"It simply is,.... the right thing to do."
The current temperature is 39 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 40/25
Normal H/L temp for this date is 38/20
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The 1976 United States Mixed National Champs: Frank Aasand, Paddy
(Hankey) Hutson, Ray Morgan, Vicki Aasand.
The story of Curling in Grafton and the list of Grafton Curlers
achievements is very impressive indeed.
Spring is just around the corner. I know that for sure now,... because
Ryer Stark and his crew are preparing the Westside drive inn to open,...
soon I hope. I have and insatiable craving for a Westside Drive Inn
Wagon Master.
My comments about global warming gave Ralph reason to share the
following. And when Ralph writes,.. I listen. >>>
There are people with billions of dollars and more PhDs than you
could shake a stick at that do not understand global warming, or explain
it as succinctly as you just did.
This is just what was wrong with the Kyota (spelled that wrong, but it
doesn't matter) treaty. It would require the U.S. to close many
manufacturing facilities while allowing China to continue expanding with
their 1930s technology on emissions. It allows Al Gore to create a lot
more global warming living in his huge mansion than the fraction you do
in your Birch Court house.
First we controlled smoking (makes so much sense). Now we are
controlling the way food is prepared with fats. Will the billionaires
have to tear down the "excessive" parts of their houses? Wanna bet? But
you will have to do something different that will cost you a significant
share of your wealth. Fair is fair, Al. First live like Gary. Then we
will talk.
Ralph Kingsbury <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ralph. Mind
you, I really do believe the globe is warming. I am struggling, however,
with the thought that I might be succinct. (Whatever that is.) And, can
I get carbon credits for it?
We will be leaving for West Fargo this afternoon to attend Becca
Mattson's. Thanks George and Lorraine Campbell, I received your
contribution for Becca in yesterdays mail.
~~ Spaghetti Feed and Silent Auction ~~ +++
Speedway Event Center +++
>>>> West Fargo, ND <<<<
== TONIGHT, March 23, 5:30 - 9:00 == You will have a chance to bid on
a bonafide Dale Earnhardt leather jacket (XL). There will also be
a #8 die cast car and Martin Truex Busch Championship caps (the ones
they hand out to the crew at the Victory Lane). The list of auction
items is growing at an impressive rate. I understand that there will be
a bake sale there also.
There was an interesting article about Becca in the West Fargo Pioneer.
You may be interested in reading it.
I hope you can get through with the above address.
Tomorrow is the Federated Church Breakfast. No-body cooks breakfast
like the Federadians. Saturday morning,... food and fellowship at the
Federated Church. You can feed yourself for $7 or your entire family for
Later on tomorrow (Saturday) Figure Skating, "Skate Rock and Roll"....
at 7pm and Sunday, March 25th at 2pm at the Centennial Center. Stop by
and support the 75 kids taking part in the show ranging in age from 3
-18 yrs old! (including 8 hockey players too!) Free Open Skating at
Centennial Center- March 30th- 7pm-11pm.... it's Parks and Rec's way of
saying "thank you"!
Heritage Village is looking to fill two vacant board member
positions. These positions require attendance at board meetings and help
with special events as assigned. The board meets once a month, generally
the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Occasionally there would be a special
meeting when special functions and events are being held. Please call
701-520-1207 or 701-352-3280. Leave a message with your name and number
in the event noone answers at these numbers.
Thank you
Verna Sherek, Office Manager <<<
Please give this message serious consideration. Grafton's Heritage
Village always has been a significant attraction for our community. It
is especially so now, with the recent addition of Uncle Sigs giant
collection. Heritage Village also maintains one of the country's few
remaining, fully operational, antique merry go-rounds.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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