Thursday, March 01, 2007

March 1, 2007 - Thursday - Grafton, ND

Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by -- SCHNEIDER'S
Just east of the winter sports building.
The current temperature is 28 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 32/17
Normal H/L temp for this date is 27/10
We don't always have to have a winter storm, to have a winter storm
Today though, I think we'll have both.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & sports,.. mostly stuff.
Yup, it's true. I read all about it on the front page of Wednesday's
Walsh County Record. According Editor Todd Morgans article in the
Record, the Dollar Sense store will close sometime in April. Grafton
Mayor Todd Burianek attributes the closing to competition. "It's a very
competitive market. Certainly the new dollar store(Family Dollar) next
to the Ice Box had an impact as well as shortly after Dollar Sense
opened Pamida, Alco and Wally's began having their own dollar section,'
he said. "I don't think this closing is such a reflection on the Grafton
economic cycle as much as fierce competition within the community."
Store manager Mark Russell was quoted as saying, "We just didn't have
enough business to justify keeping open."
All in all it gives me reason to remind us.
-- Small towns,... Use 'em or lose 'em --
I particularly enjoyed Sue Matcha's "Life goes on" column in this weeks
Record. Sue wrote about memories, or a walk down memory lane. I too
think memories are wonderful. (As a matter of fact, I just remembered
something I overheard in a conversation between a bunch of ladies back
when I was to young to understand what it meant. As I remember it, one
lady said, "isn't it amazing how fast little boys go from needing
mammaries to making memories?", or something like that.
Anyway, yes Sue, I believe the Gibson store did start out on the corner
of 8th and Hill (across the street from Kings Grocery). The building
originally housed the Wilson & Dougherty Studebaker Automobile
Dealership. And also Sue, with some promotion, and a lot of pleading, we
just may be able to talk Tom Henriksen into holding another 9 cent take
a chance night at the Strand during our 125 year celebration this
I seems my rendition of our second game in the State High School Hockey
tournament gave Ron reason to share the following. >>> He wrote
I was going to write the other day when I read the Gazette and heard
that the Spoilers Hockey team had lost their game at state due to an
official's call. I have coached, been an official, and a parent watching
his boys play sports. I have never really believed that they lost their
games because of an official. These Men and Women are doing their best
to call a game by the rules and fairly to their best ability. Sure they
make mistakes, but don't we all. Why is it that those of us who are
still living sports lives through young people, blame officials for the
lose. Why can't it be that the other team just played a little better.
It is hard to get officials to work games and one of the reasons is that
they never hear, "good job". Instead they are yelled at, cussed at by
adult fans that are supposed to be setting an example for our young
adults. Just my opinion, but I need to say something. Ron
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ron. Your comments gave me
cause to revisit my earlier statement in the Gazette. I wondered if, in
fact, I was reliving sports through someone else. I don't think I was.
What I said earlier was, "Especially in light of the fact that there
were very few penalties in the entire contest. It would be hard for me
to believe that the instant the official called the play, he must have
known that he had also decided the outcome of that game.
Yes, a penalty was committed to be sure, however, unlike numerous
other times throughout the game when a penalty 'might' have been called
and wasn't. To change the dynamics with less than 1½ minutes to go,
seems irrational."
I certainly can agree Ron, that hollering and shouting at officials
during a sporting event is in bad taste. I seriously doubt that there's
an athletic official anywhere that doesn't know, or doesn't expect to be
reminded of a call,... when it is made outside the norm.
We all know that some officials "let them play" while others will
require penalties for heavy breathing. I can, and do, go along with both
approaches. I struggle however, when an official allows several
offences, on both sides, to go unanswered throughout the entire game.
Then, as I've said before, especially when the game is tied and so close
to the final bell. The official makes a call that he had overlooked so
many times before.
If questioning that process, causes a shortage of athletic officials.
Then maybe some of those officials need a short course in anger
I am a firm believer in a pat on the back, an atta-boy, "good job" and
a gosh darn golly gee whiz you really did a great job. On the other
hand, not pointing out areas of concern or differences of opinion
doesn't solve any problems. It simply creates more of them. Most folks,
in most professions, work hard, to the best of their ability. I know of
no profession that allows individuals to function, "under glass"
untouchable, or unquestionable. In fact, almost everyones abilities are
tested on a daily bases. Sometimes, I'd guess, those tests even
determine a persons inabilities.
Or so it seems to me.
"I may not always like what you tell me. I will, however, always
appreciate it." GLM

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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