Monday, May 08, 2006

May 8, 2006 - Monday

05/08/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by
Crystal-ized FACTS. Published by American Crystal Sugar Company, under
the direction of the company's agricultural department and Stewart Bass,
Assistant General Agriculturist.
The current temperature is 61 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 76/45
Normal H/L temp for this date is 67/41
We have received .06" of precip in the past twenty four hours.
Constant showers, cool temperatures and higher than anyone would like
gas prices are starting to erase the smiles right off even the most
hardened farmers.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news and stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Sunday afternoon we, my sweetie and I, accompanied by our eldest
granddaughter Tiffany, had pizza at Graftons "new" Pizza Hut. From the
second we walked in the door we were impressed, to say the least. We
were met at the door by a friendly young lady with a warm smile that
displayed "welcome" from ear to ear.
As we walked across the "Hut" the new carpet, woodwork and lighting
provided a display of a "cheery" feeling of freshness one appreciates
when eating out. The salad bar looked even more appealing filled with,
right from the garden, fresh looking fruits and vegetables, than when I
watched it being moved into the "Hut" several days earlier.
The pizza was great, the service was fantastic and we couldn't have
been more pleased to have "our" Pizza Hut, back in operation.
The housing market in Grafton is still going crazy. If your thinking
of moving to town, and, your looking for a really unique beautiful,
super clean well maintained home on a large lot in a fantastic
neighborhood. Drive by the home at 906 Western Avenue.
The homes list of owners, including the present ones, is full of some
of Graftons most distinguished citizens.
The other day I mentioned a group of Mrs. Horners piano "students" and
received the following note in that regard. >>>
Mrs. Horner would not be proud of my accomplishments on the piano,
but we both tried. My husband and I are contemplating a trip to N.Dak.
this summer, and wondered how the gas prices are. We are paying $3.40
today, and it goes up a couple pennies daily here in California. I enjoy
the Gazette, thank you. Theresa Altendorf Mathis. <<< Thank you from
caring and sharing Theresa. I'm pretty sure you will be surprised at how
"our" little city has changed in the past several months. Please don't
let the price of gas stop you from coming home.
I haven't checked in the past few minutes, but the last time I looked
gas was around $2.85 and going down in Skeeterville.
I received the following response to the question regarding Joe
Piewarr. >>>
You asked if anyone remembered a man called Peewhyer.......(SP)
I remember him living in a shack in the back of Schrank's
Trailer Court next to the railroad bridge. I don't remember much about
him other than he appeared very dirty. I once was throwing rocks at
ducks on the river from the bridge on Wakeman Ave., when I struck one in
the head killing it. When my Mom found out about it, she asked around
and found out the duck belonged to Mr. Peewhyer. I had to take the duck
over to his shack and tell him I'd killed it. I don't remember what he
said, but I think the walk over there was as bad a punishment as I could
have gotten.
I remember my mother taking my brother and I to our first
funeral. As I remember it; it was for Mrs. Peewhyer. It was held in the
Pentecostal Church across from the Chase School. Mr Peewhyer came in
after the services had started and sat in the back of the church. Just
as the service was about to end, he stood up from the pew and took one
final look at the woman in the casket; and then left the church. I
remember thinking that I was glad he had came. <<< Thanks a million for
caring and sharing Don. I gotta think someone could write a interesting
book on the "happenings" on and around the Wakeman Avenue bridge.
The front windows of the Cafe Au Livre in the former Penneys building
is still shielded by paper with large "OPEN SOON" written across it.
Soon, I'm beginning to understand, is closer to sometime, than a time.
Income taxes are so high that very few of us can afford to make a
Earlier today, I sent out a picture of my son Jeff holding the 66 pound
paddle fish he caught this weekend. I didn't send it to everyone as I
wasn't sure how many real died in the wool fish hunters are our there.
If anyone is interested in seeing what a 5½ foot, 66 pound paddle fish
actually looks like. I would be happy, and so would Jeff, to send you
the picture.
I probably should also clarify that I "may" have suggested I had
something to do with it's capture. That "may" not have been true.
Anyway, Lee Bratlie has also "hunted" the prehistoric paddle fish on
several occasions. He sent the following after receiving my note with
the picture of Jeff holding his fish. >>>
Hey, congratulations on the trip!!! I'm sure it was planned with much
thought and anticipation!! I'll bet packing was a chore, what to bring,
what to leave home, will we miss it, do we need it, probably not, but
lets take it with anyways, so much to plan for!!! Then the trip out
there, filled with the anticipation of catching a prehistoric fish that
most people in this country don't even know exists, and most of those
that do know it exists have never seen one up close and personal. And
the thoughts that for all the paddlefish tags sold, only 1,000 lucky
souls would have the opportunity to catch such a prize each year!!! And
once on the road, who should drive, who should sleep, are you tired, no,
how about you, no me either, and on and on, all the way across this
great state!! Then getting out there and the endless casting, jerking,
reeling, then casting again, wondering if there were any fish in the
river, and if there were, where are they? And then the breaks to eat,
drink, and absorb the beautiful scenery of western North Dakota, and to
share a cold sandwich and drink between father and son, and some laughs.
Many laughs. And to reminisce about other times in this great outdoors,
at other locations, with equally great people, for equally great
reasons. And the thoughts of, "remember this?" and "remember that?" and
all the other things that make a father and son outing so special. And
the thoughts that this is what memories are made of, and aren't we lucky
to be sharing this between the two of us?
Oh, and by the way, congratulations on the fish. <<< Thanks a million
for caring and sharing Lee.
Speaking of family. "Our" Gazette family tree has a couple new
Hi Gary
Could you please add me to your newsletter, I would love to be informed.
Thanks, Stacy Boura
I would like to be added to your mailing list for the Gazette. Thank-you
Patty Leighton
Welcome to "our" group ladies. I hope from time to time you will find
reason to care and share a part of your world with us. It isn't
important that you agree, or disagree with things you read in the
Gazette. What is important, is that everyone has the opportunity to
express their own opinion on issues of concern.
This weeks lucky winners of the Firefighters Calendar drawing are.
5/8/06 Rose Faller $20
5/9/06 Maureen Gerszewski $20
5/10/06 Jodi Troftgruben $20
5/11/06 Norine Prigge $20
5/12/06 Noel Pilon $20
5/13/06 Lila Mielke $20
5/14/06 Ed Liebersbach $200
Congratulations to this weeks winners.
The Gazette works best. when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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