Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009 - Wednesday

Todays Gazette is dedicated to all of the Truly Lucky People In The
The current temperature is 40 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 64/44
Normal H/L temp for this date is 74/48
It was 99 degrees on this date in 1934
We've gone a full 24 hours without rain and today will be sunny and
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Carpenters are working on the front doors and entrance of the former
Nelson Drug Store building. Yesterday, while some of the drug store crew
worked on the front door, others were tearing out walls and sheetrock
from Adie & Marie's former dress shop. Although I'm sure they won't
have a problem removing walls and woodwork from Adie's and Marie's. They
couldn't possibly remove the memories we have of those two wonderful
Except for the recent rain, the ongoing work in the former Nelson Drug
Store building AND that Stan Pastorek's crew is working in the "former"
Subway Store in the Western Plaza complex, a couple of notes threatening
bad luck if I do not forward them ASAP to a group of my friends. It has
been a relatively slow news day in Skeeterville.
Ironically,.. just as I was contemplating what I might write about
today. I received the following note from my daughter Kelly. As I
re-read the two notes threatening the status of my luck and after
reading the note from Kelly, I decided that even though the attachment
Kelly included was sent out in the Gazette several years ago (Monday,
October 29, 2001 1:35 PM) and, that at the time it went out to 75
people. Today, however, it could be read by 10 times 10 times that many,
and, I am guessing there will be at least one person in that group that
will agree with me.
Kelly wrote: >>>>
"Message from Dad's Heart"
Hi Dad. I have been at home working on bookwork and had to go into my
saved files. I thought I would share it with you again just for old
time sake. It was dated Oct. 29, 2001, as you can see. It
certainly jerked a few tears again today.
Love you, Kelly
(I sent our the following message in the Oct. 29, 2001 Gazette after
receiving a significant number of notes threatening bad luck to me)
I would like this note to go to everyone I know, or, knows me. It is
not intended for one, two or three, but rather for the WHOLE WORLD TO
If up above there's a name you don't see
please do me a favor and forward them from me.
The note that accompanies this memo says (in part) "don't be afraid to
express yourself" OKEE DOKEE!! It says, I MUST send it to 10 people OR I
will face DREADFULLY bad luck.
WHO, IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH dreams up such dribble!!!
WHY, on earth, if it had any value at all, would you only send it to
10 of your family, and/or friends.
LUCK, if there is such a thing (in my opinion) is man made, created by
actions and deeds with a specific end result in mind. If one aims for
good results, often one will experience "good luck". On the other hand,
if one's intentions are negative, "bad luck" will almost aways be the
end result.
Life is full of both good and bad luck.
If, I were only to look at bad luck.
I would see Mother, dying 50 years too soon.
I would see Dad going before we could have one last talk. I would see
Peggy leaving before her children were grown. My Uncles Leonard, Norman,
Adrian, Harold, and George all left before I
could return the favors they gave me. Uncle Woodrow passed on before I
could even get to see him.
My Aunts, Theresa, Winnie, Fabiola left me/us before I could properly
thank them for helping raise me.
My FATHER in-law Ray could have stayed around for another 90 years and
we would still have things to talk about.
Are you starting to get a picture?
If I were to only look at BAD LUCK.
LOOSING CHUCK would be right up there at the top of the list. As I see
it, we can ALL say we've had our share of bad luck.
H O W E V E R ! ! !
From Mom and Dad I learned how to live, and, love to live.
From Peggy I learned of compassion, and to deal with issues I didn't
always understand.
From my Uncles I've learned most of what's gotten me where I am today.
My Aunts, to love and respect people, to stick together and tell the
world to "go to hell" when it needs it.
From Ray I was lucky enough to spend over a third of a century learning
everything from sweeping streets to taking care of his daughter.
From Chuck I learned life isn't always what we want it to be, but
rather what you make it be. I worked in one form or another with Chuck
for over 40. He spent his entire life making "luck" for others. If, he
had a fault, it would be working overtime so others could be lucky.
M E L U C K Y ? Y O U B E T !!!!
The list of names at the top of this "memo" is only a fraction of the
luck I have known in my life.
I have all of that, my family and most important of all, I have my wife.
I'm working very hard trying to be positive. Letters written by insecure
individuals, threatening "dreadfully bad luck" does not strike me as
Or so it seems to me.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009 - Tuesday

Todays Gazette is dedicated to the memory of Duane "Farmer" Findring.
The current temperature is 46 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 62/48
Normal H/L temp on this date is 74/47
It was 92 degrees on this date in 1937.
The Gazette rain gauge recorded 1.68 inches of moisture in the last
rain event.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff. -----------------------------
After a relatively short conversation, with a relatively close friend,
I left our discussion feeling somewhat more secure,....... relatively
My friend assured me that the rumor about the North Koreans exploding a
nuclear bomb, probably, was not true. Because, he assured me, that he is
confident that the current administration will talk to the North Koreans
and ask them to behave themselves.
I was also, relatively relieved, once again according to my friend,
that the colder than normal temperatures and greater than normal
moisture we've been receiving lately, will be taken care of when "the
Peoples Friend" Al Gore gets his global warming rules and regulations
masterfully manipulated down the gullet of the American public.
And it goes without saying (according to my friend) that I should be
relieved, relatively speaking, that the major corporations that stand to
make billions of dollars by acquiring and hoarding carbon credits will
be more than willing to help us little folks pay for the significantly
higher living costs. All because the glaciers started melting, more than
10,000 years ago and "the Peoples Friend" decided folks like Henry Ford
and Thomas Edison invented the tools that are manufacturing the demise
of a world once ruled by the dinosaurs. Or so it seems to me.
Don Johnson shared the following thoughts. >>>>>
Subject: A National Moment of Remembrance On Memorial Day
Our mother used to take Gary & I to the Memorial day event at the
courthouse every year. We'd wait to hear our Dad's name read. It was
always a sad day but a proud one too. Then sometime during the day, a
group of men would stop at the Wakeman bridge and toss a wreath in
remembrance. The bugle and the guns salute, made for an exciting time.
A National Moment of Remembrance On Memorial Day
That poem about where "poppies blow"
And, "the crosses, row on row"
Still rings true, these ninety years
After written, still brings tears.
We still have Dead, "amid the guns"
And lose our young and our loved ones
Those who lived, "short days ago"
Who, "felt dawn, saw sunset glow".
In Flanders Fields, "the poppy red"
Still grow near where the blood was bled They, "Take up our quarrel with
the foe" And still die for Freedoms that we know.
They pass, "The torch" to, "hold it high" And not, "break the faith with
us who die" For they, "shall not sleep, though poppies grow" Beneath all
those, "crosses, row on row" In Flanders Fields.
Del "Abe" Jones
4-25-2005 <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Don. Del "Abe" Jones is often
referred to as The Poor Man's Poet. His words are especially appropriate
at a time our nation has set aside to honor those who have given up so
much of their freedom so that we may enjoy so much more.
I have known Duane "Farmer" Findring for more years than I can
remember. Over the years, and a million or more cups of coffee, we have
discussed everything from agriculture, and how things grow, to the
government and how much politicians really know.
I will always remember Farmer as a caring and sharing man. It is with
sincere sorrow and regret that I share the passing of my friend Farmer.
Duane G. "Farmer" Findring, age 79 of Grafton, ND passed away on
Saturday, May 23, 2009 at the Lutheran Sunset Home of Grafton. Farmer
Findring was born February 3, 1930 in Grafton, ND the son of the late
Halvor and Emma (Baanrud) Findring. He attended rural school near
Grafton. Following his education he worked at the Williamson Dairy Farm,
several potato farms in the area including the Earl Anderson farm. He
also worked for Ole Aasand for many years. He worked at the Grafton
Curling Club for ten years. Farmer was united in marriage to Josephine
Weigal Dawson on November 2, 1967. The couple made their home in Grafton
where Farmer worked for the City of Grafton Street Department.
Josephine died July 4, 2008 and Farmer moved to the Lutheran Sunset Home
in March of 2009.
He was a member of the South Trinity Lutheran Church and the Grafton
American Legion and AMVETS.
Farmer is survived by his step-son Rick (Linda) Dawson, Minneapolis, MN;
five grandchildren, seven great grandchildren and several nieces and
nephews. He was the last surviving member of his immediate family. He
was preceded in death by his parents, wife, twin brother Donald, and
three sisters: Ruth, Helen and Vi and two step-children: Bob Dawson and
Janet Dawson.
Funeral services will be Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 10:30 A.M. at the
South Trinity Lutheran Church of rural Grafton. Visitation will be
Tuesday from 5-7 PM with a prayer service at 7:00 PM at the Tollefson
Funeral Home of Grafton. Friends may also call at the church on
Wednesday for one hour prior to the service. Interment will be at the
South Trinity Lutheran Cemetery. Military rites will be conducted by the
Grafton American Legion Post #41.
The Tollefson Funeral Home of Grafton is in charge of the arrangements.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21, 2009 -Thursday

Todays Gazette is dedicated to the men and women who caring for the
Mentally and Physically Challenged individuals.
The current temperature is 53 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 69/46
Normal H/L temp for this date is 72/45
It was 101 degrees on this date in 1964
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
If you happen to run across a farmer that looks like he just lost the
winning ticket to a multi-million dollar lottery. It might be because
much of his land is still to wet to plant, exacerbated by the fact that
our areas growing degree days, to date, are approximately 25 percent of
It is somewhat ironic that when wet, cool and cloudy weather delays
planting causing a shorter than normal growing season, one option some
farmers still have,... is to plant "SUNFLOWERS".
Rumor has it Shananigan's new eatery is hoping to open sometime in
June. The new location, in the old drug store, will feature most of the
items from their previous menu with the possibility a few new items as
Hotwheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.
Would you mind putting some info in the Gazette concerning a couple of
public meetings that the Developmental Center and Friendship Inc are
conducting in early June.
Thanks; Kevin Frederickson
Program Coordinator
CARES & Cedar Grove 2
Developmental Center
The Community Life Assessment for the Northeast Region of North
Dakota including Park River, Cavalier, Grafton and surrounding
communities will be held June 4, 2009. The meetings will be held at 2
PM or 7 PM in the Park River Community Room at the City Offices of Park
River located at 514 Briggs Ave South.
The LENS Community Life Assessment Project was a process that brought
together a group of community leaders from the region to assist in
exploring quality of life issues within our community. Issues studied
included housing, employment, healthcare, social capital, transportation
and recreation & leisure. The project was jointly sponsored by
Friendship Inc and the North Dakota Developmental Center in Grafton.
These two agencies provide services to individuals with developmental
disabilities in the state of North Dakota.
LENS is an acronym that stands for Learning, Experiencing, Exploring,
Networking, Strategizing and Sharing. This project is part of the
ongoing accreditation that Friendship Inc and the Developmental Center
participate in on a regular basis that is conducted by The Council on
Quality and Leadership (CQL). The Council's Albert Van Kleek will be
conducting the meetings to guide the participants through the LENS
For more information please contact JoAnn Lizakowski at 352-4262 or
Mona Sticha at 352-0060.
Not long ago I shared the following thoughts with my good friend Lloyd
Hanson. With memorial day only a few days away, I hope Lloyd won't mind
that I share them once again today. And, that others might find solace
in it's message.
To understand volumes from a few chosen words, leaves ample evidence
our Lord has given us the ability to communicate directly from the
heart, without voice or sounds to be heard.
Though sometimes, thru word, we don't always agree. When our
hearts speak together, aggressions are set free. True friendship is
understanding we don't always need to agree. As long as our hearts speak
together, our worlds will always be free.
Though our loved ones and friends may not always be here. Through
our hearts and our memories they will always be near. Gary
Good Morning Gary and Pat.
I just wanted to pass some information along to you to put in your news
Rita Lessard is moving to Woodland Washington to be close to her son
Art. She is moving into a assisted living place and it is beautiful. She
is really excited to be making the move. I will send along the address
and phone number when we get it. She has been staying with Jerry and I
for a week and it has been a lot of fun having her with us. She is doing
really well and is so happy to be close to family and friends out
I printed every Gazette and sent them to her in Mesa, now I can just
deliver them in person, and that will be so nice. Art has been just
wonderful getting every thing set up for her. So until I get the
address this is what is happening in her life and she is a very happy
I also want to say that Gary and Rosemary Fisher have been a great
help getting her place cleaned out in Mesa they are a wonderful couple.
You will soon see them on the streets of Oakwood and Grafton as they are
heading back for the summer.
Dianne Molde Urbauer <<<<<
Thanks a million Dianne, for caring and sharing. I am pleased to here
that Rita will find comfort near her son Art. Please say Hi to her from
me. Whenever I see a picture with lights behind it, I think of my Mother
and Rita Lessard.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20, 2009 - Wednesday

Todays Gazette comes to you in memory of Gordon (Snowball) Olson. A
lifelong Agriculturist for American Crystal Sugar.
The current temperature is 47 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 68/31
Normal H/L temp for this date is 72/45
It was 91 degrees on this date in 1980
Some forecasters continue to suggest that we will experience
summer,.... sometime before the fall.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
We are almost two thirds of the way thru May, and, so far not one
single Skeeter Bite. I can't be absolutely certain but I may have gotten
a bit of a Frost Bite Tuesday morning.
If you enjoy fantastic fishing, fun, relaxation and unbelievable
sunsets. Check out the website.
Those of us that knew and worked with Gordon Olson while he was a
Agricultural Sugar Tramp in Crookston Mn. would agree, Gordy was cut
from a very unique log to say the least. I doubt that Gordy ever met a
lady anywhere, that he didn't ask if she had had her heavenly hug yet.
If Gordy walked into a room full of strangers he would leave with a
room full of friends. To my knowledge, especially in his later years,
about the only thing that could really upset Gordy was when someone
would call him "Snowball".
Gordy always referred to me as one of his "hometown kids" so the first
time I called him Snowball, he said he would forgive me,.... one time,
and with a voice leaving zero tolerance he said, "but don't you ever
call me that again!". And,... so I didn't.
Glenn shared some of his thoughts on Gordy and the Olson family, among
other things. Glenn wrote: >>>>>
Hi Gary...
I enjoy reading Bert Overland's recollections because it brings me
back to my childhood days in Grafton.
I never really knew Bert because he was younger then me but I did know
his older brother Arvid very well.
The Olson family Ma, Morris, Glenn, Snowball and Elaine lived
across the street from us on Kittson Ave before moving to the eastside
by the creamery.
Ma, Snowball and Elaine were all very outgoing and fun loving
individuals. Snowball was a very close friend of mine. Mrs Olson's
hearty laughter will always be remembered. In the 5th grade Elaine sat
across from me. I guess she thought I needed some pepping up so when our
eyes met she would raise her skirt over her knees and give me that
mischievous smile. She was a part of our neighbor hood group. Snowball
and I went into the navy about the same time in 1943. In 1944 my ship
was in Pearl Harbor for a couple of months and Snowball was a boat
dispatcher at the Admiral's barge boat deck on Ford Island.One day he
came up and picked me up in one of their speed boats for liberty. Our
captain was shoving off about the same time in our slow motor launch.
Snowball opened up the throttle and we made a couple of circles around
the motor launch and created some waves while Snowball was yelling at
our boat crew and captain causing some embarrassment for me. During
his last years he had cancer . I took him to Rochester a couple of
times as did Vernon Useldinger another former Granftonite. He also made
many friends down there with his kidding and outgoing personality.
Morris and Glen were more reserved but both nice guys. Gordon of
course as you know worked for the Sugar Beet Company but also farmed
with his brother Glen at Crookston. Poor Elaine ended up in the a
Nursing Home at a fairly young age.
You mentioned Hank Newgard. He was also a good friend and we
spent a lot of time together here in Fargo. He played in the Legion Band
as I did and sold a lake lot to me next to his where we spent time
together. He is also gone.
I also remember when Bernie Desautel's nephew was killed by Red
Johnson's bat. I also had the same opinion as Bert. It ruined
poor Red's life and I think he ended up as a street person in Seattle.
Thanks for putting out the Gazette... Glenn Paulson. <<<<
Thank you Glenn, for caring and sharing your wonderful memories.
It's the exchange of memories such as yours that continues to allow us
to appreciate our past and enhance our enjoyment of the future.
Or so it seems to me.
"If the house your living in doesn't have room for one more person. The
problem isn't with the size of the house."
~~~~~~~~ TEAM - PHIL ~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~ RELAY for LIFE ~~~~~~~
Friday, May 29th Barbecue Fund raiser.
Hanson's Collision Center on the corner of Griggs Ave. and Fifth
Street in Grafton
Between the hours of 11:30 and 1:30.
========== MENU ===========
Brats - Hotdogs - Chips - Drinks - Cookies
All proceeds will go to benefit The American Cancer Society.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19, 2009 - Tuesday

It's hard to believe that fifty years from now, this will be The Good
Old Days.
The current temperature is 31 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 68/37
Normal H/L temp for this date is 72/45
It was 95 degrees on this date in 1948
It's hard to believe that a mere month from now the days will be
getting shorter, and I don't have a single carbon credit.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L new & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I must preface the following message in defence of Grafton's Honorable
Mayor Todd Burianek. In all likelihood, Mayor Burianek penned (typed)
his message of appreciation even before the last few pieces of discarded
litter was stuffed into garbage bags. The fact that it did not go out in
the Gazette until today is solely my responsibility,.. or lack thereof.
Anyway,.. Mayor Burianek wrote: >>>>
On May 14th Grafton held it's third annual City Clean-Up and I
write to thank the following for their help in this effort.
I thank all City employees who participated especially the
organizers of this event, Kenny Miskavige and Brent McMillan. The
Grafton High School Senior Class, High School Principal Darren Albrecht,
Activities Director Matt Fetsch, High School Educators Linda Paulson
and Sandy Irmen and Mark Buck. The Developmental Center Beautification
Committee. All of these people spent the morning cleaning the entrances
to Grafton and deserve the thanks of all citizens for making Grafton a
cleaner, more welcoming place for all.
We thank Schwan's for the ice cream bars; Associated Potato for
the potato chips; Embroidery Plus for the vests; the Walsh County
Highway Dept. for the vests; Ag Country for the napkins; Wally's for the
ice and Mac's Bottle Shop for the ice. Special thanks goes to newly
appointed City Council member, Don Hutson for manning the grill for our
The workers collected over two truckloads of garbage along the
roads and ditches leading to Grafton. Plus, volunteers picked up the
remaining sandbags from Grafton's flood fight last month.
All of their effort is greatly appreciated and I am very
thankful that we have this event every year as we continue to strive to
make Grafton a better place for all.
Todd Burianek <<<<<
Thanks a million Mayor Burianek, for caring and sharing. I have always
believed volunteers, almost always, dedicate their time and efforts
without the requirement of, or need for special recognition. However, I
have also always believed that volunteers will always appreciate being
Mayor Burianek's message mimics his dedication to facts and detail. I
regret that I was not able to get his message out in a more timely
Whenever I mention the Grafton Illustrated ------- A 100 Years Look At
Grafton, North Dakota, I received comments. Yesterdays mention being no
exception. Sue Votava shared the following: >>>> Hi, Gary,
I was interested to read your thoughts on "Grafton
Illustrated". This book is fascinating and is frequently accessed at the
library since I do some genealogy research from time to time. It's also
amazing how much has changed in the little more than a quarter century
that has passed since the book was printed. Some of us were wondering
just the other day if it was time for an update or maybe Volume 2?
Sue at Carnegie Regional Library <<<<
Thanks a million Sue, for caring and sharing. You may well have
planted "the seed" from which a newer edition of the Grafton Illustrated
will evolve.
While I was in the library yesterday I got to thinking about how some
things, some times, suggest things, that simply aren't exactly what they
seem to be.
Take Country Realty for instance. They're not "really" in the country
at all. Oh, they sell stuff in the country alright, but their office is
located at 7 west 5th street right here in Grafton. As a matter of fact,
they (the Country Realty folks) sell lots of stuff right here in town as
well as out in the country. The fact is, just yesterday I noticed the
Country Realty sign just a few doors down from our house had a giant
SOLD sign above it, and I noticed their sign on the end of Manvel Avenue
said SOLD too.
I decided two things for certain, during yesterday's visit to the
Gazette Library. The first thing I decided is, if Country Realty can't
sell your house, it isn't because their not working hard trying. It's
simply because nobody wants it at the price your asking. And, If we ever
decide to sell our home, we will ask the folks at Country if they would
be willing to sell our house in town.
With Minnesota's opening fishing weekend already set to history and
the long Memorial Day Holiday weekend approaching faster than an average
politician can back pedal. And, with the possibility that I might not be
able to participate in this years Memorial Day fish harvest. The best I
can offer, is the fisherman's prayer that "says it" much better than I
could ever hope to.
~~~~~ Fisherman's Prayer ~~~~~
I pray that I may live to fish
Until my dying day.
And when it comes to my last cast,
I then most humbly pray,
When in the Lord's great landing net
I'm peacefully asleep
That in His mercy I be judged
Good enough to keep.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009 - Monday

Never underestimate the power of prayer and the Magic of Modern
The current temperature is 54 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 68/34
Normal H/L temp for this date is 71/44
It was 95 degrees on this date in 1988
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Saturday was a fantastic day in this valley that was formed from
prehistoric Glaciers. In fact, the sunshine, warm temperatures and a
brisk breeze throughout the day Saturday was just what the doctor
Or so it seems to me.
Speaking of Saturday, wonderful weather and doctors orders. After Pat
and I had a thorough discussion with Dr Kotnik regarding Pat's medical
condition. Dr. Kotnik signed my sweetheart's discharge from Unity
Medical Center.
As always, I was impressed with how much patience Dr. Kotnik has with
his patients. Folks in the Grafton area are fortunate to have such
wonderful medical facilities so close. And, when a really serious major
surgery and/or medical issue arises, we are also fortunate to have the
Altru Health Services facility in Grand Forks, just forty miles away.
Speaking of health and the medical profession. I am pleased to share
the following message from George Cox
George wrote: >>>>
Subject: clean bill of health;
Thanks to all of you who have kept me in your thoughts and prayers –
I really appreciate all the phone calls, cards, and emails that you have
provided me with during this time of dealing with my cancer.
I went to the Mayo clinic this past week and was told that the
transplant was very successful and that I should go on with my life.
I really can't add any to that other than to thank each of you for you
part in my healing process,
God Bless,
George Cox
I doubt there is anyone that reads, and uses the publication titled
Grafton Illustrated, A 100 Year Look At Grafton, North Dakota more than
I do.
Although I sent out the following "thoughts" in the Gazette several
years ago. I find it's content has even more meaning to me today than
the first time I shared it. On Nov. 11, 2002 I wrote. >>>>
For the past several weeks, or months. A local publication
entitled Grafton Illustrated, a 100 year look at Grafton North Dakota,
1882---1982, has taken a prominent position in my Library.
It doesn't seem to matter how often I look through it, I always
"discover" something new in it. As I view the picture of the Centennial
Book Committee. I am saddened by the fact that two of it's four members
are no longer with us.
Virginia (Mrs Les) Anderson. A lady I always felt displayed
dignity and intelligence to the envy of all.
Jean (Mrs Bob) Dahl. Jean could easily have be considered one of
the nicest, most mild mannered, ladies in the country.
Both of these women were true Ladies, in every sense of the word.
They both left this world a much better place to live, and, with a void
that can never quite be filled. I am pleased to have made their
Gloria (Mrs. Lynn, Jim) Thompson. Started her community work in
Grafton as a Teacher. She has worked countless hours on as many projects
making our small town a much better place to live. People like Gloria,
with her profound determination, and winning smile, should be cloned for
future generations to enjoy.
Ina (Mrs. Jerry) Raumin. A strong willed, energetic, do it because
someone has too, individual, that is always willing to go out and tackle
the tough ones. I know the gene pool Ina comes from and I can attest,
there's none better,... anywhere.
Thank you ladies for all of your wonderful, very hard work. In the
afore mentioned book. I found a picture of the class of 1930. In the
upper right hand corner stands a man that could easily pass for Barry
Kingsbury. Of course, the photo is of Barry's Grandfather Harley
R. Kingsbury.
On the very next page is the class of 1946. Jack DeSautel, Robert
Boone, Marlin Torkelson and Marvin Lykken among others. I found my aunt
Isabel (Tootsy) Sevigny, as beautiful as ever, and Gordon (Snowball)
Olson an individual I worked with for several years at American Crystal.
I found a picture of Grafton Floral when it was located in the 400
block of Hill Avenue.
The 1956 Spoilers basketball team picture brings back memories
accompanied with a little pain. People like Ed Claussen and Assistant
coach Duane (Grut) Anderson. Does anyone know what "Grut" is short for?
Of that entire team only Morris Evan, who was student manager and Gary
Bjerke remain in town today. Ray Misialek, passed away just a short time
The picture on page 413 of The Red River Shrine Clubs nine man
bike, brought back memories of terrific Graftonites, no longer with us.
Men Like Alvin Mattson, Darn I miss Alvin. He along with his son Allan
built the bike. The last seat on the bike as I remember it. Often was
occupied by Graftons finest Chiropractor. Dr. Harold B. Blanchard. Dr.
Blanchard did for my family, what no other medical facility in the
country, including Rochester could do. He cured our three year old
daughter Kelly.
Ray Brown also spent his time on "the bike". Ray Brown and
Associates. done most of the bookwork for our family business for many
A picture of one of Graftons early hockey teams. Number 56 Trueman
Mattson, Bob Kingsbury, Red Johnson, Art Oihus, Mason Fisher, Sid Foy,
Coach H.B. Ensrud, Ward Gravlin, Frank Miller, Jim Jackson, Hank
Newgard, Alan Nelson, Al Johnson, Bob Rassmussen and James Hagrenes.
Thats enough for now. From time to time I'll share some of the
contents of that wonderful walk through history in book form.
Thanks again Ladies for helping me help myself. Your work, and the
work of others like you, make this country second to none.
The Grafton Illustrated was printed in 1982 by Associated
Printers, of Grafton.
"Life is to short for long answer."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14, 2009 - Thursday

A heartfelt congratulations and our best wishes to the graduating class
of 2009.
Graftons Class Motto:
"We all take different paths, but no matter where we go, we take a
little of each other with us."
The current temperature is 42 degree.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 65/34
Normal H/L temp for this date is 70/43
It was 91 degrees on this date in 1976
My front lawn has received .24 inches of rain in the past 24 hours.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The parking lot around Simonsons new Subway Sandwich, Gasoline and
Neighborhood Store was packed full all day long on their first day open.
The new facility looks impressive during the day, and it's even more so
under the lights in the evening.
I have always had faith in the power of prayer. The following message
from Ryan is proof positive, that there is a power in prayer. It can
sometimes even get folks to write to the Gazette. Ryan wrote: >>>>>
-- Kudos! Couldn't have said it better! Amen from Brother Ryan Fischer
from First Lutheran in Hoople! A Different Type of Prayer is just what I
Looking forward to Grafton Days (SummerFest) and my old man's 50th
reunion! Love and best wishes from Ryan Fischer. <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ryan. For those who haven't met
Ryan, he is the son of Carl (Gary) & Ann Fischer. We can thank God Ryan
takes after his mother. Gary is a member of the class of 59 and I might
add, a class act when I worked for him in the 60's in the American
Crystal Sugar Lab in Drayton.
Speaking of sugar, and the things it goes in. Awhile back we mentioned
in the Gazette that the Pepsi Corporation was putting pure natural and
sweet sugar in a product called Pepsi Throwback and in Mountain Dew
Throwback. It should go without saying that having worked for American
Crystal Sugar Company for 36 years, having several relatives, family
members and many many friends that rely on sugar for a major portion of
their income. Hearing that Pepsi is putting "naturally pure and
wonderfully sweet" sugar in a couple of their products is great news.
Obviously Ben thought so too because he wrote the Pepsi folks a note. I
have copied the response he received from Pepsi.
Subject: A Message from Consumer Relations 011981550A
Dear Ben,
Thank you for contacting Pepsi-Cola about Mountain Dew Throwback.
I'm happy to hear how much you're enjoying this refreshingly retro
beverage sweetened with natural sugar. We're thrilled that consumers
have been so excited about this nostalgic trip back in time! As you may
know, Throwback will be available for a limited time, but I'll be sure
to pass on your nice comments to the brand team.
Thanks again for writing and for sharing your thoughts.
Dee Dee Ward
Consumer Relations Representative
DID YOU KNOW ... *** All of Pepsi-Cola's plastic soft-drink bottles
contain an average of 10% recycled plastic, and the average aluminum can
contains 40% to 50% recycled aluminum. *** <<<< Thanks a million for
caring and sharing Ben. If more people would share their thoughts with
folks like Dee Dee it would be a lot nicer world for sure.
Or so it seems to me.
"If 10 percent is good enough for Jesus, well it ought to be good
enough for Uncle Sam." -- Ray Stevens sang that --
For the past couple of weeks Pat and I planned on attending the Unity
Medical Centers Celebration of Hospital Week Tonight (Thursday) May 14
from 5-7 pm for a picnic under the new hospital canopy. We even
planned to take one of the walk through tours to see the new
addition. It sounded like it would be a fantastic evening,.... this
Thursday evening did. Unity's picnic, the Chamber Wine Walk and the
Squire Shop Spring Fling. It sounded like it would certainly be a fun
night to be in Grafton!
AND,... it definitely will be..... With one small exception. Pat
received her tour of the Unity Medical Center shortly after noon. First
we toured the clinic where Pat was diagnosed with pneumonia. Then, Kris
Dusek (new hairdo and all) helped Pat get into a wheelchair and took Pat
and me on a somewhat abbreviated tour of the hospital.
They gave Pat something that is supposed to help reduce most of her
pain, I'm not sure if Kris mention it would actually reduce me or not.
However, Pat is resting in room 103 of Grafton's Unity Medical Center
and she is being taken care of by the best professional medical staff
and facility one could ever hope for in a small town just forty miles
south of the Canadian Border..... And that's a fact.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009 - Wednesday

Todays Gazette is being brought to you by Suzanne Nelson's Daily Grind,
just a half block east of Hill Avenue on 5th St.
The current temperature is 60 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 65/48
Normal H/L temp for this date is 69/43
It was 93 degrees on this date in 1977
The "unofficial" Gazette rain gauge recorded .20 of rain overnight.
We were told we can expect high winds this afternoon. They didn't
mention if the cause was political or Mother Nature.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
It's another case of rumor turning into fact. The neatest little Coffee
Shop in North Dakota does have a new owner.
John shared Susie's first congratulations, in the Gazette. "Gary,
The Daily Grind is now under new ownership. Susie Nelson (formerly of
Wayne's) bought it from Janelle and Doug Davis.
Good luck Susie!!!!! " John Maxwell. <<
Susie has been helping folks at Waynes Heating & Cooling in Grafton
with television, appliances and cell phones for a good many years.
Susie's warm personality, friendly smile combined with her thorough
understanding of the products she was responsible for representing at
Waynes will most certainly be missed.
We wish Susie the very best in her new venture, and we hope everyone
will stop by The Daily Grind and do the same.
Please plan to spend Thursday afternoon and evening in Grafton.
We invite everyone to join in celebration of National Hospital Week,
this Thursday, May 14 from 5-7 pm for a picnic under the new hospital
canopy. Walk through tours will be available to those who are
interested. I am sure you will be impressed how the project has come
together. Thursday evening will be a interesting and busy evening
with Unity's picnic, the Chamber Wine Walk and the Squire Shop Spring
Fling. I hope you make time to take in all three events. What a
fun night to be in Grafton!
Most folks are praying for some dryer, warmer weather conditions. And,
I suspect, all of the area farmers are doing the same.
Speaking of prayer..... for some at least, or even the suggestion of
it, seems to have fallen out of political favor. My good friend Lee
shared the following prayer with our Gazette family almost 7 years ago.
I read it every once in awhile because I believe that the better I can
understand the message it conveys, the better the person I hope I can
Lee wrote: >>>
Here's a little something for you to ponder the rest of the day.
I wish there was a way to share this with everyone, especially the
"judgers" in the world!!
A Different Type of Prayer
Heavenly Father, Help us remember that the jerk who cut us off in
traffic last night is a single mother who worked nine hours that day and
was rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the laundry and
spend a few precious moments with her children. Help us to remember
that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man who can't make
change correctly is a worried 19-year-old college student, balancing his
apprehension over final exams with his fear of not getting his student
loans for next semester. Remind us, Lord, that the scary looking
bum, begging for money in the same spot every day (who really ought to
get a job!) is a slave to addictions that we can only imagine in our
worst nightmares. Help us to remember that the old couple walking
annoyingly slow through the store aisles and blocking our shopping
progress are savoring this moment, knowing that, based on the biopsy
report she got back last week, this will be the last year that they go
shopping together.
Heavenly Father, remind us each day that, of all the gifts you give
us, the greatest gift is love. It is not enough to share that love with
those we hold dear. Open our hearts not just to those who are close to
us but to all humanity.
Let us be slow to judgment and quick to forgiveness and patience and
empathy and love. AMEN!!!
Be Nice; Nice Is Good!!! <<<<<
Thanks a million Lee, for caring and sharing your wonderful prayer with
The really great person is the person who makes every person feel
"It's not as important to be really great, as it is to be, as good as
you can possibly be." Or so it seems to me.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11, 2009 - Monday

Todays Gazette is being brought to you buy the professional folks from
the Grafton Unity Medical Community.
The current temperature is 51 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 59/29
Normal H/L temp for this date is 68/42
It was 95 degrees on this date in 1906
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Wednesday is the big day for Grafton's new Simonson Neighborhood Store.
The corner of hiway's 17 & 81 is one of the most prominent corners in
town. Simonson's beautiful new Subway Sandwich, gasoline and convenience
store is evidence, once again, that Grafton's growing is showing.
For some reason this spring, about the time the dust would start
blowing, it would rain. The end result, was a layer of mud on my jeep
that was thick enough to plant a crop of Red River Valley Potatoes in.
It was evident that no-one was going to volunteer to wash my jeep,
making it frightfully apparent I would get stuck with the dastardly
So,... I changed into my car washing clothes, grabbed my car washing
hat and gloves and headed to the west edge of town to the "Touchless Car
Wash". I really like the Touchless Car Wash because you don't "have" to
have a whole pocket full of quarters to wash the car.
Actually, I simply put a $10 bill in the slot, pushed the appropriate
button, and I even got a bunch of quarters back in change. Then the door
opened and I drove in until the sign said "stop". After a vigorous
"water jet scrubbing" the sign said drive forward and then some giant
fans blew my squeaky clean jeep nice and dry.
I must admit, I was very impressed with the fantastic wash job. My jeep
is dark blue, which normally is difficult to get spotlessly clean
without actually hand wiping it. So,.... the next time I need to wash my
jeep, I'll be doing it at the "Touchless Car Wash" car wash on the west
edge of Grafton. I really doubt that I will be wearing a suit and tie
the next time I wash my jeep,...... but I could.
Christl Durand would like to share the following information regarding
the status of Grafton's "Unity Community".
Christl wrote: >>>>
Hi Gary,
Wanted to fill you in on the Unity Hospital renovation. It
was a year ago this month that construction began.
Surprisingly, we can report that progress has remained pretty
steady through the months.
The newly added features of the Radiology suite, Laboratory
and Hospital Admissions areas are currently occupied. The Unity
staff is thrilled with the spacious areas and advanced technologies the
in-house CT scanner offers.
The rest of the new area has been completed with new wall
coverings, lighting, flooring and is waiting for the furniture, which
should arrive next week.
We would love to say it's completed But... work has now
begun on updating the flooring in the existing Emergency room area and
will continue through the inpatient hallway. It is definitely a
work in progress with total completion due midsummer.
We invite everyone to join us in celebration of National
Hospital Week, this Thursday, May 14 from 5-7 pm for a picnic under the
new hospital canopy. We are thrilled to be able to offer walk through
tours to those who are interested. We hope you will be as impressed
as we are proud of how the project has come together. Sounds like a
busy evening with Unity's picnic, the Chamber Wine Walk and the Squire
Shop Spring Fling. I hope you make time to take in all three
events. What a fun night to be in Grafton!
Community support has enabled this project to become a
reality. We can't say thank you enough to those that have taken the
project to heart and answered the request for contributions.
The "Uniting for a Healthier Tomorrow" capital campaign has reached
$1,131,000 of it's $1.7M goal. We ask if anyone should have
questions regarding the campaign to please contact me at 352-9372.
It's my favorite thing to do these days, to talk about and show off this
It's definitely true...Unity is Community, Treating Our
Friends and Neighbors. Growing. Caring for Your Health!
Thanks and Hope to see you on Thursday!
Christl Durand
Unity Medical Center Foundation
Executive Director
164 West 13th Street
Grafton ND 58237
Thanks a million for "caring" (no pun intended) and sharing Christl. I
had a chance to view some of the new facilities and improvements at
Unity a couple weeks ago. Although the project isn't totally completed,
already it is evident to me that our community can be proud to have such
a medical facility for our area residents.
from Connie Desautel
Is there any way you can post my web site for tupperware? With
summer almost here it is always busy and some people don't like to do
home parties. I thought if you could post my web site anyone could order
off that. There are also more specials on the web site people can
order. So here goes
Thanks a million Connie. The answer to your first question is yes there
is. I did it in exactly the same way you sent it to me. The next
question is. Will folks see it, read it, and most importantly give you a
order from it. That my good friend Connie,... will be up to you. {;->)
"You ain't living in the sticks if your playing games on a marble
floor" GLM
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

May 7, 2009 - Thursday

Do something special for Mom Sunday
~~ MarketPlace on 8th in Grafton ~~
(10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.)
Turkey, Dressing, Ham & Shrimp with all the trimmings plus full salad
and dessert.
((((( Mother's Day Night Special )))))
Delightfully Delicious -- Chicken Breast ~ Stuffed Shrimp ~ Walleye ~
Prawns, Serving from 4 to 8 p.m.
Happy Mother's Day from Susie and the entire staff at MarketPlace on
The current temperature is 48 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 72/39
Normal H/L temp for this date is 67/40
It was 88 degrees on this date in 1953.
Spring is just around the corner. All we have to do now,.. is find the
right corner.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
It's official, if the marquee in front of Simonsons Station Store is
correct. The new Simonsons Neighborhood Subway, Gasoline and Convenience
Store will open May 13th.
The large dumpster in front of the former Peoples Bakery building on
Hill Avenue really wasn't put there to foster rumors of a change in
business activity. It seems that some of the "inventory" belonging to
the present owner of the former bakery building was "spilling over" into
the property now occupied by the Grafton's Greatest Deals (formerly
Fish's Variety Store). I also understand, present rules and regulations
being what they are, and the fact the "enough really is enough". Hence,
it was suggested, with the kind of finite persuasion that only a
municiple authority could inject, that the "inventory" consuming space
without proper authority be removed "post haste". And, as I understand,
it was..... plus one day.
Aren't small towns wonderful?
Speaking of wonderful small towns. Bert shares some memories from the
days when Grafton was still using artesian well water. Bert wrote. >>>
Subject: Gordon "Snowball" Olson
Snowball (for those who don't know, got that name from his White,
White hair) Olson, brothers Glen, Morris and sister Elaine all had
neighborhood kids their same ages. Elaine, a real beauty, married a
Cuban plantation owner and when she came to visit they brought all us
neighborhood kids treats from Cuba.
Morris was with the National Guard Company "C" 164th and went all
through the pacific. He came home, became a State patrolman and shortly
died of a real quick cancer. I know Glen died but have no knowledge of
what happened to Snowball or his best buddy Hank Newgard.
A tragedy happened in the neighborhood one day that still causes the
hair to stand up on the back of my neck when I see little league
baseball kids swinging a bat with others close. Bernie DeSautel was
catching in a neighborhood game, Red Johnson was up to bat. Bernie's 5
year old nephew Bert (Named after me) Callum came to tell Bernie
supper was ready. My brother Arvid threw the pitch and Red swung just
grazing little Bert's head, they did not notice him running in from
the side. Bernie picked a crying Bert up and carried him home. The
DeSautels lived in the house just south of the DeSoto Creamery later
bought by the LeQuires. The next day all the neighborhood kids were kept
at home.
Before supper the next day we kids all were dressed in our "church
"suits and were walked over to DeSautels where little Bert was
lying in his little yellow casket on the front walk. 70 years later
I still think of that happening every time I see a baseball game.
Red Johnson never did recover from it. When Red came home after the
service his life was a ruin and I believe it stemmed from that event.
Kids with careless baseball bats scare me.
How many remember that there was a curfew in Grafton when we were
kids? Hank Newgards Mother was the curfew matron for the northeast
quadrant of Grafton. The 2nd time she brought me home,.... was by the
Bert A. Overland <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bert.
Rummage at the Grafton Armory and Rose Wendelbo's "alley garage" at
1485 Griggs Ave. in Grafton. Sat. May 9th between the hours of 9-4
Grafton Armory and 1485 Griggs in alley
~~~ Fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis ~~~
---------- "Miles for Maria" ----------- ====== Free will
donation ======
BRAND NAME infant, toddler, teen, women & mens clothing, toys, trike,
antique dresser, Americona decor, household, movies, crib/twin
bedding/blankets, mattress pads, shelfs, maternity, boppie/PG pillow,
baby gates, fishing equip, decorative pillows, patio table & chairs,
file cabinet, memory mat and much,.. much more. <<<<<
Thanks a million Kim, Let's hope the "Miles for Maria"
fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis is a huge success.
Don't miss the Rummage sale at Heritage Village. All proceeds go toward
maintaining the Village.
There will be an antique chrome table, with 6 chairs that belonged
to "Uncle Sig" along with some of his other treasurers. Other items,
couch, apartment size fridge, antique sewing cabinet, vanity with
mirror, lots of clothes, bedding, luggage, ironing boards, tv stand,
curtains, lamps, books, magazines, video movies, tapes, xmas
decorations, grass seeder and lots and lots of misc items. Something
for everyone. Also, serving BBQ, Hot dogs, chips and lemonade for
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

May 6, 2009 - Wednesday

Join Tom and Tammy Henriksen at the Strand Theater tonight at 6:30 and
enjoy the movie, "Facing The Giants".
The movie is free, the delicious popcorn and snacks are a little extra.
~~~~ FREE Family Movie Night ~~~~
Parents and children are encouraged to attend together.
After the movie, the EDGE Youth Center will be dedicated. Hope to see
you there!
The current temperature is 55 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 65/48
Normal H/L temp on this date is 66/40
It was 86 degrees on this date in 1992
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The mention of Grafton's Bottle Works gave Doug reason to share the
Subject: Grafton Bottling Works
Gary, Pop production in Grafton actually started in 1895 by Thomas
Schell, then Schell & Schumann, George Garbutt, and M.J.Sitzer... Herb
Edwards became sole owner in 1901, with his wife Maude taking over (due
to bad health and subsequent death) til 1919 with Wilde Brothers and
O'Brien & Arman until Henry Sieg took over, operating til 1938.
While one varient of bottle did have lines or ribs, most of them did
not and varied between aqua and clear in color... For a more complete
story see "Grafton Bottling Works A Local History" by Grafton resident
Bob Vaudrin (copy in local library)...
Retired Social Studies Teacher <<<<
Thanks a for caring and sharing Doug.
Bert accepted Wallys invitation to share his thoughts on The Bottle
Works story.
Bert wrote: >>>>
Gary, The Seig Bottling company never was on the corner where the city
hall/police station now stand. It was on the north east corner of 2nd
and Hill Avenue, one block north, across the street from the old city
hall. The photo in the "100 year look at Grafton" Book (with the
incorrect location) shows the original Seig Botteling Bldg right on
the corner.
In the late 1930's Henry Seig sold it to Jerry Usseldinger
and Jerry converted it to a bar/resturant which he ran through
early 1940. Usseldingers (there were two children, Vernon and
Shirley) rented from my folks the house we owned (and later moved
into) at North144 wakeman Ave. across the street north from the
Desoto Creamery. My folks bought the house on 144 Wakeman from a big
time railroad man "Wilcox" for $500.00 when he moved to
California. Until that time we lived across the street west in the
house my folks bought and moved in by horse team from 10 miles east on
Hiway #17 around the year 1909/10. At that time my folks owned all
the land from 1st ave north and Wakeman all the way west to
the N.P. railroad tracks. Dad sold parcels in later years to Hugo
Kutz for his fuel storrage facility and the rest to the Huffmans for
pasture and their home buildings. It all bordered on the river to the
north. After we moved across the street in 1938 Dad rented the house
to Leif Moe's, then to Nels Hansen and it was finally sold to Carl
Torkelson. The entire house was made of Oak and drove Carl Torkelson
crazy during a remodel, you couldn't drive a nail in the old oak, you
had to drill first.
Seig needed a larger building and built a new facility between the
original building and the N.P. railroad tracks. Seig built it right
close to the street and people griped that the loading ramp, next to
2nd ave. blocked the traffic with the trucks on 2nd ave. loading and
Note, I wonder how many know that the house by the tracks east on
1st ave was the first permanent hotel in the Dakota Territory. It was
much larger but two house fires caused it to be cut down. The last I
knew the dual staircase was still in the front living room, once the
For years it was occupied by two families, the Johnsons and the
Zellers, then the LeBlancs who moved in from Oakwood with 21 children.
So the Overlands, LeQuires, LeBlancs and the Nels Hansen kids had
plenty of playmates.
Bert A. Overland <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bert. Aren't memories
wonderful? I am wondering, by chance, if Gordy "Snowball" Olson wouldn't
have been running up and down the river bank with you guys about that
time? Some will remember Gordy (Snowball) as a Agriculturist for
American Crystal Sugar Company in Crookston for a good many years.
Hi Gary,
Would you mind putting this in the Gazette? Two locations, Grafton
Armory and at Rose Wendelbo's "alley garage". Rose said Brad & Denise
were having a sale the same day... should be good for business right
across the street from each other [;-)> Thank you very much... Kim
Sat. May 9th between the hours of 9-4
Grafton Armory and 1485 Griggs in alley
~~~ Fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis ~~~
---------- "Miles for Maria" -----------
====== Free will donation ======
BRAND NAME infant, toddler, teen, women & mens clothing, toys, trike,
antique dresser, Americona decor, household, movies, crib/twin
bedding/blankets, mattress pads, shelfs, maternity, boppie/PG pillow,
baby gates, fishing equip, decorative pillows, patio table & chairs,
file cabinet, memory mat and much,.. much more. <<<<<
Thanks a million Kim, Let's hope the "Miles for Maria" fundraiser for
Cystic Fibrosis is a huge success.
"I hear subway isn't opening until may 13th." from a local Gazette
member is
the latest word oI have heard regarding Simonsons Subway, Gasoline &
Neighborhood Convenience Store.
It sounds like this Saturday will be a great day to come to Grafton and
shop the Rummage Sales. Don't miss the one at Heritage Village. All
proceeds go toward maintaining the Village.
There will be an antique chrome table, with 6 chairs that belonged to
"Uncle Sig" along with some of his other treasurers. Other items,
couch, apartment size fridge, antique sewing cabinet, vanity with
mirror, lots of clothes, bedding, luggage, ironing boards, tv stand,
curtains, lamps, books, magazines, video movies, tapes, xmas
decorations, grass seeder and lots and lots of misc items. Something
for everyone. Also, serving BBQ, Hot dogs, chips and lemonade for
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

May 5, 2009 - Tuesday

"Only the foolhardy truly think they can make sense of the senseless."
The current temperature is 50 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 68/33
Normal H/L temp for this date is 66/39
It was 96 degrees on this date in 96.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Field work in the area is significantly behind normal, some would
consider that a understatement. If one dared venture a guess when field
work will begin in earnest, one would likely be venturing into an area
we haven't been in a very long time.
The latest word I have on Simonsons Neighborhood Store and Subway
Sandwich Shop opening is this coming Wednesday May, 6.
The Simonsons are to be commended on their beautiful new Grafton
Gasoline and Eating Enterprise.
Paul DeSautel shared the following thought. >>> Hey Gary,
You used to start off with the name of a Grafton "old timer". That
always started a lively discussion. So I'll give you one: Harvey Nelson
<<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Paul. Grafton's history is
full of interesting and sometimes very colorful people. Harvey Nelson,
in my opinion, qualifies for both categories. He was a craftsman,
contractor, sportsman and bull excrementor extraordinaire.
He left as his legacy such wonderful structures as the Rinde Oldsmobile
Automobile dealership on the corner of Wakeman and 4th street (later
becoming the home of the Grafton Veterans of Foreign Wars), the Grafton
Lutheran Church and of course the beautiful large brick home he built at
1221 Western Ave as his own residence, the very residence that Jim and
Jan Aasand now call home.
Harvey Nelson,..... a man who was as comfortable with a hunting rifle
or fishing rod in his hand as he was with a saw and a carpenters square.
~ This Saturday at Heritage Village ~
Just a reminder that there will be a Rummage Sale at Heritage Village
on Sat, May 9th with all proceeds going toward maintaining the
Village. We have a large selection of items. There will be an
antique chrome table, with 6 chairs belonging to "Uncle Sig" along with
some of his other treasurers. Other items, couch, apartment size
fridge, antique sewing cabinet, vanity with mirror, lots of clothes,
bedding, luggage, ironing boards, tv stand, curtains, lamps, books,
magazines, video movies, tapes, xmas decorations, grass seeder and lots
and lots of misc items. Something for everyone. Also, serving BBQ,
Hot dogs, chips and lemonade for $3.00. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!
Heritage Village Board of Directors
I believe if ten percent is good enough for Jesus. Well it ought to be
enough for Uncle Sam.
The saga of pop & soda continues. Wally share a story regarding the
Grafton Bottling Company, among other things. He wrote: >>> Hi Gary,
I have been reading the stories on pop or soda as Dennis Loos calls
it. It is so good to hear from good people as we read in the Gazette.
"Now pop.... The Rest Of The Story" We had our own pop factory in
Grafton. It was called The Grafton Bottling Works. Originally owned by
"Pop" Edwards It was later owned and operated be Henry Seig. The
original building was located on the corner where the present City Hall
now stands. The bottle shed, as I remember it, was a few feet east of
The shed never had a coat of paint on it. The bottles had ribs on the
side and the glass was clear. Many people in Grafton have these bottles,
I believe my son Tim has some as well.
Mr. Seig, as we called him, seeing me standing in the doorway
would ask me to sample the pop. He always said it wa a new batch and he
wanted my opinion on it. Of course, I always said it was GREAT. He was a
very kind man.
My greatest and most precious memory of the bottles is when my
mother needed a quart of milk. It was 8 cents at the milk Company and we
only had 7 cents. My brothers and I hunted all over for a Grafton
Bottling bottle until we found one. It was worth a penny at that time.
We sold it and with the other 7 cents we were able to get a quart of
milk for Mother.
Great memories....... Priceless memories!
I wonder if anyone else could add to the Bottling Works Story? Bert,
you should remember it. Please drop the Gazette a note and share your
memories. WALLY
The following was "borrowed" from the Grafton KXPO Radio Station
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Grafton Committee Approves Special Events Closure Downtown For
The Grafton Public Utilities Committee recommended approval to close
500 block of Highway 81 downtown for SummerFest.
Polly's Bar owner John Tweten made the application. He says the closure
is necessary for dances Friday, June 27th and Saturday, June 27th.
The application for a detour for thru-traffic will go to the North
Department of Transportation. Also, a special event alcoholic beverage
permit for Polly's was approved.
The committee also recommended approval for a deck structure on the
sidewalk off the former Getz Drug building. It'd be used for a
restaurant planned there. The deck would be on city property. Building
inspector Scott Boura says it might be advisable to have a lease
agreement for the sidewalk part of the deck and get a clause to hold the
city harmless for accidents, whatever.
The committee also approved a painting credit for Grafton residents
this summer.
It's the same as last summer, a 50-dollar credit would be applied to the
utilities bill
of a qualified applicant.
The recommendations now go to the Grafton City Council for final
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Monday, May 04, 2009

May 4, 2009 - Monday

Experience Grafton, a friendly and vibrant community in northeastern
North Dakota. Grafton is a community rich not only in soils, but also in
heritage. Nestled in the heart of the Red River Valley, Grafton's
rural setting does not eliminate some of the urban advantages found in
larger communities. Friendly people and true community spirit along
with a vibrant retail community entice visitors to Grafton's major
The current temperature is 50 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 63/34
Normal H/L temp for this date is 65/39
It was 95 degrees on this date in 1985
The forecast for tonight is for just enough rain to keep us humble.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Shananigan's opening date still isn't official, as a matter of fact,
it's still not official that Gail Martinson and Chief cook and
restaurant manager Monte Hanson will call call their new eatery located
in the former Nelson Drug Store building on Main Street Shananigan's at
all. Although I must say if it was up to me,.... and it darn sure
isn't,.... I would use the Shananigan name that people from all over the
area have long associated with super chicken, pizza and a fantastic
Sunday buffet.
Last week I mentioned that Pepsi was beginning to use sugar (again) in
a new product called Pepsi Throwback. Although I haven't actually seen
the product on a store shelf yet, I understand the Country Smokehouse
will have some this coming Wednesday.
Anyway,.. Gloria Charlton shared her memories as a young girl working
in her families pop bottling business. After reading Gloria's story
Dennis shared the following "pop story". He wrote. >>>>
Your note from Gloria Charlton brought back some memories of by-gone
days. While working on my bachelor's degree at
Minot State University I had a job at the Coca-Cola bottling plant.
I, too, would sort bottles. There were Coke bottles,
Bubble-Up bottles and a line of flavored pop bottles called Tom
Moore. The main part of the job, though, was to unload
the trucks as they came in and reload them for the next day.
That job, the GI Bill and a little help from my dad enabled me to get
my degree.
Dennis Loos <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Dennis. The
only thing I can think of regarding pop (soda for you folks south of
St.Paul) in my youth would be that I could "empty" several bottles a
night while setting pins and playing pool in The Hole located below Ben
Sells Basell Bar & Hotel.
~~~~ FREE Family Movie Night ~~~~
Tom & Tammy Henriksen are doing it again,...... this coming Wednesday.
They are providing a FREE Family Movie Night Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30
at the Strand Theatre on Grafton's Main Street.
Showing "Facing the Giants"
The movie is free and parents and children are encouraged to attend
The movie is absolutely free of charge. However, if you'd like to
enjoy some of the Strand Theaters fabulous popcorn or other tantalizing
treats from Tom & Tammy's refreshment counter, you will need to bring
along a little money.
After the movie, the EDGE Youth Center, located just one block north
of the Theater will be dedicated.
Hope to see you there.
If you are looking for a level of entertainment above and beyond the
norm. If you enjoy music & song performed by a local young lady that
rivals that of any top name entertainer. Plan to be at the Grafton
Lutheran Church this coming Saturday at 3:00 PM and enjoy.
~~ Voice Recital by Jessica Narloch ~~
You are invited to enjoy an afternoon of song with Grafton High School
Senior, Jessica Narloch.
Jessie's Voice Recital will be at Grafton Lutheran church on Saturday,
May 9th at 3:00 PM
Jessie is the daughter of Jeff & Lorrie Narloch (Golden Harvest
Jewelry) and she is Frank & Leona (Dolly) Narlochs granddaughter.
Feel free to attend and invite your friends!
Kathee Carlson shared the following message after attending Bernie
Nugent's memorial Service. >>> She wrote: >>>>
Gary, I attended the memorial service for Bernie Nugent yesterday
at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Detroit Lakes on Saturday, May
It was well attended. All of Bernie's daughters and their
significant others, their children and grandchildren were there.
Mary looked amazingly well even without taking into consideration that
she is still recovering from injuries from the accident that killed
Bernie and brought her close to death. Attached is the memorial
Others attending with Grafton connections were my sister Sara; Lois
and Bob Eisenrich; Class of 1968 members Sandy Stark, Marilyn Singer,
Inez McFarland and Nancy Skjerven whose married names I don't know,
former Grafton school administrator Dale Peterson and his wife
and Linda Getz Larson, a pediatrician in Fargo from the Class of 1967.
The music was wonderful. The soloist/cantor had a terrific
voice and sang "In the Garden" which is on the front of the folder.
My favorite floral piece was from Bernie's golfing buddies.
There were four golf clubs tied together, tee pee fashion over and
secured to a piece of green turf with flowers under the archway made by
the golf clubs. How perfect!
The priest really nailed Bernie's personality traits and
attributed his staying-in-the background approach to his life and good
works on being in a household with six women.
It is hard saying good-bye to members of that great generation.
Bernie's send off was in keeping with the wonderful man that he was.
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Kathee. It certainly appears to
me that you and the memorial service gave Bernie a most fitting and
appropriate farewell.
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

Friday, May 01, 2009

May 1, 2009 - Friday

Todays Gazette goes out in memory of Cyril (Cy) Dusek and Jake Hodny.
Our most sincere condolences go out to the Dusek and Hodny families.
"I have learned to appreciate
that the souls of our dearly departed
really never do leave us.
They simply take up residence
in our hearts, our minds
and our memories." Gary Moe
The current temperature is 34 degrees
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 49/38
Normal H/L temp for this date is 63/38
It was 89 degrees on this date in 1934
We have received .62 inches of moisture since noon Wednesday.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
~~~~~ WASH YOUR HANDS ~~~~~
I received the following clarification to next weeks Spring Clean-Up
Scott wrote: >>>> To clarify your question on spring cleanup: The
reason we ask everyone to put their items out on or prior to the 4th is
that there is no set schedule as to where the cleanup crews will be
working on any particular day. In previous years people became angry
when they waited until the last day or two of cleanup to put their items
out only to discover that the crew had already passed/worked through
their neighborhood and would not return. By putting your items out so
they are available on the first day assures that they will not be
missed. It is a matter of cost and time efficiency. It is not cost
effective or efficient for City crews to have to return to areas they
have already covered. I know this causes difficulty for some residents
who take great pride in their yards and don't want "junk" sitting out
there any longer than possible. I also realize some people would prefer
not to do this to alleviate the "scavenging" that goes on during that
week. Personally I'd rather just haul the stuff out myself so neither
situation happens.
One last reminder. The "WILL NOT TAKE" list on the flyer is stringently
adhered to. IF and items on that list are still found on your property
Monday, May 11 you may receive a notice from the "Code Enforcement
Fairy" (that would be me). Unfortunately I am already seeing many of the
prohibited items in piles throughout the city which make me believe the
government is right about one thing. Reading skills in this country are
not up to par. <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Scott. I
guess I am one of those with less than desirable reading skills.
Anyway,... as I understand it now. Everyone in town should have their
allowable, discardable, items on the berm by Sunday night, so that city
crews can have all week to pick it up.
Then again, on the other hand. It might even be a much more successful
"Spring Clean-Up" if the residents actually had a schedule of the day
the city crew would be working in their neighborhood. After all, the
real object of the "Spring Clean-up" is to clean-up the city.
If I remember right I suggested last year that it appears that the
rules and regulations for "Spring Clean-up" were written by a group of
individuals that either owned or has access to a pickup or trailer.
Many, actually most residents in town do not enjoy that luxury. Hence
the clean-up week is extremely valuable to them. Or so it seems to me.
Pepsi's new Throwback product gave Gloria reason to share her memories.
She wrote: >>> Gary, your talk of the old/new Pepsi reminds me of my
first job way back when I was father owned a Pepsi Bottling
Co. I sorted the bottles that came in...and way back then they were
all bottles, no such thing as cans and throw away plastic... Well,
300 cases of bottles would come in from distributors and I had to sort
them... there were Arrowhead bottles for flavored pop, Hires root beer
bottles, Nesbitt orange bottles, Patio bottles for a lemon lime product
and then there were Pespi bottles ....which were 8 oz. 10 oz and 12 oz
... all in their own cases. Oh and cases were half shell or full shell
wooden cases...and you wouldn't believe what was inside these
bottles.... ciggy butts, bugs, stale pop and mold... gross smelling ...
after sorting these bottles they were stacked in their prospective piles
until they went to the soaker . The soaker was a machine filled with
caustic acid to clean the bottles, they went in one end and came out the
other side on to a conveyor belt that brought them into the bottling
room that then filled them with pop and capped them... This was a two
man operation and my dad was thrilled if he put out 300 cases of bottled
pop a day... can you imagine 300 cases must go in one grocery store in
todays market.... It was a true family business on the Iron Range..
Gloria Charlton <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Gloria.
Your mention of the "items" found in the returned bottles gives me great
reason to rejoice the advent of aluminum cans.
Each time I include the Political Correctness quote I receive some
interesting comments. Marjie shared her thoughts with the following
note. >>>
Good morning Gary.
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional,
illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous main stream
media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to
pick up a turd by the clean end"
-- R. J. Wiedemann LtCol. USMC Ret. --
Thanks for the quote. I found it applicable to a current discussion
going on at two forums I used to frequent. The posters at one forum have
been asked to refrain from using a certain vulgar word while the ones at
another complained enough to bring the same word back into use at the
other. Most are young men but some are old enough to know better than
to use this word ever much less in mixed company and in public which a
forum is yet the word has become mainstream.
The arguments given include the right of free speech, it's just a
word, it's just the internet, we shouldn't fear words. The thing
is words are chosen because they do have meanings. This one is meant
to shock and insult, otherwise why use it?
It is also interesting that on both forums racism is rightfully not
tolerated yet sexism, including the use of this particular word is.
The above quote applies because calling these words harmless doesn't
change the nature of the word. There is no good end from which to pick
up a turd,.......
or excuse for a vulgar word.
Marjie <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Marjie. And,...
if Roger Miller is right. You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd....
probably because of that same word. However, you can be happy,..... if
you have a mind to.
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.