wrote. >>> Gary
First, Happy Birthday (belated). How's it feel to finally be 50 (or
to be 50, again?).
In my youth,the first signs of spring were the robins in the
yard, Dairy Queen reopening and the first pack of baseball
cardsarrived at Ben Franklin. I loved those 10 cent packs!
Now the Dairy Queen (Ice Box) is open almost year round, the
baseball card companies make their product availableright after
Christmas(and for much more than 10 cents a pack) and I've come to
appreciate the vee-line of geese overhead as they make their way to
their northern homes.
For me it's officially spring when the Beet mountain west of town
turns into a hill and then has only a few odd scraps here and there on
the ground and WESTSIDE OPENS!!!!
So good to see spring is here!!!
Todd Burianek <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd.
It's okay to enjoy a passing flock of geese. Just be careful you don't
look straight up, when you do.
Mary sent the following. >>>
Gary, thanks for the West Side report my mouth is still watering.
I'm glad you had a nice Birthday, you deserve it.
I think I'm more excited for the Country Smokehouse to open then those
who are opening it. I have talked to Brian, John B., John T. & David
about how happy I am they chose to invest in Grafton's future, they
could have opened it just about anywhere. It shows their loyalty to our
"Small Town America" and that helps us all! Thanks for seeing the good
in our community and making it known to all those you come in contact
with. I thought you might like the following quote.
"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he
treats his inferiors, not his equals" author unknown
Mary <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Mary. I'd like to
believe "you've really haven't reached the top, until you learn how to
look up to everyone."
Have I mentioned I have a bright red Arctic Cat 400 auto 4-wheeler for
sale? If I have, I must not have mentioned it to anyone that cares. One
person told me if it had been a Polaris, it would have been sold in a
heart beat. I'd be willing to settle for a deep breath or two jerks of a
cats tail. (pardon the pun)
If your not doing anything this coming Saturday, April 14. Please
consider going over to the Minto Fire and Rescue Squad's annual
spaghetti feed fundraiser.
The time is 4 to 7:30 at the Minto Fire Hall. A FREE WILL OFFERING will
be taken. When you give, imagine that the fire alarm has just gone
off,..... and the fire is at your house.
Subject: Gazette subscriber elk license
Hey, congratulations to Gazette subscriber Shane Mohn on being drawn for
a North Dakota elk license. It's something that only happens once in a
lifetime. Good luck on the hunt Shane.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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