08/10/06 THURSDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by ZELDA
The current temperature is 79 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 85/64
Normal H/L temp for this date is 83/56
The forecast for the rest of the week sounds super for fish harvest.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff
Today is Grafton Floral Customer and Employee appreciation party.
Everyone is invited. The party starts at 3:00 with Goober's Gourmet
Gobbler feed starting at 5:00 this afternoon. Tony Osowski, a former
custodian of Grafton Floral's legacy, will also be on hand sharing
samples from his special wine collection.
ZELDA CAFE: Medford O'Trembo began operating the cafe, then known as
Tremy's Sandwich Shop, in 1950. The cafe is located in the Zelda
building and was later sold to Ted Hoffman, owner of the building, and
of the other businesses which are housed there. The cafe served
customers on a long horseshoe shaped counter, and includes a soda
fountain. The building originally housed the Purity Creamery.
Tom Kutz shared the following:
>>> Hi Gary,
Hey, you asked about the P-51. I can't remember who bought it
but I do remember that it sat on the south side of the old school house
for awhile. We played on it as kids. I also remember that it was
towed to the airport for repairs. And didn't a fellow named Jacoby in
Grand forks have a P-51 for a time. Maybe it was the same one?
Congratulations to the floral shop on their 60th anniversary. 60
years is quite an accomplishment! I to remember when the shop was in
the old Heltne building on main street. The cut flower cooler was on
the North wall and if my memory serves me you use to walk kind of down
hill from the front door to get to it. Floors weren't to level.
Tom <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Tom. I'm hoping your
note will jog other memories as well.
You are certainly right about the "old" shop floor not being level. The
trim from the cooler you speak of was put on the overhang of our house
and remains there to this day.
The flower shop "celebration" and comments there of, gave Kathee
reason to share the following. >>>
I had to copy off today's edition of the Skeeterville Gazette and sit
down in a comfy chair to savor its contents. Even though my window of
time at Grafton Floral was relatively short, I recognized many of the
names. Once anyone came into the circle of the Grafton Floral family, he
or she never left. Bill was great at invoking the memory of past
employees and contacts and telling stories on himself and others.
I truly regret that I cannot be there to join in the celebration
tomorrow (Thursday). I sent a note to AK and have commissioned Dorothy
Wentz to pass along my greetings too. I ask that you drink it all in, in
your inimitable way, and give us a full report in a future edition of
the Gazette.
By the way, thank AK for supporting the turkey industry. My husband was
quite pleased.
All the best,
Kathee <<< Thanks a million Kathee, Rest assured your spirit will be
felt there. And, I too, feel there's nothing like a juicy gizzard and
turkey thigh as well.
Marjie sent the following: Good morning Gary,
Congratulations on 60 years of business at Grafton Floral. I can't
think of a more pleasant way of affecting the lives of others than by
providing flowers to help celebrate the happy moments or to console at
the sad ones.
Marjie <<< Thanks a million Marjie, it looks like you and I think
alot alike.
Barbara Whelan sent this note. >>>
Today's Gazette, filled with your memories of Grafton Floral, is the
very reason that I enjoy your writing so much. I love the history and
the memories, and the life lessons that are interwoven therein.
Thanks to YOU for sharing.
Barb Whelan <<< Thank you Barb, for caring and sharing.
Remember the "new" rules at the immigration dept the other day? (Press
1 if you speak English OR, press 2 and hang up if you don't.) This next
note is in response to that. >>> Hi Gary,
Just a short note on the immigration issue.......working for
Continental airlines here in AZ, we run into all kinds of people from
all over the world and for the most part have no problems. However,
twice in just the last week, a couple of my coworkers have been accused
of not giving good customer service because they do not speak
Spanish.... My answer to this is I live in the United States of America,
and speak ENGLISH, the official language of our country. I do not
consider it bad customer service, because I do not know how to speak
Spanish or any other language. I would consider it a slap in the face to
have our official language changed as some people are pushing for. As
far as I am concerned if you want to live in this country and receive
the benefits from living in this country you should take a que from most
of our ancestors and learn to speak the language.
Your cousin Mary in AZ <<< Thanks a million Mary. It sure looks like you
and I are signing from the same song book.
Ralph shared the following thoughts after reading about our sudden
reduction in retail sales businesses. >>>
Gary, sorry to read about the business closings and changes. On the
bright side, can you imagine two finer clothing stores anywhere than
Mary's and the Squire Shop. Starting out at the great height of 5 ft 8
in at 6:30 in the mornings, my recent and continuing "back problems"
have now left me 2 plus inches shorter. I have shopped from here to
Mpls. to South Bend. There isn't a finer mens store in terms of both
quality and service than the Squire Shop. Rita's choice of clothing she
offers is tremendous. When it comes to womens clothing the same can be
said for both of them. This economy must be hard on them, too. So, their
continuing success can only be because of the management. That is not to
say that the recent closings and changes were because of management.
Some times the economy simply overwhelms us. I hope my statements don't
become a curse on either of them. It would be a sad downtown without
either of them. <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ralph. I
certainly agree with your comments as well. Although I might take the
opportunity to remind us all. "We ARE the economy". Or so it seems to
I'm not sure if it's been 20 or 30 or 40 years since I've seen Lyle
LaMont. I was pleased to see him this morning at Granny's. It sounds
like he'll be spending several days here this trip, and, maybe next
spring, before it gets to hot, he plans to move back to North Dakota
sorta perminant. I sure hope Arnold S. doesn't find out his economy is
It appears as though the weather for combing (walleye combing) has been
about as good as one could hope for. So, without further ado, that's
what I'll do.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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