Todays Gazette is brought to you just
The current temperature is 20 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 26/8
Normal H/L temp for this date is 18/0
Today will be the darkest (shortest) day of the year.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Some some unknown reason, It really felt funny walking into Granny's
this morning. Although It has been several weeks since I was there,
actually, it's been since my "first" tumble, whenever that was.
Anyway, once again I was reminded of the old adage, "the more things
change, then more they stay the same." I was lucky enough to win the
coffee round, unfortunately, I lost the money round so,.... my free
coffee only cost me $4.00.
I shouldn't complain though, because everybody did "welcome me back".
It only cost me a dollar for a "free" cup of coffee with the second
group. I'm looking forward to the afternoon bunch and hoping they will
be a bit more forgiving.
No-matter what, It still feels wonderful, to get back another small
piece of freedom.
The new Second Time Around store, in the old Ben Franklin building, is
getting closer and closer to completion. On can already see some paint
on the walls on the north side of the facility.
The signs in the window of the old Second Time Around store indicate
there is a moving sale going on there. If your looking for something
that's only been around twice. This would be a super opportunity for you
to visit the Second Time Around store,...... first.
Or so it seems to me.
The Joe Birkeland express is starting to gather momentum. Several folks
have sent ideas and suggestions and that's really wonderful. If, on the
other hand, there is to be any hope of getting a significant movement
going. It is going to take a lot more input and participation from those
that knew Joe best.
Ralph wrote: >>> The idea of renaming Hill Ave to Birkeland Blvd, or
Birkeland Way sounds great. Another possibility, how about Grafton High
School at Birkeland Hall? Everyone should come up with enough
possibilities that it can not be denied in some significant way.
And this is from one so lacking in musical talent that I never dared
even try out for the band. The other part of Joe was his enthusiasm as a
teacher. Never saw him get mad at a student. Never saw him embarrass a
student. The kind of man who was a teacher thru and thru. In fact it was
taking his economics class that first caused me to realize that was the
other thing I wanted to do (besides farming), that is study enough that
I could legitimately be called an economist.
Ralph Kingsbury <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Ralph.
++++ Donald Johnson wrote. >>>>
Subject: Joe's legacy
Some of my fondest memory's from my youth was from the Grafton Parade
Band. My Grandmother loved to go sit in our car on Saturday nights on
mainstreet;so she could visit with old friends who wandered by and
to be close to the Band when they formed their circlefor their weekly
concert. My brother and I would fight to be able to be first to hold the
little black books for the band members It was something that we looked
forward to all summer long. It wasn't all that long before we were
playing in the band and other "Little Kids" were clamoring to hold our
little black books. I did go to Miami for the Orange Bowl and the trip
up the East coast. What an adventure. I think ourmy cost was 60
dollars in order to go. It would never have been possible without Joe
Birkeland. Sign me up when the time comes to write the check. It would
be such a wonderful thing. <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Don.
Avis sent this one. >>> Hi Gary:
A tribute to Joe Birkeland is a fabulous idea. Hill Avenue
hasJoe's footsteps all over it as well as a lot of other Grafton
musicians and majorettes that marched in the Grafton Band all those
years. I think naming a street after him would be great! Avis
Brateng O'Leary <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Avis.
Keith sent this note. >>> In the school why don't they name the
bandroom the Joe Birkeland room + something outside the school also.
Keith Saville <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Keith.
Although the author of this one wishes to remain anonymous. The idea
and suggestion is a valid one. >>>
Hi, Gary,
If nothing else, grab the $500 and get four signs to put on Hwy 17
and 81 (I think I remember right) saying:
Welcome to Grafton, theLand of Joe Birkeland. (Pun intended!)
I was never a member of the band but I do know that they woke me up
every summer morning by practicing in front of my bedroom! If I
remember correctly, the Joe Birkeland "corners" were taught to a college
band directorwho was at the Rose Bowl at the same time that GHS
was. However, I have never seenany band turn corners like Joe's
band did.
Happy Holidays, from no name!<<< Thanks a million for caring and
Bert sent this one. >>>
Subject: Birkeland Blvd.
I realize thestreet signs would have to be changed at a cost to the
citybut assisted bythe many people actually looking forward
to donating to the cause, instead of how sometimes we donate out of
a sense of not wanting to look cheap, I don't think money should be a
problem And I am sure any benefit drive set up would be a resounding
success as well. This is the time to say "anything I ever got or did
that was really worthwhile, didn't come easy".
As for business address changes that would be their participation
dues and we all know it does not have to be done overnight. When their
stationary, and printed advertizingmaterial runs out just change the
address then, Grafton is not so large anyone will end up with mail or
product deliveries.
Peopleresiding inand those just rememberingGrafton --
The change is only as big as your own mind can inflate it to be.
Accomplishingbig challenges take big persons. Who from the
areawill step up to the taskof bringing this outpublicly to
feel out the entire city/countyto seek widespread area backing for
such a project. At the least, we that knew Joe Birkeland and how he,
greater than anyone else without asking, deserves such a legacy.
My final comment unless things start happening. "Lets get'er
done". Bert A. Overland <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Bert. Certainly your challenge is no greater than the man we want to
The mention of Pederson's Jewelry gave Carol (Pederson) Abrahamsen
reason to share the following note. >>>>
Good Morning from Mesa -- We enjoy reading news from Grafton. Thanks
for the reminder of Pederson's Jewelry . We enjoyed our years in
Keep writing and Merry Christmas.
Carol Pederson - Abrahamsen
PS Art Abrahamsen was the Precious Moments Salesman for the store. <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Carol. Unfortunately, the former
Walsh County Bank building that you and Alvin refurbished into a
significant part of the downtown business district. Now stands empty and
"It is the need to care, and, the desire to share. That separates us
from lesser beings." Or so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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