Tomorrow will be a brand NEW YEAR.
The current temperature is 17 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 18/13
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-3
The local beach will remain closed until the sand softens up.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
== REWARD -- $2,500 -- REWARD ==
Wally's Whimsical Wonderland Display in Leistikow Park was pillage and
spoiled again over the weekend. This time several more pieces of the
display were taken. Aside from the hundreds and hundreds of hours work
and toil invested in the display, it also represents many, many hundreds
of dollars.
The loss, in terms of dollars can only be exceeded by the frustration
that there are some buffoons running around loose in our community with
the mindless audacity to violate Wally's generous contributions to
Leistikow Parks Holiday Season Light and decoration display.
Unfortunately, because of the latest mindless acts, Wally decided to
dismantle his display and his "crew" spent several hours Sunday doing
just that. The only thing remaining is a old wagon with a few hay bales
on it and the sign that says.
$2,500 REWARD for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons
responsible for stealing portions of the display.
At this point I'm not sure what to say. Simply saying, "thanks for all
your hard work Wally", somehow just doesn't seem nearly significant
enough. I know that Wally didn't put all that effort into his display
"just for us". He also did it for his own enjoyment and appreciation.
Unfortunately, it was the "us" part of the equation, we let him down.
That in turn most certainly negated any possible appreciation Wally may
have received for all of his hard work and efforts. It's a downright
shame. Or so it seems to me.
Crews have been working all weekend on the new "longhouse" on the north
end of town. Although it continues to look more like a dinosaur than a
building. Within the next few days the roof and sides should be done.
It would be more fun
To go by air
But we can't hang
These signs up there. (Burma Shave)
I see the icicles on the walls and the stalagmite on the roof of the
house on Kittson & 3rd street are still growing. And, I understand the
heat and water issues in the former Convent on Western still exists. I
suspect someone has already given serious thought to the very real
possible that the conditions that exist in those two properties are
extremely favorable for a serious fire.
Twinkle, twinkle
One eyed car
How I wonder
Where you are. (Burma Shave)
Pat Johnson has been following the Joe Birkeland Express. She shared
this note.
>>>> Subject: Joe
Hi Gary, yes I do think that a memorial to Joe is a wonderful idea,
and certainly most deserving.
When Joe arrived upon the Grafton scene, I was in Junior High and was
already a member of the band. I played third cornet (never progressed to
second). Joe invited me to join the City Band when I was a sophomore.
What a thrill it was for me. As so many have commented, Joe was more
than a teacher and band instructor, he was part of a "family of kids"
whom he always treated with respect and patience. His classroom was
often a lecture on civil affairs, whatever happened to be in the
limelight at the time. We always benefited from those lectures,
probably a lot more than what our assignment might have been for that
day. Almost every Saturday night during the summer, one could find
Joe's car parked outside Zinke's Cafe, and we would all scramble to find
a place in his car for at least an hour of the evening. I did many
trips with the band, but by the time the trips to California and other
great events came along I was away at school and much to my dismay, I
could not get excused to participate with these wonderful trips, such a
wonderful opportunity for so many.
Joe could have madea very big name for himself by leaving to
greener pastures, but he chose to stay and put Grafton on the map
instead. He was one of the smartest and most charismatic persons I
haveknown. I can be counted on to contribute to the "Joe Birkeland
Memorial Fund" whatever it ends up to be.
Thank you for the Gazette, Gary. One of the first things I do each
morning is to pull up my Emails to see if it has appeared. Pat
Mattson Johnson <<<< Thank you Pat, for caring and sharing another
aspect of Joe and The Birkeland Years.
If you still have things on your list of "things to do in 2007", you
better hurry, there isn't much 2007 left.
Our wish for you, this coming year, is every wish you have, comes
I've only heard from one Majorette so far, and, I haven't heard from
the guy that tore the knees out of his uniform yet either
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.