The current temperature is 23 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 27/10
Normal H/L temp for this date is 27/9
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff
In light of the recent snowfall, and the present forecast, it would
almost seem like the Lord appointed Polaris and Arctic Cat Snowmobile
officials in charge of the weather. First we received 6 inches, then 10
inches and now it's over a foot of newly fallen snowcat dust. And, the
forecast for the rest of the week is for 'another' 9 inches.
If you happen to be flying between Minneapolis and Winnipeg. That mound
of snow just west of the interstate could be Grafton.
I noticed a small article in Sundays Grand Forks Herald indicating that
the Canadian Government and the city of Winnipeg will each be spending
over 170 million dollars each to establish a plan and implement flood
protection (dikes and levies) to the 700 year level.
I'm not absolutely certain, but I 'think' Grafton has already
determined "we" (Grafton) will flood. "We" (the community and the
community leaders) just hasn't decided that the town is worth saving
Even though I'm normally not superstitious. I can't help but be
reminded of the 1997 flood, along with all of it's ramifications. I
really doubt that 100 year floods will come every 10 years. However, I
suppose it's possible, we could experience a 200 year flood, in between.
Or so it seems to me.
The other day when I mentioned that I thought the decision to call a
penalty in the final seconds of the game would be better suited for
barnyard fodder than a High School sporting event. I was sure everyone
wouldn't agree. I was even reminded to think back to last year, to a
very similar circumstance when the call was in Graftons favor.
Well, I've tried to remember the circumstance, being much the same, but
different. For the life of me, I can't remember last years call in
exactly the same light. Anyway, I did receive several comments leaning
in the direction of my inclination.
J. R. wrote. >>> Hi Gary:
That was an excellent article in today's Shivercity Gazette
regarding the performance of the Spoiler Hockey team in the state
tournament. I totally agree with your analysis of that last minute
penalty called by the official- -it was totally unnecessary at that
point in the game especially when therehad beenso few penalties
calledduring entire game. One begins to wonder!!!!!
Jim Gaustad <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Jim. More
than one individual has suggested that the Spoilers inability to control
'anger' may well have established a 'flag' for officials to watch and
hence, easier to call. I suspect there is a fair amount of true to that
However, I have been told by several serious sports enthusiasts that
that call would be classified as unusual, not normal and, that it is
always unfortunate when it happens. Regardless of who it happens to.
And, I gotta say, I agree with them too.
Here's an interesting issue I hadn't thought about til now. Bert sent
the following note: >>>
Subject: The 2007 Presidents dollars
Hi Gary, I just saw the new dollar coin they want us to use. The "in
God we trust" and the "E Plurabus Unum"are nowimprinted on the
outer edge of the coin---inferring the core values that
shapedAmericaare something we should be ashamed of andconceal.
I will never accept one of these whimpy dollarsin change and urge any
proudAmerican to do the same.This is just another strike
against Christianity and America from within.An Englishman just wrote
a piece "What would the world be like without America" andhis
revelations are shocking. Bert A. Overland <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bert. I really haven't seen
the new dollar coins yet. Of course, I would be willing to check them
out if anyone wants to share a pile of them.
George Campbell called this morning and says everything is going great
in the Carolinas. So far, George says, he hasn't had to use his
snowblower at all. If I understood him correctly, their 'summer season'
is just beginning.
I told him we're enjoying someare season here also. Someare in Florida,
someare in Arizona, and, of course, someare still here in Shivercity
shovelling snow.
I read somewhere that a half hour nap, three times a week would reduce
the chance of a heart attack by 37 percent. So,... while I was in
the library researching the process of elimination. I got to thinking.
Would a half hour nap every day, eliminate the chances of having a heart
attack completely?
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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