Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 13, 2008 - Tuesday

05/13/08 TUESDAY
Don't forget to take your pet to the Vet.
The current temperature is 38.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 58/40
Normal H/L temp for this date is 69/43
.40 inches of rain water pasted through our gauge during this
last, significant, rain event.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
First a little hometown house cleaning.
The rumor about new hands running the Daily Grind has come to
fruition. Everyone I've talked to, including everyone in my gene pool,
thinks Janelle Davis will be fantastic in her new venture.
Stop in The Daily Grind on east 5th st. and visit with Janelle
over a fresh brewed cup of coffee.
May 17th is a very important day. Please mark it down on your
calendar today. Special people will be celebrating numorous special
In response to those wondering if I left the country, went
fishing, or was just simply playing hooky the past several days.
I haven't been, intentionally, ignoring you and, its starting to
look like the "goofy" conditions I might expect are appearing a bit more
frequent than I had hoped for.
Normally I would say something like, "I've been a
'little' under the weather lately. That would be close alright. However,
the feeling one might expect from a barnyard full of manure hitting with
hurricane force would be much closer.
Anyway, the Readers Digest Version is I didn't accomplish very
much this past week at all. It all started last Tuesday, as best I can
remember, with a horrible tooth ache, in a place I don't even have a
tooth. That was accompanied by a doozy of a head ache that wasn't
satisfied staying only in my head. Then the swelling came. First it was
my left cheek, then my hands started swelling and soon they looked like
a pair of mittens.
By Thursday I evolved into a super stuffed Nocturnal Norwegian
unable to find significant relief in the myriad of boxes and bottles of
pharmaceuticals stashed around the house. Midol didn't even fizz the
cramps and stiffness.
By Friday I was starting to wonder IF maybe Pat and the rest of
the kids were right. Then the swelling in my hands went down and I could
see my rings again. So,.... I just knew I was getting better. "No need
for this kid to see a doctor." As a matter of fact, Friday night I
konked out early and slept all night. "No need for this kid to see a
Saturday morning I was certain things would be better. That
afternoon, while taking a nap my entire family stormed in the house
DEMANDING that I go to the emergency IMMEDIATELY. I told them I was
getting better and,........ and after a couple hour argument, using
every trick I every learned skipping school, etc. etc. I won,........ so
to speak. That is to say I DID NOT GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM Saturday
night. (I thought) When I woke up Sunday morning I felt better
than I have in a good many years and "thought to myself",.... because, I
didn't dare tell Pat, I was right,,,,,, everyone else -- wasn't.
And,... so I walked to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and a piece
of toast. As I was putting the toast in the toaster, I noticed my right
cheek was swelling up a little. When the toast was done, my right cheek
looked like a chipmunk on steroids. Within another hour I noticed I was
having a "little" trouble breathing. AND, by 10:30 Sunday morning "we" -
I bet you can figure who the "we" is - was calling my entire gene pool
telling them that THEY WERE RIGHT. Then of course I had to add, that it
is my Norwegian heritage that requires me to be absolutely certain
something is wrong before I bother the folks that drive expensive cars
because dummies like me wait to long to see them. ANYWAY, with me in
tow, the entire Moe caravan headed for Unity Medical Center.
As we entered the hospital Dr. Joshua Omotunde, and Unity Hospital
nurses were standing there waiting for me. I was not only pleased and
relieved to see them. I was absolutely impressed to see Unity Medical
Centers CEO Everett Butler standing there as well. I took advantage of
the opportunity to tell Everett how fortunate our community is to have
such high caliber health professionals staffing our wonderful medical
The next thing I knew, Dr. Josh was poking and probing asking if I
could feel this or that. Then he ordered "some pictures" while peeking
in my mouth, and all the while he was practicing his profession on me,
he was chewing me out for not coming in sooner. I went through the
"tunnel machine", and, I guess I passed that test.
Then it was the time that I dreaded the most, Dr. Josh told us
what happened and that THREE (3) shots would help me. One in each arm
and one in my rumpy. He said they "might" hurt but would certainly help
me. So I started honing up my negotiative skills, and got the rump shot
converted to a pill instead. I must admit, for a minute, I sure was
pleased I didn't have to get the third shot. THEN,... Dr. Josh said,
"but now you come into the clinic tomorrow, and the next day for
injections." RATS, I ended up getting it in the rear after all.
ANYWAY,.. It's been an interesting week that has given me ample
opportunity to think about and appreciate my family and friends. And the
wonderful medical facilities Grafton has to offer.
For all that I am, and all I can be, I am thankful my wonderful
wife can still tolerate me, and so fortunate that my family cares enough
to "force" me to make the right decisions, even though I am sometimes
pointing in the wrong direction.
I'm home now and feeling better with just one thing on my
mind. In a few days, or more, It'll be "Walleye Combine time" and I'll
be at Rocky Point fishing.
Until then, "I'll be wishin, I was fishin".
"If you can think it, you can say it. If you can't say it, you
shouldn't be thinking it."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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