12/12/07 WEDNESDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you by the National Flood Insurance
The current temperature is 3 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 12/-7
Normal H/L temp for this date is 21/4
It sounds like we're going to need the snowblower again soon. It's a
good thing gas dropped a nickel a tankfull yesterday.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Carpenters are busy installing some very interesting partitions in the
former Ben Franklin Variety Store. Some might remember that store, in
the center of Grafton's downtown strip mall, has two doors to enter the
building. From the street it appears as though the north doors will be
used to facilitate the north half +/- of the building. The south
entrance doors will be used for whatever will be going in that portion
of the facility. Presently, only the plumbers know for sure, however,
I'm guessing both sides of the building will be sharing communal
"libraries". If you know what I mean.
Still no word on the status of the J.C. Penney store, although, I
understand there is one.
From the looks of the intersection by our house, and, several others in
town. One might draw the conclusion that the management of our GMU is
trying to supply the needs of "our" community with less people than the
job requires.
We should never lose sight of the fact that it is the little things
that bring people to small towns. If people don't like what they see,
when they drive through town. They won't stop & shop or raise their
families here either.
It's that time of the year again. The time when we get our tax
statement from the County Auditor. Although I would certainly like them
to be lower, much lower. I am pleased there not as high as other
communities, relatively speaking, that is.
It must also be the time when every insurance company in the world is
trying to sell FLOOD INSURANCE in Grafton. In the past week we have
received information from no less than four flood insurance companies. I
sure hope they don't know something about this spring that we don't.
I wonder if our community leaders are presently working at protecting
"our" community from the perils of flooding. The kind of flood
protection that would eliminate the need for all of those insurance
companies to pester "our" community residents.
I suspect most of the folks in Warren, Roseau, Winnipeg and Grand Forks
are pleased they are protected now. Although I'm sure many protested the
process before and even during construction.
The fact is there really isn't much sense worrying about building or
even maintaining a long term infrastructure, if we don't, or won't
protect it from the ravages of flood. The question is not, "will it ever
flood?", because it most certainly will. The real question should be.
Will the leadership of this community be able to act in time to stave
off a major flood disaster? Winnipeg did, Grand Forks, Warren and Roseau
did not and only after suffering dearly, have they learned the hardships
of procrastination.
Or so it seems to me.
When McCain was asked if he thought global warming was a real threat,
his answer was a resounding, yes.
I certainly agree with that answer. Then he was asked. What is
keeping "us" from resolving the (global warming) problem? McCain's
answer in a nutshell was, (paraphrased) special interest groups,... and
big business, he said.
Well dog bite my unit, I thought. If we could take a x-ray picture
(maybe today that would be an MRI) of big business, we would find those
big businesses are plump full of wealthy stockholders. Folks such as the
Gore's, Bush's, Clinton's, Cheney's and the likes. They are the folks
that make the big money, on both sides of the issue. However, with their
influence, and cash, they can harvest "Carbon Credits" and continue
living their life of luxury while those in the middle class, and below,
pay the fiddler.
Or so it seems to me.
Subject: A drive through the Park
Tuesday, December 12th. In driving through the park this evening it
was a spectacular ride. All the pretty decorating done and all the
labor of love put into every moment. Was so gladto see the new
addition (smaller version) of the Country Smokehouse. It was a good
addition to the rest of the park. Everyone needs to be commended on
all the work involved in this fine work of art.Also, a special
"thank you" to Wally for his many hours of work to put together his
exhibition. And, I was so very delighted to see that things are all
in order. No one is messing around with any of the decorations.
May this expression of The Spirit of the Season continue on for many
years to come. May everyone have a Merry and Blessed Christmas and a
Happy Prosperous 2008. Marian
Today is the day we celebrate the anniversary of Leona Sevigny's
Leona, is a lovely lady from Lankin. When I was little Aunt Leona would
make me "the worlds best" tomato and macaroni hot dish. As I remember
the first time I had it, I called it "croni & mato's". How well I
remember heading down to 326 Summit Avenue, busting in through the front
door hollering. "DA-ONA" you got croni & mato's? I don't ever remember
her turning me down.
However, I do remember once in a while she would beller back. "Take off
your shoes, were you born in a barn?" Oh yah, once in awhile she would
refer to me as a little ---- animal excrement. (I cleaned that up for
the kids and clergy) but only because she really, really loved me. Right
Anyway, from the bottom of my heart, to a lovely lady with a giant one.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEONA You have made my life so much better. And, you
have made this world a much nicer place to live. :)
We love you dearly,
Pat & Gary and our entire family
If your message is meant just for me and you don't want it in the
Gazette. Simply state that and your message WILL remain confidential. I
will guarantee it.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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