Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009 - Wednesday

Todays Gazette is dedicated to all of the Truly Lucky People In The
The current temperature is 40 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 64/44
Normal H/L temp for this date is 74/48
It was 99 degrees on this date in 1934
We've gone a full 24 hours without rain and today will be sunny and
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Carpenters are working on the front doors and entrance of the former
Nelson Drug Store building. Yesterday, while some of the drug store crew
worked on the front door, others were tearing out walls and sheetrock
from Adie & Marie's former dress shop. Although I'm sure they won't
have a problem removing walls and woodwork from Adie's and Marie's. They
couldn't possibly remove the memories we have of those two wonderful
Except for the recent rain, the ongoing work in the former Nelson Drug
Store building AND that Stan Pastorek's crew is working in the "former"
Subway Store in the Western Plaza complex, a couple of notes threatening
bad luck if I do not forward them ASAP to a group of my friends. It has
been a relatively slow news day in Skeeterville.
Ironically,.. just as I was contemplating what I might write about
today. I received the following note from my daughter Kelly. As I
re-read the two notes threatening the status of my luck and after
reading the note from Kelly, I decided that even though the attachment
Kelly included was sent out in the Gazette several years ago (Monday,
October 29, 2001 1:35 PM) and, that at the time it went out to 75
people. Today, however, it could be read by 10 times 10 times that many,
and, I am guessing there will be at least one person in that group that
will agree with me.
Kelly wrote: >>>>
"Message from Dad's Heart"
Hi Dad. I have been at home working on bookwork and had to go into my
saved files. I thought I would share it with you again just for old
time sake. It was dated Oct. 29, 2001, as you can see. It
certainly jerked a few tears again today.
Love you, Kelly
(I sent our the following message in the Oct. 29, 2001 Gazette after
receiving a significant number of notes threatening bad luck to me)
I would like this note to go to everyone I know, or, knows me. It is
not intended for one, two or three, but rather for the WHOLE WORLD TO
If up above there's a name you don't see
please do me a favor and forward them from me.
The note that accompanies this memo says (in part) "don't be afraid to
express yourself" OKEE DOKEE!! It says, I MUST send it to 10 people OR I
will face DREADFULLY bad luck.
WHO, IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH dreams up such dribble!!!
WHY, on earth, if it had any value at all, would you only send it to
10 of your family, and/or friends.
LUCK, if there is such a thing (in my opinion) is man made, created by
actions and deeds with a specific end result in mind. If one aims for
good results, often one will experience "good luck". On the other hand,
if one's intentions are negative, "bad luck" will almost aways be the
end result.
Life is full of both good and bad luck.
If, I were only to look at bad luck.
I would see Mother, dying 50 years too soon.
I would see Dad going before we could have one last talk. I would see
Peggy leaving before her children were grown. My Uncles Leonard, Norman,
Adrian, Harold, and George all left before I
could return the favors they gave me. Uncle Woodrow passed on before I
could even get to see him.
My Aunts, Theresa, Winnie, Fabiola left me/us before I could properly
thank them for helping raise me.
My FATHER in-law Ray could have stayed around for another 90 years and
we would still have things to talk about.
Are you starting to get a picture?
If I were to only look at BAD LUCK.
LOOSING CHUCK would be right up there at the top of the list. As I see
it, we can ALL say we've had our share of bad luck.
H O W E V E R ! ! !
From Mom and Dad I learned how to live, and, love to live.
From Peggy I learned of compassion, and to deal with issues I didn't
always understand.
From my Uncles I've learned most of what's gotten me where I am today.
My Aunts, to love and respect people, to stick together and tell the
world to "go to hell" when it needs it.
From Ray I was lucky enough to spend over a third of a century learning
everything from sweeping streets to taking care of his daughter.
From Chuck I learned life isn't always what we want it to be, but
rather what you make it be. I worked in one form or another with Chuck
for over 40. He spent his entire life making "luck" for others. If, he
had a fault, it would be working overtime so others could be lucky.
M E L U C K Y ? Y O U B E T !!!!
The list of names at the top of this "memo" is only a fraction of the
luck I have known in my life.
I have all of that, my family and most important of all, I have my wife.
I'm working very hard trying to be positive. Letters written by insecure
individuals, threatening "dreadfully bad luck" does not strike me as
Or so it seems to me.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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