Todays Gazette is brought to you with the benefits of a anger
management course.
The current temperature is 13 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 2/-20
Normal H/L temp for this date is 23/4
We are looking forward to a few days of above zero temperatures.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news and stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Conversations this week are still mostly centered around the closing of
Denny's Food Pride, sprinkled sparingly by the fact that this is
district hockey tournament week. Grafton will square off thursday night
with the West Fargo Packers.
Speaking of hockey. The next note is a heartwarming one. >>> Gary:
What I am going to share won't surprise you or your family, but I hope
it inspires other youth to follow in these gentlemen's footsteps. Being
a Termite hockey mom, I have quickly learned how important it is to have
a coach. The first week our fine termites weren't sure if they were
going to have one. We had a couple devoted dads that would help, but....
Well let me tell you how the end of that sentence goes. It is no secret
that late last fall there were some boys who had played hockey for many
years here in Grafton that in this their senior year (be it by their
choice or not-by this time it all was water under the bridge) weren't
playing hockey with the Grafton Spoilers. If there is such as thing as a
bad news/good news story-this may be in the running. We wonder about our
young people and if what they have learned over the years is enough to
make a difference in the world. My bet is that what these two did with a
situation which probably wasn't exactly how they planned to spend their
Senior year on ice, is evidence that yeah-someone, somewhere did it
right. And you can bubble with pride, as one of these guys is a shoot
off the Moe family tree. As our season is on its last month, I don't
know if our Termites could have asked for a better coaching team.
A very devoted hockey dad-Hans Halvorson, agreed to be the coach,
but knew he would need assistance. And to our pleasure these two young
guys happened to fall from the sky at about the same time. I have no
clue how it all came together, but I do know that the 2006-07 Termite
hockey year has been a joy to be part of. Justin Moe and Randy Helgeson
are the young guys who played hockey for many years and now in their
senior year have stepped in to become Hans's assistants. These two have
faithfully been at practice, traveling to games and providing great role
models for these rookie skaters. I often marvel at the fact that on
Friday nights and Saturday mornings (which are 2 of the 3 days the
termites practice) these two could be at a million and one better places
than hanging out with 4,5,6 & 7 year olds. But here they are, picking
our kids up off the ice, showing them those basic skills that will groom
them for years to come, making an impact on each of these little boys
and girls. Hans, Justin & Randy are coaching the way all parents want
their kids to be coached. They put emphasis on "we" not "me", they talk
about how important working together is. That you need to value your
teammates. Every practice each kid there leaves knowing that their
coaches knew they were there and were making a difference on our team.
Each is also working to be the proud recipient of the "Player of the
Week". A coveted award that is not based on who scored the most goals,
but on who worked hard and supported their team. It is so much fun to
hear when we are out and about, our son point out these guys as "there's
Coach Justin, or Coach Randy" as well as "Coach Hans". Each of them are
equal, just like the values these coaches are impressing on our termite
team. To Randy and Justin-Thank you for taking time in your busy senior
year to make a difference in our children's hockey future. Thank you for
coming back at a time when you could have very easily moved on. And to
all three of you, for all the times we may have forgotten. Thanks for
the great job. You are appreciated!
Kathy Larson <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Kathy.
The following note looks at store closings from a different angle. >>>
Regarding your "use it or lose it" conversation. Its a real tuff
call. In the old days all business training was focused on customer
service. Now days with the advent of Walmart, Home Depot, etc where
there is no service, everything is focused on price. People use those
prices to beat the little guy with service, over the head.
You have to have a level of volume in any business to price your goods
so you can grow the business. If your to high you won't get the
volume and in a small market if you lower your price to compete you
still can't raise your volume. If Walmart came to Grafton they won't
make it because they really need volume.
Also its surprising how many people are envious of a successful business
and like to see it fail.
I'm sure with all the banks in town they ship most of their deposits out
of town which also hurts the money turn over in a small town. <<<<
Thanks for caring and sharing. It is a fact that the larger the business
is the easier it is for them to control price.
The Girls will be playing in the Region 2 Tournament at the Betty
Engelstad Center beginning Monday. The Spoilers will take on Dakota
Prairie. If they win that game, they will play again at about 7:30pm
against the FLPR/Hillsboro winner. If they lose, they will be out of the
The boys, travel to Drayton-St. Thomas Their District 4 Tournament
will start Friday, Feb. 23 thru the 27th in Grafton.
Chris Larson <<< Thanks Chris
The Spoilers and Packers squared off Thursday night with Grafton player
Tanner Hills scoring in the first 30 seconds. Drayton's Tanner Anderson
stuffed one in a few minutes later. That was followed by Minto's Zach
Miller putting the third point on the board. Shortly into the second
period Minto's Zach Miller made it 4 to 0. Then Grafton's Alex Gaustad
dumped in the 5th goal and then "allowed" the Packers to score 1.
Grafton's Alex Gaustad poked another one in making it 6 to 1. Then
Grafton's Todd Presteng slapped in the 7th goal, and, by then, the
second period was over.
The third period started out with running time. With 4 minutes left of
the game, Oakwoods Chad Demers made it 8 to 1 and before I knew it, the
Game was over.
The Grafton - Park River "Spoilers" 8 The West Fargo "Packers"
The "Spoilers" play Fargo South Friday night approx. 8:30. Maybe, if
I'm real good tomorrow, my mommy will let me go.
I am pleased welcome Charlie Aasand to the Gazette family.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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