Todays Gazette goes out in memory of Cyril (Cy) Dusek and Jake Hodny.
Our most sincere condolences go out to the Dusek and Hodny families.
"I have learned to appreciate
that the souls of our dearly departed
really never do leave us.
They simply take up residence
in our hearts, our minds
and our memories." Gary Moe
The current temperature is 34 degrees
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 49/38
Normal H/L temp for this date is 63/38
It was 89 degrees on this date in 1934
We have received .62 inches of moisture since noon Wednesday.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
~~~~~ WASH YOUR HANDS ~~~~~
I received the following clarification to next weeks Spring Clean-Up
Scott wrote: >>>> To clarify your question on spring cleanup: The
reason we ask everyone to put their items out on or prior to the 4th is
that there is no set schedule as to where the cleanup crews will be
working on any particular day. In previous years people became angry
when they waited until the last day or two of cleanup to put their items
out only to discover that the crew had already passed/worked through
their neighborhood and would not return. By putting your items out so
they are available on the first day assures that they will not be
missed. It is a matter of cost and time efficiency. It is not cost
effective or efficient for City crews to have to return to areas they
have already covered. I know this causes difficulty for some residents
who take great pride in their yards and don't want "junk" sitting out
there any longer than possible. I also realize some people would prefer
not to do this to alleviate the "scavenging" that goes on during that
week. Personally I'd rather just haul the stuff out myself so neither
situation happens.
One last reminder. The "WILL NOT TAKE" list on the flyer is stringently
adhered to. IF and items on that list are still found on your property
Monday, May 11 you may receive a notice from the "Code Enforcement
Fairy" (that would be me). Unfortunately I am already seeing many of the
prohibited items in piles throughout the city which make me believe the
government is right about one thing. Reading skills in this country are
not up to par. <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Scott. I
guess I am one of those with less than desirable reading skills.
Anyway,... as I understand it now. Everyone in town should have their
allowable, discardable, items on the berm by Sunday night, so that city
crews can have all week to pick it up.
Then again, on the other hand. It might even be a much more successful
"Spring Clean-Up" if the residents actually had a schedule of the day
the city crew would be working in their neighborhood. After all, the
real object of the "Spring Clean-up" is to clean-up the city.
If I remember right I suggested last year that it appears that the
rules and regulations for "Spring Clean-up" were written by a group of
individuals that either owned or has access to a pickup or trailer.
Many, actually most residents in town do not enjoy that luxury. Hence
the clean-up week is extremely valuable to them. Or so it seems to me.
Pepsi's new Throwback product gave Gloria reason to share her memories.
She wrote: >>> Gary, your talk of the old/new Pepsi reminds me of my
first job way back when I was father owned a Pepsi Bottling
Co. I sorted the bottles that came in...and way back then they were
all bottles, no such thing as cans and throw away plastic... Well,
300 cases of bottles would come in from distributors and I had to sort
them... there were Arrowhead bottles for flavored pop, Hires root beer
bottles, Nesbitt orange bottles, Patio bottles for a lemon lime product
and then there were Pespi bottles ....which were 8 oz. 10 oz and 12 oz
... all in their own cases. Oh and cases were half shell or full shell
wooden cases...and you wouldn't believe what was inside these
bottles.... ciggy butts, bugs, stale pop and mold... gross smelling ...
after sorting these bottles they were stacked in their prospective piles
until they went to the soaker . The soaker was a machine filled with
caustic acid to clean the bottles, they went in one end and came out the
other side on to a conveyor belt that brought them into the bottling
room that then filled them with pop and capped them... This was a two
man operation and my dad was thrilled if he put out 300 cases of bottled
pop a day... can you imagine 300 cases must go in one grocery store in
todays market.... It was a true family business on the Iron Range..
Gloria Charlton <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Gloria.
Your mention of the "items" found in the returned bottles gives me great
reason to rejoice the advent of aluminum cans.
Each time I include the Political Correctness quote I receive some
interesting comments. Marjie shared her thoughts with the following
note. >>>
Good morning Gary.
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional,
illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous main stream
media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to
pick up a turd by the clean end"
-- R. J. Wiedemann LtCol. USMC Ret. --
Thanks for the quote. I found it applicable to a current discussion
going on at two forums I used to frequent. The posters at one forum have
been asked to refrain from using a certain vulgar word while the ones at
another complained enough to bring the same word back into use at the
other. Most are young men but some are old enough to know better than
to use this word ever much less in mixed company and in public which a
forum is yet the word has become mainstream.
The arguments given include the right of free speech, it's just a
word, it's just the internet, we shouldn't fear words. The thing
is words are chosen because they do have meanings. This one is meant
to shock and insult, otherwise why use it?
It is also interesting that on both forums racism is rightfully not
tolerated yet sexism, including the use of this particular word is.
The above quote applies because calling these words harmless doesn't
change the nature of the word. There is no good end from which to pick
up a turd,.......
or excuse for a vulgar word.
Marjie <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Marjie. And,...
if Roger Miller is right. You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd....
probably because of that same word. However, you can be happy,..... if
you have a mind to.
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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