Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11, 2009 - Monday

Todays Gazette is being brought to you buy the professional folks from
the Grafton Unity Medical Community.
The current temperature is 51 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 59/29
Normal H/L temp for this date is 68/42
It was 95 degrees on this date in 1906
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Wednesday is the big day for Grafton's new Simonson Neighborhood Store.
The corner of hiway's 17 & 81 is one of the most prominent corners in
town. Simonson's beautiful new Subway Sandwich, gasoline and convenience
store is evidence, once again, that Grafton's growing is showing.
For some reason this spring, about the time the dust would start
blowing, it would rain. The end result, was a layer of mud on my jeep
that was thick enough to plant a crop of Red River Valley Potatoes in.
It was evident that no-one was going to volunteer to wash my jeep,
making it frightfully apparent I would get stuck with the dastardly
So,... I changed into my car washing clothes, grabbed my car washing
hat and gloves and headed to the west edge of town to the "Touchless Car
Wash". I really like the Touchless Car Wash because you don't "have" to
have a whole pocket full of quarters to wash the car.
Actually, I simply put a $10 bill in the slot, pushed the appropriate
button, and I even got a bunch of quarters back in change. Then the door
opened and I drove in until the sign said "stop". After a vigorous
"water jet scrubbing" the sign said drive forward and then some giant
fans blew my squeaky clean jeep nice and dry.
I must admit, I was very impressed with the fantastic wash job. My jeep
is dark blue, which normally is difficult to get spotlessly clean
without actually hand wiping it. So,.... the next time I need to wash my
jeep, I'll be doing it at the "Touchless Car Wash" car wash on the west
edge of Grafton. I really doubt that I will be wearing a suit and tie
the next time I wash my jeep,...... but I could.
Christl Durand would like to share the following information regarding
the status of Grafton's "Unity Community".
Christl wrote: >>>>
Hi Gary,
Wanted to fill you in on the Unity Hospital renovation. It
was a year ago this month that construction began.
Surprisingly, we can report that progress has remained pretty
steady through the months.
The newly added features of the Radiology suite, Laboratory
and Hospital Admissions areas are currently occupied. The Unity
staff is thrilled with the spacious areas and advanced technologies the
in-house CT scanner offers.
The rest of the new area has been completed with new wall
coverings, lighting, flooring and is waiting for the furniture, which
should arrive next week.
We would love to say it's completed But... work has now
begun on updating the flooring in the existing Emergency room area and
will continue through the inpatient hallway. It is definitely a
work in progress with total completion due midsummer.
We invite everyone to join us in celebration of National
Hospital Week, this Thursday, May 14 from 5-7 pm for a picnic under the
new hospital canopy. We are thrilled to be able to offer walk through
tours to those who are interested. We hope you will be as impressed
as we are proud of how the project has come together. Sounds like a
busy evening with Unity's picnic, the Chamber Wine Walk and the Squire
Shop Spring Fling. I hope you make time to take in all three
events. What a fun night to be in Grafton!
Community support has enabled this project to become a
reality. We can't say thank you enough to those that have taken the
project to heart and answered the request for contributions.
The "Uniting for a Healthier Tomorrow" capital campaign has reached
$1,131,000 of it's $1.7M goal. We ask if anyone should have
questions regarding the campaign to please contact me at 352-9372.
It's my favorite thing to do these days, to talk about and show off this
It's definitely true...Unity is Community, Treating Our
Friends and Neighbors. Growing. Caring for Your Health!
Thanks and Hope to see you on Thursday!
Christl Durand
Unity Medical Center Foundation
Executive Director
164 West 13th Street
Grafton ND 58237
Thanks a million for "caring" (no pun intended) and sharing Christl. I
had a chance to view some of the new facilities and improvements at
Unity a couple weeks ago. Although the project isn't totally completed,
already it is evident to me that our community can be proud to have such
a medical facility for our area residents.
from Connie Desautel
Is there any way you can post my web site for tupperware? With
summer almost here it is always busy and some people don't like to do
home parties. I thought if you could post my web site anyone could order
off that. There are also more specials on the web site people can
order. So here goes
Thanks a million Connie. The answer to your first question is yes there
is. I did it in exactly the same way you sent it to me. The next
question is. Will folks see it, read it, and most importantly give you a
order from it. That my good friend Connie,... will be up to you. {;->)
"You ain't living in the sticks if your playing games on a marble
floor" GLM
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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