Todays Gazette is being brought to you in by Alfred Olson's Red & White
The current temperature is -33 degrees
Yesterdays H/L temperature was -9/-28
Normal H/L temp for this date is 19/0
The high Temperature on this date in 1991 was 47 degrees. That's 80
degrees warmer,.. than it was the first time I used the library this
morning. Al Gore should have filmed his global warming story right here
in Shivercity.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Olson started a Red & White grocery store business
in the former Mattson Garage building on 4th & Hill. Ted Hoffman took
over the business in 1946. In 1954 the name was changed to the
Piggly-Wiggly store. Then Ted Hoffman and Walter Hoffman (no-relation)
formed a partnership in 1957 and continued to operate "the Pig" until
Ted Hoffman's death in 1968. Walter Hoffman became sole owner and in
1974 moved his operation to the "Western Plaza" in southwest corner of
Denny Schneider purchased the store from Walter Hoffman in 1980 and the
business became know as Denny's Jack & Jill. Eventually evolving into
the present day Denny's Food Pride.
For the better part of 66 years, that grocery store, first opened by
the Olsons, then the Hoffman's and finally the Schneider's has been an
integral part of the Grafton area community. The names Red & White, Jack
& Jill and Denny's Food Pride can be found in many, if not most, of the
area's high school year books and school literature, helping to support
and maintain the areas school functions. Likewise too, they can be found
listed as significant contributors to most local, and, surrounding
community functions.
Denny and Sally Schneider and Denny's Food Pride have given untold
"fortunes" in time, talent, energy and monetary support for the myriad
of demands and functions called upon them.
It saddens me to report that Denny and Sally have decided it is in
their best interest, "not" to renew another long term lease for building
that houses Denny's Food Pride.
The neighborhood, our community and the many people throughout the
entire area will miss Denny & Sally as well as the significant
contributions they and their business have provided. It is my
understanding that the Schneiders plan to continue calling Grafton their
home. Denny has indicated he will be working at expanding another
venture he has been involved with for several years, Bob's Docks.
If you live by a lake, and if you own a boat, contact Bob's Docks and
Denny will get you a dock to hook the boat up to.
I mentioned O.J Simpson and Martha Stewart in a recent Gazette. It
looks like I "might" have oversimplified Martha's issue. Fortunately,
Bill Haug sent the following to help set me straight. He wrote. >>>
I certainly agree with your assessment of O J's acquittal, but not
with your sympathy for Martha Stewart. What the press conveniently
downplayed is the fact that Martha herself was a financial advisor for a
few years. As such she had to learn the rules of the stock market and
pass a day-long Securities Exam. Perhaps she got the question wrong
regarding "insider trading", but the information she received relative
to Imclone came from her daughters boyfriend who was an insider at
Imclone not from her advisor. She also knew that all she had to say
was"I didn't get the information, sorry for the mistake, bust the
trade, I'll keep the stock", and the entire issue would have gone
away. Her arrogance allowed her to believe she could get away with it
but it didn't work. And the final addition of "insult to injury":
even thought the price of Imclone did plummet the day after she sold,
when she got out of prison, it was at about the same price as when she
sold! As Paul Harvey would say, "Now you know 'the rest of the
Bill <<< Thanks a million for setting the record (Gazette) straight
Bill. Although I didn't write it right, I too was thinking that both
O.J. and Martha displayed the same kind of arrogance,..... The athlete
got off and went golfing while the housewife got nailed and thrown in
Or so it seem to me.
Hi Pat and Gary,
Our daughter, Abby, called this past week and invited us to
Minneapolis for an event she wanted us to share with her. It's called
'Climb for a Cure' and is taking place this Saturday, February 10th.
This past summer, Abby was very moved by the photographs we had taken
of this beautiful little girl, Maria Wharam, and the story of her battle
with Cystic Fibrosis. So when she read about this unique event to
raise money to fight Cystic Fibrosis, she issued us the challenge to
join her.
We'll climb all 50 floors (1,280 steps) of the IDS Center in
Minneapolis! It may take a little extra effort but we think it might
be a good time and the money raised is certainly going to a very good fight Cystic Fibrosis.
If anyone would like to make a pledge in support of this event,
please stop by the Steve Larson Studio, where we have pledge sheets, or
email us at
Please share this with your readers if you like.
Steve and Linda Larson <<< Thanks, a million for caring and sharing
The subscription department sent me 3 new names over the weekend. I am
pleased to welcome Genny Harvey, Steve Lessard, and Al Johnson to the
Gazette family. I understand that Al Johnson is a retired newspaper man.
So I'm going to have to be more carefull how I send out the Gazette. On
the other hand, Al also has some grocery store (Easy Side Grocery)
experience in his gene pool. And, I'm pretty sure he'll be coming to our
125 year celebration, so,... maybe he would be willing to take over
Denny's, when he gets here. Then again, maybe not.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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