08/29/06 TUESDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by --- PAP'S Tap Room.
The current temperature is 51 degrees
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 88/49
Normal H/L temp for this date is 77/51
It should be warm the rest of the week,.. it really should be.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Christopher Larson provided the answer to last weeks question on the
status of Subways new building venture. He wrote:
>>> Subject: new Subway
Hi Gary, in talking with the owners of Subway, Arden and Arlys Brorby, I
have found out that they will be building the new Subway in its "new"
downtown location sometime this winter. Chris <<< Thanks a million
Chris. I hope the owners realize how hard the ground gets in this
country during the winter. Then again maybe that's where the term
"breaking ground" comes from.
Denise Sevigny shared the following. >>>> Subject: Memories
Did you know there was a pilot project through PPTV to accomplish
exactly what you have created through the Gazette? When I worked with
the ND Small Business Development Center, my friend and SBDC co-worker,
Kim Stenehjem took a position with PPTV. One of her assignments was to
create a chat room for the Fargo/Moorhead area. It was a study about how
people would communicate over the internet (would they be more open with
their statements under the umbrella of anonymity offered by the
internet, what types of topics would arise, who would use the chat room
(teens, adults)). Registration and a password were required and the
messages were screened for inappropriate messages (i.e. profanity), but
were not screened for political content, etc. Kim is now a producer at
The next time I run into her I'll ask her about the results of the
study and report back to you. Since I left the SBDC in 1997, this study
took place almost a decade ago, but it's interesting to note that what
has evolved from your personal communications with your family has
become such an extended network of communication. If I were back in
graduate school (communications at UND), I'd consider doing a study to
analyze the Gazette. Fortunately, graduate school is behind me and now I
must go print shirts for little basketball players.
Have a great day.
Denise Sevigny
Embroidery Plus <<< Thanks a million Denise, I'm not exactly sure how I
should respond. Except to say,... interesting.
Along the same line,.. but different. Susanne Martinson wrote the
following. >>> Subject: states
Dear Gary, I saw a challenge in the last Gazette sent to me. You
send to 23 states. Hmmmm. I bet it's more than that since there are
so many that are forwarded. Would you name them and see if anyone
that is receiving the Gazette 'secondhand' might be living in an
"absent" state? Thanks for what you do for Grafton! Sue <<<
Thanks a million for the challenge Sue. Often, just finding babble
someone "might read" is challenge enough. I'm not sure anyone would want
to spend time reading a list of states.
The latest rumor has "Arby's" moving into the Hardee's facility. I'm
not sure who, if anyone, starts these rumors.
I do know you have to get up really early (in a small town) if you
want to start one yourself. Or so it seems to me.
Lately, it seems, everyone wants to convert old buildings to new and
more useful purposes. The next note dances around that subject as well.
I was just thinking - when reading that 'your' Gazette goes to the
G.F. Herald; remember a couple-three weeks ago on the front page of the
"Neighbors" little paper - Rona Johnson wrote about two-three couples
wanting to restore an old school. She should be invited to do a 'story'
about how Walsh Co. /Grafton re-modeled Chase Elem. School - into what
is now the Chase (Professional) Bldg. If anyone wants to know what to do
with an old school - they should come to Grafton and see the Chase Bldg.
Just a thought............... <<< Thanks for caring and sharing. In
fact, Rona Johnson does get the Gazette, if she still reads it. Maybe
she would be willing to do just that. Right Rona?
From the "bet you didn't know,.. if you really care", department. ---
The coastline around Lake Sakakawea in North Dakota is longer than the
California coastline along the Pacific Ocean. --- Now then, if you found
that fact fascinating. How about this one. === North Dakota has more
registered vehicles than it has residents.
(Thanks for caring and sharing Dan)
I noticed the following was listed in the Walsh County Record
For sale --- 1936 Ford Coup. Joe Misialek, 1004 Cooper Avenue Grafton.
Did I mention the date? Thursday, April 19, 1945
The same classified section has Nelson Drug looking for 2 fountain
girls and offering top wages and good hours.
Ray's Purity Shop was looking for Waitresses and, the ad said,
experience wasn't necessary.
I guess that was "the good old days".
The subscription department added two more names to the list today. One
requested I not share the name, and, the second came with the following
note. >>> Subject: mailing list
I was just forwarded a copy of your newsletter and enjoyed reading the
I was raised in Oakwood, some of my brothers and sisters still live
there. I moved to Seattle Wa in 1965 and now live in the Olympia Wa.
area. I was married to Dick Narlock and he died in 1998 and now
remarried to Terry Gallagher. We visit his mother often who is at
Sunset. I would appreciate getting a copy of the gazette.
C. Narlock <<< I am very pleased to welcome both of you to the Gazette
family. I'm almost positive the "C" is the first letter in Ms. Narlocks
first name. But I'll be darned if I can guess the rest of them.
According to the next couple notes. Some folks are starting to get the
Gazette back again. I'm still not sure what's happening.
>>> Dear Gary, The Gazette arrived today just fine. Thank you, thank
you, thank you!
Almost into withdrawals... <<<
This was the second note on the same subject. >>> You were spammed out
of my inbox last week. I nearly had withdrawal symptoms fretting that I
might not see the Gazette again. But today it came through.just fine. Go
figure. <<<
Once again, I can't explain it, I can only say I am pleased it's
working again,... I think. Gary
This weeks winners of the Firefighters calendar drawing are:
8/28 Larry Tanke $20
8/29 Tom Krause $20
8/30 Diane Gilleshammer $20
8/31 Teri Dahl $20
9/1 Sylvester Klinicke $20
9/2 Grafton Volunteer Fire Department Memory of Russ Restemayer by
Al Sklarski $20
9/3 Jerry Hendrickson $20
Congratulations to this weeks lucky winners.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
If the Gazette doesn't show up in your in-box Wednesday. It may have
gotten tangled up in the prop of our Walleye combine.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Hey Gary, can you put me on your mailing list also! Thanks.
Susan Barclay
oops, my email is:
That would help, wouldn't it?
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