Todays Gazette is brought to you by all the time saved with day-light
savings time.
The current temperature is 39 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 32/19
Normal H/L temp for this date is 30/14
The high on this date in 1977 was 57°.
It will be a beautiful night to go over to Grafton Heritige Village and
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
In case you haven't had a chance to read this weeks edition of The
Walsh County Record yet, please do. If you don't have a copy, pick one
The latest Record edition has several pictures throughout, many of them
are in color, and several interesting articles. The Records Sports &
More section rivals those of cities much larger than ours.
I was especially pleased to read Todd Morgans editorial titled, "Keep
Your Fingers and Toes Crossed". Yes, inspite of what some may say,
Grafton WILL have another flood. It may well be the biggest one ever.
And, unfortunately, it may well go down in the history books as the one
nobody thought we needed to prepare for.
It's time "our" city leaders decide whether in fact they want to lead
us safely thru the 21st century. OR, down the flood ridden path to
"River City".
Kelly Smith's article (rebuttal) on law enforcement issues should also
give us reason to take heed. That too, was a super article, one I
certainly agree with.
The 'rumor' about a new liquor livery in the former Trax building has
come to fruition. It'll be called the Last Chance Saloon & Grill.
And, according to word in the Record, KJ Welding will begin operations
in the south half of the former Hvidsten building.
Unfortunately, I looked and looked and I couldn't find Sue Matcha's
column anywhere in the Record. I hope that's because she merely on
vacation and nothing serious.
Something else I couldn't find in the Record, or anywhere else in town
for that matter. Except for one small paid advertisement, in the Record,
that is.
It seems there will be a Men's Curling Bonspiel in Grafton this
weekend. Yes, it is, just, a curling bonspiel, I guess. No big deal, I
guess. The fact that there is almost no, (not any) visible community
recognition of the event must indicate the three day bonspiel really is
HOWEVER, the Grafton Curling Club will also be hosting the MIXED
NATIONAL CURLING CHAMPIONSHIPS from Monday, March 19 thru Sunday, March
25. The mixed Nationals...... Some might consider that uneventful, on
the other hand it is exactly the kind of things that puts communities
like ours 'on the map', so to speak.
The kind of things we should be promoting instead of ignoring. The kind
of things no-one can know, unless 'we' tell them. We should have welcome
flags and banners welcoming all over town, extending our gracious
appreciation to those that attend.
Speaking of attending, and appreciating those that do. I may have
simply missed it, however, I understand Grafton plays host to several
area schools from Mayville/Portland to the Canadian border. Some 500
musical participants will fill our schools with young artist's of the
musical persuasion. AGAIN, I could find absolutely no indication,
anywhere, on any street, or in any local business, that would give 'our'
gracious visitors the least possible indication that we are pleased they
are here.
It leaves me with the inclination and indication of feeling that the
lack of inspiration, leadership and desire of the Grafton business
community may need re-evaluation.
Speaking of re-evaluation, of sorts. If it's been awhile since you
shopped at Wally's Super Market in Grafton. You just might be surprised
when you walk in there door now. Wally's has spent a considerable amount
of time, energy, and money, cleaning up and rearranging the Grafton
store. In short, it's cleaner, brighter and whiter. They have redesigned
the front of the store providing for a much more inviting appearance.
As Pat and I left Wally's this morning, we had the opportunity to
visit, for a moment, with Gail Sevigny (formerly from Denny's). It was
great seeing her warm smile, thanking us for shopping at Wallys, and, as
we left the store she wished us a wonderful day. AND, she meant it.
I have had several notes asking for Becca Mattson's caring bridge
address. It is,
Please keep Becca, and her entire family in your prayers.
== TAKE OUT ORDERS WELCOME.== ===== PLEASE CALL 352-3280 =====
~~~~THE DAY OF THE EVENT.~~~~ ----------- ADULTS $10.00.
------------- +CHILDREN 10 AND UNDER $7.00.+
What a super way to help out the wonderful work going on at Grafton's
Heritage Village and enjoy a wonderful fish supper too.
I am pleased to welcome Debbie and Larry Stotman, and Bonnie (Molde)
Strand to the Gazette family.
"I may not always like what you tell me, I will, however, always
appreciate it." GLM
I would appreciate knowing if Jay, Rosalie and Wanda are able to
receive the Gazette. Please let me know.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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