of the United States Armed Forces.
The current temperature is 23 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 38/32
Normal H/L temp for this date is 45/23
It looks like the next few days will be short sleeve, sweater, vest and
parka weather..... All worn at the same time.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & Stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Folks are cleaning up and painting the former Johnson Used Car
Dealership and the facility will soon be reopened by J&J Otto as Otto's
Auto Sales. Rumor has it they will be selling formerly well cared for
vehicles, at a fare and reasonable price. It is also possible they will
be offering ATV's and small motorcycles to the interested public as
Several times in the last few days I've mentioned, and asked for your
participation in the American Legion Baseball calendar draw held in the
month of May. I might have suggested the Legion folks could really use
your help in this years baseball program. I think I mentioned tickets
were only $20 each and, that it would certainly be wonderful if you
bought more than one ticket. The Legionaires have 'carried the ball'
(pardon the pun) for as far back as the second world war. (Archie says
that was the big one) Anyway, the Legionaires have helped, backed and
sponsored numerous other projects over the years too.
For instance, Grafton's Post 41 entered a candidate in the Disabled
American Veterans "Miss North Dakota Beauty Contest". The Grand Prize
was listed as a one week all-expenses-paid trip to the St. Paul Winter
Carnival. The prize would go to the girl who sold the most tickets in
her behalf in her respective county. Top vote sellers could also qualify
for the grand prize of $7,000.
This years candidate garnered votes, so far from George Harris,
Bellerud's, Fish's Variety store, Red Owl Grocery, Tweet's Dry Cleaning,
Willey's Jewelry store, Dr. John Gorder, Hill's Machine shop, East Side
Grocery, Dahl and Dahl, DePuy and DePuy, E. R. Nyman and the Homme
Investment company.
The Walsh County entrant in the DAV contest is a native of Grafton and
a graduate of the high school here. She entered in a Junior Chamber of
Commerce beauty contest in Grafton, she carried off top honors and was
named "Queen Sparkle" at the city hall ball.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. The beautiful young lady I speak of, is, or
was at the time, Miss Hope Johnson the daughter of Lux and Al Johnson
and currently Mrs Marlin Torkelson. The contest, according to the
article in the December 16, 1948 Walsh County Record was over on Jan.
31, 1949. Aren't memories wonderful?
CONFUSE; according to my Webster. To mix up; put into disorder. To
bewilder or to mistake the identity. Maybe that explains why I'm
For instance the winner, I think, of Grafton's 125 year celebration
logo was Ann McCann. Ann has operated a very professional, successful,
sign business in Grafton for many years. She has invested significant
dollars in her business and, unfortunately, as I understand it, may well
be offering the business up for sale, for lack of sufficient area
support to justify the investment.
I understand the Walsh County Record has also added sign making to
their list printed promotional materials. Ironically, Ann pay's the
Record to advertise her business.
Lately, as I understand it, Waynes Heating and Cooling has also entered
into the sign making business. Once again, ironically, Wayne too, pay's
the Record to advertise. Now then,... that's business and of course one
shouldn't take it serious.
HOWEVER, The Walsh County Record, Ann McCann's Letter Perfect sign
Company and Waynes Heating and Cooling, along with a myriad of other
Grafton area businesses, make up the Grafton Area Chamber of Commerce.
For several weeks now, the Record has been running a ¼ page
questionnaire in their paper asking why we DO or why we DON'T shop in
Grafton. Which I can only assume is to help promote the business
community of Grafton. AND,.. THEN, and here's the confusing part. There
is an advertisement on the Grafton Chamber of Commerce cable Channel
three for a sign business from a town forty miles away from here.
I'm confused. Who is trying to promote what for whom, and, to what end.
The Walsh County Record is and should be in the business of selling
advertisements to the entire world. KXPO Radio is in business and can
only exist if it sells advertisements on the air.
It seems a bit fatuous to me that the folks that make up and support
the Chamber are, in effect, letting the fox in their own chicken coop.
It would seem more logical to me, when folks from outside our business
(Chamber) community call to advertise, that they should be directed to
"our" local businesses that pay their taxes providing such services.
Or so it seems to me.
Just the other day I was wondering how our new wrestling program is
doing. Thanks to Brad Martinson for caring and sharing some insight. >>>
Getting to run with hockey over the winter months I get to check out
some of the other communities, while in Crookston I noticed a sign in
the window of Happy Joes Pizza "Keep Crookston in business, keep
business in Crookston". That is pretty much the message all over if the
smaller towns are to survive the economic growth of the larger cities.
A giant pat on the back of all of those involved with making the 1st
wrestling tournament in Grafton a huge success. Talking with Gene
Fayette, he had expected about 200 wrestlers but was overwhelmed with
his guess of over 350 that had showed up. You might want to double check
with him on the exact number as he was just guessing. Nonetheless it was
exciting to watch eight matches going on simultaneously. It was the
first wrestling event I've been to and didn't know what to expect. Gene
Fayette, Brad Larson and company did an excellent job. Thanks Guys. <<<
Thank you Brad. Gene and many others have worked long and hard to get
Wrestling started in Grafton. Our school system and our community will
be a better place because of their efforts.
Maybe, with a little luck, "our" local business community will take to
heart the sign in Crookstons Happy Joe's Pizza.
I am please to add Eric (Ike) Meberg to the Gazette family.
"If you don't tell me, I won't know. If I don't know, I can't tell
everyone else." Neither can the Walsh County Record, or KXPO or..... the
Grand Forks Herald for that matter.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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