It's Square Cap and Tassel weekend in Skeeterville.
The current temperature is 60.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 69/35
Normal H/L temp for this date is 73/46
It was 95 degrees on this date in 1928.
Global warming is very difficult to see. When your looking over a 10
foot snow drift.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The view of Lake of the Woods off the shores of Arnesen's Rocky Point
Resort seems to get more beautiful every year. Although I didn't get a
chance to get out fishing myself, I talked to several that did and they
reported the fishing, and catching, out of Rocky Point was fantastic.
Wednesday, Captain Tim Hill took a group of guys from Missouri out and
they came in with a their limit of walleye's in the 18½ to 19 and
15/32nd range. One of them commented as he got off the launch that they
wanted to hurry up and book another reservation for later on this year.
One of Rocky Points owners shared the following early season "fishing
tip". Drop your presentation right to the bottom and then pull it up
about an inch or two and "don't jig it around". Walleyes are just
finishing spawning and are lethargic - for us Norwegians, that means
they're so pooped they don't move fast - this time of the year. So,
according to Kay, you have to stick your hook right in front of their
Evidently, the guys from Missouri did just that.
Before I left last week I mentioned Clover and Tiny, a couple local St.
Bernards, went missing. I am pleased to share the latest note from
Robin. She wrote. >>> Gary, thank you for posting our request.
This morning after 6 days missing and not one lead our St. Bernard's are
home. What a great way to start the week. Everyone from the police,
radio station, vets, farmers, neighbors and friends were so wonderful to
help us. Again thanks. Brad and Robin Suda <<<
Thank you for caring and sharing Robin. It's only fair that people
should save a St. Bernard once in awhile....... too.
The Leistikow Park Campground is getting getting busier and busier
every day. By the end of the month it should be full. The folks
responsible for the campground expansion and it's maintenance are to be
After being gone for a few days it's relatively easy to see how much
busier our little community is now with the influx of our new found,
and, I hasten to add, most welcome and appreciated summer residents.
Of course, it wouldn't be reasonable to expect such an influx of
activity to happen without at least some negativity. To that end I share
the following comment. Although I have taken the liberty of omitting the
specific establishment and replaced individual names with "the manager".
However, the message remains just as valid. >>>
Hi Gary,
I have had a room reserved at a (Motel) for the Summerfest
2008. I have done this for many years.
This week I got a call from (the manager) that they are cancelling my
room because they are renting it to the pipeline workers. I have never
had a reserved room cancelled on me before. I understand that this is
happening at all the motels in Grafton. I hope that it is just a roomer.
We like the (Motel) and (the manager) has always treated us well. (The
manger) said he is going to see if the pipeline workers will give up
these rooms during our Summerfest. If they would have told them at the
beginning that the rooms are taken during that weekend it might have
worked but I drought that they will go for that now. I had planned on
driving to Grafton so I will be able to change my plans but it is going
to be real hard for the ones that have planned on coming by air. I would
think this decision on cancelling the motel rooms would really hurt the
Summerfest celebration. We all look forward to returning to Grafton
during the Summerfest.
Norm Paulson class of 1950.
PS...I enjoy the Gazette very much.
You may print the above if you choose but if not please give
your comment on it...Thanks <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Norm. I see your message as a
very serious issue. One I hope the SummerFest committee takes into
account while planning this years SummerFest activities. One individual
mentioned that he thought our motels cancelling SummerFest reservations
is much like what happened a few years ago when a local motel raised
their prices ridiculously high for the World Hockey Event in Grand
Of course, this certainly is NOTHING like that at all. As I see it. My
guess is, that the motels in our town are rarely, if ever, "booked
full". Certainly not for more than a couple of days at best. This
summer, for the entire summer, they will all have the opportunity to
operate at full capacity. Few businesses could only dream of such an
Hence, the question, as I see it. Do you make the decision to fill all
your rooms for just two or three days this summer and run the rest of
the summer as usual? OR, do you fill every room in your facility for the
entire summer?
I'll let everyone answer that question on their own. In my case, I just
hope that everyone in the community can get together and do everything
possible to help accommodate the folks coming to participate in
Grafton's 2008 Annual SummerFest Festivities.
For those of us wondering about the possibility of reopening the
drive-in theater. >>>>
Hi, Gary! After about 6 days of deliberation, I have a best-guess
estimate from Tom about the Drive-In. He figures about $100K to get
it started up. I got quite a history lesson from him (FASCINATING!)
about the whole deal this morning. He said they had a dusk-to-dawn in
September of 1991 (Labor Day), and then the screen blew down in an awful
storm in October. In the spring of 1992, T. Arlo, Tom and Bob Jiskra
took a road trip to try and get estimates to replace that screen. The
closest they got was $20,000 to disassemble one, move it to Grafton and
put it up here PLUS the cost of actually buying it from its current
owner. At that price, they were unable to strike a deal; negotiations
ended and with them went the legacy of the Stardust 17. So there is
your answer: $100,000.00 for a drive-in in Grafton on the 10 acres we
own out there.
On a brighter note, Indiana Jones opens on Thursday! Iron Man
and Narnia are both doing well. Can't WAIT for Batman in July.
Looks like a great summer movie schedule. Thanks, Gary! <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Tammy. Your message offers a
significant challenge. The fact is, Grafton CAN have another Stardust 17
Drive-in movie theater west of town. All that needs to happen is,
someone needs to commit the equivalent cost of a good used tractor and a
passion to run a projector.
Or so it seems to me.
Rocky Point friend and fisherman Lyle Anderson shared his Drive-in
theater story.
>>> Re: Sky View Drive In
Gary, the drive in reminds me of some crazy times. My buddy had a 49
Ford convertible and we would hit the drive in on two for a buck
night. Problem is they never thought to check the trunk. It's funny
how the car can get filled with people, two for a buck. That same
car was our crabapple raiding vehicle. I remember jumping off a fence
rail one night to get to a crab apple tree over in Argyle, just happened
to be a cow pasture, I just happened to have white bucks on and white
pants, just happened to be a very wide and very deep you know what in
that cow pasture, and you probably know where I landed by now. I
don't remember how I got home.
I'll probably see Ray this summer, we are having a family reunion
this June.
Good hearing from you Gary
lyle <<<<
Thanks for caring and sharing. Fill up your live well, the walleye's
are biting like crazy.
"I can only hope I will live long enough to see people gain more rights
than wildlife."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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