Friday, February 09, 2007

February 9, 2007 - Friday - Grafton, ND

The Grand Forks Central hockey team came to town last night. They went
back to Grand Forks with 1 point in their quiver. Fortunately, we hit
the locker room with 4.
The current temperature is -1 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 1/-17
Normal H/L temp for this date is 20/1
With the normal low temperature of the day above zero. Can summer be
far behind?
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Every town, large or small, receives it's share of kudos. I am please
this one came addressed to Grafton. >>>
Subject: Shiverville Gazette
Greetings from the 'southern valley", where the Red River of the
North has it's beginning.
I read with sadness that Denny Schneider is planning on closing his
grocery business. Denny lived next door to us when he lived in Wahpeton.
He is such a caring, energic, out-going person. A true community person.
His business will be missed.
We visit Grafton many times a year, usually to watch our grandchildren
in their sporting activities, but we also have many occasions to 'use'
the local merchants. We have found many of them to be helpful, kind,
friendly, and having the products that we were looking for. Just to name
a few, but not wanting to offend any of the others,.... True Value
Hardware, Golden Harvest Jewelry, Landowski's Furniture, West-Side
Drive-In, Jet Oil, Granny's, Heritage Ford, Grafton Floral, Schumachers,
Fair Oaks golf course, and we've stayed at the AmericInn. You folks can
be proud of these business'es and the image of your town that they
We have the same motto here... shop locally when you can...... small
town America is a quality of life..... that the larger metro areas will
never know...... Thanking you...and keep writing! !
! ! ! ~ ~ ~ Marlene <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Marty was feeling a little "statistical" yesterday and wanted to share
this. >>>
According to Undersecretary of Defense Dr. Ron Sega, the U.S. Air
Force consumed 3.2 billion gallons of fuel in 2003, most of it burned in
the stratosphere. All this while the U.S. fightscountries with no
air forces.But we do not know how many hundreds of thousands of
gallons of fuelwere dumped in the world's oceans before
Navyjetsare allowed to land on aircraft carriers.
President-In-Waiting Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth does not mention
that the U.S. military is the largest consumer of energy in the
world. Keep up the good work on your marvelous "ShiverCity Gazette,
Gary! -Marty Riske <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Marty.
Rosemary's note centers around the same subject. >>> Hi Gary,
After reading some of your previous News letters and the controversy
raised about "Global Warming", I thought that you should add a new book
to your library. The title is UNSTOPPABLE GLOBAL WARMING Every 1,500
Years, the authors are, S. Fred Singer and Dennis T.. Avery.
This book is available through Borders and has numerous scientists' as
sources for the information provided. It says the complete opposite of
what Al Gore states. The authors' do not have a political agenda. They
basically state that what is happening, is pretty much the norm and what
we are doing to the earth is minimal and we are working to improve, what
we can.
I enjoy receiving your daily newsletter. Thanks, Rosie <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Rosie. We are fortunate that Al is
spending so much time on the global warming issue. Our politicians are
all to busy campaigning, for an election that's two years away.
Our daughter Wendy wanted to share the following memories of our friend
She wrote: >>> Again, I have a TON of special memories of one of
your friends because you share her with us (your children). There is a
word she used to say that would and still does make me just smile....
when Allen was acting up (he was your friend and he did that alot,
sometimes, I think just to get Hilde going). Hilde would look at him and
with that AWESOME german accent say.... Alllllen...... with the sound of
dismay or disbelief that he had done or said that. It was sooo cute. He
would look back, with an oops expression... and, then just laugh. I too
will miss seeing and hearing her voice. I am very sorry for you and
mom's loss. <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Wendy. All of us lucky
enough to have known Hildegard, will most certainly miss her.
Ralph sent this one. >>> Lewis Regelstad managed the store in Gambles.
One daughter was Carol. My first girlfriend. That was not the Red Owl.
It was called something else. The Red Owl I recall was in the music
store building, across from Grafton Drug. I think at one time Al Zinke
ran the Red Owl. Maybe others, too, as I recall. Except my recall isn't
that good anymore.
I do recall that Carol was cute. She took me to a Rainbow dance. They
moved to Casselton and I think Carol may still live there. Always a
smart girl, she married someone else.
Ralph Kingsbury <<< Thanks Ralph. With the benefit of your note. I'm
assuming you've evaluated her intelligence on the fact that she didn't
marry you.
Ole Aasand called from the sunny south yesterday and told me Lewie
worked for the National Tea store. He also mentioned that he thought
Harald Bliss could well be the smartest individual he has ever met.
Ole "shared" one discussion with Mr. Bliss that he remembered
especially well. Ole, being a farm boy. Had to start school a few weeks
late in the fall, and, leave school, a few weeks early in the spring. He
said, so that he could help on the farm.
Anyway, one particular fall, Ole signed up for Mr. Bliss' Chemistry
class, (if he remembers right). After a few days in the class, (as Ole
remembers it) Harald approached Ole and said, in a mild, soft spoken
manner. "Ole, maybe you should consider taking a management course,
Then,... (Ole likes to talk like I do) he shared a really neat little
story about his bridge. The one in his mouth not one that goes across a
river. It seems his bridge had reached the end of it's useful life
grinding calories for nourishment and needed to be replaced. The old
bridge, contained a reasonable amount of gold, so Ole took it to Golden
Harvest Jewelry and had Jeff Narloch turn it into a beautiful little
cross necklace for his wife.
"Not" he said, "just a plain little cross, it was a beautiful little
'old rugged cross." And, he said, "Frances is wearing it to this day."
The balance of our conversation was mostly about how wonderful he
thought Hildegard Mattson was. That he will never forget watching Hilde
and Allen on the dance floor at the VFW club. And yes, he even mentioned
the fact that "just maybe", Hilde earned more than a few "world perk"
miles for her trip to heaven, putting up with some of Allen's antics.
All of which I most certainly agreed.
As a matter of fact, by then I felt obligated to reminded Ole that his
lovely wife too, has amassed a mountain of those same "world perk to
heaven" miles as well. After a few seconds of serious contemplation. Ole
responded, "yes,... (and with a chuckle said ) your certainly right
about that too."
Aren't memories wonderful?
Please Welcome Kent & Joyce Simmons to the Gazette family. It is not
unusual for some to request the Gazette and not want their name listed
here. This week we have received 6 such requests.
"If you don't tel me, I don't know. If I don't know, I can't tell you."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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