08/08/06 TUESDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by our youngest son Brad. On this day
34 years ago, only seconds after he was born. Dr. Eaton put Brad in one
of those fancy glass covered "bassinet's" in the delivery room. Before
we knew it, Brad had shaken his "new bed" halfway across the delivery
room floor. Except to eat,.. Brad hasn't slowed down a bit since.
You have made your Mom & Dad, and your entire family very proud.
The current temperature is 86 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 85/47
Normal H/L temp for this date is 83/56
The forecast for the remainder of the week is for seasonal weather. We
won't know for certain what season,.. til the end of the week.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The former Robertson Lumber Company coal bins are slowly disappearing.
Two energetic fellows were tearing down the roof on part of it this
afternoon. I haven't heard what will replace the structure, if anything.
It will certainly open up another large area in the down town area for
sailboat fuel to flourish.
I received the following yesterday. Most will agree, it's short, and
to the point.
Press "1" for English.
Press "2" to disconnect until you
Learn to speak English.
I'm guessing there are some out there that take exception to the new
immigration policy listed above. I don't!
Another response to the never ending saga of Grafton's northern
Newman's nuisance notes of late. >>> Hey, I read the comments about my
comments in the Gazette and I'm not jealous of Mr. Newman's success in
the least, nor do I dislike him because of it. I'm happy for anyone who
makes a success of themselves and applaud them for it. But I do get
weary of businesses that take the profits but expect the government
(read that the taxpayers of this country) to come behind them and bail
them out of an environmental mess. I'm sure other towns in the area
would welcome an ethanol plant like the writer suggests, but I'm also
thinking they would ask, no, probably demand that the smell not keep
them indoors during the summer. I wasn't suggesting that we kill the
goose, just that the goose take care of it's own nest and not expect
everyone else to do that for them. I don't think the taxpayers should
expect less than that from any business that wants to be a good
neighbor. <<< Thanks a million for caring. I think your point of view
shows much merit.
I still haven't received anything on the P-51 Mustang fighter that was
originally parked at Graftons airport. Perhaps those that might know
were on vacation when I sent out the first "question" about it.
So,... the Readers Digest Version. Does anyone know or remember who
bought the P-51 Mustang fighter plane that was given to Grafton shortly
after the war?
Getting John to write anything is nothing short of a miracle. So, I
wanted to be sure to share it ASAP. John wrote: >>>
Lee Gudajtes had a baby boy Friday, August 4. He weighed in
at 8 pounds 8oz and was 22 inches long.
Tony Gudajtes,.. a Bremer Banker, got stuck with the combine on
Saturday when he fell into a 4 foot wash out 1 mile south of Ardoch.
Big John
Congratulations Heidi and Lee. I can't be absolutely certain, but I'm
guessing John will be more that happy to babysit the little tyke.....
after he finishes Tony's combine driving lessons.
Just about the time "we" think we have the Camel Jockies jacking up
fuel prices under control. BP tells us they'll be shutting down the
Alaska pipe line. Then we find out they "forgot" to put stuff in the
pipes to keep them from filling up with crud,... as apposed to crude
(pardon the pun).
ANYWAY, the end result of BP's practices is higher gas prices. I guess
BP stands for "bigger prices". It'll cost Graftonites 3 dollar and a
dime to put a gallon of gas in their lawn mower. I guess Simonsons
really did know what they were doing when they bought out "our" local BP
gas station.
O well,... unfortunately not oil well.
The Gazette subscription department sent down the following requests
for new members of the Gazette family.
>>> Hi Gary. I was with Denton and Sandy Offutt at the lake and
they indicated they would like to be a subscriber. Thanks, Kim
<<< We are pleased to welcome and have Sandy and Denton in the family.
Thanks a million Kim, for helping our family grow.
The next note comes from Goober Watkins. He wrote: >>> Greetings
Editor, This is for David Wosick. Remember him? He used to live on the
corner of 8th and Cooper. He married Rodney Webb's daughter Cristi. He
would like to be added to the Gazette family. Thanks Gary, see you on
thursday. Goober. <<< Thank you Goober and I'm happy to welcome Heidi
and David to our flock. If memory serves me, David's father and I often
shared rides to Drayton for a time during the mid sixties. Heidi's
father, Rodney Webb was the states attorney during a trial that Pat and
I were defendants even earlier than that. Disney was right, it is a
small world.
This weeks Grafton Volunteer Firefighters Calendar Draw winners are:
8/7/06 Grafton Volunteer Fire Department from Wally and Ione DeSautel
8/8/06 Chris J Johnson $20
8/9/06 Carole DeSautel $20
8/10/06 Mary Jensen $20
8/11/06 Marvin Stengrim $20
8/12/06 Angel E Comacho $20
8/13/06 Sarah Palm $20
Congratulations to all of this weeks lucky winner.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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