Wednesday, December 05, 2007

December 5, 2007 - Wednesday

Wit enables one to step on someone else's shoes without spoiling the
(Isn't that Right Craig?)
The current temperature is -14.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 17/2
Normal H/L temp for this date is 24/7
On this date in 1939 the temperature was 52 degrees (above). -14 today,
52 above in 1939, Al won't like those numbers.
The temperature is 34 degrees colder outside this morning than it is in
the "deepfreeze" in our garage. We have to keep a lid on the freezer to
keep it from "getting to cold".
There is no-longer a snow shortage in Shivercity in case someone should
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
By Tuesday evening, the unofficial snow depth in our back yard was a
smidgeon short of 10 inches. Thats more than enough snow to make a
snowperson for everyone in China, and they would be lead free too, I
should add. The forecast for Wednesday calls for absolutely perfect
weather,....... to shovel snow.
We are planning to have a wholesale snow sale at our house Saturday.
Although Christmas is still twenty days away, some folks already are in
the spirit of Christmas. Last night, shortly after supper, (dinner for
you folks south of St.Paul) for instance. I was looking out our living
room window, wondering, actually pondering, the best approach for me to
handle the train load of snowcat dust mother nature had bestowed upon
Should I shovel it, and if so, should I use the wide shovel, or, the
really wide shovel. I might just sweep the snow away from the door and
use the snowblower. Now that gas is only :) $3.00 a gallon it couldn't
cost more than an arm and a leg. Then, there's always the third option.
One I've heard several others use so often.
"If mother nature puts it there, mother nature can take it away..... in
the spring.
Anyway, while I was standing there formulating a workable plan of
attack. I noticed a Arctic Cat Prowler, equipped with a snow blade,
heading up our driveway. Holy Smokers, I thought. How lucky could I be?
Then, from out of the west, (like out of a John Wayne movie) I noticed
a really neat little blue tractor, equipped with a snow blower and
bucket blowing the snow off our sidewalks. Boy am I ever glad I live in
North Dakota, I thought. How lucky could one person be, I thought. I'd
be willing to bet anything,... with anybody, that absolutely couldn't
happen if we lived in places like Florida, or, California,... I thought.
Then, as reality set in, I realized I shouldn't be thinking at all.
Instead I should be thanking my son Brad and my good friend Denny
Schneider for coming over and cleaning up the mess mother nature had
made on our sidewalks and driveway.
So,.... I will. ----Thanks a million Denny and Brad, your noble deeds
truly are appreciated.
Bert sent the following response after reading my comments about the
teacher and the teddy bear the other day.
He wrote: >>> Subject: The big threat
Dear Gary, you are right on your comments about the British teacher's
Muslimjudges. -- It is impossible to negotiate with people like
them. It is evident that to many people today are not concerned with the
real threat and the widespread threat of the radical Muslins, they are
colonizing all over the western and Christian countries. Wife Kathryn
and I were shocked when we went to Norway to see what was happening
there. The Scandinavian countries are loading up with Muslims.We saw
groups ofMuslims in full burkas living inthe little towns like
Lunde (pop.840) , Bö (pop. 620) and Skein leave alone the largest
cities. Sweden now has almost 200,000, most living off very liberal
welfare and government medical. They didn't leave hometo live
insuch cold country with harsh winters justfor their health. So
why are they choosing to live in the world of infidels?As my dad used
to say "anyone with one eye and 1/2 a you know what" can see they are
well into a planned international jihad. And, to top it off you don't
see the so-called western Muslim doing any meaningful denouncing of the
radicals. If the radicals get going in America you can bet they will
stay neutral or join the ranks against us.All non-Muslims better wake
Bert A Overland <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bert. I
should also tell you Bert, that one of your former neighbors, from
across the street on Wakeman Avenue, has joined the Gazette family.
Robert Torkelson sent us a note the other day and said he........ ah
shucks, Robert sent the following note. >>>
Dear Gary, Susan and I enjoy reading the Skeeterville Gazette and
Shivercity Gazette so very much. When we don't receive a Gazette for
a period of time, we are quite concerned for your well being as was the
case recently when you had your fall. I grew up across Wakeman Ave.
from Bert Overland so I am always interested to see what he contributes
to the Gazette. <<<<
There you have it Bert. Robert said it much better than I could have
and thank you both, very much for caring and sharing. Robert also
included something written by Pastor Bob Moorehead of Overlake Christian
Church in 1997.feeling it applies to our American society today. I
will try and include some of that work in a future Gazette.
Susan, for those that might not know, is Dr. and Mrs George L.
Countryman's daughter.
Simply "wanting" to send a note, according to my Words by Webster
Book, doesn't qualify as valid communication.
Or so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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